
Chapter 1 Introduction to statistics quizzes1

1、 In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an example of the( )

解析: B.nominal scale

2、 The nominal scale of measurement has the properties of the( ).

解析: D.None of these alternatives is correct.

3、 The scale of measurement that is used to rank order the observation for a variable is called the( ).

解析: B.ordinal scale

4、 The ratio scale of measurement has the properties of( ).

解析: D.the interval scale

5、 The interval scale of measurement has the properties of the( ).

解析: D.None of these alternatives is correct.

6、 Data obtained from a nominal scale( ).

解析: B.can be either numeric or nonnumeric

7、 The scale of measurement that has an inherent zero value defined is the( ).

解析: A.ratio scale

8、 Quantitative data refers to data obtained with a(n)( ).

解析: C.either interval or ratio scale

9、 The entities on which data are collected are( ).

解析: A.elements

10、 The set of measurements collected for a particular element is (are) called( ).

解析: B.observations

11、 The weight of a candy bar in ounces is an example of( ).

解析: D.quantitative data

12、 The height of a building, measured in feet, is an example of( ).

解析: D.quantitative data

13、 Income is an example of( )

解析: A.a variable that uses the ratio scale;
D.quantitative data

14、 Since a sample is a subset of the population, the sample mean( ).

解析: D.can be larger, smaller, or equal to the mean of the population

15、 In experimental studies, the variable of interest( ).

解析: controlled

16、 On a street, the houses are numbered from 300 to 450. The house numbers are examples of( ).

解析: A.categorical data

17、 Which of the following can be classified as quantitative data?

解析: A.The height of a building, measured in feet.;
B.The weight of a candy bar in ounces.;
C.Income in dollars.

18、 Which of the following variables use the interval scale of measurement?

解析: B.temperature;

19、 Which scale of measurement can be either numeric or nonnumeric?

解析: A.nominal;

20、 In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an ( ).

解析: B.nominal scale;
C.categorical variable

21、 Arithmetic operations are appropriate for( )

解析: A.the ratio scale;
B.the interval scale;
D.quantitative data

22、 Quantitative data may be either numeric or nonnumeric.

解析: 错误

23、 In experimental studies, the variable of interest is controlled.

解析: 正确

24、 A portion of the population selected to represent the population is called a census.

解析: 错误

25、 Arithmetic operations are inappropriate for either categorical or quantitative data.

解析: 错误

26、 Ordinary arithmetic operations are meaningful either with quantitative or categorical data.

解析: 错误

27、 Another name for “observations” is cases.

解析: 正确

Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics:Summarizing data using tabular and graphical techniques quizzes2

1、 A frequency distribution is a tabular summary of data showing the

解析: number of items in several classes

2、 A frequency distribution is

解析: a tabular summary of a set of data showing the frequency of items in each of several nonoverlapping classes

3、 A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number of items in several classes is a

解析: relative frequency distribution

4、 The relative frequency of a class is computed by

解析: dividing the frequency of the class by the sample size

5、 The percent frequency of a class is computed by

解析: multiplying the relative frequency by 100

6、 The sum of frequencies for all classes will always equal

解析: the number of elements in a data set

7、 Fifteen percent of the students in a school of Business Administration are majoring in Economics, 20% in Finance, 35% in Management, and 30% in Accounting. The graphical device(s) which can be used to present these data is (are)

解析: both a bar chart and a pie chart

8、 A cumulative relative frequency distribution shows

解析: the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class

9、 The sum of the relative frequencies for all classes will always equal

解析: one

10、 The most common graphical presentation of quantitative data is a

解析: histogram

11、 The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal

解析: 100

12、 The relative frequency of a class is computed by

解析: dividing the frequency of the class by n

13、 In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width

解析: increases

14、 In a cumulative relative frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative relative frequency equal to

解析: one

15、 Data that provide labels or names for categories of like items are known as

解析: categorical data

16、 A graphical presentation of the relationship between two variables is

解析: a scatter diagram

17、 In a scatter diagram, a line that provides an approximation of the relationship between the variables is known as

解析: trend line

18、 Which of the following graphical methods shows the relationship between two variables?

解析: crosstabulation

19、  A frequency distribution is

解析: a tabular summary of data showing the number of items in several classes;
a tabular summary of a set of data showing the frequency of items in each of several nonoverlapping classes

20、 1. The relative frequency of a class is computed by

解析: dividing the frequency of the class by the sample size;
dividing the frequency of the class by n

21、  Which of the following statements is correct?

解析: In a cuIn a cumulative percent frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative percent frequency equal to 100.;
In a cumulative relative frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative relative frequency equal to one.;
In a cumulative frequency distribution, the last class will always have a cumulative frequency equal to the total number of elements in the data set.

22、 Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

解析: A histogram is said to be skewed to the left if it has a shorter tail to the left.;
A graphical presentation of the relationship between two variables is a histogram.;
A histogram is a graphical method of presenting a cumulative frequency or a cumulative relative frequency distribution.

Chapter 3 Descriptive Statistics:Summarizing data using numerical techniques quizzes3

1、 Geometric mean is a measure of 

解析: location

2、 Growth factors for the population of Chattanoonga in the past two years has been 8 and 12.  The geometric mean has a value of 

解析: square root of 96

3、 Geometric mean of five observations is 

解析: fifth root of the product of the 5 observations

4、 The nth root of the product of the n observations is

解析: geometric mean

5、 The measure of location which is the most likely to be influenced by extreme values in the data set is the

解析: mean

6、 If two groups of numbers have the same mean, then

解析: None of these alternatives is correct.

7、 The mean of the sample

解析: None of these alternatives is correct.

8、 When the smallest and largest percentage of items are removed from a data set and the mean is computed, the mean of the remaining data is

解析: the trimmed mean

9、 Since the population is always larger than the sample, the value of the sample mean

解析: could be larger, equal to, or smaller than the true value of the population mean

10、 Which of the following provides a measure of central location for the data?

解析: mean

11、 In computing the mean of a sample, the value of åxi is divided by

解析: n

12、 A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as sample mean, is known as a

解析: sample statistic

13、 m is an example of a

解析: population parameter

14、 The mean of a sample

解析: is computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by the number of items

15、 The coefficient of variation equals

解析: 30%

16、 The median is a measure of

解析: central location

17、 The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the

解析: range

18、 Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?

解析: interquartile range

19、 The interquartile range is

解析: the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile

20、 The variance of a sample of 81 observations equals 64. The standard deviation of the sample equals

解析: 8

21、 Which of the following don’t provides a measure of central location for the data?

解析: standard median;

22、 Which of the following is a measure of central location?

解析: mean;

23、 Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?

解析: standard deviation;
interquartile range

24、 When the data are skewed to the right, the measure of Skewness will be positive.

解析: 正确

25、 When data are positively skewed, the mean will usually be smaller than the median.

解析: 错误

26、 In computing descriptive statistics from grouped data,data values are treated as if they occur at the midpoint of a class

解析: 正确

27、 The measure of dispersion that is influenced most by extreme values is the interquartile range.

解析: 错误

28、 The descriptive measure of dispersion that is based on the concept of a deviation about the mean is the standard deviation.

解析: 正确

29、 The sample variance could be smaller, equal to, or larger than the true value of the population variance.

解析: 正确





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