oracle: ocp题解与实验(5/205)


5. You are performing a block media recovery on the tools01.dbf data file
in the SALES database using RMAN. Which two statements are correct in this
scenario? (Choose two.)
A. You must ensure that the SALES database is mounted or open.
B. You must restore a backup control file to perform a block media
C. You must take the tools01.dbf data file offline before you start a block
media recovery.
D. You must put the database in NOARCHIVELOG mode to perform a block media
E. You can perform only a complete media recovery of individual blocks,
point-in-time recovery of individual data blocks is not supported.
Answer: A, E

题目翻译:你针对SALES数据库的tools01.dbf数据文件用RMAN做block media recovery,下面哪两个语句是正确的?


这是关于block media recovery的,看下官方资料:

Block Media Recovery

Block media recovery is a technique for restoring and recovering individual data blockswhile all database files remain online and available. If corruption is limited to only a few blocks among a subset of database files, then block media recovery might be preferable to datafile recovery.

The interface to block media recovery is provided by RMAN. If you do not already use RMAN as your principal backup and recovery solution, then you can still perform block media recovery by cataloging into the RMAN repository the necessary user-managed datafile and archived redo log backups.

从这段描述就可以知道,这种block级别的恢复是RMAN工具提供的(其他手段也必须借用RMAN数据),并且数据库文件必须online和available,所以可以判断选项A是正确的,而C是错误的。段最后的红字,archived redo log backups表明是在archive模式下的可以知道D也是错误的。




Block media recovery recovers an individual data block or set of data blocks within a datafile.This type of recovery is useful if the data loss or corruption applies to a small number of blocks rather than to an entire datafile.

Typically, block corruption is reported in error messages in trace files. Block-level data loss usually results from:

  • I/O errors causing minor data loss

  • Memory corruptions that get flushed to disk

You can either use BLOCKRECOVERCORRUPTIONLIST to recover all blocks reported in theV$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view, or specify the datafile number and block number or the tablespace and data block address (DBA) when executing theBLOCKRECOVER command.

Restrictions and Usage Notes

  • The target database must be mounted or open.You donot have to take a datafile offlineif you are performing block media recovery on it.

  • You can only perform complete media recovery of individual blocks. Point-in-time recovery of individual data blocks is not supported.

  • You can only perform block media recovery on corrupt blocks.

  • Blocks marked media corrupt are not accessible until recovery completes.

  • You cannot perform block media recovery when using a backup control file.

  • You cannot use proxy backups to perform block media recovery. If the only backups that you have are proxy backups, then you can restore them to a nondefault location on disk, which causes RMAN to view the restored files as datafile copies. You can then use the datafile copies for block media recovery.

  • You must have a full backup of the file containing the corrupt blocks: block media recovery cannot use incremental backups.

  • If RMAN fails to access a specific archived redo log file needed for block media recovery, it performs restore failover, trying all other backups listed in the RMAN repository that are suitable for use in this operation, and only fails if no suitable backup is available. See Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide for details on restore failover.

  • Block media recovery cannot survive a missing or inaccessible archived log, although it can sometimes survive missing or inaccessible records (Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide).

  • The datafile header block (block 1) cannot be recovered.

  • You cannot perform block media recovery inNOARCHIVELOG mode.


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这些配置是为了控制 Azure Cognitive Services 的网关超时、重试超时以及重试次数的。具体作用如下: - ``: 控制网关超时的时间,单位为秒。 - ``: 控制网关重试超时的时间,单位为秒。 - ``: 控制网关重试次数。 如果你想测试这些配置是否生效,可以使用 curl 命令进行测试。假设你要测试的是某个 Azure Cognitive Services 的 API,可以使用以下命令: ```bash curl -X POST -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"text": "YOUR_TEXT"}' "YOUR_API_ENDPOINT" ``` 其中: - `YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY` 是你的 Azure Cognitive Services 订阅密钥。 - `YOUR_TEXT` 是你要传给 API 的文本。 - `YOUR_API_ENDPOINT` 是你要测试的 API 的终结点。 如果你要测试 `` 的配置是否生效,可以在 curl 命令后面加上 `-m` 参数,表示设置超时时间。例如,如果你想设置超时时间为 10 秒,可以使用以下命令: ```bash curl -m 10 -X POST -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"text": "YOUR_TEXT"}' "YOUR_API_ENDPOINT" ``` 如果你要测试 `` 和 `` 的配置是否生效,可以在 curl 命令后面加上 `-v` 参数,表示输出详细信息。例如,如果你想设置重试超时时间为 5 秒、重试次数为 3 次,可以使用以下命令: ```bash curl -v -X POST -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"text": "YOUR_TEXT"}' --retry 3 --retry-delay 1 --retry-max-time 5 "YOUR_API_ENDPOINT" ``` 其中: - `--retry` 参数表示设置重试次数。 - `--retry-delay` 参数表示设置重试间隔时间,单位为秒。 - `--retry-max-time` 参数表示设置重试的最长时间,单位为秒。


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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