


上一章里,我们说到system library 里的函数声明为下面这样的方式。

__declspec(dllexport) DWORD __stdcall FuncName(POB_THIS obThis,int nArgCount)


         BOOL isnull;

         return 1;


其中第一个参数POB_THIS obThis 是每个函数的核心,本篇重点介绍一下核心结构OB_THIS,它是每个函数的第一个参数。这个结构有点大,通常我们不需要直接访问成员结构,但了解了这个结构的成员,有时候可以很方便地访问一些全局的内容。

                  typedef struct ob_this              {

void* __vtbl;

                            POB_THIS                            obthis;                           // 兼容性指针

                            POB_THIS                            rtthis;                //兼容性指针

                            PSH_DBG_THIS             dbgthis;                               //调试时使用

                            ppbstg_anchor                stgthis;                                // 指向内存分配的锚,有些函数需要用到它,比如pbstg_alloc

                            UINT                                curr_pcode;                                 // Current pcode Instruction

                            BOOL                     pcode_done;             // End of pcode block indicator.

                            PSHLIST                     pBreakPointList;        // 指向断点列表

                            INT                         bStep;                  // Processing step mode

                            RT_BREAK_PROC                    rtBreakCallback[PD_SIZE]; // Debugger call back function

                            PVOID                     pUserData;              // 给用户使用,存放用户数据。

                            PSHLIST                            pTransactionList;              // 事务列表

                            BOOL                     bIgnoreErrors;          // Ignore runtime error flag

                            BOOL                     bTerminateRuntime;                 // Terminate runtime flag

                            OB_CLASS_HNDL                     clshndl;                // Current class handle

                            OB_CLASS_HNDL                     appclshndl;             // Application class handle

                            OB_EVT_ID                 event_id;               // Event ID

                            OB_INST_ID                 appinst;                // Application实例对象

                            pbstg_subpool                subpool;                               //指向内存分配的池,有些函数需要用到它,比如pbstg_alloc

                            RT_MODE                          mode;                   // 模式,比如编译状态、EXE运行状态、调试状态等

                            PVOID                     smthis;                 // Semantic this pointer

                            OB_MODE                         obMode;                 // Object manager mode

                            UINT                      iPCodeCounter;          // PCode execution counter

                            RT_OPT_MODE                       opt_mode;                                   // Optimization mode

                            PSHLIST                            pDllList;                               //已经加入的外部DLL列表,即程序里那些声明DLL函数用到的DLL

                            PVOID                               curr_pcode_blk;                          // Current pcode block

                            UINT                                 iContextCount;                           // Number of run contexts

                                                                                                                                   //     only valid in primary rtthis

                            BOOL                                bHaltClose;                                  // Halt close processing flag

                            BOOL                                bDontTerminate;                        // Dont terminate after error

                            UINT                                     curr_line_block_loc;         // Current line_block loc.

                            UINT                                     last_break_line_no;                   // Last line numbers...

                            UINT                                     last_pcode_line_no;                  // ...

                            PVOID FAR* pThreadStart;                         // Points to start of thread

                            PVOID FAR* pThreadNode;                        // Points to cur. thread node

                            UINT                                     halt_close_nest;               // Count of nested halt close

                            PCM_THIS                           cmthis;                                          // Current compiler context

                            PSHLIST                      pLibraryList;           //库列表,SetLibraryList 函数就是设置此列表

                            PSHLIST                      pNameList;              // Library entry name list

                            PVOID                      pGroupList;             // Pointer to group list nodes

                            PVOID                      pLookSymKeyFunction;    // Group name hash key function

                            PVOID                      scnthis;                // Scanner this pointer

                            UINT                        iGroupListIncr;         // Group list increment

                            UINT                        iGroupListPos;          // Group list position

                            UINT                        iGroupListSize;         // Group list size

                            pbstg_subpool       client_subpool;         // Client subpool

                            pbstg_subpool                perm_subpool;           // Permanent subpool

                            pbstg_subpool                result_subpool;         // Intermediate results

                            pbstg_subpool                temp_subpool;           // Temporary subpool

                            PSHLIST                      group_stack;                      // List of groups ids currently in use

                            PVOID                      curr_obj_group;

                            PVOID                      sys_typedef_group;

                            PVOID                      curr_routnode;

                            OB_INST_ID                  curr_obinst;  //当前对象实例,比如 json.Set(…)调用时,Set函数里的当前对象就指向json这个实例。

                            PVOID                      lib_handle;

                            PSHLIST                      run_stack;                                    // Used to maintain Runtime Call Stack

                            PVOID                         rtinst_stack;                       // Used to maintain instance list

                            LPTSTR                     def_appl_groupname; //创建 target 时指定的 application名称

                            LPTSTR                     def_appl_libname; //创建 target 时指定的pbl ,通常名称与 application一样,但后缀名是 .pbl

                            PVOID                      appl_group;

                            BOOL                       bInRuntime;

                            UINT                        appl_filter;

                            PVOID                      hExecutable;

                            UINT                        iExeGroupCounter;

                            PSHLIST                      pExeGroupList;                           // No longer used

                            PVOID                      pExeResourceHash;       // Resource list for build .EXE

                            POT_EVAL_NODE                    expr_stack;                                  // maintain params and vars used by pcodes

                            UINT                        expr_stack_size;               // size of expression (data) stack

                            POT_EVAL_NODE          expr_stack_ptr;                          // current stack entry

                            PSHLIST                      arglist_stack;                     // NOT USED

                            PSHLIST                      error_list;                                     // list of errors during application build

                            BOOL                       bGotLinkError;

                            pbstg_subpool                lvalue_subpool;         // Lvalues

                            BOOL                       bNoDuplicateSymbols;

                            PSHLIST                      unused;                          // UNUSED

                            OB_CLASS_HNDL             curr_class_hndl;

                            OB_ARRAY_ID                   curr_array_inst;              // Current array inst id.

                            UINT                                  ErrorCode;

                            BOOL                                 set_return_called;

                            OB_GROUP_HNDL                   sys_group_hndl;

                            PVOID                      pSavedGroupList;        // Pointer to saved group list nodes

                            PVOID                                  lmithis;                               // Ptr to Lib Mgr anchor

                            PVOID                                  curr_runstk_node;        // Ptr to runtime stack node.

                            ULONG                                 ps_options;                                  // PS executable options

                            OB_EXE_CODE_TYPE       exe_code_type;                          // CCode or PCode

                            LPTSTR                                 pExecutableName;       // current executable

                            PVOID                                  evaled_arglist;                            // 每个函数调用时,这里是实际参数数组指针,可用ot_get_....arg(…) 系列函数来取具体参数,也可以 for(int i=0;i来循环直接取参数

                                                                                                                                   //   from expr_stack and converted as necessary

                            PVOID                                  lvalue_info;

                            UINT                curr_arg_pos; //保留取当前参数的位置。函数开始时,此变量为0,用ot_get_....arg(…)每取走一个参数时,此变量会增加。如果取参数的次数大于实际参数个数,会导致程序崩溃。因此取参数时最好要判断此变量不大于参数个数 nArgCount

                            POT_EVAL_NODE              return_value;                     //

                            POT_EVAL_NODE              called_return_value;        //函数调用结束,实际返回值存放在这里。通常用 ot_set_return_val(…) 来设置,或者 ot_no_ret_val(obThis) 来表明无返回值。

                            PVOID                                  p_error_info;                      // Error information for CCode

                            LONG                                    routine_level;                     // the routine level for CCode

                            ULONG                                 ulDServFlags;                     // Flags for distributed PB

                            PVOID                                  working_group;                          // Current working group

                            PVOID                                  callback_data;                   // Used to store pointer for

                                                                                                                                   // callback functions.

                            PVOID                                  callback_data2;                          // 2nd instance

                            POB_THIS                            parentObThis;                    // The obthis that was cloned to

                            BOOL                check_for_locked_menu;  // used by 'obinst.cpp' - Currently only used in local object create.

                                                                                                                                   // can be easily removed


                            // file I/O buffers


                            LPTSTR                                 pEntryBuffer;

                            TCHAR HUGEPTR* pHugeEntryBuffer;

                            LONG                                    lEntryPos;

                            LONG                                    lEntrySize;


                            // Multi-Tasking, Transaction Pooling, Miscellaneous


                            PVOID                                  pTransPool;                             // Transaction Pool

                            // this growblock is used as an array of groupId's to enable the codegen

                            // routines to be thread safe and still be able to load the context.

                            PSH_GROWBLOCK            pGroupIdArray;

                            PVOID                                  criticalSection;                   // general purpose critical section

                            PVOID               pCmCompilerError;                   // so we can decouple compiler dll

                            ULONG                                 GeneralFlags;

                            PVOID               unused_2;                              // some free bytes for the taking ...

                            BOOL                                    bIgnoreLinkErrors;            // ignore link errors.

                            UINT                                new_next_pcode;                      // User set pcode Instruction

                            PVOID               pSharedObjMgr;          // shared object manager interface

                            // trace facility

                            LPVOID                                traceStruct;                        // tracing structure

                            BOOL                                    bTracing;                             // global trace enable flag

                            // debugger facility

                            PSHLIST                     pWatchPointList;        // Pointer to watchpoint list

                            PSHLIST                      dbg_callstk;                        // Stack for walking up call stack

                            UINT                                     bStepLine;                                    // Line number for step to cursor

                            INT                                        bStepRoutineLevel;          // Depth step command started at

                            // secure runtime session

                            ULONG                                 SecureRuntimeSession;   // flags for apps downloaded over the Web.

                            // garbage collection

                            DWORD                               lGCTimeLimit;                    // the min time between garbage collection runs

                            DWORD                               lLastGCTime;                     // the time of the end of the last GC run

                            BOOL                                    bGarbageCollecting;                 // if we are in the process of garbage collecting

                            // object manager request queue

                            PVOID                                  pRequestQueue;                        // a pointer to the obj_mgr request queue

                            // pointer to error callback function for handling runtime errors

                            PVOID                                  pErrorCallback;

                            // windows dispatch handler

                            PVOID                                  pWndDispatchHndlr;                 // a pointer to the dispatch handler

                            // these should all be protected by ob_enter_critical_section()!!

                            DWORD                               idOwnerThread;                         // the handle the of thread that owns the OBTHIS

                            BOOL                                    bActiveSession;                           // indicate that this obthis is an active session

                            BOOL                                    bIsAsyncCall;                      // indicates if root of call is async

                            PVOID                                  pLocalSession;

                            PVOID                                  local_variables;                 // Current local variables to routine

                            UINT                                     num_variables;                           // Number of local variables.

                            UINT                                     curr_stack_bias;               // Current stack bias. Used for gc.

                            BOOL                                    bDeferredDelete;             // indicates if we are deferring the delete

                                                                                                                                   // of an active session until after all requests

                                                                                                                                   // have completed processing.

                            // Context Feature OB_ICONTEXT pointers

                            PVOID                                  pSessOB_ICONTEXT;

                            PVOID                                  pDefltOB_ICONTEXT;

                            // Class Definition (a.k.a. metaclass) local session list

                            PSHLIST                     pSessionList;

                            LPTSTR                                 lpstrTypdefPblName;                 // if we want to ignore the default of "pbtypvm70.dll"

                            BOOL                                    bNoMessageBoxForError;       // TRUE if we don't want the message box to come up.

                            BOOL                                    bInSystemError;                         // TRUE if we are already executing the system error event.

                            PVOID                                  last_break_routine;                   // Last routine a breakpoint was processed in.

                            BOOL                                    bInitDebugMode;                       // Are we in the debugger and NOT running from within it.

                            PVOID                                  pContextObject;                // The context object

                            // remote debugger facility

                            PVOID                                  pLocalDebugSession;       // If non-NULL, the local debug session for Remote debugging

                            ULONG                                 breakpointId;                     // unique id for breakpoints

                            // GroupLoader stuff.

                            PVOID                                  pGroupLoader;

                            //Resulset Marshaling

                            PVOID                                  pResultsetInfo;

                            // pointer to error callback state information for functions handling runtime errors

                            PVOID                                  pErrorCallbackState;

                            // Exception Handling

                            PSHLIST                      exception_stack;               // stack containing the checked exception list

                            PVOID                                  thrown_exception;           // pointer to thrown exception object,

                                                                                                                                   //      NULL if none pending

                            PVOID                                  curr_exception;                          // pointer to currently handled exception object,

                                                                                                                                   //  NULL if not currently handling one

                            PSHLIST                      gosub_stack;                // stack containing the list of gosub return locations

                            struct ResponseWindowStack


                                     ResponseWindowStackNode* stack;

                                     UINT capacity;

                                      UINT count;

                            } response_window_stack;

                            PSHLIST                      objects_creating;              // A list object being created.

                            PVOID                                  pb_session;                                  // To be used for PSPP

                            PVOID                                  pMetaObject;                    // A pointer to the meta object created by a func call

                                                                                                                                   // and need to be free in the next sf_dot call.

                            // PB Accessibility service

                            /*这部分 pb9 没有

                            PVOID                                  pACCService;

                            BOOL                isInOrcaBootStrap;

                            LPTSTR                                 pCurrMissedTypeWhenOrcaBootStrap;

                            BOOL                                    bInNewBuild;

                            PVOID              pb_sessionA;

                            BOOL                bJITStart;

                            BOOL                                    bJITOption;


                   } OB_THIS;


如果你对system library相关开发方式感兴趣,可到QQ群624409252共享里大自在的专用目录下下载DEMO。

评论 3




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