
Agency: 托管cloud agents的服务提供商,也可以代表edge agents配置edge agents. 虽然agency可以不成为sovrin网络的成员,但是如果他想要成为一个成员的话,需要满足两个条件。a) 符合trust Anchor的资格 b) 签订Sovrin Agency协议(附录C)

Agent:一个软件程序或进程用来代表sovrin entity 与其他agents进行教育,通过一个sovrin 客户端组件,直接和sovrin ledger 进行交互。agents有两种类型:edge agents在本地设备上运行,cloud agent运行在远程服务商。agents 通常可以访问wallet, 为了代表sovrin entity执行加密操作

Anonym:仅仅被使用一次的盲化的标识符(Blinded Identifier),也见Pseudonym(假名) 和 Verinym

Blinded Identifier. 一个被授权通过零知识证明写入sovrin 账本的DID, 以便盲化identity owner的 法律身份, Blinded Identifiers 包含Anonyms (匿名)和Pseudonyms(假名),和 Verinym 互斥。

A DID authorized to be written to the Sovrin Ledger using a Zero-Knowledge Proof in order to blind the Legal Identity of the Identity Owner. Blinded Identifiers include Anonyms and Pseudonyms. Mutually exclusive with Verinym.

Board of Trustees. 一系列受 sovrin 基金会委托的受托人(Trustees )

The set of Trustees entrusted with governance of the Sovrin Foundation.

Business Policies. 定义sovrin 信托框架中标题为”Business Policies“的一套sovrin网络的规则

The set of policies, defined under the heading of the same name in the Sovrin Trust Framework, that specify the business rules of the Sovrin Network.

Claim. 一个sovrin 实体产生的关于他自己或者另一个sovin 实体的关于身份属性的数字断言(digital assertion),产生这个Claim的被成为颁发者(issuer),持有这个Cliam的entity被称为持有者(holder),如果这个claim支持零知识证明,这个holder又被称为证明者(prover). 这个claim被提交的entity是依赖者(relying party). claim 可能是公开数据,也有可能是私有数据,一旦被颁发,claim通常被存在agent中

A digital assertion about identity attributes made by a Sovrin Entity about itself or another Sovrin Entity. The entity making the Claim is called the Issuer. The entity holding the issued Claim is called the Holder. If the Claim supports Zero Knowledge Proofs, the Holder is also called the Prover. The entity to whom a Claim is presented is called the Relying Party. A Claim may be Public Data or Private Data. Once issued, a Claim is typically stored by an Agent.

Claim Definition. A machine-readable definition of the semantic structure of a Claim. Claim Definitions facilitate interoperability of Claims and Proofs across multiple Issuers, Holders, and Relying Parties. In the future this may extend to interoperability with other trust frameworks.

Claim Definition: 一个Claim的一种机器可读的语义结构,Claim Definition 促进了Claims 和 Proofs 在不同issuers , holders 和 relying parties 之间的互操作性。将来这也许会扩展到与其他信托框架的互操作性

Claim Offer. 从一个issuer发出的邀请,用来发送一个Claim Request 给issuer(Claim Request.一个向issue申请颁发一个claim给holder的请求

An invitation from an Issuer to a j to send a Claim Request to the Issuer.

Claim Request. 一个向issue申请颁发一个claim给holder的请求

A request to an Issuer to issue a Claim to a Holder.

Cloud Agent. An Agent that does not run at the edge of the network on a local device with which an Identity Owner interacts directly, but remotely on a server or cloud hosting service. Mutually exclusive with Edge Agent. A Cloud Agent typically has a Service Endpoint and may have access to a Cloud Wallet. Cloud agents may be hosted by an Agency.

Cloud Wallet. A Wallet that operates remotely on a server or cloud hosting service and stores its cryptographic key material securely on that server or cloud service. Cloud Wallets will typically use an HSM (Hardware Security Module). Mutually exclusive with Edge Wallet.

Connection. 两个sovrin entitys 间通过他们选择的sovrin 身份(identities)建立的数字关系,用来交换公开或私有数据,比如他们agents之间的可验证声明(Verifiable Claims),一个Connection 可以发布为Claim也可以不是,Connection 本身可以是公开或私有数据,可以是Verinym 也可以是Pseudonym(假名)的形式

A digital relationship established between two Sovrin Entities via their selected Sovrin Identities to exchange Public Data or Private Data, such as Verifiable Claims, between their Agents. A Connection may or may not be published as a Claim. A Connection itself may be either Public Data or Private Data and may be formed using either a Verinym or a Pseudonym.

Connection Offer. 从一个sovrin entity 向第二个 sovrin entity 发出让他给第一个sovrin entity 发一个connection 请求的邀请函,Connection Offers只在比较特殊的场景下使用,在多数情况下,连接是通过一个连接请求开始的(connection request)

An invitation from a one Sovrin Entity to a second Sovrin Entity to send the first Sovrin Entity a Connection Request. Connection Offers are needed only in specialized use cases; in most cases a Connection will start with a Connection Request.

Connection Request. 从一个sovrin entity 发给另一个sovrin entity的建立连接的请求

A request from one Sovrin Entity to another Sovrin Entity to form a Connection.


An Individual who needs to depend on a Guardian to administer the Individual’s Sovrin Identities. Under the Sovrin Trust Framework, all Dependents have the right to become Independents. Mutually exclusive with Independent.

Developer. 负责agent开发,或者是和agent或者sovrin账本交互的开发,为sovrin entity提供服务的身份拥有者(identity owner)。developer 不一定要是sovrin 网络的成员,但是如果他想要加入的话,就必须满足两个条件:a) 服务trust anchor 的需求 b) 遵从sovrin开发者协议

An Identity Owner that has legal accountability for the functionality of an Agent, or for software that interacts with an Agent or the Sovrin Ledger, to provide services to a Sovrin Entity. Although a Developer is not required to become a Member of the Sovrin Network, if it does wish to become a Member it must: a) meet the Trust Anchor Qualifications, and b) enter into the Sovrin Developer Agreement.

DDO. DID描述符对象,由DID数据模型和通用语法规范定义。 DDO只与一个DID相关联。

A DID descriptor object as defined by the DID Data Model and Generic Syntax specification. A DDO is associated with exactly one DID.

DID. 一个去中心化的身份标识符,有DID数据模型和通用语法规范定义。DIDs实现了可互操作的中心化身份主权自治身份管理,身份记录只和一个DID相关,一个DID只和一个DDO相关。

A decentralized identifier as defined by the DID Data Model and Generic Syntax specification. DIDs enable interoperable decentralized self-sovereign identity management. An Identity Record is associated with exactly one DID. A DID is associated with exactly one DDO.

DKMS. 去中心化密钥管理系统,一种基于DIDs的可互操作的加密密钥管理的标准,在Sovrin基础设施中,DKMS使用于代理(agents)和钱包(wallets)

Decentralized Key Management System, an emerging standard for interoperable cryptographic key management based on DIDs. In Sovrin infrastructure, DKMS standards apply to Agents and Wallets.

Edge Agent. An Agent that runs at the edge of the network on a local device, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, automotive computer, etc. Mutually exclusive with Cloud Agent. An Edge Agent may be an app used directly by an Identity Owner, or it may be an operating system module or background process called by other apps. Edge Agents typically do not have a Service Endpoint, but do have access to a Edge Wallet.

Edge Wallet. A Wallet, typically used by a Edge Agent, that operates at the edge of the network on a local device and stores its cryptographic key material in a secure enclave or other secure storage on that device. Mutually exclusive with Cloud Wallet.
Entity. A resource of any kind that can be uniquely and independently identified. An Entity that obtains a Sovrin Identity becomes a Sovrin Entity.

Founding Steward. 通过为临时网络提供节点从而为sovrin网络提供服务的一名管家(steward)

A Steward whose service to the Sovrin Network began by hosting a Node for the Provisional Network.

**General Availability (GA) Network. **Sovrin 网络的第二个阶段,在第一个临时网络阶段结束后,一旦一般可用网络(General Availability (GA) Network)阶段开始了,所有stewards会把所有从临时信托网络下册操作迁移到一般可用信托网络

The second stage of the Sovrin Network that begins once the Provisional Network stage ends. Once the General Availability Network stage begins, all Stewards transition from operating under the Provisional Trust Framework to operating under the General Availability Trust Framework.

General Availability (GA) Trust Framework. Sovrin 信托框架的第二个版本,在将所有操作从临时网络迁移到一般可用网络之后,用来治理sovrin 网络

The second version of the Sovrin Trust Framework that will govern the Sovrin Network after the transition from the Provisional Network to the General Availability Network.

Genesis Record. sovrin账本上用来描述新的sovrin entity的第一个身份记录。 对于一个steward来说,这个创世记录(Genesis record)必须是有一个Trustee(受托人写入账本的),对一个独立的身份拥有者( Independent Identity Owner, Owner)来说,这个创世记录必须是一个Trust Anchor写的。对于一个非独立身份拥有者(Dependent Identity Owner)来说,这个创世记录必须由守护者(Guardian)写入。

The first Identity Record written to the Sovrin Ledger that describes a new Sovrin Entity. For a Steward, the Genesis Record must be written by a Trustee. For an Independent Identity Owner, the Genesis Record must be written by a Trust Anchor. For a Dependent Identity Owner, the Genesis Record must be written by a Guardian.

Guardian. 代表一个非独立的人或事来管理一个或多个sovrin 身份的一个身份拥有者(identity owner),一个守护者(Guardian)必须遵从sovrin信托框架中的守护者责任

An Identity Owner who administers one or more Sovrin Identities on behalf of a Dependent or a Thing. A Guardian must agree to the Guardian Obligations in the Sovrin Trust Framework.

Guardian Obligations. 在sovrin信托框架中的一系列名为”Guardian Obligations“的责任条例

The set of obligations under the heading of the same name in the Sovrin Trust Framework.

Holder. The Sovrin Entity that has been issued a Claim by an Issuer. If the Claim supports Zero Knowledge Proofs, the Holder is also the Prover.

Identity Owner. A Sovrin Entity who can be held legally accountable. An Identity Owner must be either an Individual or an Organization. Mutually exclusive with Thing.

Independent(独立者). 直接控制私钥和主密钥来管理sovrin 身份的个人,因此不需要以来任何第三方。对于任何特定的sovrin身份,这个定义和dependent是完全互斥的。但是要注意(虽然可能不是最佳实践)一个身份拥有者可以对某些sovrin identity来说是独立的(independent),同时对于另外一些事非独立的(dependent)

An Individual who directly controls the Private Key(s) and Master Secret(s) necessary to administer a Sovrin Identity and thus is not dependent on any other party for control. For any particular Sovrin Identity, this definition is mutually exclusive with Dependent. Note that it is possible (though not a best practice) for the same Identity Owner to be both an Independent for some Sovrin Identities and a Dependent on others.

Individual (个人). 身份持有者是一个自然人,和组织相对

An Identity Owner who is a natural person. Mutually exclusive with Organization.

Identity Record (身份记录). 在sovrin账本上用来描述sovrin entity的一笔交易。每个identity 记录都和一个DID想关联,DID注册本身也是一个identity 记录,身份记录可能包含公钥,服务终端,声明定义,公开声明和证明。身份记录是公开数据

A transaction on the Sovrin Ledger that describes a Sovrin Entity. Every Identity Record is associated with exactly one DID. The registration of a DID is itself an Identity Record. Identity Records may include Public Keys, Service Endpoints, Claim Definitions, Public Claims, and Proofs. Identity Records are Public Data.

Industry Sector (工业部门). 被世界贸易组织定义的一种独特的经济活动领域

An area of distinct economic activity as defined by the World Trade Organization. See

Issuer. The Sovrin Entity that issues a Claim for a Sovrin Identity.

Issuer Key. 一种特定的加密密钥,是颁发者办法支持零知识证明的声明所必须的加密密钥

The special type of cryptographic key necessary for an Issuer to issue a Claim that supports Zero Knowledge Proofs.

Jurisdiction (管辖权). 身份所有者在任何一个时间点受到法律限定的权限范围。 管辖权与Sovrin政策相关,有助于确保管家和信托锚之间的地理多样性。 出于这些目的,管辖权被广义地定义为:作为联合国,任何联合国专门机构或万国邮政联盟成员的主权国家或自治区,以及在联合国具有观察员地位的主权国家或自治区或 任何联合国专门机构。

A legally defined scope of authority to which an Identity Owner is bound at any one point in time. Jurisdiction is relevant to Sovrin policies to help ensure geographic diversity among Stewards and Trust Anchors. For these purposes, Jurisdiction is defined broadly as: sovereign states or autonomous regions that are members of the United Nations, any UN Specialized Agency, or the Universal Postal Union, as well as sovereign states or autonomous regions that have observer status at the UN or any UN Specialized Agency.

Legal Identity(合法身份). 一系列足以用来识别身份拥有者的信息,用来至少在一个管辖区(Jurisdiction)负有法律责任。 在临时网络中的作用是,一个合法身份可以用来引用一个或多个可公开访问的资源,比如网站,播客,社交网络配置或者其他网页来提供充足的信息建立,来满足这个测试

A set of information sufficient to identify an Identity Owner for the purpose of legal accountability in at least one Jurisdiction. For the purposes of the Provisional Network, a Legal Identity may be established by reference to one or more publicly accessible Web resources such as websites, blogs, social network profiles, or other Web pages that provide sufficient information to meet this test.

Legal Policies(合法政策). The set of policies, defined under the heading of the same name in the Sovrin Trust Framework, that specify the legal requirements of the Sovrin Network.

**Master Secret(主密钥).**一组私有数据, 证明者(Provers)用他来确认声明唯一适用于他们。这个主密钥是零知识证明的输入,和很多声明一起来证明这些声明有一个共同的主体(这个证明者Prover),主密钥只有Prover知道,类似私钥,但是没有对应的公钥

An item of Private Data used by a Prover to guarantee that a claim uniquely applies to them. The Master Secret is an input to Zero Knowledge Proofs that combine data from multiple Claims in order to prove that the Claims have a common subject (the Prover). A Master Secret should be known only to the Prover. Similar to a Private Key, but without a corresponding Public Key.

Member. An Identity Owner who enters into one or more of the Sovrin Legal Agreements with the Sovrin Foundation in order to participate in the Sovrin Network. Note that Trustees, Stewards and Trust Anchors are all Members (because they are all Identity Owners).

Node(节点). 包含观察者节点和验证者节点,都必须由stewards 来运营

A computer network server running an instance of the Sovrin Open Source Code to maintain the Sovrin Ledger. A Node must be either a Validator Node or an Observer Node. All Nodes in the Sovrin Network must be operated by Stewards.

Open Source License. Any form of intellectual property license approved and published by the Open Source Initiative.

Observer Node. A Node that maintains a read-only copy of the Sovrin Ledger by communicating directly with one or more Validator Nodes. A Node may be able to operate as either an Observer Node or Validator Node, but at any one point in time it must operate in only one of these two roles. A Steward may operate more than one Observer node.

Organization. An Identity Owner who is legal person of any kind except an Individual, e.g., a group, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, association, NGO, government, etc. Mutually exclusive with Individual.

Other Entity. 在sovrin网络外定义的身份实体

An Entity identified on some other identity network external to the Sovrin Network.

Pairwise-Unique Identifier. A Pseudonym used in the context of only one digital relationship (Connection). See also Pseudonym and Verinym.

Privacy by Design. A set of seven foundational principles for taking privacy into account throughout the entire design and engineering of a system. Originally defined by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. See the Wikipedia article.

Private Claim. A Claim that is sent by the Issuer to the Holder’s Agent to hold (and present to Relying Parties) as Private Data but which can be verified using Public Claims and Public Data. A Private Claim will typically use a Zero Knowledge Proof, however it may also use a Transparent Proof.

Private Data. Data over which a Sovrin Entity exerts access control. Private Data should not be stored on the Sovrin Ledger even when encrypted. Mutually exclusive with Public Data.

**Private Key.**The half of a cryptographic key pair designed to be kept as the Private Data ofan Identity Owner. In elliptic curve cryptography, a Private Key is called asigning key.

Proof. Cryptographic verification of aClaim. A digital signature is a simple form of Proof. A cryptographic hash is also a form of Proof. Proofsare one of two types: Transparent or Zero Knowledge. Transparent Proofs revealall the information in a Claim. Zero Knowledge Proofs enable selective disclosure of the information in a Claim.

Prover. The Sovrin Entity that issues a Zero Knowledge Proof from a Claim. The Prover is also the Holder of the Claim.

Provisional Network. The first stage of the life ofthe Sovrin Network during which Founding Stewards operate Nodes under the terms of the Provisional Trust Framework. During this stage all transactions on Sovrin Ledger will be immutable, however the volume of participants and transactions will be limited and special testing will be conducted to preparefor the transition to the second stage, called the General Availability Network.

**Provisional Trust Framework. **Thefirst version of the Sovrin Trust Framework that will govern the Sovrin Networkfrom the start of the Provisional Network until the transition to the GeneralAvailability Network.

Pseudonym. A Blinded Identifier used to maintain privacy in the context on an ongoing digital relationship(Connection). See also Anonym and Verinym.

Public Claim. A Claim that is written by anIssuer to the Sovrin Ledger in order to become Public Data. A Public Claim willtypically use a Transparent Proof.

Public Data. Data over which an IdentityOwner does not exert access control. All Identity Records on the Sovrin Ledgerare Public Data. Mutually exclusive with Private Data.

Public Key. The half of a cryptographic keypair designed to be shared with other parties in order to decrypt or verifyencrypted communications from an Identity Owner. In digital signature schemes,a public key is also called a verification key. A Public Key may be eitherPublic Data or Private Data depending on the policies of the Identity Owner.All Public Keys published to the Sovrin Ledger are Public Data.

Public Profile. Information describing a SovrinService Provider, including its Legal Identity, logo(s) or other trademarks,location(s), marketing information, web links, and any other informationrequired by the Sovrin Trust Framework to ensure full transparency about theprovider’s Legal Identity and qualifications.


**Relying Party. **A party who relies on a Claim orProof in order to make a trust decision about a Sovrin Entity.


Self-Sovereign Identity. A general term for an identitysystem that provides persistent portable digital identities for Identity Owners(or for Things under the control of those Identity Owners) without requiringany centralized authorities. A Self-Sovereign Identity belongs to its IdentityOwner and can never be taken away provided the Identity Owner is able tomaintain control of the Identity Owner’s Private Keys (or rely on a Guardian todo so).

Service Endpoint. The location of a networkservice, such as a Cloud Agent, operated on behalf of a Sovrin Entity.

**Social PurposeOrganization.**An Organization whose primary mission is service to society rather thangeneration of profit.

Sovrin. The primary trust mark of theSovrin Foundation held in trust on behalf of all Members.

Sovrin Agency Agreement. The contract between the SovrinFoundation and an Agency who desires official recognition by the SovrinFoundation. See Appendix C.

**Sovrin Client. **A software code module thatcommunicates and performs cryptographic transactions with the Sovrin Ledger.Typically included as part of an Agent.

Sovrin Consensus Protocol. The Byzantine fault tolerantprotocol used to communicate between Nodes to maintain the Sovrin Ledger.

Sovrin Developer Agreement. The contract between the SovrinFoundation and a Developer who desires official recognition by the SovrinFoundation. See Appendix D.

Sovrin Entity. An Entity that has one or moreSovrin Identities. A Sovrin Entity must be either an Identity Owner or an Thing.

Sovrin Foundation. The public trust organizationchartered to govern the Sovrin Network on behalf of all Identity Owners. TheSovrin Foundation website is

**Sovrin Founding StewardAgreement.**The contract between the Sovrin Foundation and a Founding Steward. See AppendixB.

**Sovrin Identity. **A set of Identity Records,Claims, and Proofs that describes a Sovrin Entity. To protect privacy: a) anIdentity Owner may have more than one Sovrin Identity, and b) only the IdentityOwner and the Relying Party(s) with whom a Sovrin Identity is shared knows thespecific set of Identity Records, Claims, and Proofs that comprise thatparticular Sovrin Identity.

**Sovrin Identity OwnerAgreement.**The contract between the Sovrin Foundation and an Identity Owner. See AppendixA.

**Sovrin Ledger. **The distributed, continuously-replicatedglobal cryptographic database of Identity Records maintained by Stewardsrunning Nodes communicating with the Sovrin Consensus Protocol.

**Sovrin Legal Agreements. **The set of contracts betweenMembers and the Sovrin Foundation as defined in the appendices of theProvisional Trust Framework or the Sovrin Trust Framework. These include theSovrin Identity Owner Agreement, the Sovrin Founding Steward Agreement, theSovrin Agency Agreement, and the Sovrin Developer Agreement.

**Sovrin Network. **The global public utilitygoverned by the Sovrin Foundation consisting of the Sovrin Ledger, plus anysupplementary ledgers and other supporting technical services as defined in theSovrin Trust Framework.

Sovrin Open Source Code. The open source computer codebase maintained by the Technical Governance Board to operate Nodes anddistributed under an Open Source License. The Sovrin Open Source Code iscurrently maintained as the Hyperledger Indy Project at the Linux Foundation.

**Sovrin Promise. **The contractual obligation in theSovrin Identity Owner Agreement for all Identity Owners to abide by thepurpose, principles, and policies of the Sovrin Trust Framework.

Sovrin Service Provider. A Steward, Agency, or Developer.

Sovrin Steward Agreement. The contract between the SovrinFoundation and a Steward. Defined in Appendix B.

**Sovrin Trust Framework. **The set of business, legal, andtechnical policies, specifications, and contracts governing the Sovrin Network.The first version of the Sovrin Trust Framework, called the Provisional TrustFramework, will govern the first stage of the Sovrin Network, called theProvisional Network. The second version, called the General Availability TrustFramework, will govern after the transition from the Provisional Network to theGeneral Availability Network.

Sovrin Trust Graph. The graph of all Trust AnchorConnections that forms the Sovrin Web of Trust.

Sovrin Trust Mark. A trademark, design mark, logo,icon, or other trust mark defined by the Sovrin Foundation for indicating conformancewith the Sovrin Trust Framework.

Sovrin Web of Trust. The trust model for the SovrinNetwork based on Trustees, Trust Anchors and the Sovrin Trust Graph.

SSI. An acronym for Self-SovereignIdentity.

Steward. An Organization invited by theSovrin Foundation to operate a Node. A Steward must meet the StewardQualifications and agree to the Steward Obligations defined in the Sovrin TrustFramework. All Stewards are automatically Trust Anchors. A Steward can runeither a validator or an observer node.

**Steward Obligations. **The set of obligations of aSteward. Defined under the heading of the same name in the Sovrin TrustFramework.

**Steward Qualifications. **The set of qualifications for anOrganization to become a Steward. Defined under the heading of the same name inthe Sovrin Trust Framework.


Technical Governance Board. The set of technical expertsappointed by the Board of Trustees to oversee the technical design andarchitecture of the Sovrin Network, the Technical Policies in the Sovrin TrustFramework, and the Sovrin Open Source Code.

**Technical Policies. **The set of policies, definedunder the heading of the same name in the Sovrin Trust Framework, that specifythe technical requirements of the Sovrin Network.

Thing. 不能被合法追究法律责任的sovrin实体,Thing可能是一个动物,自然物体,或者数字物体。和身份所有者互斥

A Sovrin Entity that cannot be held legally accountable. A Thing may be an animal (e.g., pet, livestock), an atural object (e.g., house, car, phone), or a digital object (e.g., softwareprogram, network service, data structure). Mutually exclusive with Identity Owner.

**Transparent Proof(显性证明).**通过传统数字签名方式得到的证明,因此对于声明中披露的信息没有限制,包含身份拥有者颁发证明的身份,和零知识证明互斥

A Proof that uses conventional digital signature scheme and therefore does not limit disclosure any of the information in a Claim, including the identity of the Identity Owner issuing the Proof. Mutually exclusive with Zero Knowledge Proof.

**Trust Anchor. **可以作为Sovrin信任网络的起点的身份拥有者。 Trust anchor 具有两个独特的权限:1)向Sovrin网络添加新的身份所有者,以及2)发布Trust anchor邀请。 Trust anchor必须符合Trust anchor资格并同意Sovrin信托框架中定义的Trust anchor义务。 所有受托人(Trustees)和管家(Stewards)都是自动信任锚。

An Identity Owner who may serve as a starting point in the Sovrin Web of Trust. A Trust Anchor has two unique privileges: 1) to add new Identity Owners to the Sovrin Network, and 2) to issue Trust Anchor Invitations. A Trust Anchor must meet the Trust Anchor Qualifications and agree to the Trust Anchor Obligations defined in the Sovrin Trust Framework. All Trustees and Stewards are automatically Trust Anchors.

**Trust Anchor Connection. **A special type of Connection between two Trust Anchors on the Sovrin Network. See Trust AnchorInvitation.

Trust Anchor Identity. A specific DID selected by an Identity Owner to serve as the owner’s exclusive Sovrin Identity in the role of Trust Anchor.

**Trust Anchor Invitation. **A Claim Offer from a Trust Anchorto another Identity Owner to form a Trust Anchor Connection. A Trust AnchorInvitation is an assertion that the Trust Anchor believes the Identity Ownermeets the Trust Anchor Qualifications.

**Trust Anchor Obligations. **The set of obligations of a TrustAnchor. Defined under the heading of the same name in the Sovrin TrustFramework.

**Trust AnchorQualifications. **Theset of qualifications for an Identity Owner to become a Trust Anchor. Definedunder the heading of the same name in the Sovrin Trust Framework.

Trustee(受托人). 作为Sovrin基金会理事会成员的个人。 所有受托人都是Trust anchor。

An Individual who is a member of the Sovrin Foundation Board of Trustees. All Trustees are automatically Trust Anchors.


**Validator Node. **A Node that validates newtransactions of Identity Records and actively writes valid transactions to theSovrin Ledger using the Sovrin Consensus Protocol. A Node may be able tooperate as either a Validator Node or an Observer Node, but at any one point intime it must operate in only one of these two roles. A Steward may run only oneValidator node.

**Verifiable Claim. **一个包含了一个颁发者证明的声明,一般情况下,这个证明是以数字签名的形式存在的,可以通过颁发者DID相关联的公钥来进行验证。

A Claim that includes a Proof from the Issuer. Typically this proof is in the form of a digital signature. A Sovrin Verifiable Claim may be verified by a public key associated with the Issuer’s DID.

Verinym. Trust anchor 授权写入账本的DID,因此他可以直接或简介的和身份拥有者的合法身份相关联,和Anonym(匿名)互斥

A DID authorized to be written to the Sovrin Ledger by a Trust Anchor so that it is directly or indirectly associated with the Legal Identity of the Identity Owner. Mutually exclusivewith Anonym.


Wallet. A software module, andoptionally an associated hardware module, for securely storing and accessingPrivate Keys, Master Secrets, and other sensitive cryptographic key materialand optionally other Private Data used by a Sovrin Entity. A Wallet may beeither an Edge Wallet or a Cloud Wallet. In Sovrin infrastructure, a Walletimplements the emerging DKMS standards for interoperable decentralizedcryptographic key management.


Zero Knowledge Proof. A Proof that uses specialcryptography and a Master Secret to permit selective disclosure of informationin a set of Claims. A Zero Knowledge Proof proves that some or all of the datain a set of Claims is true without revealing any additional information,including the identity of the Prover. Mutually exclusive with Transparent Proof.

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