


废话不多说,直接贴代码 :

数据库访问接口类 IDbDriver

/**this interface define the database operation function
 * fuzhou huilin corp.ltd @author lms 2016.07.05
 * last update by lms 2016.07.07
package hs.libra.core.db;

import java.util.List;

public interface IDbDriver {
    public void init(String configFile);                                                //to load database config file
    public boolean openConnection();                                                    //establish connection
    public void closeConnection();                                                        //close connection

    public int executeSql(String sql);                                                    //run sql for effect rows
    public int executeSql(String sql, Object[] params);                                    //run sql with parameters

    public int getAutoIncId(String table, String field);                                //to get new id of auto-increment field
    public int getTableRows(String table);                                                //to query indicate table total rows
    public boolean tableExists(String table);                                            //to query if table exists    

    public <T>T queryForBean(String sql, Class<T> cls);                                    //query data for bean
    public <T>T queryForBean(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object[] params);                //query data for bean with parameters
    public <T>List<T> queryForBeans(String sql, Class<T> cls);                            //query data for beans
    public <T>List<T> queryForBeans(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object[] params);            //query data for beans with parameters


/**DBUtils Encapsulation for common operation and pool management
 * the module encapsulate DBUtnils
 * by fuzhou huilin corp.ltd @author lms 2016.07.07
 * last update by @author lms 2016.07.08
package hs.libra.core.db;

import hs.libra.core.object.CObject;
import hs.libra.core.tool.CJsonUtils;
import hs.libra.core.tool.CPropUtils;
import hs.libra.core.tool.CStrUtils;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler;

import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource;

public class CDbUtilsDrv extends CObject implements IDbDriver{
    //database parameters
    private static String url       = "jdbc:mysql://";  
    private static String driver    = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";  
    private static String account   = "root";  
    private static String password  = "123456";  
    //pool manage parameters
    private static ComboPooledDataSource poolDataSource;
    private static boolean loaded    = false;
    private static boolean inited   = false;    //global parameter,only initialize one time

    private static int initPoolSize = 10;
    private static int minPoolSize  = 5;
    private static int maxPoolSize  = 10;
    private static int maxStatement = 100;
    private static int maxIdleTime  = 60;
    //current instance manage
    private Connection conn          = null;        //current connection object
    private boolean connected       = false;    //current connection if established

    /**to initialize pool data source
     * ComboPooledDataSource only will be initialize one time even if you call it for many times
    private static void initParam(){
        if (inited) return;

            poolDataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource();
        }catch(Exception e){
        inited = true;
    /**to load database configuration file and get database parameter
     * this function only can be called one time
     * @param configFile file of database configuration
    private static void loadParam(String configFile) {
        if (loaded) return;

        if (CStrUtils.isBlankStr(configFile))
            configFile = "/config/db.properties";

        CPropUtils cfg = new CPropUtils(configFile);
        //load database parameters
        url       = cfg.getValue("url");
        driver    = cfg.getValue("driver");
        account   = cfg.getValue("account");
        password  = cfg.getValue("password");
        //load pool parameters
        initPoolSize = CStrUtils.strToIntDef(cfg.getValue("initPoolSize"),10);
        minPoolSize  = CStrUtils.strToIntDef(cfg.getValue("minPoolSize"),5);
        maxPoolSize  = CStrUtils.strToIntDef(cfg.getValue("maxPoolSize"),10);
        maxStatement = CStrUtils.strToIntDef(cfg.getValue("maxStatement"),100);
        maxIdleTime  = CStrUtils.strToIntDef(cfg.getValue("maxIdleTime"),60);
        loaded = true;
        cfg    = null;
    public CDbUtilsDrv(String configFile){

    public void init(String configFile) {
    /**to override CObject.dispose function
    public void dispose(){
    /**to establish connection to database
     * @return true if connected,false due to failure connection
    public boolean openConnection() {
        if (connected) return true;

            this.conn = poolDataSource.getConnection();
            this.connected = true;
        }catch(SQLException e){
        return this.connected;

    /**to close database connection,caller need to close database after using
    public void closeConnection() {
            if ((conn!=null) && (!conn.isClosed()))
        catch(SQLException e){
        conn = null;

    /**execute sql script for effect rows
     * @param strSql the sql text to be executed
     * @return =-1 means system error or >=0 means rows effected
    public int executeSql(String sql) {
        int ret = -1;
        QueryRunner qr = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.update(conn,sql);
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**execute sql with parameter
     * @param strSql sql to be executed
     * @param params parameters of sql
     * @return =-1 means system error or >=0 means rows effected
    public int executeSql(String sql, Object[] params) {
        int ret = -1;
        QueryRunner qr = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.update(conn,sql,params);
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**to get auto increment field value after insert
     * @param tbName table to query
     * @param fieldName the table's field name
     * @return -1 means system error or return the field max value
    public int getAutoIncId(String table, String field) {
        int ret = -1;
        QueryRunner qr = null;
            String strSql = String.format("select max(%s) from %s",field,table);
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            Long t = (Long)qr.query(conn,strSql,new ScalarHandler<Long>(1));    //to get column 1 value
            ret = t.intValue();
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**to query table record count
     * @param tbName table to query
     * @return -1 means system error or return the table record count
    public int getTableRows(String table) {
        int ret = -1;
        QueryRunner qr = null;
            String strSql = String.format("select count(*) from %s",table);
            qr = new QueryRunner();             
            Long t = (Long)qr.query(conn,strSql,new ScalarHandler<Long>(1));    //to get column 1 value
            ret = t.intValue();
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**to judge table whether exists
     * @param tableName name of the table to judge
     * @return true if exists or return false
    public boolean tableExists(String table) {
        boolean ret = false;
        QueryRunner qr = null;
            String strSql = String.format("select count(*) from %s where 1<0",table);
            qr = new QueryRunner();           
            Long t = (Long)qr.query(conn,strSql,new ScalarHandler<Long>(1));    //to get column 1 value
            ret = t.intValue()>=0;
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**execute sql for first row data and convert to bean
     * @param sql query sql script
     * @param bh, such as User.class
     * eg: User u=queryForBean("select * from user where id=10",User.Class);
     * @return bean or null
    public <T>T queryForBean(String sql, Class<T> cls){
        QueryRunner qr = null;
        T ret = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.query(conn,sql,new BeanHandler<T>(cls));
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**execute sql for first row data and convert to bean with sql parameters
     * @param sql query sql script
     * @param bhd, such as User.class
     * @param params parameters of sql
     * eg: User u=queryForBean("select * from user where id=? and name=?",User.class,new Object[1,"kitty"]);
     * @return bean or null
    public <T>T queryForBean(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object[] params){
        QueryRunner qr = null;
        T ret = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.query(conn,sql,new BeanHandler<T>(cls),params);
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;
    /**execute sql for java bean
     * @param the sql for data
     * @param cls bean class
     * eg: List<User> us=queryForBeans("select * from user where id<10",User.class);
     * @return bean object list if success, otherwise return null
    public <T>List<T> queryForBeans(String sql, Class<T> cls){
        QueryRunner qr = null;
        List<T> ret = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.query(conn,sql,new BeanListHandler<T>(cls));
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;

    /**execute sql for java bean with sql parameters
     * @param sql the sql text
     * @param cls bean class,such as new User.class
     * @param params sql parameters
     * @return bean object list if success, otherwise return null
     * eg: List<User> u=queryForBeans("select * from user where id=? and name=?",User.class,new Object[]{1,"test"});
    public <T>List<T> queryForBeans(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object[] params){
        QueryRunner qr = null;
        List<T> ret = null;
            qr = new QueryRunner();
            ret = qr.query(conn, sql, new BeanListHandler<T>(cls), params);
        catch(SQLException e){
        qr = null;
        return ret;
    // for test case //
    public static void main(String[] args){
        for (int i=0;i<20;i++){
            CDbUtilsDrv drv = new CDbUtilsDrv("/config/db.properties");
            TestBean b = drv.queryForBean("select * from domain_doc_record where id=?", TestBean.class,new Object[]{10});
            System.out.println("query for bean:"+CJsonUtils.objToJson(b));

            List<TestBean> bs = drv.queryForBeans("select * from domain_doc_record where id<10", TestBean.class);
            System.out.println("query for list bean:"+CJsonUtils.objsToJson(bs));
            drv = null;





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