CDH 的Cloudera Manager免费与收费版的对比表

CDH 特性免费版付费版
Deployment, Configuration & Management系统管理
Automated Deployment & Hadoop Readiness Checks自动化部署及快速检查
Install the complete CDH stack in minutes and ensure optimal settings安装完整的CDH及优化配置
Service Management服务管理
Configure and manage all CDH services, including Impala and Search, from a central interface提供统一的界面管理与配置全部的CDH服务,包括cloudera impala及cloudera search
Security Management安全
Configure and manage security across the cluster – including Kerberos authentication and role-based (administrator and read-only) administration跨群集的安全管理与配置(包括Kerberos认证及基于角色的管理)
Resource Management资源管理
Allocate cluster resources by workload or by user/group/application to eliminate contention and ensure Quality-of-Service (QoS)根据工作量分配资源,或根据/user/group/application文件消除争用,保证QoS
High AvailabilityHA
Easily configure and manage High Availability for various services like HDFS, MapReduce, Oozie, YARN, HBase为多种服务配置HA:HDFS,MapReduce,Oozie,YARN,Hbase
Client Configuration Management管理客户端配置
Centrally configure all client access to the cluster集中配置连接到群集的客户端
Node Templating节点模板
Easily deploy and expand heterogeneous clusters by creating templates for node roles通过为节点角色创造模板,来部署和扩展不同的群集
Comprehensive Workflows全面的工作流
Perform end-to-end tasks such as start/stop/restart clusters, services and roles, add/delete hosts, decommission nodes etc.执行端到端的任务,如群集、服务、角色级别的启停,增删主机,解除节点等。
Multi-Cluster Management多群集管理
Manage multiple CDH clusters from a single instance of Cloudera Manager一个Manager管理多个CDH群集
Service, Host & Activity Monitoring服务、主机、活动的监控
Get a consolidated, real-time view of the state of all services, hosts and activities running in the cluster对服务、主机、活动的统一的实时的监控
Events & Alerts事件和警报
Create, aggregate and receive alerts on relevant Hadoop events pertaining to system health, log messages, user actions and activities Set thresholds and create custom alerts for metrics collected by CM创建、合计、接收Hadoop相关的系统健康、日志信息、用户动作和活动的警报。设置阈值并创建用户警报。
Global Time Control全程控制
Correlate all views along a configurable timeline to simplify diagnosis通过可配置的时间线串联所有视图,简化诊断。
Proactive Health Checks健康预检
Monitor dozens of service performance metrics and get alerts you when you approach critical thresholds监控服务性能,当达到阈值时向用户报警。
Visualize health status and metrics across the cluster to quickly identify problem nodes and take action图形化展示群集的健康状态,便于发现故障节点并修复。
Customizable Charts可定制的图表
Report and visualize on key time-series metrics about services, roles and hosts按照时间顺序提供服务、角色和主机的形象报告。
Intelligent Log Management智能日志管理
Gather, view and search Hadoop logs collected from across the cluster可以收集、观察和查询从群集中获得的Hadoop日志。
Comprehensive API广泛的API
Easily integrate Cloudera Manager with your existing enterprise-wide management and monitoring tools可以简单的将CM与现有的企业范围的管理和监控工具集成起来。
3rd Party Application Management对第三方应用的管理
Deploy, manage and monitor services for 3rd party applications running on the cluster (e.g. data integration tools, math/machine learning applications, non-CDH services etc.)部署、管理和监控运行在群集上的第三方应用服务。
Advanced Management Features (Enabled by Subscription)
Operational Report & Quota Management操作报告和配额管理 
Visualize current and historical disk usage; set user and group-based quotas; and track MapReduce, Impala, YARN and HBase usage1.当前及历史磁盘用量展示
Configuration History & Rollbacks记录配置历史及回滚 
Maintain a trail of all actions and a complete record of configuration changes, including the ability to roll back to previous states保留所有活动及配置变化的痕迹档案,包含回滚到之前状态的能力。
Rolling Updates滚动升级 
Stage service updates and restarts to portions of the cluster sequentially to minimize downtime when upgrading or updating your cluster分阶段升级和重启群集各部分,最小化宕机时间。
AD Kerberos IntegrationAD与Kerberos的集成 
Integrate directly with Active Directory to get started easily with Kerberos直接与AD集成,可以方便的与Kerberos一起工作
Kerberos WizardKerberos向导 
Easily configure Kerberos and trigger automated workflows to secure clusters方便配置Kerberos,可以自动触发工作流来保证群集安全。
Hadoop SSL Related ConfigsHadoop SSL相关配置 
Simplify configs and eliminates need for safety valves简化配置并减少安全阀的需求
LDAP/SAML IntegrationLDAP/SAML的集成 
Integrate user credentials with Active Directory and enable single sign-on (SSO) capabilities集成了基于AD的用户验证,并提供了SSO能力。
SNMP Support对SNMP的支持 
Send Hadoop-specific events and alerts to global monitoring tools as SNMP traps以SNMP 异常报告的方式向全局监控工具发送Hadoop特定的事件和告警。(参见文末 注1)
Scheduled Diagnosticscloudera技术诊断的支持 
Take a snapshot of the cluster state and automatically send it to Cloudera support to assist with optimization and issue resolution优化和解决问题时,收集群集状态快照并自动发送至cloudera支持。
Automated Backup & Disaster Recovery自动化备份和灾难恢复 
Centrally configure and manage snapshotting and replication workflows for HDFS, Hive and HBase集中配置和管理快照,复制HDFS、Hive、HBase工作流。




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