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Narrator: 扶好了!Anna 刚上了公车,准备去伦敦 Tip Top 贸易公司参加面试。这家公司发展

很快,急需很多销售人员。Anna 今天面试的职位是销售专员。How are you feeling


Anna: Oh, a little nervous but I really want this job.

Narrator: 别紧张,只要你能正常发挥,肯定没问题。Just say the right things, you'll be


Anna: The right things!? Like what?

Narrator: 记得要做自我推荐,要有信心但不能给人傲慢的感觉,还要多举些实际的例子来证明自


我想到一个好例子 a good example that comes to mind.

让我感到自豪的是… I'm particularly[pər'tɪkjələrli] proud of.

我一向很守时。Timekeeping is important to me.

Anna: Oh right. Thanks. Perhaps you can come with me?

Narrator: Anna, 现在全靠你自己了。我会悄悄的替你加油鼓劲。说着就到了。祝你好运气。

Paul: Come in. Hello, I'm Paul, the Manager of Tip Top Trading. And you must


Anna: It's Anna.

Paul: Yes, very good. Thanks for coming. Now somewhere in this pile [paɪl], I've got

your CV…

Anna: Err, is that it there?

Paul: Oh yes, thanks Hannah. Your qualifications [kwɒlɪfɪ'keɪʃnz] look impressive[ɪm'presɪv] but what sales

experience[ɪk'spɪriəns] can you bring to our company?

Anna: I worked in a shop once.

Narrator: Anna, 这是一个好机会,赶快举个实际的例子

Anna: Oh right… mmm….well a good example that comes to mind is when I was

involved[ɪn'vɑːlvd] with a campaign[kæm'peɪn] to promote[prə'moʊt] and sell a new range of

clothes – I loved doing it and it was…

Denise: Oh sorry, excuse me. Here's your tea Paul.

Paul: Thanks Denise. Now Anna, it looks like you've achieved[ə'tʃiːvd] a lot during

your time at university. Could you give me an example of good team

working during your time there?

Denise: Sorry! I forgot the sugar.

Paul: Thank you Denise.

Anna: Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer['treʒərər] of the debating[dɪ'beɪtɪŋ]

society[sə'saɪəti] at university. That was OK I suppose.

Narrator: 加油,Anna. 要更热情点谈谈你在辩论俱乐部里具体做了些什么。

Anna: I mean… I'm particularly proud of how I organised['ɔːɡənaɪzd] the finances['faɪnænsɪz] for the

debating society. We had a very small budget['bʌdʒɪt] and I had to make decisions[dɪ'sɪʒn]

on what to buy.

Narrator: 好样的!I'm particularly proud of – 恰到好处,很肯定,但不给人很自傲的感觉。


Paul: Very impressive – so you're a good planner, Anna! We like organised

people here (knocks tea over)…. ooops, silly['sɪli] me. I seemed to have spilt tea

over your CV.

Anna: Oh, do you need some help?

Paul: Oh no… I'm sure it'll dry out… carry on please…

Anna: Also…timekeeping is important to me…

Narrator: timekeeping is important to me – 很好!

Anna: I always try to complete[kəm'pliːt] my work on time. At university I never

handed my assignments[ə'saɪnmənts] in late.

Paul: That's good to hear. We like punctuality[ˌpʌŋktʃu'æləti] here….

Denise: Excuse me Paul. Sorry it's a bit late – but I thought you might like a biscuit['bɪskɪt]

with your tea.

Paul: Hmm thanks….oh lovely, custard['kʌstərd] creams[kriːm]…mmm. Now Hannah, finally I

wanted to ask you what exactly[ɪɡ'zæktli] made you apply for this job at this


Anna: Errrr… ooo… well. The reason I applied is….

Narrator: 怎么了, Anna? 你需要更多时间吗?

Anna: Errr… mmm…

Narrator: 她会说什么呢?那你又会怎么回答这个问题?请留意下期节目。在本期节目结束前,一






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