climb up/cling to/clear up等动词词组

本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day4 Week 1”


change from/to 转换;改换

  • If you change from one thing to another, you stop using doing the first one and start using or doing the second.

charge for 收费

  • If you charge someone an amount of money for something that you have sold to them or done for them,you ask them to pay that amount for it.

check in(to) 办理入住手续;办理登机手续

  • when you check in or check into a hotel or clinic,or if someone checks you in,you arrive and go through the necessary procedures before you stay there.
  • When you check in at an airport,you arrive and show your ticket before going on a flight.

check out (of) 退房;借出;调查

  • When you check out of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying,or if someone checks you out,you pay the bill and leave.
  • If you check out something or someone,you find out information about them to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory.
  • If you check out a library book,you borrow it for a fixed period of time.

cheer by 感到振奋

  • If you are cheered by something,it makes you happier or less worried.

cheer up 振奋精神

  • When you cheer up or when something cheers you up,you stop feeling depressed and become more cheerful.

choose from 从中选择

  • If you choose someone or something from several people or things that are available,you decide which people or thing you want to have.

clean up 清理干净

  • If you clean up a mess or a place where there is a mess,you make things neat and free of dirt again.

clear up 整理

  • When you clear up or clear a place up,you make things neat and put them away.
  • To clear up a problem,misunderstanding,or mystery means to settle it or find a satisfactory explantion for it.
  • To clear up a medical problem,infection,or disease means to cure it or get rid of it,If a medical problem clears up,it goes away.
  • When the weather clears up,it stops raining or being cloudy.

climb up/down 攀爬

  • If you climb up something such as a tree,mountain,or ladder,you move toward the top of it.If you climb down it,you move toward the bottom of it.

cling to 紧握,固守

  • If you cling to someone or something,you hold onto them tightly.
  • If someone clings to a position or a possession they have,they do everything they can to keep it even though this may be very difficult.

close down 永久关闭

  • To close down means the same as to close.

collect for 募捐

  • If you collect for a charity or for a present for someone,you ask people to give you money for it.

come about 产生

  • When you say how or when something came about,you say how or when it happened.

come across 偶然发生

  • If you come across something or someone,you find them or meet them by chance.

come back to 重新记起;再度流行

  • If someone comes back to a place,they return to it.
  • If something that you had forgotten comes back to you,you remember it.
  • When someting comes back to fashion,it becomes fashionable again.

come on 继续

  • You say “Come on” to someone to encourage them to do something they do not want to do.
  • You say “Come on” to someone to encourage them to hurry up.

come over 拜访 ;攫住

  • If a feeling or desire,especially a strange or surprising ones,comes over you,it affects you strongly.
  • If someone comes over to your house or another place,they visit you there.

come to 苏醒

  • When someone who is unconscious comes to,they become conscious.

come up (to) 即将发生;走上前来,被提及,被讨论,(日,月)升起

  • If someone comes up or comes up to you,they approach you until they are standing close to you
  • If something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is metioned or discussed.
  • If something is coming up,it is about to happen or take place.
  • If a job comes up or if something comes up for sale,it becomes available.
  • When the sun or moon comes up,it rises.



come up (to)走上前来;被提及、被讨论;即将发生;出现;(日、月)升起
charge for收费
climb up/down攀爬
cling to紧紧抓住;固守
come across偶然发现;偶然碰见
come on来吧;快点
choose from从中选择
come about产生;发生
clear up收拾,整理;解决,澄清;治愈;天气转晴
come to苏醒
cheer up振作精神
come back to回来;重新记起;再度流行
collect for募捐
clean up收拾干净
cheer by感到振奋
close down永久关闭
check out(of)退房;调查;借出
check in(to)办理入住手续;办理登记手续
come over拜访 ;攫住
change from//to改换



  1. Pease ___ the new job and confirm that you are in the right place.
  2. That incident happened to ____ when we went to New York last year.
  3. I can’t ___ and help you out – that would be cheating!
  4. Investors were ___ a report that indicated the economy was growing.
  5. The architect decided to ___ us a fee __ his design.
  6. They packed quickly and wanted to ___ the hotel
  7. To ___ the first hill will probably take me almost half an hour.
  8. She has finally ___ after the severe car accident.
  9. The declining global demand could ___ factories and lay off workers.
  10. Let’s ___ the broken glass immediately before someone walks on it.
  11. I’ll call the hotel and tell them we’ll ___ tomorrow.
  12. Charity groups often hold events to ___ food __ low-income families
  13. We have many patterns in stock for you to.
  14. Believe it or not,I wrote that song just to ___ myself ___.
  15. Those who ___ erroneous views shall be educated by critism.
  16. After two days,no other emergencies have ____.
  17. When you ____ something important,write it down.
  18. He will __ the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.
  19. I always wonder when she can ___ work after her maternity leave.
  20. Then we would say,‘Oh,___ tell us the real reason.’


  1. change to
  2. come about
  3. come over
  4. cheered by
  5. charge for
  6. check out of
  7. climb up
  8. come to
  9. close down
  10. clean up
  11. check in
  12. collect for
  13. choose from
  14. cheer up
  15. cling to
  16. come up
  17. come across
  18. clear up
  19. come back to
  20. come on

博主上一篇博文(day3 week1):
burst out/care for/call on等动词词组

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