英汉互译 一天速成

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💖 知识点

  • “信达雅”的翻译标准是由严复提出的。
  • 翻译过程遵循理解 表达 审校步骤
  • 英语重形合句子各成分之间的相互结合常用连接词或其他语法连接手段,以表示其结构关系。
  • 汉语是语义型语言,句子成分之间的逻辑关系靠隐性连接
  • 汉语重意合,因此汉译英时应由隐变显
  • 英语重形合,因此在英译汉时应由显变隐
  • 汉语一般按照逻辑和时间顺序安排句序,主要部分放在句尾,从而形成后重心
  • If it worked once, it can work twice.
    • 一次得手,再次不愁
  • The child has started going on all fours.
    • 这个小孩会爬了
  • 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。
    • The monk may run away, but the temple can’t run with him.
  • 以话题加评论为句子结构的基本单位的语言为话题显著的语言。
  • 不是英语主语显著的特点
    • 所有的英语词类在句子中都可以做主语
  • 英语主语显著的特点
    • 所有的英语陈述句和疑问句都必须有主语
  • 英语主语显著,主语和谓语是其句子结构中最基本的语法单位。
  • 后到老学到老
    • It is never too old to learn.
  • 下列哪一句关于被动语态的叙述是错误的?
    • 汉语被动结构的使用比英语广泛。
  • 被动语态
    • 被动语态能使叙述客观正式,更能体现科技英语的语体特征
  • “开汽车没有方向盘不行。”
    • 属于主语加谓语的结构 ❌
  • “食堂今天吃饺子。” 这个汉语句子中的话题“食堂”在翻译成英语时要转换成状语
  • 英语经常在科技论文里使用被动语态。
  • 哪一项关于汉语“当然被动句”的陈述是错误的?
    • “施事者+动词”的格式是中国人自古以来表达被动意义的习惯。❌
  • The region was visited by the worst drought in twenty years.
    • 这个地区遭受了二十年来最严重的旱灾。
  • 英语主语习惯用物称,反映其客体性的特征。
  • 英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态
  • 英语属于综合型语言,词形变化多
  • 英语的介词优势是伴随着名词优势而产生的。
  • 英语句子习惯于先把结论性部分或判断性部分摆在前面,然后再叙述详细情节和背景
  • 汉语主语习惯用人称,反映其主体性思维的特征。
  • 英语的物称倾向在书面语,尤其在小说、科技论述、学术文献和散文中较为明显。❌
  • 哪一项关于汉语语言特征的描述是正确的?
    • 汉语属于分析型语言句序比较固定
  • 汉语句子习惯于先把结论性部分或判断性部分摆在前面,然后再叙述详细情节和背景。❌
  • 汉语句子中如果同时含有时间状语和地点状语,时间状语一般放在地点状语之前
  • 动词(词组)可以充当英语句子的各个成分。❌
  • 会议将于明天下午在教室举行。
    • The meeting will be held in the classroom tomorrow afternoon.
  • The book is beyond me.
    • 这本书我看不懂。
  • 解决问题最好方法是进行调查研究高亮的两个动词词组在句子中分别充当了定语表语

  • 汉语泛指人称句:活到老学到老
  • 汉语术语汉藏语系,句序比较固定
  • 半斤八两:Six of one and half a dozen of the other
  • 农业是国民经济的基础。Farming is the foundation of our national economy. ❌?
  • 浓茶:strong tea
  • 英语有词形变化,汉语则没有
  • 英语长句多,句子呈现树状结构(英长树状)
  • 汉译英中关于区分主从的描述:表示状态的部分从属于表示动作的部分(动作的状态)
  • The decision has to come.:决定还没有做出
  • 他和我一样都不善于游泳:He is no more skillful at swimming than I am.
  • 到的学生是我们预计的五倍:There are five times as many students as we expected.
  • 她只差两分钟没赶上飞机:She missed the airline by two minutes.

💖 句子翻译

  1. 我心里总是想这个问题,他要这个干什么。
    The question often comes up in my mind what he wanted it for.

  2. 空气是由多种气体混合组成的。
    Air is made up of a mixture of gases.

  3. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
    Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

  4. 必须勤学苦练,才能掌握一种外国语。
    One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.

  5. 从经济学的观点看,战争景气仅仅是一时的现象。
    From the viewpoint of economics, the war boom is only temporary.

  6. 他的画的特点是笔力沉着,颜色鲜明。
    His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.

  7. 我们仔细地研究了这些化学元素的特性。
    We have made a careful study of the properties of these chemical elements.

  8. 我昨天带来的那本新英汉词典对于翻译极有用处。
    A New English-Chinese Dictionary that I brought here yesterday is very useful for translation.

  9. 他不是那种在困难面前低头的人。
    He is not a man to bow before difficulties.

  10. 因为大火,数千人无家可归。
    On account of big fire, thousands of people were rendered homeless.

  11. 除了太阳以外,看起来月亮是天空中最大的物体。
    Except for the sun, the moon appears to be the biggest object in the sky.

  12. 甚至在夏天,他也勤奋地工作,以求达到他的目标。
    He worked hard even in summer with a view to attaining his aims.

  13. 避免错误是不可能的,但是少犯错误是可能的。
    It is impossible to avoid committing mistakes, but it is possible to commit fewer mistakes.

  14. 他直到三年级才认识到广泛阅读的重要性。
    He didn't realize the importance of extensive reading until he was in the third year.

  15. 我万没想到会在这里碰到你。
    This is the last place where I expected to meet you.

  16. 我警告过你,不要跟陌生人谈论我的事。
    I have warned you against discussing my affairs with strangers.

  17. 他在野外呆了三天,处理这一案件。
    He is out in the field on the case for three days.

  18. 你不坦白交待,警察也能破案。
    The police will clear up the case even if you don’t make a confession.

  19. 在中国的日子长了,她自然而然地结识了许多朋友。
    Having stayed in China for a long time, she has naturally made many friends.

  20. 很难说他什么时候回家,我得上床睡觉了。
    There being no telling when he’ll be home, I’ll hace to go to bed now.

  21. 叶子之于植物犹如肺之于动物。
    Leaces are to the plant what lungs are to the animal.

  22. 像农民不耕种不能收获一样,学生不学习也不能获得知识。
    A student can no more obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing.

  23. 一个国家不能离开人民而存在,正如树没有根不能生长一样。
    A nation can no more exist without people than a tree can grow without roots.

  24. 今年的工业总产量比去年增加了7倍。(二选一)

    • The gross industrial output has increased by seven times this year as against last year. ⭐
    • The gross industrial output has increased eight times this year as against last year.
  25. 今年蔬菜价格比2019年增加了5%。
    This year the price of the vegetable has increased by 5% as compared with that of 2019.

  26. 这种床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式多样。
    The technological design of this bed cushion is advances with novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns.

  27. 他在有压力的情况下总是能发挥得很好。(四选一)

    • He always does very well under pressure. ⭐
    • He is always at his best under pressure.
    • He can always bring his ability into full play under pressure.
    • He is always in good form under pressure.
  28. 与君一席话,胜读十年书。(三选一)

    • What you said has really opened my eyes. ⭐
    • To chat with you for one night is really better than to study for ten years.
    • I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading.
  29. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。(三选一)

    • Everybody has to lay the foundations of his success by study and hard work. ⭐
    • There are no shortcuts in learning, only hard work and study and a willingness to conquer each obstacle can lead to success.
    • There are no royal road to learning. Success waits on painstaking efforts, with patience and determination we can surmount every difficulty.
  30. 由于这部小说非凡的艺术魅力,所以问世不久即博得了广大读者的喜爱,甚至倾倒。(二选一)

    • The novel was an instant success because of its artistic attraction and quickly developed a wide readership. ⭐
    • On account of its extraordinary artistic charm, the novel had won a favorable reception and, all the more, captured a great admiration from the broad readers immediately after its first appearance.

💖 段落翻译

1. 冬至

冬至(Winter Solstice)是全年白昼最短,黑夜最长的一天,标志着一年中最寒冷时节的开始。冬至过后,气温越来越低,人们户外活动逐渐减少。农民地里的活不多,主要忙于灌溉系统的维护和主要农作物的防冻,同时为来年春天播种做准备。中国人历年来很重视冬至。许多地方都把冬至当做一个节日,庆祝方式不尽相同,北方人有冬至吃饺子的习俗,南方人有冬至吃汤圆的传统。

Winter Solstice, the shortest daytime and longest night of the whole year, marks the beginning of the coldest period in a year. After the Winter Solstice, the temperature drops continuously, and people gradually reduce their outdoor activities. Since there is much less farming work to do, farmers mainly engage themselves in maintaining irrigation systems and protecting crops from being frozen, while preparing for spring sowing in the following year. The Chinese have always attached great importance to Winter Solstice. In many places, it is regarded as a festival and celebrated in different ways. On that day, people in the north have the custom of eating jiaozi (dumplings), while those in the south have the tradition of eating tangyuan (glutinous rice balls).

2. 立秋

在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始。立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临,这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。

In the Chinese lunar calendar, Start of Autumn marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The first sign of the Start of Autumn is the change in the weather, with the temperature gradually dropping. When people see that leaves are turning yellow and falling, they realize that autumn has come, hence the idiom “a falling leaf heralds the arrival of autumn”. However, the hot weather is not completely over at this time and the heat usually lasts for a while. This period is known as the “Autumn Tiger”. Start of Autumn is of great significance to farmers, when all kinds of autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to ripen, and the harvest season is approaching.

3. 立春

立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖: 万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。人们常说“一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始播种,为全年的丰收打下基础。中国人早在三千年前就已开始在立春这一天举行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出游玩,欣赏春天的美景。

Start of Spring marks the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. After Start of Spring, the daytime becomes longer and the weather gets warmer: everything starts to recover and the earth is full of life. It is often said that the whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring. Farmers start sowing at this time to lay the foundation for a good harvest throughout the year. The Chinese have been holding celebration activities for Start of Spring since 3,000 years ago. Welcoming spring has been an important folk custom for hundreds of years. People often go for an outing and enjoy the beautiful scenery during the warm days of spring when flowers blossom.

4. 重阳节


When clear and refreshing autumn arrives and chrysanthemums scent the world, it’s time for Chinese Chongyang Festival or Double Ninth Festival. The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. In Chinese folklore, the number nine is the largest number and a homonym to the Chinese character jiu, which contains the auspicious meaning of “a long and healthy life”. In ancient times, it was customary to climb mountains to pray for good luck and longevity on the Double Ninth Festival. In 1989, the Chinese government designated the Double Ninth Festival as the “Festival for the Elderly” to express wishes for health and longevity of the senior citizens.

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