中英对照Windows 2000概述

With each new release of Windows ,Microsoft gives you new and inventive technologies to build more useful,manageable,and scalable networks.Windows 2000(formerly Windows NT 5.0)is no exception.In fact,it is the most innovative release to date.There are four separate products that form the Windows 2000 line of operating systems:
随着每次Windows新版本的发行,微软公司都会带来一些创新技术,用来构建更为有用的、可管理的、可扩缩的网络。Windows 2000(前称Windows NT 5. 0)也不例外。事实上,这是一个至今为止最具创新性的版本。Windows 2000操作系统的产品系列共有以下4个独立的产品。

• Windows 2000 Professional
.Replaces NT 4.0 Workstation.It is Microsoft’s flagship[1] desktop operating system.
Windows 2000专业版:替代Windows NT 4. 0工作站,是微软桌面操作系统的旗舰产品。

• Windows 2000 Server
.Replaces NT 4.0 Server for new installations,it supports two-way [2] symmetric multiprocessing(SMP).Upgrades from NT 4.0 Server support four-way SMP.
Windows 2000服务器版:替代Windows NT 4. 0服务器的新产品,从先前支持双路对称多处理器的NT 4. 0服务器升级为支持四路对称多处理器技术。

• Windows 2000 Advanced Server
.Replaces NT 4.0 Server Enterprise Edition.New installations support four-way SMP.Upgrades from NT 4.0 Server Enterprise Edition support eight-way SMP.Like its predecessor,Advanced Server supports large physical memories,clustering,and load balancing.
Windows 2000高级服务器版:Windows NT 4. 0服务器企业版的替代产品。新产品支持四路对称多处理器。从先前的NT 4. 0服务器企业版升级后,支持八路对称多处理器。如它的前身一样,这个版本支持大物理内存、群集和负载均衡。

• Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
.A new Microsoft offering.It support,sixteen-way SMP,up to 64 GB of physical memory,clustering,and load balancing.
Windows 2000数据中心服务器版:这是微软提供的新品。它支持十六路对称多处理器,最大达64GB的物理内存、群集和负载均衡。

Each of these products includes key advancements that change how you plan
,design,and deploy Microsoft networks.To employ such groundbreaking features as Active Directory,Dynamic DNS(DDNS),and intelliMirror,you will neea to plan ahead.To help you build your roadmap from Windows NT to Windows 2000,we offer an overview of the key Windows 2000 technologies and services[3].These advances are detailed in the sections that follow:
上述这些产品都带有关键技术,这些技术改变了人们计划、设计和布置微软网络的方式。为了使用如活动目录、动态域名系统、智能镜像等开创性的特性,应该使计划更具前瞻性。为了帮助用户设计从NT迁移到Windows 2000的方案,本文对Windows 2000的关键技术和服务做一些概要性的介绍。详细介绍Windows 2000的优点:活动目录、安全性、存储、联网和企业管理。

• Active Directory

• Security(安全性)

• Storage(存储)

• Networking(联网)

• Enterprise Management(企业管理)

1.Active Directory

Can you effectively manage every resource in your network with a single logon[4] ?Do your users have a meaningful view of these resources?Was it easy for you to build a large,complex,international network with Windows NT?If you’re bound by the limits of down-level(NT 3.x-4.0)networks,your answer is probably no—at least not without some headaches[5].
你能通过单一登录有效地管理网络里的每一种资源么?用户都能观察到这些资源的意义么?用NT构建一个大而复杂的国际网络容易么?假如你受限于低版本的NT(3. x ~ 4. 0)网络,那么答案很可能是“不”——至少有些头疼吧?

Microsoft networks that are built with Active Directory can help you when you meet these challenges.Unlike down-level directory services,which are flat,Active Directory is hierarchical[6].Active Directory stores each of your company’s resources logically,forming a Tree structures[6] that mirrors your enterprise.Every resource in even the largest networks is easy to find and manage.


The cornerstone of Windows 2000 security is Active Directory .Its support for granular access control,inheritance,and delegation of administrative task gives you the flexibility to secure resources without compromising your network’s purpose[7].Fine-granted access control is not offered in NT 3.x or 4.0.This often torces you to assign permissions that give either too little or too much control[8].Although Active Directory should be a significant piece of Windows 2000 security strategy,it can not deliver complete enterprise security by itself.
Windows 2000安全性的基石是活动目录。它支持粒度访问控制、继承性和可管理任务的委派,所有的这些都让用户以足够的灵活性去保障资源安全而不造成网络泄密。NT3. x或者NT 4.0并没有提供比较好的访问控制,这迫使你分配的权限不是太多就是太少。虽然,活动目录算是Windows 2000安全策略里的重要部分,但它自身并没有提供完整的企业安全性。


The Encrypting File System
(EFS)would not be possible without extensions to NTFS[9].New Technology File System(NTFS)5.0 is the foundation for several enhancement in Windows 2000.Sharing and managing your company’s data is top priority.You must gain complete control of storage to be a successful administrator.
没有NTFS的扩展是不可能实现加密文件系统的。NTFS 5.0是一些Windows 2000增强功能的基础共享和管理公司的数据的优先级最高。作为一个成功的系统管理员,你必须具有完整的存储控制权。


Storage innovations give you improved tools to manage and share resources.The improvements to networking in Windows 2000 are equally groundbreaking.For example,you have the opportunity in Windows 2000 to remove all NetBIOS traffic from your network.The Dynamic Domain Name System(DDNS)can entirely eliminate your dependence on NetBIOS and WINS.Also,you can now build more secure Virtual Private Networks(VPNs)that leverage PK cryptography[10].Further,support for Quality of Service(QoS)一a policy-based bandwidth management technology—is added.Some of the topics covered in this section are new in Windows 2000,others represent improvement to existing technologies.
存储方面的创新,为你提供了用来管理和共享资源的更好手段。Windows 2000联网方面的改进同样具有开创性。例如,在Windows 2000中,你有条件消除网络里的所有NetBIOS通信量。动态域名系统彻底消除了对NetBIOS和WINS的依赖。另外,还可以构建更加安全的虚拟专用网(VPN),它影响到公钥密码技术。还有,增加了对服务质量(QoS)的支持—一一个基于策略的带宽管理技术。这里讨论的一些技术在Windows 2000里是全新的,其他则是对现有技术的改进。

.Enterprise Management

Along with its advances in directory management,security,public key crypto-graphy,storage,and networking,Windows 2000 includes improvement in enterprise management.Total Cost of Ownership(TCO)is a leading concern shared by many companies.After you deploy a particular technology,a TCO study will consider the cost of maintaining(or owning)[11].In corporate networks,most TCO efforts are aimed at reducing the expense of managing desktops[12].
随着目录管理、安全性、公钥密码技术、存储和联网技术的发展,Windows 2000也增加了对企业管理的改进。总拥有成本(TCO)是许多公司共同关心的头等大事。在布署一项技术后,TCO的研究要考虑维护(或拥有)成本。在企业网络中,致力于TCO的目标大多是减少桌面管理的费用。




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