1. 创建表

create table if not exists userinfo(
userid string,
username string,
address string,
sex string,
birthday string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

create table if not exists action(

userid string,
goodid string,
action int,
month int,
day int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

create table if not exists comment(
goodid string,
content string,
time string,
userid string,
username string,
userlevel string,
color string,
reviews int,
score int,
source string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

create table if not exists iphone(
goodid string,
goodname string,
attribute string,
shopname string,
shopid string,
url string,
price double,
keywords string,
commentcount int,
goodrepu int,
brand string,
type string,
color string,
markettime string,
os string
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

2. 加载数据

load data local inpath 'action.csv' into table action;
load data local inpath 'iphone.csv' into table iphone;
load data local inpath 'userinfo.csv' into table userinfo;
load data local inpath 'comment.csv' into table comment;

3. 查询已加载的数据

select * limit userinfo limit 10;

4. 处理手机销售信息表数据

5. 处理用户行为表数据


create table if not exists user_action_db(
userid string,
goodid string,
action int,
adate string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into table user_action_db select userid,goodid,action,concat(month,'-',day) from action;

6. 处理用户信息表数据


create table if not exists user_temp(
userid string,
username string,
address string,
sex string,
age int,
userlevel string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into user_temp select userinfo.userid,userinfo.username,userinfo.address,sex,floor(datediff('2019-9-8', birthday) / 365) age,userlevel 
from userinfo join comment on userinfo.userid = comment.userid;


create table if not exists user_info_tb(
userid string,
username string,
address string,
sex string,
age_region int,
age_region_alias string,
userlevel string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

insert into user_info_tb select userid,username,address,sex,
case when age < 18 then 1
when 18 <= age and age <= 24 then 2
when 25 <= age and age <= 29 then 3
when 30 <= age and age <= 34 then 4
when 35 <= age and age <= 39 then 5
when 40 <= age and age <= 49 then 6
when age >= 50 then 7 end age_region,
case when age < 18 then '18岁以下'
when 18 <= age and age <= 24 then '18-24'
when 25 <= age and age <= 29 then '25-29'
when 30 <= age and age <= 34 then '30-34'
when 35 <= age and age <= 39 then '35-39'
when 40 <= age and age <= 49 then '40-49'
when age >= 50 then 7 end age_region_alias,
from user_temp;


select * from user_info_db limit 10;
