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原创 Fear


2015-09-20 09:23:04 746 1

原创 小聪明(聪明的幻想)和走向真聪明

The problem is not you are not smart, but you are trying too hard to looks like smart. However, this will only make you dumb to others and also annoying. If you really want to be truly smart

2015-08-28 08:56:05 624

转载 情绪相关

Mindfulness: How to Call Off the Emotional Attack Dogsby the most renowed scientist! 点击打开链接

2015-08-27 20:13:40 494

原创 大脑基础知识--TED:

TED Talk: The quest to understand consciousness  链接 点击打开链接 很精彩Allan Jones: A map of the brain  点击打开链接

2015-08-16 20:55:38 601

原创 Computer Organization--这些年上过的好课

Indian IIT Opencourse:计算机结构(computer organization)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKBLirP5jo8&index=33&list=PL1A5A6AE8AFC187B7

2015-08-15 13:14:27 648

转载 拜登耶鲁大学演讲视频--抱负和生活的平衡


2015-07-22 21:21:27 708

转载 Python internals: Symbol tables, part 2

点击打开链接 Eli Bendersky's website About Code ArchivesPython internals: Symbol tables, part 2 September 20, 2010 at 07:59 Tags Articles , Python internals

2015-07-18 15:17:36 828

转载 Python Symbol Table

点击打开链接 Eli Bendersky's website About Code ArchivesPython internals: Symbol tables, part 1 September 18, 2010 at 08:03 Tags Articles , Python internals

2015-07-18 15:16:19 1898

转载 Order of evaluation

expression[ ik-spresh-uhn] noun1.the act of expressing or setting forth in words: the free expression of political opinions.cppreference.com

2015-07-18 14:25:31 556

转载 编译 链接 --转自阮一峰

点击打开链接阮一峰的网络日志 » 首页 » 档案上一篇:JavaScript 下一篇:数据可视化:基本图表 分类: 理解计算机编译器的工作过程作者: 阮一峰日期: 2014年11月11日

2015-07-10 15:54:09 721

转载 40 Key Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s Terms

http://carlcheo.com/compsciTo make learning more fun and interesting, here’s a list of important computer science theories and concepts explained with analogies and minimal technical terms

2015-06-11 13:11:02 1972

转载 More than you ever wanted to know about GeoJSON

点击打开链接关于GeoJason很好的介绍文章Let's look at GeoJSON in a little more depth, from the ground up. Understanding these concepts will help you understand geospatial data in general, too: the

2015-05-10 19:22:52 1183

转载 Javascript Mouse event

点击打开链接还有mousemoveVisualisation library: D3.jsBy Anthony NosekD3.js is fast becoming the default standard in data visualisation libraries. In this short tutorial I’ll discus

2015-05-10 18:01:44 1204

转载 two great articles about THIS in Javascript

点击打开链接Tom HicksSome of this11 AUG 2014Bjorn Tipling wrote an interesting article about the this keyword in JavaScript. Whilst it did explain lots of the different ways in whi

2015-05-10 09:49:34 1168

转载 An intro to map from mapschool

点击打开链接map schoolWhat is a map? Until the 1980s, maps were painstaking documents created by hand. These days maps are almost always made with the help of a computer. Maps today are co

2015-05-08 22:48:23 796

转载 D3 scales and colors

By Jerome Cukier点击打开链接Scales: the main ideascales transform a number in a certain interval( calleddomain) into a number in another interval( calledrange)For instanc

2015-05-08 18:43:45 1131

转载 Understand Selections in D3

1. How Selection works by Mike Bostocknote:this is a great work by Mike. Look carefully and assimilate it.点击打开链接2.Two TablesUnderstanding D3 selections

2015-05-08 09:39:51 401

转载 Thinking with Joins

点击打开链接 February 5, 2012Mike BostockThinking with JoinsSay you’re making a basic scatterplot using D3, and you need to create some SVG circle elements to visualize your data. You

2015-05-08 08:50:17 410

转载 Basic Shapes in SVG

The area of the canvas your document intends to use is called the viewport.lines<line x1="start-x" y1="start-y" x2="end-x" y2="end-y" />attributestroke-width

2015-05-07 18:01:31 760

转载 form element--part 2

number inputrange inputcolor inputdate inputemail inputtel inputurl input

2015-05-04 17:33:56 383

转载 form element in HTML--Part1

how the forms work in the browse1. The browse loads the pagethe browser load the HTML page like it always does, when it encounters form elements, it creates controls on the page that allow you

2015-05-04 15:22:01 394

转载 video element in HTML

1.   Add more video formats to the elementWe can even more specific by specify the codecs.Fallback if your browsers don't support those formats

2015-05-04 11:11:34 476

转载 Shortcut for some CSS properties: padding, background

1. padding:padding-top: 0px;padding-right:20px;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-left: 10px;now we type as padding: 0px 20px 30px 10px;padding: 20px; is the same as padding: 20px 

2015-05-04 09:34:55 414

原创 Visual display of quantitative information

1. data measure: the graphical element that actually locates or plots the data is the data measures.like, the bars of a bar plot; the dots of a scatterplot; the dots and the dashes of a dot-dash

2015-05-03 22:46:06 545

转载 pesudo-class of <a> element

a: link {color: green;        applied to links when they are in an unvisited state{a: visited {color: red;       applied to links when they are visited}a: hover {color: yellow      appli

2015-05-02 14:47:27 473

转载 div and span in HTML and CSS

means divide page into logical sections or groupings.What is a logical section: It's just a group of elements that are all realted on the page. Width of the content area

2015-05-02 13:52:39 427

转载 media in the link element -CSS and select by #id

ADD media queries into HTML media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"> media="print">ADD media queries right into CSS@media screen and (min-device-width:481px) {#guarantee {margin-r

2015-05-02 12:03:04 475

转载 Box model in CSS-- Head first into CSS

1. line height: the space between linesyou can usepixels or em, percentagethat is relative to font-size to specify the value body {line-height: 1.6em;}2. BOX CSS treats

2015-05-02 10:27:39 416

转载 Font in CSS {font size, font color, font weight, text decoration, font family

font-familybody {     font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif;    /* for font-family name, if there are more than one word, using double quote. like font-family: "Courier New", Cou

2015-05-01 23:12:29 1141

转载 CSS and its selectors- Head first into HTML

We can use CSS to handle styles for multiple pages .Use comma to select multiple elements, likeh1, h2 {font-family: sans-serif;color: gray;}You can have as many rules as you want for a

2015-05-01 18:46:47 778

转载 Doctype and charset : standard of HTML--Head first into HTML

HTML use DOCTYPE to tell the browser which version of HTML they're using. In the older version of HTML, it's like thisnow, with HTML5, we use instead of the verbose ones.HTML

2015-05-01 18:10:49 364

转载 Image -- Head first into HTML

How image works behind scene

2015-05-01 16:15:36 379

转载 Domain name, HTTP, URL-- Head first into HTML

the protocol part (usually HTTP) tells the browser the method it should use to retrieve the resourcethe website name (which consists of the server name and the domain name) tells the browser which c

2015-05-01 14:06:08 532

转载 DOM--Head first into HTML

how to use in the html text:>:>not write the element rocks. But  The <html> element rocks.if you want to use & symbol, use &amp instead.

2015-05-01 14:04:36 358

转载 Web page construct -- Head first into HTML

1.  Create a rough sketch of the journal that is the basis for your page design2. Use the basic building blocks of HTML to translate sketch into an outline.3. Translate the outline into real HTML

2015-05-01 13:02:37 413

转载 Link in the HTML--Head first into HTML

1. Linkpath"> content   element to create a hypertext link to another web page. The content of the element  becomes clickable in the web page. The href attributes tells the browser the de

2015-05-01 12:05:25 490

转载 The language of the web --Head First into HTML and CSS Chapter 1

1. Web servers have a full-time job on the Internet, tirelessly waiting for requests from web browsers. What kinds of requests? Requests for web pages, images, sounds, or maybe even a video. When a

2015-05-01 11:24:52 390

转载 Interactivity--D3

1. event listener: on ("event_name", behavior);commonly, you will want to bind event listeners to more than one element at a time, such as to all of the visual elements in your visualization. Fo

2015-04-30 12:10:40 565

转载 Transition: D3 Introduction to interactive data visualization for the web

Dynamic Data1. Ordinal Scalesvar xScale = d3.scale.ordinal()                     // used for ordinal data, typically categories with some inherent order to them.domain(d3.range(dataset

2015-04-29 21:25:46 519

转载 Axes--D3 Interactive Data Visualization for the web

D3's axes are actually functions whose parameters you define. when an axis function is called, it doesn't return a value like scale, but generate the visual elements of the axis, including lines

2015-04-29 15:53:23 681




an introduction to bootstrap

an introduction to bootstrap



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