profit from/prove to/provide with等动词词组

本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day7 Week 2”


peep at 费力地看

  • if you peep at something,you take a quick look at it,other secretly and quietly.

peep out 探出,露出

  • If something peeps out from behind or under something,a small part of it is visible or becomes visible.

peer at 瞥一眼

  • If you peer at something,you look at it very hard,usually because it is difficult to see clearly.

persist in 坚持,执意

  • If you persist in doing something you continue to do it ,even though it is difficult or other people are against.

pick out 辨认,挑选

  • If you pick out someone or something,you recognize them when it is difficult to see them,for example,because they are among a large group.
  • If you pick out someone or something,you choose them from a group of people or things.

pick up 拾起;(开车)接取,(不费力地)学会或获得

  • When you pick something up,you lift it up.
  • When you pick up someone or something that is waiting to be collected,you go to the place where they are and take them away,often in a car.
  • If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea,you acquire it without effort over a preiod of time.
  • If you pick up an illness,you get it from somewhere or something.
  • If a piece of equipment,for example,a redio or a microphone,picks up a signal or sound,it receives or detects that signal or sound.
  • When a vehicle picks up speed,it begins to move more quickly.

play with 摆弄

  • If you play with an object or with your hair,you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers,perhaps because you are bored or nevous.

point at (用手)指向,对准

  • If you point at a preson or thing,you hold out our finger toward them in order to make someone notice them.
  • If you point something at someone,you aim the tip or end of it toward them.

point to 指向;表明;显示;着重标出

  • If something points to a place or points in particular direction,it shows where that place is or it faces in that direction.
  • If something points to particular situation,it suggests that the situation exists or is likely to occur.
  • If you point to something that has happend or that is happening,you are using it as proof that a particular situation exists.

point out 指出,指明;指出(事实,错误)

  • If you point out an object or place,you make people look at it or show them where it is.
  • If you point out a fact or mistake,you tell someone about it or draw their attention to it.

pop up 突然出现

  • If someone or something pops up, they appear in a place or situation unexpectedly

prepare for 做好准备

  • If you prepare for an event or action that will happen soon,you get yourself ready for it or make the necessary arrangements.

present with 颁发

  • If you present someone with something such as a prize or document,you formally give it to them.

present to 正式介绍

  • If you present someone to someone else,often an important person,you formally introduce them.

prevent from 阻止

  • To prevent someone from doing something means to make it impossible for them to do it.

profit from 从中获利;从中得益

  • If you profit something,you earn a profit from it.
  • If you profit from something,you gain some advantage or benefit from it.

protect against/from 保护

  • To protect someone against or from being harmed or damaged means to prevent them from possible danger as much as you can.

protest against 抗议

  • If you protest against something,you say or show publicly that you object to it.

prove to 证明为

  • If something proves to be true or to have a particular quality,it becomes clear after a period of time that it is true or has that quality.

provide with 提供

  • If you provide someone with something that they need or want,you give it to them or make it available to them.



present with颁发
pop up突然出现
peer at费力地看
persist in坚持,执意
prepare for做好准备
prove to证明为
pick up拾起;(开车)接取,(不费力地)学会或获得
point to指向;表明;显示;着重标出
prevent from阻止
provide with提供
profit from从中获利;从中得益
peep out探出,露出
play with摆弄
protect against/from保护
pick out辨认,挑选
point out指出,指明;指出(事实,错误)
present to正式介绍
peep at瞥一眼
point at(用手)指向,对准
protest against抗议



  1. Professors ___ their students ___ knowledge,especially in a methodical way.
  2. I’d really like to __ Grandpa at the railroad station.
  3. He always seems to ___ in the most unlikely place.
  4. Active cure of patients is important to __ complications.
  5. The purpose of a self-introduction is to ___ yourself ___ someone else.
  6. I’ll ___ the whole world that he was right.
  7. It’s impolite to __ other in public.
  8. In the meadows pretty flowers ___ from the grass.
  9. He had to __ his book because the room was dark.
  10. China never wished to ___ the misfortunes of her neighbors.
  11. It is with great pleasure that I ___ you ___ this Grammy Award you fully deserve.
  12. My monther is going to help me ___ a new suit.
  13. No matter who ___ our shortcoming,we will correct them.
  14. What can we do to ___ ourselves __ heart disease?
  15. It’s wrong for a man to ___ a woman’s affections.
  16. You ___ the disired item,click once to select it and close the menu.
  17. You can move the mouse to ___ different things and then click the button.
  18. She decided to forget the party and ___ the English exam.
  19. Hundreds of people took to the streets to ___ police brutalities.
  20. If you ___ doing that you will end up in trouble.


  1. provide with
  2. pick up
  3. pop up
  4. prevent from
  5. present to
  6. prove to
  7. peep at
  8. peep out
  9. peer at
  10. profit from
  11. present with
  12. pick out
  13. point out
  14. protect from/against
  15. play with
  16. point to
  17. point at
  18. prepare for
  19. protest against
  20. persist in

博主上一篇博文(day6 week2):

mistake for/mix up/narrow down等动词词组





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