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原创 playing with dacapo using aspectj [the series about program instrumentation is done]

I verified two hypothesis on dacapo. The first is, there are many invocations to thread-safe library, such as synchronizedMap (Collections.synchronized()). However, I find this hypothesis is wro

2012-05-26 23:18:24 567

转载 aspectj does not support JDK class weaving

Hi, I am using AspectJ to trace calls to graphics class.So far, I have used a pre-weaved set of javax.swing.* classes and upon loading I tell JVM to use these weaved classes and not the ones from

2012-05-26 20:48:14 1054

原创 Important aspects in AspectJ

In this blog, I will show some important and basic aspects. 1) locking operations. Given the locking operations such as synchronized ("ss") {                                           sharedV =

2012-05-26 16:51:59 398

转载 aspectj's load-time instrumentation

Aspectj implements the functionality also using the asm tool. As it provides neat aspect grammars and is supported extensively by the community, I would like to switch to it. Better than Btrace , rig

2012-05-25 23:22:59 1230

原创 dacapo in progress

I run my first agent on dacapo, and it works. need to further figure out whether I miss some classes by the customized class loader (review code of tamiflex). The agent detects how many objec

2012-05-25 16:51:28 418

原创 try btrace before I proceed to work on dacapo.

Btrace provides annotations to allow users to specify probes and actions easily. For example, with the annotation, we can specify the control stops at the thread.start(), and carry out the action of

2012-05-25 13:45:19 424

原创 deploy the transformation code in an agent

Sometimes, we cannot touch the source code and place the transformation code in. In this case, we can use the agent to do the transformation at the class loading time. An agent should contain

2012-05-21 19:15:32 472

原创 asm [chained visitors]

I want to give a class a chain of modifications. pw = new PrintWriter(System.out); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0); TraceClassVisitor tcv = new TraceClassVisitor(cw, pw); ClassVi

2012-05-21 11:20:11 417

原创 asm [transform class by adding the getter methods]

given the following class: import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; import jbet.Util.int_ptr; public class Chocalate { public int ss = 9; public static void main(String[] args) { Ch

2012-05-21 01:09:08 728

原创 asm[dynamically produce a class and use it without writing it to disk]

Suppose we want to use the ASM invocations to produce the very simple class:public class Chocalate { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Au

2012-05-20 21:23:18 371

原创 asm

To study the usage of thread-safe libraries in dacapo benchmark suite, I want to instrument the applications. Soot, although good at analyzing and instrumenting programs, seems to miss certain classe

2012-05-20 15:38:19 363

原创 euclid's algorithm

I have known it since when I was in the primary school. However, I did not get its underlying insight until now, although it is simple. First, a brief description of the algorithm: Input, (a,b) Outpu

2012-05-18 01:42:22 376



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