Rhino3dmIO Toolkit (OpenNURBS build)


RhinoCommon supports a build "flavor" that allows it to be a .NET SDK for the OpenNURBS library (www.opennurbs.org). This allows you to write .NET applications that can read/write the .3dm file format and since you have access to the full source debug down to every little piece of code.

NOTE: This is NOT meant for any Rhino plug-in development. You should only be using this library if you are attempting to read/write 3dm files from an application other than Rhino!

When built for OpenNURBS, RhinoCommon compiles will consist of two dynamic libraries:

  1. Rhino3dmIO.DLL (C# DLL which .NET applications would reference)
  2. rhino3dmio_native.DLL (Native C++ DLL which includes all of the opennurbs library - this file is called libopennurbs.dylib on Mac OS X)

Rhino3dmIO.DLL uses pInvoke to call C functions exported from rhino3dmio_native.DLL in order to do most of the "heavy lifting" in OpenNURBS. On Windows, make sure that both of these DLLs are in the same directory when used as a reference in your .NET application.


There are two ways to use the Rhino3dmIO Toolkit. You can either compile from the source code for maximum flexibility or you can install the Rhino3dmIO NuGet package into your project for simplicity.

Steps to compile from source

note: Currently, the only tested and supported compiled for the following process is Visual Studio 2010

  1. Get all of the source code for the RhinoCommon project
  2. Download the OpenNURBS C++ toolkit. Unzip the source code and place it in the folder titled opennurbs. This is located in the RhinoCommon project under rhinocommon/c/opennurbs
  3. Open the Rhino3dmIO.sln in Visual Studio 2010. This solution contains the C# and C++ projects needed along with sample C# console applications for testing. You should now be able to compile and test the samples.

Steps to install the NuGet package

  1. Install the NuGet package manager, if you haven't already, by following the instructions here.
  2. Right-Click your project file in Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages ...".
  3. On the left side of the dialog expand the "Online" option and select nuget.org.
  4. In the top right search box type "Rhino3dmIO" and click on a Rhino3dmIO.dll option (there are 3: x86, x64, and AnyCPU) and click on the "Install" button.
  5. Close the Manage NuGet Packages dialog. The Nuget package is installed and ready to use.

Changes that were made:

  • the Rhino3dmIO NuGet package is installed in your project
  • the project references the Rhino3dmIO assembly
  • the project's Post-build event has been modified so the rhino3dmio_native.dll gets copied to the same output directory as Rhino3dmIO.dll when the project is built.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact steve@mcneel.com

Mac OS X

Steps to compile from source

NOTE: The following process has been tested with Xamarin Studio 4.2.5 and Xcode 5.1.1. You will need to have both Xamarin Studio and Xcode installed.

  1. Get all of the source code for the RhinoCommon project
  2. Download the OpenNURBS C++ toolkit. Unzip the source code and place it in the folder titled opennurbs. This is located in the RhinoCommon project under rhinocommon/c/opennurbs
  3. Open the Rhino3dmIO.sln in Xamarin Studio for Mac OS X. You may get a number of warnings that some of the projects will not open correctly...it is safe to ignore these. This solution contains the C# projects needed along with a sample console application (example_read_mac) for testing.
  4. Right-click on the example_read_mac project and select "Set as Startup Project." In the Project drop-down menu, select Build libopennurbs.dylib. This will build the native library. When this is finished, you should be able to compile and test the sample project (see instructions here).

More details:

  • Your project will need to reference two assemblies: Rhino3dmIo.dll and libopennurbs.dylib.
  • The "Build libopennurbs.dylib" command uses a script that instructs the Xcode command-line tools to build the native C++ library. This script is named build_native.py and is located in the rhinocommon/c/ folder.
  • You can run build_native.py as a Before Build event in your project. The example_read_mac project shows how this is done. (You can find the Before Build commands in Xamarin Studio by double-clicking on the project to bring up the Options dialog. Custom Commands are listed under the Build section.)
  • Your project will need to create a After Build event that assures that the native library (libopennurbs.dylib) is copied to the appropriate location. (Console applications - like example_read_mac - require that the library is in the same folder as the executable and be renamed to rhino3dmio_native as well.)
  • If your project is targeting MonoMac/Xamarin.Mac - the most likely scenario - you will need to copy libopennurbs.dylib into the Application Bundle using an After Build command. The conventional location for frameworks and libraries is:$TARGET_DIR/Contents/Frameworks/$FRAMEWORK_NAME
  • The most convenient way to reference libopennurbs.dylib in a MonoMac/Xamarin.Mac project is to add an .dll.config file to your project so that the Rhino3dmIO.dll can consume the native library. This file should be named Rhino3dmIO.dll.config with the "Copy to output directory" property set to "Copy if newer" or "Always copy." This config file should contain the following:

<configuration> <dllmap dll="rhino3dmio_native" target="@executable_path/../Frameworks/libopennurbs.dylib"/></configuration>

  • This exe.config file sits next to the executable within the Application bundle and redirects mono to reference the specified file.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact dan@mcneel.com

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