



下载链接: 点击下载.
预览链接: 点击预览.









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			height: 30px;
<script src="https://wurenzhi.com/jq.js"></script>
<!-- 以下是轮播 -->
<div id='carousel'>
	<div id='cBanner'>
		<ul id='carouselUl'>
			<li style="display: block" class='carouselNow' style='z-index: 10;'>111111</li>
		<div id='cArrow'>
			<span id='cLeft' style='z-index: 30;'>&lt;</span>
			<span id='cRight' style='z-index: 30;'>&gt;</span>
	<div id='cPoint'>
		<ol class='pointerOl'>
			<li class='pointNow'>
				<div class='carouseOlLIDiv'>
								<p class='pointerTitle'>1111</p>
				<div class='carouseOlLIDiv'>
								<p class='pointerTitle'>2222</p>
				<div class='carouseOlLIDiv'>
								<p class='pointerTitle'>3333</p>
				<div class='carouseOlLIDiv'>
								<p class='pointerTitle'>4444</p>
<!-- 以上是轮播 -->
	// let ratioX = 90.2 / 100, ratioXY = 3.25; //图片缩放的大小,如果图片不占满全屏,就要计算一下ratioX,是图片实际展示宽度,ratioXY是宽高比
	let ratioX = 100 / 100, ratioXY = 3.25;
	let tBanner = $('#cBanner'), tLeft = $('#cLeft'), tRight = $('#cRight'), tWidth = $('html').width() * ratioX, tLi = $('#carouselUl>li'),
		point = $('.pointerOl>li'), tIndex = 0, downX = 0, showIndex = getShowIndex(), clickFlag = true, screenWidth = window.screen.width;
	function changeSize() {
		let imgHeight = $('html').width() * ratioX / ratioXY;
		// console.log('图片宽度: ' + imgHeight);
		$('#carouselUl').css('height', imgHeight);

	//拖动方法 //先遍历
	$.each(tLi, function (index) {//console.log(screenWidth, screenHeight);
		if (screenWidth <= 600) {//判断屏幕宽度,如果小于600,执行touch函数,不执行鼠标点击移动函数  /**注意调用的方法不要加括号()*/
			tLi.eq(index)[0].addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartFun);
			tLi.eq(index)[0].addEventListener('touchmove', touchmoveFun);
			tLi.eq(index)[0].addEventListener('touchend', touchendFun);

			function touchstartFun(e) {
				let lenX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX;	//console.log("触摸按下: " + index, lenX, lenX);
				pressFun(index, e, lenX);

			function touchmoveFun(e) {
				let lenX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
				liMoveFun(e, lenX);

			function touchendFun(e) {
				let lenX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
				loosen(e, lenX);
		} else {//屏幕宽度大于600,执行鼠标移动函数
			tLi.eq(index).on('mousedown', function (e) {
				pressFun(index, e); //执行按下的外部函数 //点击遍历的图片
				$(document).mousemove(function move(ev) { liMoveFun(ev); }); //执行移动的外部函数
				$(document).unbind('mouseup').mouseup(function (eve) { loosen(eve); });//执行抬起的外部函数

	function pressFun(index, e, phoneX) {
		e.preventDefault(); //去除默认事件//console//console.log("flag变成true");
		e.stopPropagation(); //去除冒泡	//console.log("鼠标按下");
		tIndex = index;//console.log("点击了第" + index);
		clickFlag = true;//点击拖动轮播中的某个图片
		if ($('#carouselUl li:animated').length) return;//console.log("动画在进行");
		showIndex = getShowIndex();
		if (!phoneX) {//获取鼠标位置 //如果没有第三个参数,就是鼠标操作
			if (e.pageX) downX = e.pageX;
			else if (e.clientX) downX = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft;
		} else downX = phoneX;

	function liMoveFun(e, phoneX) {
		// console.log('上一个的左距: ' + tLi.eq(before).css('left'));
		// console.log('下一个的左距: ' + tLi.eq(after).css('left'));
		let posX = 0;	//console.log("鼠标移动");
		e = e || window.event;
		if (!phoneX) {//获取鼠标位置
			if (e.pageX) posX = e.pageX;
			else if (e.clientX) posX = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft;
		} else posX = phoneX;
		let moveX = posX - downX;//获取移动距离
		tLi.eq(showIndex).css({'left': moveX}); //图片跟随鼠标的移动痕迹
		let before, after;
		if (showIndex !== 0 && showIndex !== 3) before = showIndex - 1, after = showIndex + 1;
		else if (showIndex === 0) before = 3, after = 1;
		else if (showIndex === 3) before = 2, after = 0;
		// console.log('移动距离: ' + moveX + ' 图标距离左侧: ' + tLi.eq(showIndex).css('left'), '上一个的左距: ' + tLi.eq(before).css('left'), '下一个的左距: ' + tLi.eq(after).css('left'));
		tLi.eq(before).show().css({'z-index': 9, 'left': -tWidth + moveX});
		tLi.eq(after).show().css({'z-index': 9, 'left': tWidth + moveX});

	function loosen(e) {
		e.stopPropagation(); //去除冒泡// let cssLeftPx = tLi.eq(showIndex).css('left');
		let cssLeft = tLi.eq(showIndex).position().left;//parseInt(cssLeftPx);	// console.log('leftPx: ' + cssLeftPx + 'jq直接left: ' + tLi.eq(showIndex).position().left);
		if (cssLeft === 0) clickFlag = false;
		let before, after;	//计算
		if (showIndex !== 0 && showIndex !== 3) before = showIndex - 1, after = showIndex + 1;
		else if (showIndex === 0) before = 3, after = 1;
		else if (showIndex === 3) before = 2, after = 0;
		if (clickFlag) {
			if (cssLeft > (tWidth / 3)) {//显示左边的
				clickFlag = false;//console.log("显示左边的");
				tLi.eq(before).addClass('carouselNow').animate({'left': 0}, 200).siblings().removeClass('carouselNow');
				tLi.eq(showIndex).animate({'left': tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });
				tLi.eq(after).animate({'left': tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });
				if (showIndex <= 0) { showIndex = 3; } else if (showIndex >= 3) { showIndex = 0; } else { showIndex--; }
				tIndex = showIndex;
			else if (cssLeft <= 0 && cssLeft <= ((-tWidth / 3))) {//console.log("显示右边的");
				clickFlag = false;
				tLi.eq(before).animate({'left': -tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });
				tLi.eq(showIndex).animate({'left': -tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });
				tLi.eq(after).addClass('carouselNow').animate({'left': 0}, 200).siblings().removeClass('carouselNow');
				if (showIndex <= 0) { showIndex = 3; } else if (showIndex >= 3) { showIndex = 0; } else { showIndex++; }
				tIndex = showIndex;
			} else {//console.log("归位");
				clickFlag = false;
				tLi.eq(showIndex).animate({'left': 0}, 200);			//把其他的复位
				// tLi.eq(before).css({'z-index': 2});
				tLi.eq(before).css({'z-index': 2}).animate({'left': -tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });
				// tLi.eq(after).css({'z-index': 2});
				tLi.eq(after).css({'z-index': 2}).animate({'left': tWidth}, 200, function () { $(this).hide(); });

	function clickMark(clickMarkIndex) {
		point.eq(clickMarkIndex).css({'background-color': 'rgb(32, 120, 189,0.8)'})
		.siblings().css({'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'});

	point.on('click', function yuandian() {
		if ($('#carouselUl li:animated').length) return;
		showIndex = getShowIndex();
		let index = $(this).index();//点击的index
		$(this).css({'background-color': 'rgba(32, 120, 189,0.8)'}).siblings().css({'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'});//将本条li变色
		if (showIndex === index) return;//如果当前和要显示的一致,就不执行
		(index > showIndex) ? moveToWhere(index, -tWidth, tWidth) : moveToWhere(index, tWidth, -tWidth);
		tIndex = index;// 赋值点击的index给全局
	let time = setInterval(function () { tRight.click(); }, 500000);//调取carouselRight方法,使其自动播放
	tBanner.mouseenter(function () { clearInterval(time); });//鼠标移到carouselBanner中,自动播放停止
	tBanner.mouseleave(function () { time = setInterval(function () { tRight.click(); }, 500000); });// 鼠标移出carouselBanner中,自动播放开始
	function getShowIndex() { //获取当前正显示的图片的下表
		return $('#carouselUl').children('.carouselNow').index();

	$(window).resize(function () {
	//点击右箭头, ul往左跑
	tRight.on('click', function () {
		// console.log('右箭头判断有动画,不执行');
		if ($('#carouselUl li:animated').length) return;
		if (tIndex >= 3) tIndex = 0;
		else tIndex++;
		moveToWhere(tIndex, -tWidth, tWidth);
	tLeft.on('click', function () {
		// console.log('动画进行中,停止左点');
		if ($('#carouselUl li:animated').length) return;
		if (tIndex <= 0) tIndex = 3;//console.log("左边" + tIndex + 1);
		else tIndex--;
		moveToWhere(tIndex, tWidth, -tWidth);

	function moveToWhere(index, widthMinus, wid) {
		// console.log('移动方法函数: ' + index, widthMinus, wid);
		let tl = tLi.eq(index);
		tl.siblings().animate({'left': widthMinus}, function () { $(this).hide(); });
		tl.show().css('left', wid).animate({'left': 0});
		showIndex = getShowIndex();




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


