Creating a Simple CRUD App With Yii2 用 Yii2 创建一个简单的 CRUD (增删改查)应用



Creating a SimpleCRUD App With Yii2 (Revised 12/20/2013)

Yii2创建一个简单的 CRUD(增删改查)应用(修订日期 2013-12-20


WhatWe'll Be Covering 我们将做些什么

WhatYou'll Need 我们需要些什么


CreatingYour App 创建你的应用

Creatinga Config file 创建一个配置文件

Creatingthe Database 创建一个数据库模型


Creatingthe Database Model 创建一个数据库模型

Creatingthe Controller 创建一个控制器





Creating a Simple CRUDApp with Yii Framework 2 (Updated December 20th, 2013)

Yii创建一个简单的 CRUD(增删改查)应用(20131220日修订)

By popular demand,today I will be revisitingmyprevious Yii Framework 2 Getting Started Guide and updating it with what iscurrently available in the Yii Framework 2 Repository. Provide here is an supersimple example CRUD application that will help you get started using theframework.




OriginalBlog Entry 最早的博客实体

What We'll Be Covering我们将做些什么

In this tutorial wewill be covering the following:


  • Creating a Basic App

  • 创建一基本的应用

  • Connecting to a MySQL Database

  • 连接到一个MySQL数据库

  • Creating Logic to handle CRUD of a single model

  • 创建逻辑来管理一个简单模型中的CRUD(增删改查)

  • Handling Basic Authentication

  • 处理身份验证

    What You'll Need我们需要些什么

  • A Webserver setup with either Apache or Nginx.

  • 使用Apache或者 Nginx设置一个Web服务器,

  • A MySQL Database (5.5+)

  • 一个MySQL数据库(版本号在5.5以上)

  • Yii 2 Requirements (I'm running 5.5.x)

  • Yii2需求(我正使用的是PHP5.5.x


    Before we getstarted...在我们开始之前...

  • Yii Framework 2 is by no means "Production Ready". Don't use itin production. What is provided here is mainly used as an example of what youcan do in Yii Framework 2.

  • Yii2框架绝对没有做好“生产准备”,不要把它用于生产我在这里提供的,只能主要用作一个你学习使用Yii2框架的例子。

  • All the code released with this blog post is released under the MITLicense. Feel free to fork it and play with it.

  • 这个博客提供的所有代码,遵行 MIT许可发布。您可以自由地使用它和用它来建立分支。

  • The code provided is by no means "Production Ready". If you runthis code in a production environment you run it at your own risk.

  • 这里提供的代码绝对没有做好“生产准备”,如果你在一个生产环境中使用这些代码,你要对你自己的行为承担风险。

  • For simplicity, all commands will be from a Linux shell, and I will not beproviding specific Windows commands. Adapt them as necessary for Windows.

  • 为简单起见,所有的命令都是从 Linux终端上得来,我不会提供特定的针对Windows的命令。您可以修改它们,使之适用于Windows

  • This article may be reproduced and distributed under the followingconditions -please don't steal my writing and claim it as your own:

  • 这篇文章可以在一定条件下复制和发布——请不要窃取我的作品并将它据为已意。

    1. A link to the original articleMUST be provided in the reproduction:



My name and CopyrightMUST be provided in the reproduction:


Copyright&copy 2013 Charles R. Portwood II |Erianna

©版权所有2013Charles R(查理斯·RPortwood II (波德伍德二世)|Erianna伊瑞安娜

Creating Your App创建你的应用

When I wrote my firsttutorial covering this topic Yii didn't have a basic web application yet. As ofthe time of writing, Yii now includes three web applications for you to testand try out. As with my last tutorial, we're going to do everything fromscratch for the learning experience.


Creating Your WebSkeleton创建你的网络骨架

First, create a newfolder in your web directory. Inside that folder add the following folders:















A couple things tonotice here that are kinda important:


First, as of the timeof writing, the concept of a "protected" folder is gone. Yii lookalot more like the other PHP frameworks out there now (Codeigniter, Zend,CakePHP to name a few) in terms of base folder structure. The second thing tonotice is that we have 2 assets folders. The assets folder in the root of ourdirectory is going to contain stuff to handling assets, whereas the assetsfolder inside of our web/ directory is going tocontain our compiled assets.

首先,截至到正在写作的当下,“protected”文件夹的概念再没有。就基本目录结构而言,Yii现在看起来更像其他 PHP框架了(举几个来说,Codeigniter,Zend, CakePHP)第二个要关注的事情是,我们有两个assets文件夹我们根目录下的assets文件夹将要包含操控assets的文件,然而我们的web目录中的assets文件夹将包含我们编译的assets

Now onto some files:


The first file we wantto create isyii, which is equivalenttoyiic in Yii Framework 1.x.Create this file in the root of your directory, then add the following:

我们要创建的第一个文件是yii,它与Yii框架 1.x版本中的yiic文件相等。在我们的根目录下创建这个文件,然后写入下列内容:

#!/usr/bin/env php


defined('YII_DEBUG') ordefine('YII_DEBUG', true);


// fcgi doesn't have STDIN definedby default

// fcgi默认没有定义 STDIN(标准输入)

defined('STDIN') or define('STDIN',fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));


require(__DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php');

require(__DIR__ .'/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/yii/Yii.php');


$config = require(__DIR__ .'/config/console.php');


$application = newyii\console\Application($config);

$exitCode = $application->run();


Then, create a file calledAppAsset.php inassets/:

然后,创建一个文件,命名为AppAssetphp in assets/:


namespace app\assets;

use yii\web\AssetBundle;


class AppAsset extends AssetBundle


   public $basePath = '@webroot';

   public $baseUrl = '@web';

   public $depends = [





Finaly, create yourindex.php bootstrap file inweb/index.php:




// comment out the following twolines when deployed to production


defined('YII_DEBUG') ordefine('YII_DEBUG', true);


require(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/autoload.php');

require(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/yii/Yii.php');


$config = require(__DIR__ .'/../config/web.php');



This last part is veryimportant. Your web directory needs to point toweb/index.php rather thanindex.php. Until you make this change youwon't be able to see anything when you run your application. We're not at thepoint where you can see stuff yet, but it's important to point this out firstso that we can make sure it's taken care of.


With these two filesin place we can create our composer file that will download and install YiiFramework 2 for us. Create a new file in the root of our appliation calledcomposer.json



       "name": "A Basic CRUDApp",

       "description": "Yii 2Basic CRUD Example",

       "keywords": ["yii","framework", "basic", "CRUD"],


       "type": "project",

       "license": "MITC",


       "require": {



               "yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "*",

               "yiisoft/yii2-codeception": "*",



               "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*"


       "scripts": {

               "post-create-project-cmd": [




       "extra": {

               "writable": [




               "executable": [





Next we'll be usingcomposer to install Yii for us. If you already have composer installed you canskip ahead.


Install Composer安装Composer

Yii 2 now usescomposer to download additional packages Yii uses. Before we can get startedusing Yii we'll need to download and install composer.


curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/bin

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/composer.phar/usr/bin/composer

Then install thecomposer dependencies


sudo composer self-update

composer install

Installing Yii安装Yii

With the installationof composer taken care of, we can now install Yii and it's dependencies


# Install Yii Dependencies

composer install composer安装

If everything goeswell, you should see a bunch of output that looks similar to the following. Ifyou get an error, fix it and try runningcomposer install again.


Loading composer repositories with package information


Installing dependencies (includingrequire-dev)

 - Installing ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.5.0)

   Loading from cache


 - Installing michelf/php-markdown (1.3)

   Loading from cache


 - Installing phpspec/php-diff (dev-master 30e103d)

   Cloning 30e103d19519fe678ae64a60d77884ef3d71b28a


 - Installing yiisoft/jquery (1.10.2)

   Loading from cache


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-composer (dev-master 96ecb97)

   Cloning 96ecb97c2083231706147f026d104d82a7202ad0


 - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (dev-master f0be830)

   Cloning f0be8302f28913af7bd7df6639e5bec5b5e79257


 - Installing twbs/bootstrap (dev-master 2854c5c)

   Cloning 2854c5c3fb65b709fbf32d05faccf7a294626cca


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2 (dev-master e6ac68b)

   Cloning e6ac68b89c520befbcb4682880ac8284f1d094dd


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-codeception (dev-master d7e6e58)

   Cloning d7e6e5806483647a5fee6462bb216e67773d9e88


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap (dev-master 54fedb4)

   Cloning 54fedb4c22b057b27ff088d11e6f411992956eeb


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-debug (dev-master 97e2460)

   Cloning 97e24600932d511f419c114ef1d44e85211c47c2


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-gii (dev-master 84bb194)

   Cloning 84bb19424561b744167636fb893701a15368d58b


 - Installing yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer (dev-master d378f7d)

   Cloning d378f7d6d731c8130597411935d7ee05aa73897a


Writing lock file


Generating autoload files


Creating a Config file创建一个配置文件

Now that we've setupour application to be bootstrapped, we can create a config file. The configfiles for Yii 2 are pretty much the same as they were in Yii 1 with only a fewexceptions. We'll create that file in config/web.php. Note, that I'm going to diverge a bit from the exampleapp for simplicity.

现在我们已经安装了一个带有bootstrap的自己的程序,我们可以创建一个配置文件。Yii2的配置文件与Yii 1.x版本中的设置文件非常相似,只有极少的例外。我们将在config/web.php中创建这个文件。注意,我将在创建一个简洁例子的方向上偏离那么一点点。


   return array(

       'id' => 'app',


       // Preload the Debug Module

       // 提前加载 Debug Module(排错模型)

       'preload' => array(




       'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),

       'extensions' => require(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php'),


       // Components

       // 组件

       'components' => array(

           // UrlManager

           // 链接管理

           'urlManager' => array(

               'class' =>'yii\web\UrlManager',


               // Disable index.php

               // 弃用(不使用)index.php

               'showScriptName' => false,


               // Disable r= routes

               'enablePrettyUrl' => true



           // Caching

           // 缓存

           'cache' => array(

               'class' =>'yii\caching\FileCache'



           // UserIdentity

           // 用户身份

           'user' => array(

               'identityClass' =>'app\models\User',



           // Logging

           // 日志

           'log' => array(

               'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ?3 : 0,

               'targets' => array(


                       'class' =>'yii\log\FileTarget',

                       'levels' =>array('error', 'warning')





           // Database

           // 数据库

           'db' => array(

               'class' =>'yii\db\Connection',

               'dsn' =>'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yf2',

               'username' => 'yf2',

               'password' => 'yf2',

               'charset' => 'utf8'




       // Modules


       'modules' => array(

           'debug' => 'yii\debug\Module',

           'gii'   => 'yii\gii\Module'



       // Extra Params if we want them

       // 额外的参数(如果你需要的话)

       'params' => array()


At this point if wevisit our webserver we'll get a lovely error message:


Not Found (#404)


Unable to resolve the request "".


The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request.


Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you.


If you get that, thatmeans Yii 2 was able to bootstrap itself.


Creating the Database 创建一个数据库

For this applicationwe are going to create a simple "posts" database using migrations.Before we do that though, we need to create a MySQL user and database. We cando that using the following commands:


mysql >





Next, we need tocreate a config file for our console application to run from. Create a filecalledconsole.php inconfig/ with the following:



return array(

   'id' => 'basic-console',

   'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),

   'preload' => array('log'),

   'controllerPath' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/commands',

   'controllerNamespace' => 'app\commands',

   'extensions' => require(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php'),

   'components' => array(

       'cache' => array(

           'class' =>'yii\caching\FileCache',


       // Database

       // 数据库

       'db' => array(

           'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',

           'dsn' =>'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yf2',

           'username' => 'yf2',

           'password' => 'yf2',

           'charset' => 'utf8'



       'log' => array(

           'targets' => array(


                   'class' =>'yii\log\FileTarget',

                   'levels' =>array('error', 'warning'),





   'params' => array(),



With our config optionin place, we can now create a migration for our database. From your commandline run and typeyes at the prompt.


php yii migrate/create posts

Your output shouldlook as follows:


Yii Migration Tool (based on Yiiv2.0.0-dev)

Yii 迁移工具(基于 Yii v2.0.0-dev


Create new migration'/var/www/.../migrations/m131220_164042_posts.php'? (yes|no) [no]:yes

New migration created successfully.


The migrations in Yii2 haven't changed much since Yii 1. Replace theup() anddown method with the followingrespectively:


public function up()


   return $this->createTable('posts', array(


       'title' => 'VARCHAR(255)',

       'data' => 'TEXT',

       'create_time' => 'INT',

       'update_time' => 'INT'




public function down()


   return $this->dropTable('posts');


From the command lineyou can now create the database using themigrate/up command


php yii migrate/up --interactive=0

Which should give youthe following output:


Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.0-dev)

Yii 迁移工具(基于 Yii v2.0.0-dev


Total 1 new migration to be applied:



*** applying m131220_164042_posts

   > create table posts ... done (time:0.056s)

*** applied m131220_164042_posts (time: 0.093s)



Migrated up successfully.

Migrate up成功。

migrate/down will drop the table.Feel free to bring the database up and down to explore some.


Creating the DatabaseModel创建一个数据库模型

Now that our databasetable has been created we can create the mode associated to our posts table. Todo this we're going to use good old Gii, which has recieved a major update interms of prettyness.


Click on the ModelGenerator and add the following values to the form:


Table Name: posts


Model Class: Posts


Then click preview,then generate. Yii will then write outmodels/Posts.php for us. The default models that Yiigenerates aretiny compared to that of Yii 1. There are a few changes weneed to make first though.


First, we need tomodify ourrules()method. Let's makeID andcreate_time not required:


public function rules()


   return [

       [['title', 'data'], 'required'],

       [['data'], 'string'],

       [['create_time', 'update_time'],'safe'],

       [['title'], 'string', 'max' => 255]



Next, let's add abehavior to automated thecreate_time andupdate_time timestamps. Yii thankfully provides a behavior calledAutoTimestamp that we can use toautomated this process.


public function behaviors()


   return array(

       'timestamp' => array(

           'class' =>'yii\behaviors\AutoTimestamp'




Anytime we modify arecord now, the database will automatically set the appropriate timestamp.


Creating theController创建一个控制器

Now that we have abasic model we can create ourSiteController that will handle adding and updating things. We'll startby creating a new file called SiteController.php incontrollers/ and adding the following:




namespace app\controllers;


use Yii;

use yii\web\Controller;

use app\models\Posts;


class SiteController extendsController




As much as I hatenamespaces in PHP, Yii 2 has made using them less painful than they were whenthis article was written last time. For this application we're only going to becreated an index, save, and delete action for our site to use.


Handling Errors处理错误

Nobody like errors,but we'll we need to handle them someway.


public function actions()


   return [

       'error' => [

           'class' =>'yii\web\ErrorAction',




Loading Models载入模块

Before we create ouractions, let's create a helper method to load our model. Those familiar withYii should recognize it.


private function loadModel($id)


   $model = Posts::find($id);


   if ($model == NULL)

       throw new HttpException(404, 'Model notfound.');


   return $model;


The one change we'llneed to make to make this work is the inclusion of a new classHttpException. To include thisclass, add the following to youruse block at the top of your controller.

为了使它工作,我们要做的一个改变是对一个新的class(类)HttpException的包含。为了包含这个class(类),在你的controller(控制器)的最上面,在use block(块)中添加下面的内容。

use yii\web\HttpException;

Deleting Records删除记录

Deleting records ispretty simple, so lets create that action first.


public functionactionDelete($id=NULL)


   $model = $this->loadModel($id);


   if (!$model->delete())

       Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Unable to delete model');




There's nothing toosurprising here, we delete the model and redirect to the index page. And if weencounter an error we set a pretty flash message which we will display in ourviews.


Viewing Records显示记录

Viewing records isalso pretty simple, just load all the models and pass them to the view fordisplay. Notice that$this->render() now just returns a value rather than outputting it. If you want to displaycontent on the page you'll need to echo it.


public function actionIndex()


   $models = Posts::find()->all();

   echo $this->render('index', array('models' => $models));



I like havingcreation/updating in the same method for an application as simple as this. Wecan create a hybrid method as follows:


public function actionSave($id=NULL)


   if ($id == NULL)

       $model = new Posts;


       $model = $this->loadModel($id);


   if (isset($_POST['Posts']))




       if ($model->save())


           Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', 'Model has been saved');

           $this->redirect($this->createUrl('site/save', array('id' =>$model->id)));



           Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error','Model could not be saved');



   echo $this->render('save', array('model' => $model));


Simply put, if we aregiven an ID, try loading it with ourloadModel() method (Which will automatically throw an error for usif one is not found). If we aren't given an ID, we'll assume the user wants tocreate a new record. Then, if the user submits any data we try to save it, andupdate the user when we make that attempt.


For now, that takescare of our controllers. (Pretty easy, huh?). We'll come back to our controllera little later when to add authentication. For now let's move onto creating ourviews.



Now on to creatingviews. There's 3 views we'll need to create, our layout, the index view, andour save view.

现在创建一个视图。有3个视图需要创建,我们的layout(布局)、index视图,还有我们的 save(保存)视图。

For now, justtouch (create the files)views/site/index.php andviews/site/save.php, then createviews/layouts/main.php.



Layouts in Yii 2 are abit more complex than they were in Yii 1, but it's nothing that we can'thandle.


First, we need toinclude all the view helpers we're going to use (including our asset manager).We're going to use Twitter Bootstrap to make things pretty for now.

首先,我们需要包含所有的将要用到的视图辅助(包括我们的asset(资源)管理器。我们将要用Twitter Bootstrap,来使它更漂亮。



use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\bootstrap\Nav;

use yii\bootstrap\NavBar;

use app\assets\AppAsset;



 * @var \yii\web\View $this

 * @var string $content




I'm not really goingto go intoAppAssetat this time. For now, all you need to know is that it's taking care of all ofour assets for us.


Next, we're going toadd all of our markup.


<?php $this->beginPage() ?>

<!DOCTYPE html >

<html >


   <title><?php echo Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>

   <?php $this->head() ?>

</head >

<body style="margin-top:100px;"; >

<?php $this->beginBody() ?>



           'brandLabel' => 'Home',

           'brandUrl' =>Yii::$app->homeUrl,

           'options' => [

               'class' => 'navbar-inversenavbar-fixed-top',






   <div class="container">

       <?php if(Yii::$app->session->hasFlash('success')): ?>

           <div class="alertalert-success">

               <?php echoYii::$app->session->getFlash('success'); ?>


       <?php elseif(Yii::$app->session->hasFlash('error')): ?>

           <div class="alertalert-danger">

               <?php echoYii::$app->session->getFlash('error'); ?>


       <?php endif; ?>


       <?php echo  $content ?>



<?php $this->endBody() ?>

</body >

</htm l>

<?php $this->endPage() ?>

A few new controllersmethods here - but nothing too surprising. Basically thebegin/end Body/Page methods areplaceholders for any css and javascript Yii will inject into our templates.Most likely these were moved outside of the renderer to improve performance.

这里有一些新的控制器方法,不过并不让人惊讶。从基本上看,那些 begin/endBody/Page方法都是在Yii注射CSSjavascript到我们的模板中时的标记。大概这些移至renderer外面的东西是为了提高性能。

That last thing tonote is that we're going to place our flash messages in our layout and displaythem if they were provided


With our layout in place,we can now visithttp://localhost in our browser and see some stuff!

随着我们的布局准备就绪,我们可以在浏览器中浏览 http://localhost,你可以看到一些东西。

With our layout done,let's take a quick look at the fancy new profiler at the bottom.


Profiling on Steroids扼要介绍一下快速建造

Remember how we addedthedebug module to ourconfig/web.php file? This is what weget in return. Rather than just dumping everything to the screen, Yii 2 isactually profiling in the background and just giving us a "at aglance" details, which is pretty neat.


What's evenmoreneat is when you click on any of the items in the bar you get an amazingprofiler that has all sorts of using information such as your current config,request parameters, profiling, and any logs that were writtenfor thatrequest. The profiler alone (at least in my opinion) is one of thecoolestnew features coming in Yii 2.


Index File Index文件

With our layout inplace, we can now create our index view file. We're going to use the same codefrom my previous article with just a few alterations:


<?php use yii\helpers\Html; ?>


<?php echo Html::a('Create NewPost', array('site/save'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary pull-right'));?>


<hr />

<table class="tabletable-striped table-hover">








   <?php foreach ($models as $post): ?>



               <?php echoHtml::a($post->id, array('site/save', 'id'=>$post->id)); ?>


           <td><?php echoHtml::a($post->title, array('site/save', 'id'=>$post->id));?></td>

           <td><?php echo date('m/d/YH:i', $post->create_time); ?></td>

           <td><?php echo date('m/d/YH:i', $post->update_time); ?></td>


               <?php echo Html::a('update',array('site/save', 'id'=>$post->id)); ?>

               <?php echo Html::a('delete',array('site/delete', 'id'=>$post->id)); ?>



   <?php endforeach; ?>


There's nothing oddhere, just note that youhave to include the view helper (Yii doesn'tautomatically include it from the layout).

这里没有任何奇怪的,你只注意要把view helper(视图辅助)包含进来就可以了(Yii没有自动从布局中自动包含它们)。

Creating & UpdatedRecords创建和修改记录

Create a new filecalledsave.php inviews/site/ and add our form:



use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;



<?php $form =ActiveForm::begin(array(

   'options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal', 'role' =>'form'),

)); ?>

   <div class="form-group">

       <?php echo $form->field($model,'title')->textInput(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>


   <div class="form-group">

       <?php echo $form->field($model,'data')->textArea(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>


   <?php echo Html::submitButton('Submit', array('class' => 'btnbtn-primary pull-right')); ?>

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>

$form has changed a bit,but it's more or less the same from the last time we went through this. Thebiggest change is the use of ActiveForm.


At this point we'vecreate a pretty simple system for displaying and updating data. If you want,try making a "view" view that will allow you to see the data outsideof an update view.



With the core of ourapplication completed, let's now add some basic authentication. For thisappliance we're going to require authentication for users editing and deletingcontent, but not for viewing.


This first thing weneed for authentication is a Users model which we're just going to take fromthe Yii 2 Basic application. Create a new file calledUser.php inmodels/ and add the following:

首先我们需要一个给验证使用的 Users模型,我们将从Yii2基本程序中得到它。在文件夹models/下创建一个新的文件,名叫User.php,添加下面的内容:



namespace app\models;


class User extends \yii\base\Objectimplements \yii\web\IdentityInterface


   public $id;

   public $username;

   public $password;

   public $authKey;


   private static $users = [

       '100' => [

           'id' => '100',

           'username' => 'admin',

           'password' => 'admin',

           'authKey' => 'test100key',


       '101' => [

           'id' => '101',

           'username' => 'demo',

           'password' => 'demo',

           'authKey' => 'test101key',




   public static function findIdentity($id)


       return isset(self::$users[$id]) ? newstatic(self::$users[$id]) : null;



   public static function findByUsername($username)


       foreach (self::$users as $user) {

           if (strcasecmp($user['username'],$username) === 0) {

               return new static($user);



       return null;



   public function getId()


       return $this->id;



   public function getAuthKey()


       return $this->authKey;



   public function validateAuthKey($authKey)


       return $this->authKey === $authKey;



   public function validatePassword($password)


       return $this->password ===$password;



Okay, so there's alotof new things here, let's break them down one by one.


First, we need todeclare our namespace. Since we're creating a model, this is an applicationmodel.



namespace app\models;

Next, we extend Yii'sbase object class and implement a few methods defined in IdentityInterface anddeclare some properties our model will work with.


class User extends \yii\base\Objectimplements \yii\web\IdentityInterface


   public $id;

   public $username;

   public $password;

   public $authKey;


What we ultimatly willpass around will be a static object. The newest thing for our UserIdentity isthe use ofyii\web\IdentityInterface, which contains four methods we'll need to implement,getAuthKey(),validateAuthKey(),getId(), andfindIdentity().

最后我们要分发的将会是一个静态的项目。在我们的用户验证中,最新鲜的事情是yii\web\IdentityInterface的使用,它包含4个我们将要执行的方法,分别是getAuthKey() validateAuthKey()getId() and findIdentity()

We also have this$authKey thing that we'll getto in a bit.


For this applicationwe'll only be using a file based user lists. We can defined that as:


private static $users = [

   '100' => [

       'id' => '100',

       'username' => 'admin',

       'password' => 'admin',

       'authKey' => 'test100key',


   '101' => [

       'id' => '101',

       'username' => 'demo',

       'password' => 'demo',

       'authKey' => 'test101key',



Next, we havefindIdentity(), which returns astatic instance ofUser of an item from thearray above. We're going to call this methodafter we validate theuser's credentials,


public static functionfindIdentity($id)


   return isset(self::$users[$id]) ? new static(self::$users[$id]) : null;


Next we havefindByUsername() which is just asimple helper for finding a username in our flat file database.

其次,我们有 findByUsername(),它是一个简单的辅助器,用来在我们的平面文件数据库中去找一个用户名。

public static functionfindByUsername($username)


   foreach (self::$users as $user) {

       if (strcasecmp($user['username'],$username) === 0) {

           return new static($user);



   return null;


The remaining methods arejust validators on the static instance we'll get back fromfindIdentity(). With the exceptionofvalidatePassword() we have to implementthese methods


public function getId()


   return $this->id;



public function getAuthKey()


   return $this->authKey;



public functionvalidateAuthKey($authKey)


   return $this->authKey === $authKey;



public functionvalidatePassword($password)


   return $this->password === $password;


These key values arefor automatic logins. Rather than having to pass the username and password forreauthentication with autologin enabled, we an pass a key which we'll considervalid. Each user should have a unix authKey, and should be persisted in adatabase when it's created. Additionally, the keyspace of this key should besufficiently large enought to thward identity attacks.


Login Model登陆模型

Now that ourIdentity is setup, we cancreate aLoginModelfor authentication this data. Begin by creatingmodels/LoginForm.php and adding thefollowing:



namespace app\models;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;


class LoginForm extends Model


   public $username;

   public $password;

   public $rememberMe = true;

   private $_user = false;


Then add somevalidation rules:


public function rules()


   return [

       // username and password are bothrequired

       // 用户名和密码必须同时具备

       [['username', 'password'], 'required'],

       // password is validated byvalidatePassword()

       // 密码经过validatePassword()的验证

       ['password', 'validatePassword'],

       // rememberMe must be a boolean value

       // rememberMe (“记住我”)必须是一个布尔值

       ['rememberMe', 'boolean'],



There's three methodswe'll want to define,validatePassword() (Since we declared it as a password validator),login() (So we can login), andgetUser(), which will retrieveour user identity for us.

我们需要声明三个方法,validatePassword()因为我们把它声明为一个密码验证器), login()(于是我们可以登陆),还有 getUser(),它能帮我们取回我们的用户验证。

We can start bydefininggetUser(),which will call our identitiesfindByUsername() method and return it if it is found.


private function getUser()


   if ($this->_user === false) {

       $this->_user =User::findByUsername($this->username);


   return $this->_user;


Next we'll define ourvalidator, which will retrieve our user viagetUser(), and validate the password againstour identitiesvalidatePassword() method.


public function validatePassword()


   $user = $this->getUser();

   if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) {

       $this->addError('password','Incorrect username or password.');



Finally, we have ourlogin() method which will runour validators and create our session. The biggest thing to note here is thatour Yii::$app->user->{attribute}'s are now set viaYii::$app->user->login($attributes). Anything in ourgetUser() method will bepopulated into our session, which is a nice improvement over Yii 1.


public function login()


   if ($this->validate()) {

       returnYii::$app->user->login($this->getUser(), $this->rememberMe ?3600*24*30 : 0);

   } else {

       return false;



Updating ourController更新我们的控制器

With our models takencare of we can now move back to our controller and create login/logout methods.


First, we need toinclude ourLoginFormmodel. We can do that by adding ause statement to the top of our controller:


use app\models\LoginForm;

Logout hasn't changedmuch:


public function actionLogout()



   return $this->goHome();


And login is prettymuch the same as Yii 1 as well. Notice that we're going to be using a newlayout calledsignin.


Also, Yii 2 providesthese neatgoHome()andgoBack() methods forredirecting.


public function actionLogin()


   $this->layout = 'signin';


   if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {




   $model = new LoginForm();

   if ($model->load($_POST) && $model->login()) {

       return $this->goBack();

   } else {

       return $this->render('login', [

           'model' => $model,




Signin Layout登录布局

The layout forauthentication is going to be the same as our main layoutsans theheader:



use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\bootstrap\Nav;

use yii\bootstrap\NavBar;

use yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs;

use app\assets\AppAsset;




<?php $this->beginPage() ?>

<!DOCTYPE html >

<html lang="<?=Yii::$app->language ?>">

<head >

   <meta charset="<?= Yii::$app->charset ?>"/>

   <title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>

   <?php $this->head() ?>

</head >

<body class="signin">

<?php $this->beginBody() ?>

   <div class="row">

       <div class="container">

           <?php echo $content; ?>



<?php $this->endBody() ?>

</body >

</htm l>

<?php $this->endPage() ?>

Since twitterbootstrap already provides CSS for a nice looking login page, let's add it toweb/assets/css/signing.css:

鉴于twitter bootstrap已经提供了一个非常好看的登录页面所需要的CSS,就让我们把它加入web/assets/css/signing.css

body.signin {

 padding-top: 40px;

 padding-bottom: 40px;

 background-color: #eee;



.signin .form-signin {

 max-width: 330px;

 padding: 15px;

 margin: 0 auto;


.signin .form-signin.form-signin-heading,

.signin .form-signin .checkbox {

 margin-bottom: 10px;


.signin .form-signin .checkbox {

 font-weight: normal;


.signin .form-signin .form-control {

 position: relative;

 font-size: 16px;

 height: auto;

 padding: 10px;

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;

         box-sizing: border-box;


.signin .form-signin.form-control:focus {

 z-index: 2;


.signin .form-signininput[type="text"] {

 margin-bottom: -1px;

 border-bottom-left-radius: 0;

 border-bottom-right-radius: 0;


.signin .form-signininput[type="password"] {

 margin-bottom: 10px;

 border-top-left-radius: 0;

 border-top-right-radius: 0;


We'll also need toinclude our CSS inAppAsset.php, which can be done by adding a new public property to the class:


public $css = [



Login Form登录表单

Now for the loginform. Create a new file calledviews/site/login.php and add the following. The formshould be pretty straightforward.



use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;


<?php $form =ActiveForm::begin(array(

   'options' => array('class' => 'form-signin', 'role' => 'form'),

)); ?>

   <h2 class="form-signin-heading">Please signin</h2>

   <div class="form-group">

       <?php echo $form->field($model,'username')->textInput(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>


   <div class="form-group">

       <?php echo $form->field($model,'password')->passwordInput(array('class' => 'form-control')); ?>


   <?php echo Html::submitButton('Submit', array('class' => 'btnbtn-primary pull-right')); ?>

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>

Now if you visithttp://localhost/site/login you'll be shown aworking authentication form.

现在,如果你浏览 http://localhost/site/login,你会看到一个工作中的验证表单。


With ourauthentication form working we can now make it required for certain views.Let's allow the index action, but require authentication for save and delete.


In Yii 2 we can handlethis by attaching a AccessControl behavior as follows:


public function behaviors()


   return [

       'access' => [

           'class' =>'yii\web\AccessControl',

           'only' => ['save', 'delete','logout'],

           'rules' => [


                   'actions' => ['index','save', 'delete'],

                   'allow' =>true,

                   'roles' => ['@'],






Theonly element means weshould only require authentication for those actions, and for the actions thatit applies to we should allow the user only if they are authenticated (@).


Concluding Thoughts 结束时的思考

Yii2 has come alongway since I first posted this. I hope that his update helps new users wanted toexplore Yii 2 better understand what to expect from the framework and to get afeel for what is to come.

自从我贴出这个之后,Yii2已经走过了一段很长的路。我希望这次的更新能帮助那些想探索Yii 2的新的用户更好地理解,理解他们能从这个框架中期待什么以及感觉到哪些将会到来。

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好的,我来给你介绍一下如何使用Python、Flask和SQLAlchemy来实现一个后端接口,以实现一张表的CRUD操作。这里我们将使用SQLite数据库来存储数据。 首先,我们需要安装Flask和SQLAlchemy库。你可以使用pip来安装它们: ``` pip install flask sqlalchemy ``` 接下来,我们需要创建一个Flask应用程序,并将其连接到SQLite数据库。在这个例子中,我们将创建一个名为app.py的文件,并在其中编写代码。 ```python from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy # 创建Flask应用程序 app = Flask(__name__) # 配置数据库连接 app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///data.db' app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False # 创建SQLAlchemy实例 db = SQLAlchemy(app) # 定义模型类 class User(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f'<User {}>' # 创建数据库表 db.create_all() # 添加一些示例数据 user1 = User(name='Alice', email='') user2 = User(name='Bob', email='') db.session.add(user1) db.session.add(user2) db.session.commit() ``` 在这个例子中,我们创建了一个名为User的模型类,并定义了id、name和email三个属性。我们还定义了__repr__方法,以便在打印对象时可以更好地显示。 接下来,我们使用db.create_all()方法创建了数据库表,并使用db.session.add()方法向表中添加了两个示例数据。 现在,我们可以开始实现CRUD操作了。首先,让我们来实现一个获取所有用户的接口。 ```python @app.route('/users', methods=['GET']) def get_all_users(): users = User.query.all() result = [] for user in users: user_data = {'id':, 'name':, 'email':} result.append(user_data) return jsonify(result) ``` 在这个接口中,我们使用User.query.all()方法查询了所有用户,并将结果转换成一个列表。然后,我们遍历这个列表,并将每个用户的id、name和email属性添加到一个字典中。最后,我们使用jsonify()方法将这个字典转换成一个JSON格式的响应。 接下来,让我们来实现一个获取单个用户的接口。 ```python @app.route('/users/<int:user_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_user(user_id): user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id) return jsonify({'id':, 'name':, 'email':}) ``` 在这个接口中,我们使用User.query.get_or_404(user_id)方法查询了指定id的用户。如果找不到这个用户,Flask会自动返回一个404错误响应。否则,我们将该用户的id、name和email属性添加到一个字典中,并使用jsonify()方法将其转换成JSON格式的响应。 接下来,让我们来实现一个添加用户的接口。 ```python @app.route('/users', methods=['POST']) def add_user(): user_data = request.get_json() user = User(name=user_data['name'], email=user_data['email']) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'User created successfully!'}) ``` 在这个接口中,我们首先使用request.get_json()方法获取到POST请求中的JSON数据,并将其转换成一个字典。然后,我们使用这个字典中的name和email属性创建一个新的用户,并将其添加到数据库中。最后,我们返回一个JSON格式的响应,表示用户已创建成功。 最后,让我们来实现一个删除用户的接口。 ```python @app.route('/users/<int:user_id>', methods=['DELETE']) def delete_user(user_id): user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id) db.session.delete(user) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'User deleted successfully!'}) ``` 在这个接口中,我们首先使用User.query.get_or_404(user_id)方法查询了指定id的用户。如果找不到这个用户,Flask会自动返回一个404错误响应。否则,我们使用db.session.delete(user)方法将该用户从数据库中删除,并提交更改。最后,我们返回一个JSON格式的响应,表示用户已成功删除。 到此为止,我们已经完成了使用Python、Flask和SQLAlchemy实现一张表的CRUD操作的教程。你可以在这个基础上继续扩展你的应用程序,实现更多的功能。


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