


1.Comments in C do not nest(嵌套).What would be the result of "commenting out" the code in the example shown below?

(注释在C里面不能嵌套,下面“commenting out”注释的代码会产生什么结果?)

squares( int limit )
/* Comment out this entire function
     int i;       /*loop counter*/

    ** Print table of squares
    for( i = 0; i < limit; i += 1)
         printf("%d %d0, i, i * i“);
End of commented-out code*/

answer : The outside(外侧的) comment ends at the end of the first enclosed(围绕的) comment. This make the variable i undefined in the rest of the function; the phrase End of comment-out code will be a syntax(句法) error,and the final closing */ will be illegal(非法的).

(外侧和围绕第一行的代码会使剩余函数没有定义i变量,最后一行”end of commented-out code将会出现句法错误,最后一个*/是非法的“)

2.What are the advantages of putting a large program into a single source file?What are the disadvantages?


answer : 


a.When you want to modify a funcion,it is easy to determine(确定) which file it is in.


b.You can safely user longer function names.Depending on the limits of your particular system,internal(内部) must be distinct from one another somewhere in the first 31 characters or more,whereas external names must be distinct from one another in the first six characters.



a.Depending on how powerful your editor is,it may be harder to locate(找出) a particular piece of code in large file than a small one.


b.Depending on your operating system,the type of editor you are using,and the size of the file,it may be more time consuming(消耗) to edit a large file than a small one.


c.If you make a mistake in your editor,it is easy to lose the whole program.


d.Even if you change only one function,the entire program must be recompiled,which takes longer than recompiling only the modified function.


e.It is harder to reuse general purpose functions from the program if they are buried in(埋在) with all the code that is specific(特别的) to that problem.


3.Show the string literal(逐字) that you would use with printf in order to print the following text,including the quotation(引用) marks.



answer : 


4.What is the value of \40? of \100? of \x40? of \x100? of \0123? of \x0123?

(\40的值是多少?、\100 、\x40、\x100、\0123、\x0123的值分别是多少?)

answer : The character equivalences(相等) given assume that the implementation(实行) users ASCII.


\40  (Oct)     =        32(Dec)        =       the space character(空格)

\100  (Oct)  =        64(Dec)        =       '@'

\x40   (Hex)  =        64(Dec)        =       '@'

\x100   (Hex)is twelve bits (thouge the first three are zeros). On most machines this number is too big to be stored in a character , so the result is implementation dependent.

(\x100 占据十二位,尽管前三位为0,在绝大多数机器上,这个值过大,无法存储在一个字符内,所以它的结果要依赖于编译器)

\0123  (Oct)consists of two characters :'\012' and '3',The resulting value is implementation dependent.

(\0123由‘\012’ 和'3'两个字符串组成,它的结果依赖于编译器)

\x0123 (Hex)is too big to fit into a character, The resulting value is implementation dependent.


5.What is the result of this statement?

int x/*blah blah*/y;

answer : The preprocessor replaces the comment with a single space,which makes the resulting statement illegal.


6.What (if anything) is wrong with the following declaration?


int Case,If,While,Stop,stop;

answer : Nothing,There are no confilcts with the C keywords or between the last two identifiers(标识符) because they are all differ in the case of their characters.


7.True or False: Because C (excluding(不包括) the preprocessor directives(命令)) is a free-form language,the only rules that govern(支配) how programs are written are the syntax rules,so it doesn't matter how the program actually looks.


answer : Both.

True: The language doesn't impose any rules regarding what a program ought to look like,except for preprocessor directives.

False: Programs written without style are difficult or impossible to maintain,so how the program looks is extremely important for all but the most trivial(琐碎的) of programs.


8.Is the loop in the following program correct?(下面这个程序的循环正确吗)

#include <stdio.h>

int x, y;
x = 0;
while(x < 10){
    y = x * x;
    printf("%d\t%d",x, y);
    x += 1;


Is the loop in this program correct?(这个程序呢?)

#include <stdio.h>

    int x, y;
    x = 0;
    while(x < 10){
        y = x * x;
        printf("%d\t%d",x, y);
        x += 1;

Which program was easier to check?(哪一个程序更容易检查出来)

answer : Both programs are missing the closing brace to the while loop,however,it is easier to see in the second program than in the first,This example illustrates(表明) the value of indenting(缩写空白) the statements in a function.


9✨.Suppose you have a C program whose main function is in the file main.c and has other functions in the files list.c and report.c.What command(s) would you use on your system to compile and link this program?


answer : 

gcc main.c list.c report.c

10✨.How would you modify the command for the previous qustion in order to link a library called parse with the program?


answer : 

gcc main.c list.c report.c

11.Suppose you have a C program composed of several separate files,and they include one another as shown below.Which files would have to be recompiled after you make a change to list.c?To list.h?To table.h?


FileInclude Files
main.cstdio.h table.h
table.hsymbol.h list.h

answer : When a header is changed,every file that includes it must be recompiled.


If This File Is ChangedThese Must Be Recompiled
list.hlist.c table.c main.c
table.htable.c main.c

The Borland C/C++ compiler's Windows Integrated Development Environment looks for these relationships among the files and automatically compiles only those that are needed,UNIX systems have a tool called make that performs the same job,thouge with this tool you must construct a makefile that describes the relationships among the files.

(windows下的Borland C/C++编译器会自动的编译需要的文件,同样在UNIX下也有一个相似的工具叫做make,这个工具要求你建立一个makefile文件来描述所有文件的关系)


1.Write a program with three function in three separate source files,The function increment should take a single integer argument and return the value of that argument plus one,This function should be in the file increment.c. The second function is called negate.It also takes a single integer argument and return the vegated value of that argument(for example,If the argument is 25,the function should return -25;if the argument is -612,the function return 612). The final function is main, in the file main.c and it should call each of the other function with the values 10, 0,and -10, and print the results.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "increment.h"
#include "negate.h"

int main(void)
    printf("%d: increment:%d, negate:%d\n",10,increment(10),negate(10));
    printf("%d: increment:%d, negate:%d\n",0,increment(0),negate(0));
    printf("%d: increment:%d, negate:%d\n",-10,increment(-10),negate(-10));
#ifndef _INCREMENT_H_
#define _INCREMENT_H_

int increment(int x);

#include "increment.h"
int increment(int x)
    return x+1;
#ifndef _NEGATE_H_
#define _NEGATE_H_

int negate(int x);

#include "negate.h"

int negate(int x)
    return -x;
gcc main.c increment.c increment.h negate.c negate.h
// 运行

2.Write a program that will read C source code from the standard input and ensure that the braces are paired(配对) correctly.

note: you need not worry about braces that appear within comments,string literals,or character constants.


The program is easy to implement with a counter,However,it is not as trivial as it first seems,
Try testing your solution with this input:}{
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int ch;
    int count = 0;

    while( (ch = getchar()) != EOF){
        if( ch == '{')
        if( ch == '}'){
            if(count < 0)

    if(count < 0)
        printf("the right brace appears before the left brace or right brace more than left brace!\n");
    if(count > 0)
        printf("the left brace more than brace\n");
    if(count == 0)
        printf("paired ok!\n");

    return 0;


《C与指针》第二章练习 - _monster - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)

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