Linux C API

Linux C API

  1. reboot();
    #include <linux/reboot.h> /* Definition of LINUX_REBOOT_* constants /
    #include <sys/syscall.h> /
    Definition of SYS_* constants */
    #include <unistd.h>

    int syscall(SYS_reboot, int magic, int magic2, int cmd, void *arg);
    /* Under glibc and most alternative libc's (including uclibc, dietlibc,
       musl and a few others), some of the constants involved have gotten
       symbolic names RB_*, and the library call is a 1-argument
       wrapper around the system call: */
    #include <sys/reboot.h>    /* Definition of RB_* constants */
    #include <unistd.h>
    int reboot(int cmd);


   The reboot() call reboots the system, or enables/disables the
   reboot keystroke (abbreviated CAD, since the default is Ctrl-Alt-
   Delete; it can be changed using loadkeys(1)).

   This system call fails (with the error EINVAL) unless magic
   equals LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1 (that is, 0xfee1dead) and magic2
   equals LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2 (that is, 672274793).  However, since
   2.1.17 also LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2A (that is, 85072278) and since
   2.1.97 also LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2B (that is, 369367448) and since
   2.5.71 also LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2C (that is, 537993216) are
   permitted as values for magic2.  (The hexadecimal values of these
   constants are meaningful.)

   The cmd argument can have the following values:

          (RB_DISABLE_CAD, 0).  CAD is disabled.  This means that
          the CAD keystroke will cause a SIGINT signal to be sent to
          init (process 1), whereupon this process may decide upon a
          proper action (maybe: kill all processes, sync, reboot).

          (RB_ENABLE_CAD, 0x89abcdef).  CAD is enabled.  This means
          that the CAD keystroke will immediately cause the action
          associated with LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART.

          (RB_HALT_SYSTEM, 0xcdef0123; since Linux 1.1.76).  The
          message "System halted." is printed, and the system is
          halted.  Control is given to the ROM monitor, if there is
          one.  If not preceded by a sync(2), data will be lost.

          (RB_KEXEC, 0x45584543, since Linux 2.6.13).  Execute a
          kernel that has been loaded earlier with kexec_load(2).
          This option is available only if the kernel was configured
          with CONFIG_KEXEC.

          (RB_POWER_OFF, 0x4321fedc; since Linux 2.1.30).  The
          message "Power down." is printed, the system is stopped,
          and all power is removed from the system, if possible.  If
          not preceded by a sync(2), data will be lost.

          (RB_AUTOBOOT, 0x1234567).  The message "Restarting
          system." is printed, and a default restart is performed
          immediately.  If not preceded by a sync(2), data will be

          (0xa1b2c3d4; since Linux 2.1.30).  The message "Restarting
          system with command '%s'" is printed, and a restart (using
          the command string given in arg) is performed immediately.
          If not preceded by a sync(2), data will be lost.

          (RB_SW_SUSPEND, 0xd000fce1; since Linux 2.5.18).  The
          system is suspended (hibernated) to disk.  This option is
          available only if the kernel was configured with

   Only the superuser may call reboot().

   The precise effect of the above actions depends on the
   architecture.  For the i386 architecture, the additional argument
   does not do anything at present (2.1.122), but the type of reboot
   can be determined by kernel command-line arguments ("reboot=...")
   to be either warm or cold, and either hard or through the BIOS.

Behavior inside PID namespaces
Since Linux 3.4, if reboot() is called from a PID namespace other
than the initial PID namespace with one of the cmd values listed
below, it performs a “reboot” of that namespace: the “init”
process of the PID namespace is immediately terminated, with the
effects described in pid_namespaces(7).

   The values that can be supplied in cmd when calling reboot() in
   this case are as follows:

          The "init" process is terminated, and wait(2) in the
          parent process reports that the child was killed with a
          SIGHUP signal.

          The "init" process is terminated, and wait(2) in the
          parent process reports that the child was killed with a
          SIGINT signal.

   For the other cmd values, reboot() returns -1 and errno is set to


   For the values of cmd that stop or restart the system, a
   successful call to reboot() does not return.  For the other cmd
   values, zero is returned on success.  In all cases, -1 is
   returned on failure, and errno is set to indicate the error.


   EFAULT Problem with getting user-space data under

   EINVAL Bad magic numbers or cmd.

   EPERM  The calling process has insufficient privilege to call
          reboot(); the caller must have the CAP_SYS_BOOT inside its
          user namespace.
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LINUX C函数库API 1.字符测试篇 15 1.1 15 isalnum(测试字符是否为英文或数字) 15 1.2 15 isalpha (测试字符是否为英文字母) 15 1.3 16 isascii(测试字符是否为ASCII 码字符) 16 1.4 17 iscntrl(测试字符是否为ASCII 码的控制字符) 17 1.5 17 isdigit(测试字符是否为阿拉伯数字) 17 1.6 17 isgraphis(测试字符是否为可打印字符) 17 1.7 18 islower(测试字符是否为小写字母) 18 1.8 18 isprint(测试字符是(否为可打印字符) 18 1.9 19 isspace(测试字符是否为空格字符) 19 1.10 20 ispunct(测试字符是否为标点符号或特殊符号) 20 1.11 20 isupper(测试字符是否为大写英文字母) 20 1.12 21 isxdigit(测试字符是否为16进制数字) 21 2.字符串转换篇 21 2.1 21 atof(将字符串转换成浮点型数) 21 2.2 22 atoi(将字符串转换成整型数) 22 2.3 22 atol(将字符串转换成长整型数) 22 2.4 23 gcvt(将浮点型数转换为字符串,取四舍五入) 23 2.5 24 strtod(将字符串转换成浮点数) 24 2.6 24 strtol(将字符串转换成长整型数) 24 2.7 25 strtoul(将字符串转换成无符号长整型数) 25 2.8 25 toascii(将整型数转换成合法的ASCII 码字符) 25 2.9 26 tolower(将大写字母转换成小写字母) 26 2.10 26 toupper(将小写字母转换成大写字母) 26 3.内存控制篇 27 3.1 27 calloc(配置内存空间) 27 3.2 28 free(释放原先配置的内存) 28 3.3 28 getpagesize(取得内存分页大小) 28 3.4 28 malloc(配置内存空间) 28 3.5 28 mmap(建立内存映射) 28 3.6 30 munmap(解除内存映射) 30 4.日期时间篇 31 4.1 31 asctime(将时间和日期以字符串格式表示) 31 4.2 31 ctime(将时间和日期以字符串格式表示) 31 4.3 32 gettimeofday(取得目前的时间) 32 4.4 33 gmtime(取得目前时间和日期) 33 4.5 34 localtime(取得当地目前时间和日期) 34 4.6 34 mktime(将时间结构数据转换成经过的秒数) 34 4.7 35 settimeofday(设置目前时间) 35 4.8 35 time(取得目前的时间) 35 5.内存及字符串操作篇 36 5.1 36 bcmp(比较内存内容) 36 5.2 36 bcopy(拷贝内存内容) 36 5.3 37 bzero(将一段内存内容全清为零) 37 5.4 37 index(查找字符串中第一个出现的指定字符) 37 5.5. 37 memccpy(拷贝内存内容) 37 5.6 38 memchr(在某一内存范围中查找一特定字符) 38 5.7 38 memcmp(比较内存内容) 38 5.8 39 memcpy(拷贝内存内容) 39 5.9 40 memmove(拷贝内存内容) 40 5.10 40 memset(将一段内存空间填入某值) 40 5.11 40 rindex(查找字符串中最后一个出现的指定字符) 40 5.12 41 strcasecmp(忽略大小写比较字符串) 41 5.13 41 strcat(连接两字符串) 41 5.14 42 strchr(查找字符串中第一个出现的指定字符) 42 5.15 42 strcmp(比较字符串) 42 5.16 43 strcoll(采用目前区域的字符排列次序来比较字符串) 43 5.17 43 strcpy(拷贝字符串) 43 5.18 44 strcspn(返回字符串中连续不含指定字符串内容的字符数) 44 5.19 44 strdup(复制字符串) 44 5.20 45 strlen(返回字符串长度) 45 5.21 45 strncasecmp(忽略大小写比较字符串) 45 5.22 46 strncat(连接两字符串) 46 5.23 46 strncpy(拷贝字符串) 46 5.24 47 strpbrk(查找字符串中第一个出现的指定字符) 47 5.25 47 strrchr(查找字符串中最后出现的指定字符) 47 5.26 47 strspn(返回字符串中连续不含指定字符串内容的字符数) 47 5.27 48 strstr(在一字符串中查找指定的字符串) 48 5.28 48 strtok(分割字符串) 48 6. 常用数学函数篇 49 6.1 49 abs(计算整型数的绝对值) 49 6.2 49 acos(取反余弦函数数值) 49 6.3 50 asin(取反正弦函数值) 50 6.4 50 atan(取反正切函数值) 50 6.5 51 atan2(取得反正切函数值) 51 6.6 51 ceil(取不小于参数的最小整型数) 51 6.7 52 cos(取余玄函数值) 52 6.8 52 cosh(取双曲线余玄函数值) 52 6.9 53 exp(计算指数) 53 6.10 53 frexp(将浮点型数分为底数与指数) 53 6.11 54 ldexp(计算2的次方值) 54 6.12 54 log(计算以e 为底的对数值) 54 6.13 55 log10(计算以10 为底的对数值) 55 6.14 55 pow(计算次方值) 55 6.15 56 sin(取正玄函数值) 56 6.16 56 sinh(取双曲线正玄函数值) 56 6.17 56 sqrt(计算平方根值) 56 6.18 57 tan(取正切函数值) 57 6.19 57 tanh(取双曲线正切函数值) 57 7.用户组篇 58 7.1 58 endgrent(关闭组文件) 58 7.2 58 endpwent(关闭密码文件) 58 7.3 58 endutent(关闭utmp 文件) 58 7.4 59 fgetgrent(从指定的文件来读取组格式) 59 7.5 60 fgetpwent(从指定的文件来读取密码格式) 60 7.6 61 getegid(取得有效的组识别码) 61 7.7 61 geteuid(取得有效的用户识别码) 61 7.8 62 getgid(取得真实的组识别码) 62 7.9 62 getgrent(从组文件中取得账号的数据) 62 7.10 63 getgrgid(从组文件中取得指定gid 的数据) 63 7.11 64 getgrnam(从组文件中取得指定组的数据) 64 7.12 64 getgroups(取得组代码) 64 7.13 65 getpw(取得指定用户的密码文件数据) 65 7.14 66 getpwent(从密码文件中取得账号的数据) 66 7.15 67 getpwnam(从密码文件中取得指定账号的数据) 67 7.16 68 getpwuid(从密码文件中取得指定uid 的数据) 68 7.17 68 getuid(取得真实的用户识别码) 68 7.18 69 getutent(从utmp 文件中取得账号登录数据) 69 7.19 70 getutid(从utmp 文件中查找特定的记录) 70 7.20 71 getutline(从utmp 文件中查找特定的记录) 71 7.21 71 initgroups(初始化组清单) 71 7.22 71 pututline(将utmp 记录写入文件) 71 7.23 72 seteuid(设置有效的用户识别码) 72 7.24 72 setfsgid(设置文件系统的组识别码) 72 7.25 73 setfsuid(设置文件系统的用户识别码) 73 7.26 73 setgid(设置真实的组识别码) 73 7.27 73 setgrent(从头读取组文件中的组数据) 73 7.28 74 setgroups(设置组代码) 74 7.29 74 setpwent(从头读取密码文件中的账号数据) 74 7.30 75 setregid(设置真实及有效的组识别码) 75 7.31 75 setreuid(设置真实及有效的用户识别码) 75 7.32 75 setuid(设置真实的用户识别码) 75 7.33 76 setutent(从头读取utmp 文件中的登录数据) 76 7.34 76 utmpname(设置utmp 文件路径) 76 8.数据结构和算法篇 76 8.1 76 crypt(将密码或数据编码) 76 8.2 77 bsearch(二元搜索) 77 8.3 78 lfind(线性搜索) 78 8.4 79 lsearch(线性搜索) 79 8.5 80 qsort(利用快速排序法排列数组) 80 8.6 81 rand(产生随机数) 81 8.7 81 srand(设置随机数种子) 81 9 文件操作篇 82 9.1 82 close(关闭文件) 82 9.2 82 creat(建立文件) 82 9.3 83 dup(复制文件描述词) 83 9.4 83 dup2(复制文件描述词) 83 9.5 84 fcntl(文件描述词操作) 84 9.6 85 flock(锁定文件或解除锁定) 85 9.7 85 fsync(将缓冲区数据写回磁盘) 85 9.8 85 lseek(移动文件的读写位置) 85 9.9 86 mkstemp(建立唯一的临时文件) 86 9.10 86 open(打开文件) 86 9.11 88 read(由已打开的文件读取数据) 88 9.12 89 sync(将缓冲区数据写回磁盘) 89 9.13 89 write(将数据写入已打开的文件内) 89 10 文件内容操作篇 89 10.1 89 clearerr(清除文件流的错误旗标) 89 10.2 90 fclose(关闭文件) 90 10.3 90 fdopen(将文件描述词转为文件指针) 90 10.4 90 feof(检查文件流是否读到了文件尾) 90 10.5 91 fflush(更新缓冲区) 91 10.6 91 fgetc(由文件中读取一个字符) 91 10.7 91 fgets(由文件中读取一字符串) 91 10.8 92 fileno(返回文件流所使用的文件描述词) 92 10.9 92 fopen(打开文件) 92 10.10 93 fputc(将一指定字符写入文件流中) 93 10.11 94 fputs(将一指定的字符串写入文件内) 94 10.12 94 fread(从文件流读取数据) 94 10.13 95 freopen(打开文件) 95 10.14 95 fseek(移动文件流的读写位置) 95 10.15 96 ftell(取得文件流的读取位置) 96 10.16 96 fwrite(将数据写至文件流) 96 10.17 97 getc(由文件中读取一个字符) 97 10.18 97 getchar(由标准输入设备内读进一字符) 97 10.19 98 gets(由标准输入设备内读进一字符串) 98 10.20 98 mktemp(产生唯一的临时文件名) 98 10.21 99 putc(将一指定字符写入文件中) 99 10.22 99 putchar(将指定的字符写到标准输出设备) 99 10.23 99 rewind(重设文件流的读写位置为文件开头) 99 10.24 99 setbuf(设置文件流的缓冲区) 99 10.25 100 setbuffer(设置文件流的缓冲区) 100 10.26 100 setlinebuf(设置文件流为线性缓冲区) 100 10.27 100 setvbuf(设置文件流的缓冲区) 100 10.28 101 ungetc(将指定字符写回文件流中) 101 11 进程操作篇 101 11.1 101 atexit(设置程序正常结束前调用的函数) 101 11.2 101 execl(执行文件) 101 11.3 102 execlp(从PATH 环境变量中查找文件并执行) 102 11.4 102 execv(执行文件) 102 11.5 103 execve(执行文件) 103 11.6 104 execvp(执行文件) 104 11.7 104 exit(正常结束进程) 104 11.8 104 _exit(结束进程执行) 104 11.9 105 vfork(建立一个新的进程) 105 11.10 105 getpgid(取得进程组识别码) 105 11.11 106 getpgrp(取得进程组识别码) 106 11.12 106 getpid(取得进程识别码) 106 11.13 107 getppid(取得父进程的进程识别码) 107 11.14 107 getpriority(取得程序进程执行优先权) 107 11.15 108 nice(改变进程优先顺序) 108 11.16 108 on_exit(设置程序正常结束前调用的函数) 108 11.17 109 setpgid(设置进程组识别码) 109 11.18 109 setpgrp(设置进程组识别码) 109 11.19 109 setpriority(设置程序进程执行优先权) 109 11.20 110 system(执行shell 命令) 110 11.21 110 wait(等待子进程中断或结束) 110 11.22 111 waitpid(等待子进程中断或结束) 111 11.23 112 fprintf(格式化输出数据至文件) 112 11.24 112 fscanf(格式化字符串输入) 112 ... ... ... ...


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


