数据结构(List) — LinkedList 源码分析


LinkedList 是一个双链表结构,实现了 List、Deque接口,因此具备了 List 的操作特性,和队列的特性。

版本: JDK 1.8

数据结构(Queue) — Queue 综述




public class LinkedList<E> extends AbstractSequentialList<E>
    implements List<E>, Deque<E>, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable {
    // ...

// List接口
public interface List {}
// 队列接口
public interface Deque {}

// 标记接口:接口内没有任何方法
public interface Cloneable {}
public interface Serializable {}

通过类的声明,我们知道 LinkedList 实现了 ListDeque 两个接口,这说明 LinkedList 具备了 List 和 Deque 的特点,下面我们就从这两个方面来分别分析 LinkedList 的源码。

3.1 初始化

transient int size = 0;  //当前链表集合大小
transient Node<E> first; //链表头部指针
transient Node<E> last;  //链表尾部指针

public LinkedList() {}

public LinkedList(Collection<? extends E> c) {

 * Node节点是链表的基本数据结构(由3部分组成)
private static class Node<E> {
    E item;       //该元素的值
    Node<E> next; //该元素后面一个元素的引用地址
    Node<E> prev; //该元素前面一个元素的引用地址

    Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
        this.item = element;
        this.next = next;
        this.prev = prev;


3.2 增


  1. public boolean add(E e) {}
  2. public void add(int index, E element) {}
  3. public boolean addAll(Collection< ? extends E> c) {}
  4. public boolean addAll(int index, Collection< ? extends E> c) {}

public boolean add(E e) {}

public boolean add(E e) {
    return true;

 * 将元素e添加到链表的尾部
 * Links e as last element.
void linkLast(E e) { 
    final Node<E> l = last; //1.将链表尾部节点节点暂存;
    final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(l, e, null);//2.将尾部节点添加到新节点的prev中;
    last = newNode;//3.将尾部节点指针指向新的节点
    if (l == null)//4.若链表为空,则需要将头部节点的指针指向当前新添加的结点;
        first = newNode;
    else //5.若链表不为空,则将新节点添加到原尾节点的next;
        l.next = newNode;
    size++; //更新链表大小

public void add(int index, E element) {}

public void add(int index, E element) {

    if (index == size)
    else //插入到指定位置
        linkBefore(element, node(index));

 * 插入元素到指定的位置,原先位置的元素向后移动一位;
 * Inserts element e before non-null Node succ.
void linkBefore(E e, Node<E> succ) {
    final Node<E> pred = succ.prev;
    final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(pred, e, succ);
    succ.prev = newNode;
    if (pred == null)//插入到链表头的位置;
        first = newNode;
        pred.next = newNode;

public boolean addAll(Collection< ? extends E> c) {}
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection< ? extends E> c) {}

3.3 删


  1. public E remove(int index) {}
  2. public boolean remove(Object o) {}

public E remove(int index) {}

 * Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
public E remove(int index) {
    return unlink(node(index));

E unlink(Node<E> x) {
    final E element = x.item; //当前节点的元素值
    final Node<E> next = x.next; //当前节点的后置节点
    final Node<E> prev = x.prev;//当前节点的前置节点

    // 删除链表头节点
    if (prev == null) {
        first = next;  //移动first指针指向下一个节点
    } else { //删除链表非头部节点
        prev.next = next;
        x.prev = null;

    // 删除链表尾部节点
    if (next == null) {
        last = prev; //移动last指针指向上一个节点
    } else { //删除链表非尾部节点
        next.prev = prev;
        x.next = null;

    x.item = null; //将当前元素值置空,利于垃圾回收,否则仍有元素被节点的item依赖;
    return element; //返回删除的元素

public boolean remove(Object o) {}

 * Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present. 
 * 每次删除都会从链表头开始遍历,效率较低;
public boolean remove(Object o) {
    if (o == null) {
        for (Node<E> x = first; x != null; x = x.next) {
            if (x.item == null) {
                unlink(x); //移除链表中为null的节点
                return true;
    } else {
        for (Node<E> x = first; x != null; x = x.next) {
            if (o.equals(x.item)) {
                unlink(x); //移除链表中非null的节点
                return true;
    return false;

3.4 改

修改元素的 1 种方法:

  1. public E set(int index, E element) {}

public E set(int index, E element) {}

 * Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
public E set(int index, E element) {
    Node<E> x = node(index); //1.找到指定节点的元素;
    E oldVal = x.item;    
    x.item = element; //2.将新的值赋值给节点的item
    return oldVal;

 * Returns the (non-null) Node at the specified element index.
 * 找到指定位置的节点
Node<E> node(int index) {
    // assert isElementIndex(index);
    // 这里做了一次二分法查询,提升了查询效率;
    if (index < (size >> 1)) {
        Node<E> x = first;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
            x = x.next;
        return x;
    } else {
        Node<E> x = last;
        for (int i = size - 1; i > index; i--)
            x = x.prev;
        return x;

3.5 查

查询元素的 1 种方法:

  1. public E get(int index) {}

public E get(int index) {}

     * Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
    public E get(int index) {
        return node(index).item; //node(index)为回去指定位置的元素;

3.6 其它

public Object[] toArray() {}

 * 将链表结构的数据转换成数组
 * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list
 * in proper sequence (from first to last element).
public Object[] toArray() {
    Object[] result = new Object[size];
    int i = 0;
    for (Node<E> x = first; x != null; x = x.next)
        result[i++] = x.item;
    return result;


4.1 入队

入队有 6 种方法:

  1. 继承自Queue接口
    boolean add(E e) {} //同 addLast(E e)
    boolean offer(E e) {} //同 offerLast(E e)
  2. 继承自Deque:添加元素,如果添加不成功,会抛出IllegalStateException异常;
    void addFirst(E e) {} //添加到队头;
    void addLast(E e) {}//添加到队尾;
  3. 继承自Deque:添加元素,不抛异常;
    boolean offerFirst(E e) {}//添加到队头;
    boolean offerLast(E e) {} //添加到队尾;

public boolean add(E e) {}
public boolean offer(E e) {}

// 将元素添加到链表尾部
public boolean add(E e) {
    return true;
// 将元素添加到链表尾部
public boolean offer(E e) {
    return add(e);

public void addFirst(E e) {}
public boolean offerFirst(E e) {}
public void addLast(E e) {}
public boolean offerLast(E e) {}

//Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this list.
public void addFirst(E e) {

//Inserts the specified element at the front of this list.
public boolean offerFirst(E e) {
    return true;

//Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
public void addLast(E e) {
    linkLast(e); //这个前面已经分析过

//Inserts the specified element at the end of this list.
public boolean offerLast(E e) {
    return true;

 * Links e as first element.
 * 这个可参考linkLast(e)分析
private void linkFirst(E e) {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(null, e, f);
    first = newNode;
    if (f == null)
        last = newNode;
        f.prev = newNode;

4.2 出队

出队有 6 种方法:

  1. 继承自Queue:
    E remove() {} //同 removeFirst()
    E poll() {} //同 pollFirst()
  2. 继承自Deque:移除元素,抛异常;
    E removeFirst() {} //从队首移除;
    E removeLast() {} //从队尾移除;
  3. 继承自Deque:移除元素,不抛异常;
    E pollFirst() {} //从队首移除;
    E pollLast() {} //从队尾移除;

public E remove() {}
E removeFirst() {}
public E poll() {}
E pollFirst() {}

//Retrieves and removes the head (first element) of this list.
public E remove() {//会抛出异常
    return removeFirst();

//Removes and returns the first element from this list.
public E removeFirst() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    if (f == null)//会抛出异常
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return unlinkFirst(f);

//Retrieves and removes the head (first element) of this list.
public E poll() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    return (f == null) ? null : unlinkFirst(f);

//Retrieves and removes the first element of this list, or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
public E pollFirst() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    return (f == null) ? null : unlinkFirst(f);

 * Unlinks non-null first node f.
private E unlinkFirst(Node<E> f) {
    // assert f == first && f != null;
    final E element = f.item;
    final Node<E> next = f.next;
    f.item = null;
    f.next = null; // help GC
    first = next;
    if (next == null)
        last = null;
        next.prev = null;
    return element;

E removeLast() {}
E pollLast() {}

//Removes and returns the last element from this list.
public E removeLast() {
    final Node<E> l = last;
    if (l == null)//会抛出异常
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return unlinkLast(l);

//Retrieves and removes the last element of this list, or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
public E pollLast() {
    final Node<E> l = last;
    return (l == null) ? null : unlinkLast(l);

 * Unlinks non-null last node l.
private E unlinkLast(Node<E> l) {
    // assert l == last && l != null;
    final E element = l.item;
    final Node<E> prev = l.prev;
    l.item = null;
    l.prev = null; // help GC
    last = prev;
    if (prev == null)
        first = null;
        prev.next = null;
    return element;

4.3 获取队头元素

获取元素有 6 种方法:

  1. 继承自Queue:
    E element() {}//同 getFirst()
    E peek() {} //同 peekFirst()
  2. 获取元素,但不移除,若为空队列时,抛出异常;
    E getFirst() {} //获取队首元素
    E getLast() {} //获取队尾元素
  3. 获取元素,但不移除,若为空队列时,不抛出异常;
    E peekFirst() {} //获取队首元素
    E peekLast() {} //获取队尾元素

E element() {}
E peek() {}
E getFirst() {}
E peekFirst() {}

//Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list.
public E element() {//会抛出异常
    return getFirst();

//Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list.
public E peek() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    return (f == null) ? null : f.item;

//Returns the first element in this list.
public E getFirst() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    if (f == null)//会抛出异常
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return f.item;

//Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of this list, or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
public E peekFirst() {
    final Node<E> f = first;
    return (f == null) ? null : f.item;

E getLast() {}
E peekLast() {}

//Returns the last element in this list.
public E getLast() {
    final Node<E> l = last;
    if (l == null)//会抛出异常
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return l.item;

//Retrieves, but does not remove, the last element of this list, or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
public E peekLast() {
    final Node<E> l = last;
    return (l == null) ? null : l.item;


LinkedList 实现的栈,是从链表头部进栈,从链表头部出栈;

5.1 进栈

public void push(E e) {}

 * Pushes an element onto the stack represented by this list.  In other
 * words, inserts the element at the front of this list.
 * <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #addFirst}.
public void push(E e) {

5.2 出栈

public E pop() {}

 * Pops an element from the stack represented by this list.  In other
 * words, removes and returns the first element of this list.
 * <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #removeFirst()}.
public E pop() {
    return removeFirst();



  1. LinkedList 是双向列表,且线程不安全的集合;
  2. 查询元素时,会进行一次二分法查找,提高了查询的效率;
  3. 增加、删除元素时,会修改modCount值,修改、查询不会修改modCount值;因此,增删可能引起并发修改异常,改查不会;
  4. LinkedList 实现了双向队列操作;
  5. LinkedList 实现了栈功能 (即 LIFO 的操作);


由于内存不连续,所以需要额外的字段去存储前后元素的内存地址,因此对于单个元素来说,消耗的内存大小比 ArrayList 要高。





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