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原创 高级编程技术第十九次作业

代码:from sklearn import datasets,cross_validationfrom sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNBfrom sklearn.svm import SVCfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifierfrom sklearn import metrics...

2018-06-18 22:15:32 157

原创 高级编程技术第十八次作业

Anscombe's quartetAnscombe's quartet comprises of four datasets, and is rather famous. Why? You'll find out in this exercise.Part 1For each of the four datasets...Compute the mean and variance of both...

2018-06-11 21:58:29 152

原创 高级编程技术第十七次作业

Exercise 10.1: Least squaresGenerate matrix A 2 Rmn with m > n. Also generate some vector b 2 Rm.Now nd x = arg minx kAx .. bk2.Print the norm of the residual.代码:import numpy as npimport scipy.lin...

2018-06-04 20:46:24 180

原创 高级编程技术第十六次作业

MatplotlibExercise 11.1: Plotting a functionPlot the functionf(x) = sin^2(x-2)e^-x2over the interval [0; 2]. Add proper axis labels, a title, etc.代码import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt...

2018-05-29 20:02:06 112

原创 高级编程技术第十五次作业

Generate matrices A, with random Gaussian entries, B, a Toeplitz matrix, where A 2 Rnm and B 2 Rmm, for n = 200, m = 500.9-1 Matrix operationsCalculate A + A, AA>, A>A and AB. Write a function t...

2018-05-21 22:37:13 236

原创 高级编程技术第十三次作业

55. Jump Game网址:https://leetcode.com/problems/jump-game/description/代码:class Solution: def canJump(self, nums): length = 0 for i in range(len(nums)): if length < i: return False if i...

2018-04-29 23:00:25 79

原创 高级编程技术第十三次作业

64. Minimum Path Sum网站:https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-path-sum/description/代码:class Solution: def minPathSum(self, grid): row = len(grid) cow = len(grid[0]) _list = [[0]*cow]*row if ro...

2018-04-29 22:27:02 85

原创 高级编程技术第十二次作业

119. Pascal's Triangle II网址:https://leetcode.com/problems/pascals-triangle-ii/description/代码:class Solution: def getRow(self, rowIndex): _list = [1] if rowIndex == 0: return _list if rowInde...

2018-04-29 21:39:54 106

原创 高级编程技术第十一次作业

11-1 城市和国家city_functions.pydef city_country(city, country): return(city.title() + ", " + country.title())test_cities.pyimport unittestfrom city_functions import city_countryclass CitiesTestCas...

2018-04-15 22:15:27 114

原创 高级编程技术第十次作业

10-2 C语言学习笔记file_name = "learning_python.txt"with open(file_name) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() for line in lines: print(line.replace("Python", "C"))learning_python.txtIn Pytho...

2018-04-08 22:43:00 107

原创 高级编程技术第九次作业

9-1 餐馆class Restaurant(): """the restaurant""" def __init__(self, restaurant_name, cuisine_type): """Initialize the restaurant""" self.restaurant_name = restaurant_name self.cuisine_type

2018-04-08 22:07:48 122

原创 高级编程技术第八次作业

8-2 喜欢的图书def favourite_book(title): """print one of the favourite book""" print("One of my favourite book is " + title + '.')favourite_book('The three body problem')8-7 专辑def make_album(singer_name...

2018-04-01 16:38:35 134

原创 高级编程技术第七次作业

7-3 10的整数倍num = input("Please input a number: ")num = int(num)if num % 10 == 0: print('It is an integer multiple of 10')else: print('It is not an integer multiple of 10')7-6 三个出口prompt = '\nPleas...

2018-04-01 16:13:17 157 1

原创 高级编程技术第六次作业

6-5 河流rivers = { 'Yangtze River': 'China', 'Nile': 'Egypt', 'Amazonian River': 'Brazil', }for r, c in rivers.items(): print('The ' + r + ' runs through ' + c + '.')for r in rivers.keys(): prin...

2018-03-25 12:13:42 111

原创 高级编程技术第五次作业、

5-6 人生的不同阶段ages = [1, 2, 4, 13, 20, 65]for age in ages: if age < 2: print('He is a baby.') elif age < 4: print('He is learing to walk.') elif age < 13: print('He is a child.') elif...

2018-03-25 11:26:29 150

原创 高级编程技术第四次作业

4-1 比萨pizzas = ['fruit pizza', 'bacon pizza', 'seafood pizza']for pizza in pizzas: print(pizza)for pizza in pizzas: print("I like " + pizza)print("I really love pizza!")4-7 3的倍数values = list(rang...

2018-03-18 11:46:55 136

原创 高级编程技术第三次作业

3-2 问候语names = ['jams', 'tom', 'john']for name in names: message = name.title() + ', welcome to the python world!' print(message)3-4 嘉宾名单names = ['Kobe', 'Hawking', 'Einstein', 'Liu Cixin']for nam...

2018-03-18 11:17:39 133

原创 高级编程技术第二次作业

2-1编写一条信息message = "hello world"print(message)2-2编写一条信息并修改message = "hello world"print(message)message = "hello python world"print(message)2-3输出一条含有名字的信息name = "Kessef"message = "Hello " + name +...

2018-03-10 17:45:32 160

原创 高级编程技术第一次作业


2018-03-10 17:20:18 182



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