fabric 2.0, peer, initialization

peer, entry point

Driven by Cobra: A mainCmd is created to start Cobra execution.

func main() {
	// For environment variables.
	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")

	// Define command-line flags that are valid for all peer commands and
	// subcommands.
	mainFlags := mainCmd.PersistentFlags()

	mainFlags.String("logging-level", "", "Legacy logging level flag")
	viper.BindPFlag("logging_level", mainFlags.Lookup("logging-level"))

	cryptoProvider := factory.GetDefault()

	mainCmd.AddCommand(chaincode.Cmd(nil, cryptoProvider))

	// On failure Cobra prints the usage message and error string, so we only
	// need to exit with a non-0 status
	if mainCmd.Execute() != nil {

node cmd

  • node has a PersistentPreRun defined, so common.InitCmd has to be executed before node cmd execution. Note that os.Exit(1) if InitConfig(CmdRoot) failed - no configuration files specified.
  • Log, legacy CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL is no longer supported, please use the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC environment variable
    – loggingSpec := os.Getenv(“FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC”)
    – loggingFormat := os.Getenv(“FABRIC_LOGGING_FORMAT”)
var nodeCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:              nodeFuncName,
	Short:            fmt.Sprint(nodeCmdDes),
	Long:             fmt.Sprint(nodeCmdDes),
	PersistentPreRun: common.InitCmd,

func InitCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
	err := InitConfig(CmdRoot)
	if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
		mainLogger.Errorf("Fatal error when initializing %s config : %s", CmdRoot, err)

	// read in the legacy logging level settings and, if set,
	// notify users of the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC env variable
	var loggingLevel string
	if viper.GetString("logging_level") != "" {
		loggingLevel = viper.GetString("logging_level")
	} else {
		loggingLevel = viper.GetString("logging.level")
	if loggingLevel != "" {
		mainLogger.Warning("CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL is no longer supported, please use the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC environment variable")

	loggingSpec := os.Getenv("FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC")
	loggingFormat := os.Getenv("FABRIC_LOGGING_FORMAT")

		Format:  loggingFormat,
		Writer:  logOutput,
		LogSpec: loggingSpec,

	// chaincode packaging does not require material from the local MSP
	if cmd.CommandPath() == "peer lifecycle chaincode package" {
		mainLogger.Debug("peer lifecycle chaincode package does not need to init crypto")

	// Init the MSP
	var mspMgrConfigDir = config.GetPath("peer.mspConfigPath")
	var mspID = viper.GetString("peer.localMspId")
	var mspType = viper.GetString("peer.localMspType")
	if mspType == "" {
		mspType = msp.ProviderTypeToString(msp.FABRIC)
	err = InitCrypto(mspMgrConfigDir, mspID, mspType)
	if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
		mainLogger.Errorf("Cannot run peer because %s", err.Error())

Node Start

var nodeStartCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "start",
	Short: "Starts the node.",
	Long:  `Starts a node that interacts with the network.`,
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		if len(args) != 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("trailing args detected")
		// Parsing of the command line is done so silence cmd usage
		cmd.SilenceUsage = true
		return serve(args)

func serve(args []string) error {
	// start operation at a http server
	opsSystem := newOperationsSystem(coreConfig)
	err = opsSystem.Start()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to initialize operations subsystems")
	defer opsSystem.Stop()
	// Set log observer
	metricsProvider := opsSystem.Provider
	logObserver := floggingmetrics.NewObserver(metricsProvider)

	go func() {
		var grpcErr error
		if grpcErr = peerServer.Start(); grpcErr != nil {
			grpcErr = fmt.Errorf("grpc server exited with error: %s", grpcErr)
		serve <- grpcErr

	// Block until grpc server exits
	return <-serve

Node initialization

The relevent code is quite some…

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0 开始 Make Operation System, log observer Make mspmembershipInfoProvider, needed by LedgerMgr Make transientStoreProvider, level DB Make localDSP, needed by Gossip Make deliverGRPCClient, needed by Gossip policyChecker aclProvider Make lifecycleResources lifecycleCache LedgerMgr, needed by Peer peerServer, GRPC server gossipService, RegisterGossipServer InitializeLocalChaincodes Make deliver and RegisterDeliverServer Create a self-signed CA for chaincode service docker client and VM lifecycleSCC chaincodeLauncher chaincodeSupport start chaincode GRPC server Make deploy system chaincodes initialize all the channels registerDiscoveryService, GRPC handleSignals OS signals RegisterEndorserServer go peerServer.Start() 结束

Peer will register blow GRPC services:

  • RegisterGossipServer, name=gossip.Gossip, method=Ping, Server=peerServer
  • RegisterChainCodeSupportServer, name=protos.ChaincodeSupport, method=, Server=ChainCodeServer
  • RegisterHealthServer, name=grpc.health.v1.Health, method=Check, Server=ChainCodeServer
  • RegisterDeliverServer, name=protos.Deliver, method=, Server=peerServer
  • RegisterDiscoveryServer, name=discovery.Discovery, method=Discover, Server=peerServer
  • RegisterEndorserServer, name=protos.Endorser, method=ProcessProposal, Server=peerServer

Node Start Log

peer.exe -- node start #gosetup
API server listening at:
2020-03-03 19:55:16.563 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:
 Version: latest
 Commit SHA: development build
 Go version: go1.13.5
 OS/Arch: windows/amd64
  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
  Docker Namespace: hyperledger
2020-03-03 19:55:21.877 CST [peer] getLocalAddress -> INFO 002 Auto-detected peer address:
2020-03-03 19:55:21.877 CST [peer] getLocalAddress -> INFO 003 Host is , falling back to auto-detected address:
2020-03-03 20:02:50.635 CST [nodeCmd] initGrpcSemaphores -> INFO 004 concurrency limit for endorser service is 2500
2020-03-03 20:02:50.635 CST [nodeCmd] initGrpcSemaphores -> INFO 005 concurrency limit for deliver service is 2500
2020-03-03 20:03:38.716 CST [ledgermgmt] NewLedgerMgr -> INFO 006 Initializing LedgerMgr
2020-03-03 20:03:39.327 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 007 DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-03 20:03:39.400 CST [fsblkstorage] NewProvider -> INFO 008 Creating new file ledger directory at D:\work\src\github.com\hyperledger\fabric\sampleconfig\var\hyperledger\production\ledgersData\chains\chains
2020-03-03 20:03:39.795 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 009 DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-03 20:03:40.477 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 00a DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-03 20:03:40.552 CST [ledgermgmt] NewLedgerMgr -> INFO 00b Initialized LedgerMgr
2020-03-03 20:03:40.565 CST [gossip.service] New -> INFO 00c Initialize gossip with endpoint
2020-03-03 20:03:40.567 CST [gossip.gossip] New -> INFO 00d Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: , InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 0d46737a45894d123895671221dbaddf8480fb0364f404be3aed491df442945f, Metadata: 
2020-03-03 20:03:40.568 CST [gossip.gossip] New -> WARN 00e External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization
2020-03-03 20:03:40.568 CST [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 00f Gossip instance started
2020-03-03 20:03:40.569 CST [lifecycle] InitializeLocalChaincodes -> INFO 010 Initialized lifecycle cache with 0 already installed chaincodes
2020-03-03 20:03:40.570 CST [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 011 Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:
2020-03-03 20:03:40.570 CST [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 012 Exit with ccEndpoint:
2020-03-03 20:03:40.570 CST [nodeCmd] createChaincodeServer -> WARN 013 peer.chaincodeListenAddress is not set, using
2020-03-03 20:03:40.578 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 014 deploying system chaincode 'lscc'
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 015 deploying system chaincode 'cscc'
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 016 deploying system chaincode 'qscc'
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 017 deploying system chaincode '_lifecycle'
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 018 Deployed system chaincodes
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [discovery] NewService -> INFO 019 Created with config TLS: false, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01a Discovery service activated
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01b Starting peer with ID=[jdoe], network ID=[dev], address=[]
2020-03-03 20:03:40.579 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01c Started peer with ID=[jdoe], network ID=[dev], address=[]
2020-03-03 20:03:40.580 CST [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01d Loading prereset height from path [D:\work\src\github.com\hyperledger\fabric\sampleconfig\var\hyperledger\production\ledgersData\chains]
2020-03-03 20:03:40.581 CST [fsblkstorage] preResetHtFiles -> INFO 01e No active channels passed

node operation http server


    # host and port for the operations server
  • system.initializeHealthCheckHandler() : “/healthz”
  • system.initializeLoggingHandler() : “/logspec”
  • system.initializeMetricsProvider() : “/metrics”
  • system.initializeVersionInfoHandler() : “/version”
gRPC server
评论 1




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