解决stm32 - STM32cubeMX Firmware Package

      用STM32CubeMX生成代码的时候会显示"The Firmware Package(STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.24.1)or one of its dependencies requiredby the Project is not available in your STM32CubeMX Repository"


1. 在打开的工程下面选择Project Manager选项,如图:

2. 在下面找到Mcu and Firmware Package项,取消勾选Use latest available version,然后选择自己已经下载的那个版本就行了,之后再生成代码的时候就不会产生警告了。

此软件包中提供的 HAL(硬件抽象层)驱动程序支持 以下STM32F100xx STM32F101xx,STM32F102xx,STM32F103xx ,STM32F105xx 和STM32F107xx系列。 STM32CubeF1固件包附带一个更新程序实用程序STM32CubeUpdater,可配置为自动或按需检查新固件包更新(新版本或/和补丁)。 要快速入门STM32CubeF1固件包,请参阅UM1847,您可以从www.st.com/stm32cube下载固件更新和所有最新文档。 下面 链接到最有用的文档 最新版本 的STM32CubeF1固件包。 UM1847:STM32F1系列STM32CubeF1入门。 UM1853:STM32CubeF1 Nucleo演示固件。 UM1850:STM32F1xx HAL驱动程序的说明。 UM1734:STM32Cube USB设备库。 UM1720:STM32Cube USB主机库。 UM1721:使用FatF在STM32Cube上开发应用程序。 UM1722:使用RTOS在STM32Cube上开发应用程序。 UM1713:使用LwIP TCP / IP堆栈在STM32Cube上开发应用程序。 UM1709:STM32Cube以太网IAP示例。 更新历史记录 V1.7.0 / 09-October-2018 主要变化 用于修复已知缺陷和一些实现增强的常规更新 对HAL驱动程序进行的以下更改需要基于较旧的HAL版本更新应用程序代码 HAL CAN驱动程序的返工(兼容性中断) 新的HAL CAN驱动程序已经使用新的API进行了重新设计,以绕过先前HAL CAN驱动程序版本中对CAN Tx / Rx FIFO管理的限制。 推荐使用新的HAL CAN驱动程序。它通常位于Drivers / STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver / Src和Drivers / STM32f1xx_HAL_Driver / Inc文件夹中。它可以通过stm32f1xx_hal_conf.h中的开关HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED启用 出于软件兼容性原因,旧版HAL CAN驱动程序也出现在Drivers / STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver / Src / Legacy和Drivers / STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver / Inc / Legacy文件夹中。建议不要使用它作为已弃用的用法。但是可以通过stm32f1xx_hal_conf.h中的开关HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED启用它 \ HAL stm32f1xx_hal_conf_template.h:添加开关 HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED HAL CAN驱动程序已使用新API进行了重新设计。 \ CMSIS 修复已知缺陷 和几个实现 增强 \项目 更新CAN示例以支持新的HAL CAN驱动程序。 通过添加开关 HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED 更新stm32f1xx_hal_conf.h 。 F 或完整的更改列表,请参阅每个固件组件的发行说明 内容 STM32CubeF1固件包附带了一系列在STMicroelectronics板上运行的示例,由板组织,并为主要支持的工具链提供预配置项目。此表(STM32CubeProjectsList.html)中提供了详尽的项目列表。 项目发布说明 STM32F103RB,核蛋白 应用程序 (发行说明) 演示(发行说明) 示例(发行说明) Examples_LL (发行说明) Examples_MIX (发行说明) 模板(发行说明) Templates_LL (发行说明) STM32VL发现 示例(发行说明) 模板(发行说明) Templates_LL (发行说明) STM3210C_EVAL 应用程序(发行说明) 示例(发行说明) 模板(发行说明) Templates_LL (发行说明) STM3210E_EVAL 应用程序(发行说明) 示例(发行说明) Examples_LL (发行说明) Examples_MIX (发行说明) 模板(发行说明) Templates_LL (发行说明) 驱动程序 Cortex-M CMSIS V4.5(发行说明) STM32F1xx CMSIS V4.3.0(发行说明) STM32F1 xx HAL V1.1.3 (发行说明) BSP STM3210E_EVAL V7.0.0 (发行说明) BSP STM3210C_EVAL V6.1.0 (发行说明) BSP STM32VL-Discovery V1.0.1 (发行
Version: 2.2.0 (2021-07-22) Keil.STM32F3xx_DFP.2.2.0.pack Updated Pack to STM32Cube_FW_F3 Firmware Package version V1.11.2: Updated HAL to version V1.5.5. External interrupts and events (EXTI) HAL Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USB) LL Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube Framework:STM32CubeMX. Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER and USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube HAL:COMMON. STM32CubeMX integration: MX_Device_h.ftl: Updated parsing of USART virtual mode. Updated generation of macros: Added handling for '(' and ')' symbols. FrameworkCubeMX_gpdsc.ftl: Added support for Timebase Source TIMx. Board Examples: Terminating app_main thread with osThreadExit() to avoid endless loop. Updated RTX configuration (CMSIS 5.8.0). Updated template based files (MDK-Middleware 7.13.0). Configured MDK projects to use Arm Compiler 6. Changed Assembler option to armclang (Auto Select). Updated all USB Host/Device examples with user templates from MDK-Middleware v7.11.1. FileSystem, USB: Changed variant selection to "MDK-Plus". Updated Graphics examples to use Segger emWin version 5.50. CMSIS Driver: CAN: Corrected SetBitrate function to leave Silent and Loopback mode as they were. Corrected SetMode function to clear Silent and Loopback mode when NORMAL mode is activated. Corrected MessageSend function to only access required data for sending. Corrected abort message send functionality. I2C: Corrected pin configuration: MX_I2Cx_SMBA_GPIO_PuPdOD replaced with MX_I2Cx_yyy_GPIO_PuPdOD. Corrected usage function name USB Device: Corrected transmitted count for non-control IN endpoints. Updated USBD_EndpointConfigure function to check that maximum packet size requested fits into configured FIFO (compile time configured). Removed include of stm32f3xx_hal_pcd.h header.
the firmware package(stm32cube fw_f4 v1.8.5)or one of its dependencies requires the presence of a specific version of software or components. This error usually occurs when the firmware package requires a particular version of the software to function properly. To resolve this issue, you can follow the steps below: 1. Verify the compatibility: Check if the firmware package (stm32cube fw_f4 v1.8.5) is compatible with your current software version. Ensure that you have the correct version of the firmware package for your software. 2. Update the software: If the firmware package requires a specific version of software or components, check if there is an available update for your software. Updating to the latest version may resolve the compatibility issue. 3. Install missing dependencies: If the error message mentions the need for dependencies, make sure to install them. These dependencies could be additional software or components required by the firmware package. Check the documentation or user manual of the firmware package for a list of required dependencies. 4. Seek support: If you have followed the above steps but still encounter the error, it is recommended to seek support from the firmware package's manufacturer or community. They can provide assistance in troubleshooting the issue or guiding you through the installation process. Remember to always backup your system and files before making any changes or updates to ensure the safety of your data. 请注意,在执行任何操作之前,一定要提前备份您的系统和文件,以确保您的数据安全。
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