Distributing Master Data Using the SMD Tool

The Shared Master Data Tool (SMD tool) logs changes to master data objects in change pointers. It is linked to the change document interface. To distribute master data using the SMD tool, change documents must be written when the master data object is changed, created and deleted. The master data object must be linked to the change document interface.

Creating and Evaluating Change Pointers

Change pointers are used to determine changes and distribute them to master data objects.

Change pointers are created in the following way:

The application program calls the change document interface for a change document object. To do this the generated function module xyz_DOCUMENT_WRITE is called. Its interface contains two parameters - the old records and the new records - for each table and structure for which change document deltas are to be determined.  The change document interface creates a list of changes (table name, table key, field name, change type, old value, new value).

There are three types of changes:

·        Insert

With the insert change type precisely one record is written (table name, table key, field name = "KEY", change type = insert, old value = empty, new value = empty). The field values are not documented as they can be found in the database. With this change type it is important that the special field name KEY is used.

·        Update

With the update change type one record is written for each changed field (table name, table key, field name = <field name>, change type = update, old value = ABC, new value = DEF).

This change type has one variant:
In the definition of the change document object you can also specify that a delete record and an insert record are written rather than an update record. This is why the change type is also a key field in the CDPOS table. Two records for delete and insert can therefore be written for one table name, table key and field name.

·        Delete

With the delete change type precisely one record is written (same as with insert).  You can also specify in the definition of the change document object that all values are saved. Then there will be one record for each field.

When change documents are written, the interface for writing change pointers is called.  Records which have message types to be sent are determined from table TBD62 for the table name, table key and field name.  TBD62 consists of the table name, table key, field name and message type. A change pointer is written for each active message type in table TBDA2.  A record with the change information is saved in table BDCP and a status record for each message type is saved in table BDCPS.

For this reason you have to add to table TBD62 all the changed fields that will cause a message (IDoc) to be sent.

A New Storage to Improve Performance

A new storage BDCP2 for change pointers has been implemented for certain message types to improve system performance. To use the new storage the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

Change pointers are accessed exclusively from the following interfaces and deletion program RBDCPCLR:





If these prerequisites are fulfilled for the message type in question, this message type can be flagged as BDCP2-enabled by choosing ALE Development ® IDoc ® Engineering Change Management ® Define Function Module for Evaluation (BD60).

For more information about performing the migration see the Implementation Guide.             


To be able to activate the writing of change pointers via the SMD tool for your master data object, you must carry out these steps:

·        Activate change pointers for each message type

·        Maintain change-relevant fields for message type

·        Activating change pointers generally

You also have to:

·        Implement function module for evaluating change pointers

·        Defining the ALE object type MSGFN as a filter object type

NoteIf you distribute master data using a asynchronous BAPI, all the settings below apply to the generated message type of the BAPI-ALE interface.

Activate change pointers for each message type

In table TBDA2 you can activate or deactivate the writing of change pointers for a specific master data object.

To maintain table TDBA2, in Customizing choose:

SAP Web Application Server
      IDoc Interface/ALE)
     Modeling and Implementing Business Processes
       Distribution of Master Data
         Replication of Modified Data 
          Activate Change Pointers for Message Type
(transaction BD50).

Enter data in table TBDA2 with the message type for your master data object. For the delivery to the customer, the "Active" flag for the entry should not be set. If, for test purposes, you want to activate the writing of change pointers for the master data object, you must set the 'Active' flag for the TBDA2 entry for your message type.


As an example, look at the TBDA2 entry for the message type MATMAS for the material master.

Maintain change-relevant fields for message type

Change document fields from the change document object are entered in table TBD62. Change pointers are written when change document fields are logged via the change document interface.


To maintain table TBD62, from the ALE Development screen choose Master Data ® Activate Change Pointers for Each Field(transaction BD52).

In table TBD62, define for your message type all the change document fields, for which change pointers are to be written, so that changes to your master data object can be distributed to other systems.

When you add an entry in a table for your master data object, a change document field with the imaginary field name KEY is used to log this kind of change (examples: MATERIAL MARA KEY for the creation of a material, MATERIAL MARC KEY for the addition of a plant data to a plant). You must also include these entries in table TBD62, and you must do so for all tables from the change document object for your master data object.

Additions or changes to long text are logged with an entry in the change document item. This entry has the text object for the table name, and a value comprising the text ID and the language key for the field name. If changes to long texts for a master data object are to be distributed, these entries must also be included in table TBD62. You are not required to do this for every possible language key. It is sufficient to include an entry in table TBD62 for the text ID concerned, which has a value for the field name comprising the text ID and the character * (e.g. MATERIAL MATERIAL BEST* for the purchase order text in the material master).


Take a look at the TBD62 entries for the message type MATMAS for the material master in the R/3 System.

Activating change pointers generally

To activate master data distribution using change pointers, in Customizing choose:

SAP Web Application Server
      IDoc Interface/ALE)
     Modeling and Implementing Business Processes
       Distribution of Master Data
         Replication of Modified Data 
          Activate Change Pointers - Generally
(transaction BD61).

Implement function module for evaluating change pointers

When change pointers are processed, IDocs for the master data objects are generated and dispatched. Change pointers are processed and IDocs subsequently generated and dispatched for each message type (for example, MATMAS for the material master). A function module carries out this process (for example, MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_MATMAS for the material master).

You need to implement the function module for each message type. The naming convention for the function module is MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_xxxxxx, where  xxxxxx is the name of the message type.

Below is a description of how to implement the function module that processes change pointers and generates and sends the IDoc. Refer to the function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_MATMAS for the material master as an example. You can also use function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_MATCOR for the core material master as a model for your function module. The IDoc type MATCOR01 for the core material master consists of merely the two segments: E1MARAC and E1MAKTC and contains only the core data from the material master. Function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_MATCOR for the core material master has a more simple structure than the function module MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_MATMAS for the complete material master.

Now create a function module for your message type. The interface of the function module is preset and consists of the parameter for the message type.


To call the function module, in ALE Administration choose Services ® Change pointers® Evaluate(transaction BD21).

Before you can start the transaction for your message type, you must maintain the message type assignment to the function module in control table TBDME.  Define an entry for your message type in table TBDME, the reference message type being the same as your message type, and assign the function module. For examples, take a look at the entries for message type MATMAS (Material Master) and MATCOR (Core Material Master).


Table TBDME is maintained on the ALE Development screen. Choose IDoc® Data Filtering ® Reduction ® Set Message Type to Reducible (BD60).

Implement the following steps in your function module to process change pointers and to generate and send IDocs:


       1.      Read all the change pointers that have not yet been processed for your message type using the function module CHANGE_POINTERS_READ.

       2.      Create an IDoc for every modified master data object. In the IDoc, only fill the segments that, according to the change pointers, were changed. In every segment, fill the first field MSGFN as follows:

009, if the segment was added

004, if segment fields were changed

003, if the segment was deleted

018, if segment fields were not changed, but the segment must be included in the IDoc, because hierarchically subordinate segments in the IDoc have to be dispatched.

       3.      Pass the IDoc to the ALE layer by calling function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE.

       4.      For the master data object that has just been processed, set the change pointers to ‘Finished’. This is done by calling function module CHANGE_POINTERS_STATUS_WRITE.

       5.      Execute the COMMIT WORK command and call the DEQUEUE_ALL function module. For performance reasons, do not perform this step after every IDoc. Wait until you have created, for example, 50 IDocs.

Defining the ALE object type MSGFN as a filter object type

In the receiver determination for message types that have not been generated by the BAPI-ALE interface, IDoc segments containing modified data may be filtered off. Sometimes there may still be IDoc segments that do not contain any modified data at the end of segment chains. These segments have only been included due to the segment hierarchy in the IDoc.

For ALE outbound processing to be carried out, these attached segments must be suppressed by assigning the value 018 to them in the field MSGFN when the IDoc is generated.

You must also make the following settings:

·        The ALE object type MSGFN must be defined In ALE Development choose IDoc ® Data Filtering ® Define Filter Object Type (transaction BD95). Generally the ALE object type MSGFN has already been defined and the field MSGFN assigned to the table BDIPARAM.

·        MSGFN must be specified as the filter object type for the new message type and for the new segment types in table TBD21. The entry in table TBD21 consists of the message type name under MESTYP, the segment type SEGTYP and the field name MSGFN under FLDNAM. In ALE Development choose IDoc ® Data Filtering ® Assign Filter Object Type to IDoc Field (transaction BD59).

Note When distributing changes with asynchronous BAPIs, for compatibility you should use the FUNCTION field with the data element BAPIFN and the fixed values INS, DEL, UPD, REF and IGN.  This identifies the type of change to be distributed with the BAPI.

Copy the FUNCTION field to each structured parameter. Then you can, for example, distribute the deletion of a data record.


耦合类型分布是指在系统中存在多个耦合类型,并且它们的分布不均匀。耦合类型是指一个系统中不同组件或模块之间的相互关系和依赖程度。 在软件开发中,耦合类型的分布对系统的可维护性和扩展性有着重要影响。如果系统中存在大量紧密耦合的组件,那么系统的可维护性将变得较差,因为对一个组件的修改可能会导致其他多个组件的功能异常或故障。 耦合类型分布还会影响系统的扩展性。如果系统中的组件之间的耦合较高,那么在引入新的功能或修改现有功能时会更加困难。因为需要同时修改多个相关的组件,这样会增加开发的复杂性和风险。 为了减少耦合类型分布,可以采取以下几种方法: 1. 模块化设计:将系统拆分成多个独立的模块,并定义清楚的接口和依赖关系。这样可以降低模块之间的耦合程度,提高系统的可维护性和扩展性。 2. 使用解耦工具或框架:有些编程语言或框架提供了一些解耦工具或机制,可以帮助开发者降低组件之间的耦合程度。例如,事件驱动编程模型可以将组件之间的直接依赖转化为事件的触发和响应,从而降低组件之间的耦合性。 3. 设计和代码复审:通过设计和代码复审可以发现和修复潜在的耦合问题。在团队开发中,进行设计和代码复审可以提升开发者的意识,减少耦合类型分布。 总而言之,耦合类型分布是指系统中不同组件之间的相互关系和依赖程度的分布。减少耦合类型分布可以提高系统的可维护性和扩展性,需要通过模块化设计、解耦工具和设计复审等方法来实现。




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