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原创 shell中变量添加字符
通过shell下简单的验证发现:[root@localhost mem_test]# a=xx[root@localhost mem_test]# (c=b;echo $a$c)xxb[root@localhost mem_test]# echo $axx[root@localhost mem_test]# echo $ab[root@localhost mem_test]# echo "$a"bxxb[root@localhost mem_test]# echo "$a"bxx.
2021-12-10 13:56:27 2701
原创 linux/shell/Serial port/服务器/串口修改BMC密码
设置BMC 密码查看admin或者需要修改的用户通过串口查看admin的id是啥~ # ipmitest user listIOCTL to get IP failed: -1ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit1 false false false NO ACCESS2 admin false f
2021-12-08 16:55:33 1192
原创 shell/linux 变量中去除字母
shell/linux 变量中去除字母 tr -d “a-zA-Z”echo $variable|tr -d “a-zA-Z”
2021-12-07 15:26:09 798
原创 shell/linux 95%计算|linux bc 使用
shell/linux 95%计算#mem_free=free -h |grep Mem |awk '{print $4}'|tr -d "a-zA-Z"|tr -d $'\r' #Grab the total free memory#mem_free_test=echo 'scale=0;('$mem_free' * 95 / 100)'|bc #Value 95%
2021-12-07 15:21:07 315
原创 (standard_in) 1: illegal character: $
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: $#mem_free=free -h |grep Mem |awk '{print $4}'|tr -d "a-zA-Z"|tr -d $'\r' #Grab the total free memory#mem_free_test=echo 'scale=0;($mem_free * 95 / 100)'|bc #Value 95%centos下执行第二行出错:(standard_in) 1: illegal characte
2021-12-07 15:16:21 1329
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