
	 * 每周客户情况统计 liuwang 说明: 1、客户数=新认识的客户数+约访后回访的客户数+有效的访客数+转介绍客户数
	 * 2、分值数=新认识的客户数*1+约访后回访的客户数*10+有效的访客数*10+转介绍客户数*2 3、面谈数=有效访客数+约访后回访的客户数
	 * 合计中的总数就等于每天的数值之和
	 * @Date 2013-12-11
	 * @param params
	 * @return
	public List getCustomerStaWeekly(Data params) {

		 * 营业组 营业员 合计 2013-11-15(星期五) 人次 新增 转介绍 邀约 回访 面谈 新增 转介绍 邀约 回访 面谈 客户数

		// 日期
		String startDate = params.getString("startDate");
		String endDate = params.getString("endDate");
		String staffId = params.getString("staffId");
		String staffGroupId = params.getString("staffGroupId");
		String staffGroupName = params.getString("staffGroupName");
		String staffName = params.getString("staffName");

		String staffDeptId = params.getString("staffDeptId");// 营业部
		String staffDeptName = params.getString("staffDeptName");

		DateTool dateTool = new DateTool();
		if (startDate == null || "".equals(startDate)) {
			startDate = dateTool.getDefaultDates().get(0);
		if (endDate == null || "".equals(endDate)) {
			endDate = dateTool.getDefaultDates().get(1);
		List<String> dates = dateTool.getDates(startDate, endDate);

		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
		sql.append(" select t0.dept_name,t0.group_name,                                                                    ");
		sql.append("        t0.full_name,                                                                     ");
		for (int j = 1; j <= dates.size(); j++) {
			String customernum = "customernum" + j;// 客户数
			String customerScoresnum = "customeScoresrnum" + j;// 分值数
			String facenum = "facenum" + j;// 面谈数
			String newnum = "newnum" + j;
			String visitnum = "visitnum" + j;
			String activenum = "activenum" + j;
			String referralsnum = "referralsnum" + j;

			String newScorenum = "newScorenum" + j;
			String visitScorenum = "visitScorenum" + j;
			String activeScorenum = "activeScorenum" + j;
			String referralsScorenum = "referralsScorenum" + j;

			// 客户数
			sql.append("isnull(t" + newnum + "." + newnum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(t" + visitnum + "." + visitnum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(t" + activenum + "." + activenum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(t" + referralsnum + "." + referralsnum + ", 0) ");
			sql.append("   as " + customernum + " ,    ");
			// 分值数
			sql.append("isnull(t" + newnum + "." + newnum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(10*t" + visitnum + "." + visitnum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(10*t" + activenum + "." + activenum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(2*t" + referralsnum + "." + referralsnum
					+ ", 0) ");
			sql.append("   as " + customerScoresnum + " ,    ");
			// 面谈数
			sql.append("isnull(t" + visitnum + "." + visitnum + ", 0) +");
			sql.append("isnull(t" + activenum + "." + activenum + ", 0) ");
			sql.append("   as " + facenum + " ,    ");

			sql.append("t" + newnum + "." + newnum + ",");
			sql.append(" t" + newnum + "." + newnum + " as " + newScorenum
					+ "  ,");
			sql.append("t" + visitnum + "." + visitnum + ",");
			sql.append("10*t" + visitnum + "." + visitnum + " as "
					+ visitScorenum + "  ,");
			sql.append("t" + activenum + "." + activenum + ",");
			sql.append("10*t" + activenum + "." + activenum + " as "
					+ activeScorenum + "  ,");
			sql.append("t" + referralsnum + "." + referralsnum + ",");
			sql.append("2*t" + referralsnum + "." + referralsnum + " as "
					+ referralsScorenum + "  ,");

		sql = new StringBuffer(sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1));
		sql.append("   from (select t00.id        as id,     t01.id as group_id	,	t02.id as dept_id,t02.name as dept_name, ");
		sql.append("                t01.name as group_name,                                              ");
		sql.append("                t00.name as full_name                                                ");
		sql.append("           from (select id, name, sales_group_id,sales_dept_id from org_staff where is_active = 1 and staff_type = 1 ");

		sql.append(" ) t00     ");
		sql.append("           left join (select id, name from org_staff where 1=1 ");

		sql.append(") t01                            ");
		sql.append("             on t00.sales_group_id = t01.id                                         ");

		sql.append(" left join (select id, name from org_staff where 1 = 1) t02  ");
		sql.append("  on t00.sales_dept_id = t02.id  ) t0  ");
		int i = 1;
		for (String date : dates) {
			String newnum = "newnum" + i;
			String visitnum = "visitnum" + i;
			String activenum = "activenum" + i;
			String referralsnum = "referralsnum" + i;

			// // 新认识的客户数+约访后回访的客户数+有效的访客数+转介绍客户数 Scores
			sql.append("   left join (select staff_id, count(*) as " + newnum
					+ "                                     ");
			sql.append("                from crm_situation_survey                                                 ");
			sql.append("               where register_date = '" + date
					+ "'                                         ");
			sql.append("                 and nature like '%新认识的客户%'      ");
			sql.append("               group by staff_id) t" + newnum
					+ "                                                  ");
			sql.append("     on t0.id = t"
					+ newnum
					+ ".staff_id                                                              ");

			sql.append("   left join (select staff_id, count(*) as " + visitnum
					+ "                                     ");
			sql.append("                from crm_situation_survey                                                 ");
			sql.append("               where register_date = '" + date
					+ "'                                         ");
			sql.append("                 and nature like '%约访后回访的客户%'      ");
			sql.append("               group by staff_id) t" + visitnum
					+ "                                                  ");
			sql.append("     on t0.id = t"
					+ visitnum
					+ ".staff_id                                                              ");

			sql.append("   left join (select staff_id, count(*) as "
					+ activenum + "                                     ");
			sql.append("                from crm_situation_survey                                                 ");
			sql.append("               where register_date = '" + date
					+ "'                                         ");
			sql.append("                 and nature like '%有效的访客%'      ");
			sql.append("               group by staff_id) t" + activenum
					+ "                                                  ");
			sql.append("     on t0.id = t"
					+ activenum
					+ ".staff_id                                                              ");

			sql.append("   left join (select staff_id, count(*) as "
					+ referralsnum + "                                     ");
			sql.append("                from crm_situation_survey                                                 ");
			sql.append("               where register_date = '" + date
					+ "'                                         ");
			sql.append("                 and nature like '%转介绍的客户%'      ");
			sql.append("               group by staff_id) t" + referralsnum
					+ "                                                  ");
			sql.append("     on t0.id = t"
					+ referralsnum
					+ ".staff_id                                                              ");

		sql.append("    where 1=1                                                           ");

		// 如果name有值,id为空;那么按name取like
		// 如果name为空,不加判断
		// 如果都有;按id。
		boolean nameB = false;
		boolean idB = false;
		if (null != staffName && !"".equals(staffName)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffName)) {
			nameB = true;
		if (null != staffId && !"".equals(staffId)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffId)) {
			idB = true;
		if (nameB & idB) {
			sql.append("  and t0.id in(" + staffId
					+ ")                                                 ");// 营销员的范围限定
		} else if (nameB == true && idB == false) {
			if (staffName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				staffName = "'" + staffName + "'";
				staffName = staffName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql.append("  and t0.full_name in(" + staffName
						+ ")                                                 ");
			} else {
				sql.append("  and t0.full_name like('%"
						+ staffName
						+ "%')                                                 ");

		// ///营业组范围控制
		// 如果name有值,id为空;那么按name取like
		// 如果name为空,不加判断
		// 如果都有;按id。
		boolean nameGroupB = false;
		boolean idGroupB = false;
		if (null != staffGroupName && !"".equals(staffGroupName)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffGroupName)) {
			nameGroupB = true;
		if (null != staffGroupId && !"".equals(staffGroupId)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffGroupId)) {
			idGroupB = true;
		if (nameGroupB & idGroupB) {
			sql.append("  and t0.group_id in(" + staffGroupId
					+ ")                                                 ");// 营销员的范围限定
		} else if (nameGroupB == true && idGroupB == false) {
			if (staffGroupName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				staffGroupName = "'" + staffGroupName + "'";
				staffGroupName = staffGroupName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql.append("  and t0.group_name in(" + staffGroupName
						+ ")                                                 ");
			} else {
				sql.append("  and t0.group_name like('%"
						+ staffGroupName
						+ "%')                                                 ");

		// ///营业部范围控制
		// 如果name有值,id为空;那么按name取like
		// 如果name为空,不加判断
		// 如果都有;按id。
		boolean nameDeptB = false;
		boolean idDeptB = false;
		if (null != staffDeptName && !"".equals(staffDeptName)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffDeptName)) {
			nameDeptB = true;
		if (null != staffDeptId && !"".equals(staffDeptId)
				&& !"undefined".equals(staffDeptId)) {
			idDeptB = true;
		if (nameDeptB & idDeptB) {
			sql.append("  and t0.dept_id in(" + staffDeptId
					+ ")                                                 ");// 营销员的范围限定
		} else if (nameDeptB == true && idDeptB == false) {
			if (staffDeptName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				staffDeptName = "'" + staffDeptName + "'";
				staffDeptName = staffDeptName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql.append("  and t0.dept_name in(" + staffDeptName
						+ ")                                                 ");
			} else {
				sql.append("  and t0.dept_name like('%"
						+ staffDeptName
						+ "%')                                                 ");

		// 基于每日的查询结果算出时间段内的合计
		StringBuffer reusltRow = new StringBuffer();
				.append(" select t.dept_name,t.group_name,    t.full_name,    ");
		String customernumTotal = "";
		String customerScoresnumTotal = "";
		String facenumTotal = "";
		for (int j = 1; j <= dates.size(); j++) {
			customernumTotal = customernumTotal + "customernum" + j + "+";// 客户数
			customerScoresnumTotal = customerScoresnumTotal
					+ "customeScoresrnum" + j + "+";// 分值数
			facenumTotal = facenumTotal + "facenum" + j + "+";// 面谈数
				.append("    "
						+ customernumTotal.substring(0,
								customernumTotal.length() - 1)
						+ " as customernumTotal , "
						+ customerScoresnumTotal.substring(0,
								customerScoresnumTotal.length() - 1) + " as customerScoresnumTotal ,"
						+ facenumTotal.substring(0, facenumTotal.length() - 1)
						+ " as facenumTotal   , ");

		for (int j = 1; j <= dates.size(); j++) {
			String customernum = "customernum" + j;// 客户数
			String customerScoresnum = "customeScoresrnum" + j;// 分值数
			String facenum = "facenum" + j;// 面谈数
			String newnum = "newnum" + j;
			String visitnum = "visitnum" + j;
			String activenum = "activenum" + j;
			String referralsnum = "referralsnum" + j;

			String newScorenum = "newScorenum" + j;
			String visitScorenum = "visitScorenum" + j;
			String activeScorenum = "activeScorenum" + j;
			String referralsScorenum = "referralsScorenum" + j;

			reusltRow.append(" " + customernum + ", " + customerScoresnum + ","
					+ facenum + "," + newnum+"," +newScorenum +"," +visitnum+"," + visitScorenum+"," +activenum +","
					+ activeScorenum+"," +referralsnum +"," +referralsScorenum +",");
		reusltRow=new StringBuffer(reusltRow.substring(0, reusltRow.length()-1));
		reusltRow.append(" from (");
		List<Object[]> result = super.findBySql(reusltRow.toString());
		return result;

	 * 获取团队长的名字和id
	 * @return
	 * @author liuwang
	 * @date 2013-11-29
	public List<Object[]> getTeamLeader(String name) {

		String sql = "select name,id,code from org_staff where is_active=1 and is_team=1";
		if (null != name && !"".equals(name)) {
			sql = sql + " and name like '%" + name.trim() + "%'";
		List<Object[]> result = super.findBySql(sql);
		return result;

	 * 获取组长的名字和id
	 * @return
	 * @author liuwang
	 * @date 2013-11-29
	public List<Object[]> getGroupLeader(String name, String teamName) {

		String sql = "select name,id,code from org_staff where is_active=1 and is_group=1";

		if (null != teamName && !"".equals(teamName) && !",".equals(teamName)) {

			if (teamName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				teamName = "'" + teamName + "'";
				teamName = teamName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_dept_id in (select  t2.id from org_staff t2 where t2.is_active=1 and t2.is_team=1 and t2.name in("
						+ teamName + ") )";
			} else {
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_dept_id in (select  t2.id from org_staff t2 where t2.is_active=1 and t2.is_team=1 and t2.name like '%"
						+ teamName.trim() + "%' )";

		if (null != name && !"".equals(name)) {
			sql = sql + " and name like '%" + name.trim() + "%'";
		List<Object[]> result = super.findBySql(sql);
		return result;

	 * 获取营业员的名字和id
	 * @return
	 * @author liuwang
	 * @date 2013-11-29
	public List<Object[]> getStaff(String name, String teamName,
			String groupName) {

		String sql = "select name,id,code from org_staff where is_active=1 and staff_type=1 ";

		if (null != groupName && !"".equals(groupName)
				&& !",".equals(groupName)) {

			if (groupName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				groupName = "'" + groupName + "'";
				groupName = groupName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_group_id in (select  t.id from org_staff t where t.is_active=1 and t.is_group=1 and t.name  in("
						+ groupName + ") )";
			} else {
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_group_id in (select  t.id from org_staff t where t.is_active=1 and t.is_group=1 and t.name like '%"
						+ groupName.trim() + "%' )";
		if (null != teamName && !"".equals(teamName) && !",".equals(teamName)) {

			if (teamName.indexOf(',') != -1) {// 如果含有逗号包含多个name
				teamName = "'" + teamName + "'";
				teamName = teamName.replaceAll(",", "','");
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_dept_id in (select  t2.id from org_staff t2 where t2.is_active=1 and t2.is_team=1 and t2.name in("
						+ teamName + ") )";
			} else {
				sql = sql
						+ " and sales_dept_id in (select  t2.id from org_staff t2 where t2.is_active=1 and t2.is_team=1 and t2.name like '%"
						+ teamName.trim() + "%' )";
		if (null != name && !"".equals(name)) {
			sql = sql + " and name like '%" + name.trim() + "%'";
		List<Object[]> result = super.findBySql(sql);
		return result;





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