Excerpts from Classic American Literature

1. I can't remember how many nights I slipped between my fingers while flipping through paper; I can't remember how many candles have turned into ashes in my gaze. Time flies like this, and I always hear the echoes of my promise to life. I feel that the passage of time is gradually diluting my youthful ignorance. I wish I were a clock that has been wound up, leaving every moment of my fulfillment in the continuous flow day and night.
2. If humanity does not properly protect our planet, which relies on survival, one day, the ravages of sandstorms and the accumulation of garbage will engulf our beautiful home. I appeal to people all over the world: let's start from now on, from myself, hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, and jointly protect and build our home!
3. As the saying goes, "learning is boundless.". We are like groups of fish jumping and playing in the vast sea of knowledge, born, growing, and living in the sea of knowledge. We cannot do without the "seawater" that sustains our lives. If we jump out of this "ocean" and live on "land", we will be mercilessly sunbathed to death.
4. How can the beautiful flowers on the mountain rival her beautiful appearance? How can a clear stream in the mountains compare to her pure soul?
5. I grabbed onto the dress of Spring Girl, who took me into a green world.
6. I spread out my paper on the desk, wishing to knock a gong and call everyone to come and see my shining score.
7. "Up and down for five thousand years, the sight of the dragon never extinguishes; there was the Foolish Old Man's ambition in ancient times, but now we are starting from scratch..." Standing at the threshold of the new century, our pursuit is to let the brilliant joy of our motherland soar in a beautiful tomorrow
8. Beauty is ordinary, so ordinary that you cannot feel its existence; Beauty is plain, so plain that only warm memories remain; Beauty is calm, so calm that only you put in a lot of effort can stir up her ripples.
9. The heart is a tree, with the roots of love and hope rooted in the soil, and the branches and leaves of wisdom and emotion unfolding under the blue sky. Whether it is the wind and rain of time rushing towards us, or the rolling dust covering the green leaves and branches, it always stands silently waiting and accepting everything that comes, neither arrogant nor humble.
The heart is a tree, and stories are carried by annual rings; Returning to the post station once and making an appointment with flying birds; Repeated collisions make it dense and flexible; The experiences one by one have created its broad mindedness. The heart is a tree, a single tree does not make a forest. Therefore, trees are both independent and connected, and hearts are both different and close.
10. Life is a pure white canvas, and each of us is a painter holding various colored pens; Life is also a long road with no end in sight, and each of us is a hiker on the path of life; Life is still like a magical land, and each of us is a cultivator holding agricultural tools; But life is more like a difficult book, and each of us is a tireless reader.
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