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原创 Oracle BPM file upload sample

ref to:http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=3757834

2009-09-24 17:59:32 93

原创 Oracle BPM with LDAP

Here are the steps to install Enterprise Standalone using Sun One Directory Server on ALBPM 6.0 or Oracle BPM:1. First install Sun ONE Directory Server LDAP - go to the website: http://www.sun.com...

2009-09-03 10:28:49 106

原创 How to run Examples in Opensource ESB in actions

1. Download Mule RC3 and ServiceMix 3.2.1 to the esb directory2. Download the following tools to the tools directoryActiveMQ 4.1.1 - http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-411-release.htmlOpe...

2009-06-04 17:20:37 92

原创 Oracle BPM Integration with Oracle Weblogic Portal

ntroductionIn this blog I would describe detailed steps on how to configure Oracle BPM (previously Known as Bea Aqualogic before Bea Acquisition by Oracle) with Oracle Weblogic Portal using SSO (S...

2009-06-03 19:40:00 102

Execute another (sub) process in another project

As long as the two projects are deployed to Engines that share the same directory service, a process in one project can create an instance in a process in the other project using Dynamic Process Invoc...

2009-05-21 16:51:27 92

原创 Best practices for scalable, high performance syst

refer to : http://faler.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/best-practicThe best practices for high performance websites are well documented here, so I won’t go into web specifically, although these practice...

2009-05-20 10:19:08 83

weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd can not parse without interne

1. download the dtd from the bea site. I placed this file in c:\bea2. modify the template weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file in c:\\j2ee\weblogic\templates\engine\default\ejb\META-INF\weblogic-ejb-jar.xml...

2009-05-20 10:13:49 116

JMS Send and Receive in BPM studio

//1. create External Resource to represent the J2EE container: // 1.1 new External Resources, name is "weblogicJ2EE", type "J2EE Application Server" // 1.2 select Support Type as "GENERIC_J2EE"...

2009-05-20 10:08:38 159

原创 搜索引擎Nutch源代码研究之一 网页抓取

搜索引擎Nutch源代码研究之一 网页抓取(1)http://fuliang.iteye.com/blog/148433搜索引擎Nutch源代码研究之一 网页抓取(2)http://fuliang.iteye.com/blog/148482

2009-03-11 17:52:34 107

原创 Nutch-0.9源代码:Injector类

2008年10月05日 星期日 22:39在对Nutch抓取工作流程分析中,已经简单地提及到了inject操作,如下所示:inject操作调用的是nutch的核心包之一crawl包中的类org.apache.nutch.crawl.Injector。它执行的结果是:crawldb数据库内容得到更新,包括URL及其状态。inject操作主要作用可以从下面3方面来说明:...

2009-03-11 17:31:36 92

原创 Nutch-0.9源代码:Crawl类整体分析


2009-03-11 17:19:15 176

原创 ALBPM integratoin question and answers

Quote from "http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=719109"Questions:1. Ideally, how many ALBPM projects should be deployed in one Engine? And how many processes per project is id...

2009-03-11 11:32:26 94

Ruby On Rails 2nd Edition Error Report

1. NoMethodError in StoreController#add_to_cart undefined method `product' for # [color=red]Reason : [/color]Session Problem[color=red]Solution:[/color]clean the session and retart the s...

2008-11-21 12:04:31 65

原创 Ext js 中文的一些导读

最近正在研究extjs,可以访问http://www.extjs.comFAQ http://extjs.com/learn/Ext_FAQ看了Demo以后简直是无法收拾了,从速度还有效果来看ajax.asp.net没有办法比了。学习之前还是强烈推荐一下javascript 面向对象支持另外这里还涉及到一些prototype的概念,可以参考Prototype.js深...

2008-11-12 09:35:49 171

undefined method `scaffold’ 《Web开发敏捷之道》中的错误

在第六章按照书中的方法无法进行,会提示undefined method `scaffold’的错误,找了半天,最终找到解决办法:Rails2.0.2把scaffold 剥离为插件,也就是说Rails2.0.2里面不能直接使用scaffold了,而书中的版本与最新版还是对不上,所以需要重新安装,而且需要安装两个plugin1. 执行 以下语句 安装scaffoldingrub...

2008-06-24 17:05:33 112


网上看到有朋友搜集了很多关于mootools的资料链接,非常好,感谢。 一.教程/文章/代码实例:  http://clientside.cnet.com/wiki/mootorial/ --- The Mootorial:比较完整的mootools教程http://solutoire.com/2007/02/16/mootools-ajax-xhr-classes/ --- ...

2008-06-12 22:54:35 77

转载: J2EE开发之常用开源项目介绍

主要还是以Spring为核心,也总结了一些以前web开发常用的开源工具和开源类库 1持久层: 1)Hibernate这个不用介绍了,用的很频繁,用的比较多的是映射,包括继承映射和父子表映射对于DAO在这里介绍个在它基础上开发的包bba96,目前最新版本是bba96 2.0它对Hibernate进行了封装, 查询功能包括执行hsql或者sql查询/更新的方法,如...

2008-05-21 10:09:52 127

java 万年历

转贴从:http://www.blogjava.net/soddabao/archive/2006/12/31/91098.html Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); c1.set(yearCount,monthCount-1,1); Calendar c2 = Calendar...

2008-04-29 15:22:38 91

ofbiz Form Operation

1 Drop-down Form:1.1 Option Value hardcode: ...

2008-04-29 14:12:55 108


一、ofbiz 用自身数据库安装1. 由 binary 安装:由 binary 安装非常简单, 以下是安装方法:下载ofbiz-2.0-beta1-complete.tar.gz, 注意不是ofbiz-2.0-beta1.tar.gz.tar xvzf ofbiz-2.0.beta1-complete.tar.gzcd tomcat/bin./ofbiz...

2008-03-19 16:32:45 133


工具类主要在包org.ofbiz.core.util中。1、 属性文件访问工具类:UtilProperties。2、 Map、List对象操作工具类:UtilMisc。3、 UtilFormatOut :通用格式化输出工具类(主要用在 Jsp文件或View Helper中)。4、 UtilURL:得到文件流的URL地址类。5、 UtilCache:缓存管理类...

2008-03-19 16:26:59 74

WeekUtil.java 与日期有关的操作

从网上找来的一篇仁兄的文章。。。借来引用下。放到了我的lib当中,描述了一些一周之内的日期查询的一些相关code。。import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Date;import java.util.GregorianCalendar;public class WeekUtil { public static...

2008-03-14 13:11:28 152



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