【Let‘s make it big】英语学习合集11~20


your line was busy,I couldn’t get through
anyway I have to hang up now
let me clarify
maybe I can make an exception
keep you quiet
here’s all my money I have
Is there anything else I can help you with
hold on just one sec
one is ok, two is not
I haven’t heard from you in 6 months
nice chatting with you


that depends
I’d love to come
It is kind of you to invite me
Do you happen to know


you look tired
My alram goes off at 7:00am everyday
Do you have plans later
It doesn’t cost very much,which is nice
I only unserstand a bit
My teacher is very good through she talks a lot
Speaking of people who talk a lot
He promised to help me but now he says he can’t
What happens if you press it
I hope so
really hate it when people do that
one more thing to do


think of me as your friend
What’s your calendar like today
Do you have any appointments?
What time would you like to arrange an appointment?
I look forward to your meeting
Who was that?刚刚是谁
be in charge of a lot of people
I’m so flattered 你过奖了
take on more responsibility
this is not a 9 to 5 job, it’s around the clock
You’re gonna be an excellent supervisor


I don’t want to be embarrassed
I’m disappointed in your work
this is not a joke
no cheating
times up
That’s the way is should be
prep for dinner


I’m very impressed
I don’t know anything about them
You don’t have anyone to play with?
I do anything you ask me to
take a break
I’m so glad you are here


I want to give you a bit of advice
I don’t ignore other important things in my life
have a habit of cooking
Don’t let it happen again
go sit and chat about it
that’s quite a problem
Never mind
What’s important is that I never lost my motivation to succeed
You know what I feel so much better
I should probably leave
the year was 1985


That’s insane,depressing
That’s insulting
He does’t even let me prepare appetizers anymore
There’s nothing wrong with being a server
Coffee always makes me feel better
She always said bad thing about my clothes
I’m just not aware what I want to be in life
you spent all of your time in the restaurant
I know you can figure it out


grerat start to the day
hand me some paper towels
What do you mean by that?
You almost broke the window
It’s harder than it looks
Is the air conditioning on?
I’m freezing,I really don’t feel well
Let’s take the stairs,can we take the elevator instead
You should listen to me as well as trust me
That’s not funny
This is supposed to be fun
I want to go lie down
My head hurts because I’m stuffed up/blocked up
I’m sorry you feel bad
Is there anything I can do to help
What are your other symptoms
It might be the flu


Do you need a tissue?
I really need to use a restroom,it might be a while ,I can’t wait that long
I might be,I definitely am
I can’t find another bathroom
which way to the bathroom
what are we gonnna do?
What was that noise?
That’s not all





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