
索引处理类 - remove 方法实现



#include "common.h"
#include "mmap_file_op.h"

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        struct IndexHeader
                memset(this, 0, sizeof(IndexHeader));

            Blockinfo block_info_; /* meta block info */
            int32_t bucket_size_; /* hash bucket size */
            int32_t data_file_offset_; /* offset to write next data in block */
            int32_t index_file_size_; /* offset after index_header + all bucketa */
            int32_t free_head_offset_; /* free meta node list, for reuse */

        class IndexHandle
            IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id);

            int create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);
            int load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);

            /* remove index unmmap and file */
            int remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id);

            int flush();

            IndexHeader *index_header()
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            Blockinfo *block_info()
                return reinterpret_cast<Blockinfo *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            int32_t bucket_size() const
                //return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size;
                reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size_;
            MMapFileOperation *file_op_;
            bool is_load_;


#include "common.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

static int debug = 1;

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        /* IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id); */
        IndexHandle::IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id)
            /* create file_op_ handle object */
            std::stringstream tmp_stream;
            tmp_stream << base_path << INDEX_DIR_PREFIX << main_block_id; /* /root/weifc/index/ */

            std::string index_path;
            tmp_stream >> index_path;

            file_op_ = new MMapFileOperation(index_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE);
            is_load_ = false;

            if (file_op_)
                delete file_op_;
                file_op_ = NULL;

        int IndexHandle::create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (debug)
                printf("create index, block id: %u, bucket size: %d, max_mmap_size: %d, first mmap size: %d, per mmap size: %d\n",
                        logic_block_id, bucket_size, map_optiont.max_mmap_size_, map_optiont.first_mmap_size_, map_optiont.per_mmap_size_);

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();

            if (file_size < 0)
                return TFS_ERROR;
            }else if(file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                IndexHeader i_header;
                i_header.block_info_.block_id_ = logic_block_id;
                i_header.block_info_.seq_no_ = 1;
                i_header.bucket_size_ = bucket_size;

                i_header.index_file_size_ = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size * sizeof(int32_t);

                /* index header + total buckets */
                char *init_data = new char[i_header.index_file_size_];
                memcpy(init_data, &i_header, sizeof(IndexHandle));
                memset(init_data + sizeof(IndexHandle), 0, i_header.index_file_size_ - sizeof(IndexHandle));

                /* write index header and buckets into file */
                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(init_data, i_header.index_file_size_, 0);

                delete []init_data;
                init_data = NULL;

                if (ret != TFS_ERROR)
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->flush_file();
                if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                    return ret;
            }else /* file size > 0, index already exist */
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(map_optiont);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;
            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("init blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t _bucket_size, const MMapOption map_option)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();
            if (file_size < 0)
                return file_size;
            else if (file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            MMapOption tmp_map_option = map_option;

            if (file_size > tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ && file_size <= tmp_map_option.max_mmap_size_)
                tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ = file_size;

            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(tmp_map_option);

            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;

            if (0 == bucket_size() || 0 == block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "lndex corrupt error. blockid: %u, bucket size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size());
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check file size */
            int32_t index_file_size = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size() * sizeof(int32_t);

            if (file_size < index_file_size)
                fprintf(stderr, "Index corrupt error. blockid: %u, buck size: %d, file size: %ld, index file size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size(), file_size, index_file_size);
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check block_id_ size */
            if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict. blockid: %u, index blockid: %u\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;

            /* check bucket_size */
            if (_bucket_size != bucket_size())
                fprintf(stderr, "Index configure error, old bucket size: %d, new bucket size: %d\n", bucket_size(), _bucket_size);
                return EXIT_BUCKET_CONFIGURE_ERROR;

            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("load blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id)
            if (is_load_)
                if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                    fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict bolckid: %d, index biokid: %d\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                    return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;
            int ret = file_op_->munmap_file();
            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                return ret;

            ret = file_op_->unlink_file();
            return ret;

        int IndexHandle::flush()
            int ret = file_op_->flush_file();

            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                fprintf(stderr, "index flush fail, ret: %d error desc: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno));

            return ret;



#include "common.h"
#include "file_op.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

using namespace std;
using namespace qiniu;

const static largefile::MMapOption mmap_option = {1024000, 4096, 4096}; /* 内存映射的参数 */
const static uint32_t main_blocksize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /* 主块文件的大小 */
const static uint32_t bucket_size = 1000; /* 哈希桶的大小 */
static int32_t block_id = 1;
static int debug = 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mainblock_path;
    string index_path;
    int32_t ret = largefile::TFS_SUCCESS;

    cout << "Type your bockid :" <<endl;
    cin >> block_id;

    if (block_id < 1)
        cerr << "Invalid bockid, exit." <<endl;

    /* 1. 创建索引文件 */
    largefile::IndexHandle *index_handle = new largefile::IndexHandle(".", block_id);

    if (debug)
        printf("Init index ...\n");

    ret = index_handle->create(block_id, bucket_size, mmap_option);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "create index %d failed.\n", block_id);
        delete index_handle;

    /* 2. 生成主块文件 */
    stringstream tmp_stream;
    tmp_stream << "." << largefile::MAINBLOCK_DIR_PREFIX << block_id;
    tmp_stream >> mainblock_path;

    largefile::FileOperation *mainblock = new largefile::FileOperation(mainblock_path, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE | O_CREAT);

    ret = mainblock->ftruncate_file(main_blocksize);

    if (ret != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "create main block %s failed. reason: %s\n", mainblock_path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
        delete mainblock;

    /* 其他操作 */
    delete mainblock;
    delete index_handle;

    return 0;


g++ block_init_test.cpp file_op.cpp index_handle.cpp mmap_file.cpp  mmap_file_op.cpp -o block_init_test



索引处理类 - 写文件流程实现(一)


#include "common.h"
#include "file_op.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

using namespace std;
using namespace qiniu;

const static largefile::MMapOption mmap_option = {1024000, 4096, 4096}; /* 内存映射的参数 */
const static uint32_t main_blocksize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /* 主块文件的大小 */
const static uint32_t bucket_size = 1000; /* 哈希桶的大小 */
static int32_t block_id = 1;
static int debug = 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mainblock_path;
    string index_path;
    int32_t ret = largefile::TFS_SUCCESS;

    cout << "Type your bockid :" <<endl;
    cin >> block_id;

    if (block_id < 1)
        cerr << "Invalid bockid, exit." <<endl;

    /* 1. 创建索引文件 */
    largefile::IndexHandle *index_handle = new largefile::IndexHandle(".", block_id);

    if (debug)
        printf("Init index ...\n");

    ret = index_handle->load(block_id, bucket_size, mmap_option);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "load index %d failed.\n", block_id);
        delete index_handle;

    /* 2. 写入文件到主块文件中 */
    stringstream tmp_stream;
    tmp_stream << "." << largefile::MAINBLOCK_DIR_PREFIX << block_id;
    tmp_stream >> mainblock_path;

    largefile::FileOperation *mainblock = new largefile::FileOperation(mainblock_path, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE | O_CREAT);

    char buffer[4096];
    memset(buffer, '6', sizeof(buffer));

    int32_t data_offset = index_handle->get_block_data_offset();
    uint32_t file_no = index_handle->block_info()->seq_no_;

    if ((ret = mainblock->pwrite_file(buffer, sizeof(buffer), data_offset)) != TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "write to main block failed. ret: %d, reason: %s \n", ret, strerror(errno));

        delete mainblock;
        delete index_handle;

    /* 3.索引文件中写入 Metainfo */
    largefile::Metalnfo meta;

    delete mainblock;
    delete index_handle;

    return 0;

索引处理类 - 写文件流程实现(二)



#include "common.h"
#include "mmap_file_op.h"

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        struct IndexHeader
                memset(this, 0, sizeof(IndexHeader));

            Blockinfo block_info_; /* meta block info */
            int32_t bucket_size_; /* hash bucket size */
            int32_t data_file_offset_; /* offset to write next data in block */
            int32_t index_file_size_; /* offset after index_header + all bucketa */
            int32_t free_head_offset_; /* free meta node list, for reuse */

        class IndexHandle
            IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id);

            int create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);
            int load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);

            /* remove index unmmap and file */
            int remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id);

            int flush();

            IndexHeader *index_header()
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            Blockinfo *block_info()
                return reinterpret_cast<Blockinfo *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            int32_t bucket_size() const
                //return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size;
                reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size_;

            int32_t get_block_data_offset() const
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->data_file_offset_;

            int write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta);
            MMapFileOperation *file_op_;
            bool is_load_;


#include "common.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

static int debug = 1;

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        /* IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id); */
        IndexHandle::IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id)
            /* create file_op_ handle object */
            std::stringstream tmp_stream;
            tmp_stream << base_path << INDEX_DIR_PREFIX << main_block_id; /* /root/weifc/index/ */

            std::string index_path;
            tmp_stream >> index_path;

            file_op_ = new MMapFileOperation(index_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE);
            is_load_ = false;

            if (file_op_)
                delete file_op_;
                file_op_ = NULL;

        int IndexHandle::create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (debug)
                printf("create index, block id: %u, bucket size: %d, max_mmap_size: %d, first mmap size: %d, per mmap size: %d\n",
                        logic_block_id, bucket_size, map_optiont.max_mmap_size_, map_optiont.first_mmap_size_, map_optiont.per_mmap_size_);

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();

            if (file_size < 0)
                return TFS_ERROR;
            }else if(file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                IndexHeader i_header;
                i_header.block_info_.block_id_ = logic_block_id;
                i_header.block_info_.seq_no_ = 1;
                i_header.bucket_size_ = bucket_size;

                i_header.index_file_size_ = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size * sizeof(int32_t);

                /* index header + total buckets */
                char *init_data = new char[i_header.index_file_size_];
                memcpy(init_data, &i_header, sizeof(IndexHandle));
                memset(init_data + sizeof(IndexHandle), 0, i_header.index_file_size_ - sizeof(IndexHandle));

                /* write index header and buckets into file */
                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(init_data, i_header.index_file_size_, 0);

                delete []init_data;
                init_data = NULL;

                if (ret != TFS_ERROR)
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->flush_file();
                if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                    return ret;
            }else /* file size > 0, index already exist */
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(map_optiont);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;
            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("init blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t _bucket_size, const MMapOption map_option)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();
            if (file_size < 0)
                return file_size;
            else if (file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            MMapOption tmp_map_option = map_option;

            if (file_size > tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ && file_size <= tmp_map_option.max_mmap_size_)
                tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ = file_size;

            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(tmp_map_option);

            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;

            if (0 == bucket_size() || 0 == block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "lndex corrupt error. blockid: %u, bucket size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size());
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check file size */
            int32_t index_file_size = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size() * sizeof(int32_t);

            if (file_size < index_file_size)
                fprintf(stderr, "Index corrupt error. blockid: %u, buck size: %d, file size: %ld, index file size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size(), file_size, index_file_size);
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check block_id_ size */
            if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict. blockid: %u, index blockid: %u\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;

            /* check bucket_size */
            if (_bucket_size != bucket_size())
                fprintf(stderr, "Index configure error, old bucket size: %d, new bucket size: %d\n", bucket_size(), _bucket_size);
                return EXIT_BUCKET_CONFIGURE_ERROR;

            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("load blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id)
            if (is_load_)
                if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                    fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict bolckid: %d, index biokid: %d\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                    return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;
            int ret = file_op_->munmap_file();
            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                return ret;

            ret = file_op_->unlink_file();
            return ret;

        int IndexHandle::flush()
            int ret = file_op_->flush_file();

            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                fprintf(stderr, "index flush fail, ret: %d error desc: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno));

            return ret;

         int IndexHandle::write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta)
             int32_t current_offset = 0;

             /* 思考? key 存在吗? 存在 => 处理? 不存在 => 处理? */

             /* 1. 从文件哈希表中查找 key 是否存在. hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset */

             /* 2. 不存在就写入 meta 到文件哈希表中 hash_insert(meta, slot, previous_offset) */



索引处理类 - 哈希查找实现


#include "common.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

static int debug = 1;

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        /* IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id); */
        IndexHandle::IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id)
            /* create file_op_ handle object */
            std::stringstream tmp_stream;
            tmp_stream << base_path << INDEX_DIR_PREFIX << main_block_id; /* /root/weifc/index/ */

            std::string index_path;
            tmp_stream >> index_path;

            file_op_ = new MMapFileOperation(index_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE);
            is_load_ = false;

            if (file_op_)
                delete file_op_;
                file_op_ = NULL;

        int IndexHandle::create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (debug)
                printf("create index, block id: %u, bucket size: %d, max_mmap_size: %d, first mmap size: %d, per mmap size: %d\n",
                        logic_block_id, bucket_size, map_optiont.max_mmap_size_, map_optiont.first_mmap_size_, map_optiont.per_mmap_size_);

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();

            if (file_size < 0)
                return TFS_ERROR;
            }else if(file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                IndexHeader i_header;
                i_header.block_info_.block_id_ = logic_block_id;
                i_header.block_info_.seq_no_ = 1;
                i_header.bucket_size_ = bucket_size;

                i_header.index_file_size_ = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size * sizeof(int32_t);

                /* index header + total buckets */
                char *init_data = new char[i_header.index_file_size_];
                memcpy(init_data, &i_header, sizeof(IndexHandle));
                memset(init_data + sizeof(IndexHandle), 0, i_header.index_file_size_ - sizeof(IndexHandle));

                /* write index header and buckets into file */
                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(init_data, i_header.index_file_size_, 0);

                delete []init_data;
                init_data = NULL;

                if (ret != TFS_ERROR)
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->flush_file();
                if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                    return ret;
            }else /* file size > 0, index already exist */
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(map_optiont);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;
            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("init blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t _bucket_size, const MMapOption map_option)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();
            if (file_size < 0)
                return file_size;
            else if (file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            MMapOption tmp_map_option = map_option;

            if (file_size > tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ && file_size <= tmp_map_option.max_mmap_size_)
                tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ = file_size;

            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(tmp_map_option);

            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;

            if (0 == bucket_size() || 0 == block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "lndex corrupt error. blockid: %u, bucket size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size());
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check file size */
            int32_t index_file_size = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size() * sizeof(int32_t);

            if (file_size < index_file_size)
                fprintf(stderr, "Index corrupt error. blockid: %u, buck size: %d, file size: %ld, index file size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size(), file_size, index_file_size);
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check block_id_ size */
            if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict. blockid: %u, index blockid: %u\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;

            /* check bucket_size */
            if (_bucket_size != bucket_size())
                fprintf(stderr, "Index configure error, old bucket size: %d, new bucket size: %d\n", bucket_size(), _bucket_size);
                return EXIT_BUCKET_CONFIGURE_ERROR;

            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("load blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id)
            if (is_load_)
                if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                    fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict bolckid: %d, index biokid: %d\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                    return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;
            int ret = file_op_->munmap_file();
            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                return ret;

            ret = file_op_->unlink_file();
            return ret;

        int IndexHandle::flush()
            int ret = file_op_->flush_file();

            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                fprintf(stderr, "index flush fail, ret: %d error desc: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno));

            return ret;

         int IndexHandle::write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta)
             int32_t current_offset = 0;

             /* 思考? key 存在吗? 存在 => 处理? 不存在 => 处理? */

             /* 1. 从文件哈希表中查找 key 是否存在. hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset */

             /* 2. 不存在就写入 meta 到文件哈希表中 hash_insert(meta, slot, previous_offset) */


         int IndexHandle::hash_find(const uint64_t key, int32_t &current_offset, int32_t &previous_offset)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;
            Metalnfo meta_info;

            current_offset = 0;
            previous_offset = 0;

            /* 1. 确定 key 存放的桶(slot)的位置 */
            int32_t slot = key % bucket_size();

            /* 2. 读取桶首节点存储的第一个节点的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR */
            /* 3. 根据偏移量读取存储的metainfo */
            /* 4. 与key进行比较, 相等则设置 current_offset 和 previous_offset 并返回 TFS_SUCCESS, 否则继续执行5 */
            /* 5. 从 metainfo 中取得下一个节点的在文件中的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
            否则继续跳转到3循环执行 */
            int32_t pos = bucket_size()[slot];

            for (; pos != 0; )
                ret = file_op_->pread_file(reinterpret_cast<char *>(meta_info)(&meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), pos);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    return ret;

                if (hash_compare(key, meta_info.get_key()))
                    current_offset = pos;
                    return TFS_SUCCESS;

                previous_offset = pos;
                pos = meta_info.get_next_meta_offset();

            return EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;

索引处理类 - 哈希插入实现



#include "common.h"
#include "mmap_file_op.h"

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        struct IndexHeader
                memset(this, 0, sizeof(IndexHeader));

            Blockinfo block_info_; /* meta block info */
            int32_t bucket_size_; /* hash bucket size */
            int32_t data_file_offset_; /* offset to write next data in block */
            int32_t index_file_size_; /* offset after index_header + all bucketa */
            int32_t free_head_offset_; /* free meta node list, for reuse */

        class IndexHandle
            IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id);

            int create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);
            int load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);

            /* remove index unmmap and file */
            int remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id);

            int flush();

            IndexHeader *index_header()
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            Blockinfo *block_info()
                return reinterpret_cast<Blockinfo *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            int32_t bucket_size() const
                //return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size;
                reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size_;

            int32_t get_block_data_offset() const
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->data_file_offset_;

            int32_t write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta);

            int32_t hash_find(const uint64_t key, int32_t &current_offset, int32_t &previous_offset); /* 哈希查找 */

            int32_t hash_insert(const uint64_t key, int32_t previous_offset, Metalnfo &meta); /* 哈希插入 */

            int32_t *bucket_slot()
                reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(file_op_->get_map_data() + sizeof(IndexHeader)));
            bool hash_compare(cosnt uint64_t left_key, const uint64_t right_key)
                return (left_key == right_key);

            MMapFileOperation *file_op_;
            bool is_load_;


#include "common.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

static int debug = 1;

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        /* IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id); */
        IndexHandle::IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id)
            /* create file_op_ handle object */
            std::stringstream tmp_stream;
            tmp_stream << base_path << INDEX_DIR_PREFIX << main_block_id; /* /root/weifc/index/ */

            std::string index_path;
            tmp_stream >> index_path;

            file_op_ = new MMapFileOperation(index_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE);
            is_load_ = false;

            if (file_op_)
                delete file_op_;
                file_op_ = NULL;

        int IndexHandle::create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (debug)
                printf("create index, block id: %u, bucket size: %d, max_mmap_size: %d, first mmap size: %d, per mmap size: %d\n",
                        logic_block_id, bucket_size, map_optiont.max_mmap_size_, map_optiont.first_mmap_size_, map_optiont.per_mmap_size_);

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();

            if (file_size < 0)
                return TFS_ERROR;
            }else if(file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                IndexHeader i_header;
                i_header.block_info_.block_id_ = logic_block_id;
                i_header.block_info_.seq_no_ = 1;
                i_header.bucket_size_ = bucket_size;

                i_header.index_file_size_ = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size * sizeof(int32_t);

                /* index header + total buckets */
                char *init_data = new char[i_header.index_file_size_];
                memcpy(init_data, &i_header, sizeof(IndexHandle));
                memset(init_data + sizeof(IndexHandle), 0, i_header.index_file_size_ - sizeof(IndexHandle));

                /* write index header and buckets into file */
                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(init_data, i_header.index_file_size_, 0);

                delete []init_data;
                init_data = NULL;

                if (ret != TFS_ERROR)
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->flush_file();
                if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                    return ret;
            }else /* file size > 0, index already exist */
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(map_optiont);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;
            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("init blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t _bucket_size, const MMapOption map_option)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();
            if (file_size < 0)
                return file_size;
            else if (file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            MMapOption tmp_map_option = map_option;

            if (file_size > tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ && file_size <= tmp_map_option.max_mmap_size_)
                tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ = file_size;

            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(tmp_map_option);

            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;

            if (0 == bucket_size() || 0 == block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "lndex corrupt error. blockid: %u, bucket size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size());
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check file size */
            int32_t index_file_size = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size() * sizeof(int32_t);

            if (file_size < index_file_size)
                fprintf(stderr, "Index corrupt error. blockid: %u, buck size: %d, file size: %ld, index file size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size(), file_size, index_file_size);
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check block_id_ size */
            if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict. blockid: %u, index blockid: %u\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;

            /* check bucket_size */
            if (_bucket_size != bucket_size())
                fprintf(stderr, "Index configure error, old bucket size: %d, new bucket size: %d\n", bucket_size(), _bucket_size);
                return EXIT_BUCKET_CONFIGURE_ERROR;

            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("load blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id)
            if (is_load_)
                if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                    fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict bolckid: %d, index biokid: %d\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                    return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;
            int ret = file_op_->munmap_file();
            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                return ret;

            ret = file_op_->unlink_file();
            return ret;

        int IndexHandle::flush()
            int ret = file_op_->flush_file();

            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                fprintf(stderr, "index flush fail, ret: %d error desc: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno));

            return ret;

         int IndexHandle::write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta)
            int32_t current_offset = 0, previous_offset = 0;

            /* 思考? key 存在吗? 存在 => 处理? 不存在 => 处理? */
            /* 1. 从文件哈希表中查找 key 是否存在. hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset */
            int ret = hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset);
            if (TFS_SUCCESS == ret)
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            }else if (EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR == ret)
                return ret;

            /* 2. 不存在就写入 meta 到文件哈希表中 hash_insert(key, previous_offset, meta) */
            ret = hash_insert(key, previous_offset, meta);
            return ret;


         int IndexHandle::hash_find(const uint64_t key, int32_t &current_offset, int32_t &previous_offset)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;
            Metalnfo meta_info;

            current_offset = 0;
            previous_offset = 0;

            /* 1. 确定 key 存放的桶(slot)的位置 */
            int32_t slot = (int32_t)key % bucket_size();

            /* 2. 读取桶首节点存储的第一个节点的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR */
            /* 3. 根据偏移量读取存储的metainfo */
            /* 4. 与key进行比较, 相等则设置 current_offset 和 previous_offset 并返回 TFS_SUCCESS, 否则继续执行5 */
            /* 5. 从 metainfo 中取得下一个节点的在文件中的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
            否则继续跳转到3循环执行 */
            int32_t pos = bucket_size()[slot];

            for (; pos != 0; )
                ret = file_op_->pread_file(reinterpret_cast<char *>(meta_info)(&meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), pos);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    return ret;

                if (hash_compare(key, meta_info.get_key()))
                    current_offset = pos;
                    return TFS_SUCCESS;

                previous_offset = pos;
                pos = meta_info.get_next_meta_offset();

            return EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;

        int32_t IndexHandle::hash_insert(const uint64_t key, int32_t previous_offset, Metalnfo &meta)
            Metalnfo tmp_meta_info;
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            /* 1. 确定 key 存放的桶(slot)的位置 */
            int32_t slot = static_cast<uint32_t>(key) % bucket_size();

            /* 2. 确定 meta 节点存储中文件中的偏移量 */
            int32_t current_offset = index_header()->index_file_size_;
            index_header()->index_file_size_ += sizeof(Metalnfo);

            /* 3. 将 meta 节点写入索引文件中 */
            meta.set_next_meta_offset(0); /* 我怀疑我忘了实现 */

            ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&meta), sizeof(Metalnfo), current_offset);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS
                index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                return ret;

            /* 4. 将 meta 节点插入到哈希链表中 */
            /* 当前一个节点已经存在 */
            if (0 != previous_offset)
                ret = file_op_->pread_file(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tmp_meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), previous_offset);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&tmp_meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), previous_offset);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                    return ret;
            else /* 不存在前一个节点的情况 */
                bucket_slot()[slot] = current_offset;
            return TFS_SUCCESS;

索引处理类 - 更新块信息


#include "common.h"
#include "file_op.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

using namespace std;
using namespace qiniu;

const static largefile::MMapOption mmap_option = {1024000, 4096, 4096}; /* 内存映射的参数 */
const static uint32_t main_blocksize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /* 主块文件的大小 */
const static uint32_t bucket_size = 1000; /* 哈希桶的大小 */
static int32_t block_id = 1;
static int debug = 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mainblock_path;
    string index_path;
    int32_t ret = largefile::TFS_SUCCESS;

    cout << "Type your bockid :" <<endl;
    cin >> block_id;

    if (block_id < 1)
        cerr << "Invalid bockid, exit." <<endl;

    /* 1. 创建索引文件 */
    largefile::IndexHandle *index_handle = new largefile::IndexHandle(".", block_id);

    if (debug)
        printf("Init index ...\n");

    ret = index_handle->load(block_id, bucket_size, mmap_option);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "load index %d failed.\n", block_id);
        delete index_handle;

    /* 2. 写入文件到主块文件中 */
    stringstream tmp_stream;
    tmp_stream << "." << largefile::MAINBLOCK_DIR_PREFIX << block_id;
    tmp_stream >> mainblock_path;

    largefile::FileOperation *mainblock = new largefile::FileOperation(mainblock_path, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE | O_CREAT);

    char buffer[4096];
    memset(buffer, '6', sizeof(buffer));

    int32_t data_offset = index_handle->get_block_data_offset();
    uint32_t file_no = index_handle->block_info()->seq_no_;

    if ((ret = mainblock->pwrite_file(buffer, sizeof(buffer), data_offset)) != TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "write to main block failed. ret: %d, reason: %s \n", ret, strerror(errno));

        delete mainblock;
        delete index_handle;

    /* 3.索引文件中写入 Metainfo */
    largefile::Metalnfo meta;

    ret = index_handle->write_segment_meta(meta.get_key(), meta);
    if (ret == largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        /* 1. 更新索引头部信息 */

        /* 2. 更新块信息 */
        index_handle->commit_block_offset(C_OPER_INSERT, sizeof(buffer));

        ret = index_handle->flush();

        if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
            fprintf(stderr, "flush mainblock %d failed file no: %u \n", block_id_, file_no);

        fprintf(stderr, "write_segement_meta - mainblock %d failed. file no: %u \n", block_id_, file_no);

    if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "write to mainblock %d failed no: %u \n", block_id_, file_no);
        if (debug)
            printf("write successfully. file no: %u, block_id: %d \n", file_no, block_id_);

    delete mainblock;
    delete index_handle;

    return 0;



#include "common.h"
#include "mmap_file_op.h"

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        struct IndexHeader
                memset(this, 0, sizeof(IndexHeader));

            Blockinfo block_info_; /* meta block info */
            int32_t bucket_size_; /* hash bucket size */
            int32_t data_file_offset_; /* offset to write next data in block */
            int32_t index_file_size_; /* offset after index_header + all bucketa */
            int32_t free_head_offset_; /* free meta node list, for reuse */

        class IndexHandle
            IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id);

            int create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);
            int load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont);

            /* remove index unmmap and file */
            int remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id);

            int flush();

            IndexHeader *index_header()
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            Blockinfo *block_info()
                return reinterpret_cast<Blockinfo *>(file_op_->get_map_data());

            int32_t bucket_size() const
                //return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size;
                reinterpret_cast<IndexHeader *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->bucket_size_;

            int32_t get_block_data_offset() const
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->data_file_offset_;

            void commit_block_offset(const int file_size)
                return reinterpret_cast<IndexHandle *>(file_op_->get_map_data())->data_file_offset_ += file_size;

            int32_t write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta);

            int32_t hash_find(const uint64_t key, int32_t &current_offset, int32_t &previous_offset); /* 哈希查找 */

            int32_t hash_insert(const uint64_t key, int32_t previous_offset, Metalnfo &meta); /* 哈希插入 */

            int32_t *bucket_slot()
                reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(file_op_->get_map_data() + sizeof(IndexHeader)));

            int update_block_info(const OperType oper_type, const uint32_t modify_size); /* 更新块信息 */
            bool hash_compare(cosnt uint64_t left_key, const uint64_t right_key)
                return (left_key == right_key);

            MMapFileOperation *file_op_;
            bool is_load_;


#include "common.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

static int debug = 1;

namespace qiniu
    namespace largefile
        /* IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id); */
        IndexHandle::IndexHandle(const std::string &base_path, const uint32_t main_block_id)
            /* create file_op_ handle object */
            std::stringstream tmp_stream;
            tmp_stream << base_path << INDEX_DIR_PREFIX << main_block_id; /* /root/weifc/index/ */

            std::string index_path;
            tmp_stream >> index_path;

            file_op_ = new MMapFileOperation(index_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE);
            is_load_ = false;

            if (file_op_)
                delete file_op_;
                file_op_ = NULL;

        int IndexHandle::create(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t bucket_size, const MMapOption map_optiont)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (debug)
                printf("create index, block id: %u, bucket size: %d, max_mmap_size: %d, first mmap size: %d, per mmap size: %d\n",
                        logic_block_id, bucket_size, map_optiont.max_mmap_size_, map_optiont.first_mmap_size_, map_optiont.per_mmap_size_);

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();

            if (file_size < 0)
                return TFS_ERROR;
            }else if(file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                IndexHeader i_header;
                i_header.block_info_.block_id_ = logic_block_id;
                i_header.block_info_.seq_no_ = 1;
                i_header.bucket_size_ = bucket_size;

                i_header.index_file_size_ = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size * sizeof(int32_t);

                /* index header + total buckets */
                char *init_data = new char[i_header.index_file_size_];
                memcpy(init_data, &i_header, sizeof(IndexHandle));
                memset(init_data + sizeof(IndexHandle), 0, i_header.index_file_size_ - sizeof(IndexHandle));

                /* write index header and buckets into file */
                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(init_data, i_header.index_file_size_, 0);

                delete []init_data;
                init_data = NULL;

                if (ret != TFS_ERROR)
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->flush_file();
                if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                    return ret;
            }else /* file size > 0, index already exist */
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(map_optiont);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;
            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("init blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::load(const uint32_t logic_block_id, const int32_t _bucket_size, const MMapOption map_option)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            if (is_load_)
                return EXIT_INDEX_ALREADY_LOADED_ERROR;

            int64_t file_size = file_op_->get_file_size();
            if (file_size < 0)
                return file_size;
            else if (file_size == 0) /* empty file */
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            MMapOption tmp_map_option = map_option;

            if (file_size > tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ && file_size <= tmp_map_option.max_mmap_size_)
                tmp_map_option.first_mmap_size_ = file_size;

            ret = file_op_->mmap_file(tmp_map_option);

            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS)
                return ret;

            if (0 == bucket_size() || 0 == block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "lndex corrupt error. blockid: %u, bucket size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size());
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check file size */
            int32_t index_file_size = sizeof(IndexHandle) + bucket_size() * sizeof(int32_t);

            if (file_size < index_file_size)
                fprintf(stderr, "Index corrupt error. blockid: %u, buck size: %d, file size: %ld, index file size: %d\n", block_info()->block_id_, bucket_size(), file_size, index_file_size);
                return EXIT_INDEX_CORRUPT_ERROR;

            /* check block_id_ size */
            if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict. blockid: %u, index blockid: %u\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;

            /* check bucket_size */
            if (_bucket_size != bucket_size())
                fprintf(stderr, "Index configure error, old bucket size: %d, new bucket size: %d\n", bucket_size(), _bucket_size);
                return EXIT_BUCKET_CONFIGURE_ERROR;

            is_load_ = true;

            if (debug)
                printf("load blockid: %d, index successful.data file size: %d, index file size: %d, bucket_size: %d, free head offset: %d, seqno: %d, size: %d, filecount: %d, del_size: %d, del_file_count: %d, version: %d\n", 
                logic_block_id, index_header()->data_file_offset_, index_header()->index_file_size_,
                index_header()->bucket_size_, index_header()->free_head_offset_, block_info()->seq_no_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->version_);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::remove(const uint32_t logic_block_id)
            if (is_load_)
                if (logic_block_id != block_info()->block_id_)
                    fprintf(stderr, "block id conflict bolckid: %d, index biokid: %d\n", logic_block_id, block_info()->block_id_);
                    return EXIT_BLOCKID_CONFLICT_ERROR;
            int ret = file_op_->munmap_file();
            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                return ret;

            ret = file_op_->unlink_file();
            return ret;

        int IndexHandle::flush()
            int ret = file_op_->flush_file();

            if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                fprintf(stderr, "index flush fail, ret: %d error desc: %s\n", ret, strerror(errno));

            return ret;

         int IndexHandle::write_segment_meta(const uint64_t key, Metalnfo &meta)
            int32_t current_offset = 0, previous_offset = 0;

            /* 思考? key 存在吗? 存在 => 处理? 不存在 => 处理? */
            /* 1. 从文件哈希表中查找 key 是否存在. hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset */
            int ret = hash_find(key, current_offset, previous_offset);
            if (TFS_SUCCESS == ret)
                return EXIT_META_UNEXPECT_FOUND_ERROR;
            }else if (EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR == ret)
                return ret;

            /* 2. 不存在就写入 meta 到文件哈希表中 hash_insert(key, previous_offset, meta) */
            ret = hash_insert(key, previous_offset, meta);
            return ret;


         int IndexHandle::hash_find(const uint64_t key, int32_t &current_offset, int32_t &previous_offset)
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;
            Metalnfo meta_info;

            current_offset = 0;
            previous_offset = 0;

            /* 1. 确定 key 存放的桶(slot)的位置 */
            int32_t slot = (int32_t)key % bucket_size();

            /* 2. 读取桶首节点存储的第一个节点的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR */
            /* 3. 根据偏移量读取存储的metainfo */
            /* 4. 与key进行比较, 相等则设置 current_offset 和 previous_offset 并返回 TFS_SUCCESS, 否则继续执行5 */
            /* 5. 从 metainfo 中取得下一个节点的在文件中的偏移量, 如果偏移量为零, 直接返回 EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
            否则继续跳转到3循环执行 */
            int32_t pos = bucket_size()[slot];

            for (; pos != 0; )
                ret = file_op_->pread_file(reinterpret_cast<char *>(meta_info)(&meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), pos);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    return ret;

                if (hash_compare(key, meta_info.get_key()))
                    current_offset = pos;
                    return TFS_SUCCESS;

                previous_offset = pos;
                pos = meta_info.get_next_meta_offset();

            return EXIT_META_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;

        int32_t IndexHandle::hash_insert(const uint64_t key, int32_t previous_offset, Metalnfo &meta)
            Metalnfo tmp_meta_info;
            int ret = TFS_SUCCESS;

            /* 1. 确定 key 存放的桶(slot)的位置 */
            int32_t slot = static_cast<uint32_t>(key) % bucket_size();

            /* 2. 确定 meta 节点存储中文件中的偏移量 */
            int32_t current_offset = index_header()->index_file_size_;
            index_header()->index_file_size_ += sizeof(Metalnfo);

            /* 3. 将 meta 节点写入索引文件中 */
            meta.set_next_meta_offset(0); /* 我怀疑我忘了实现 */

            ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&meta), sizeof(Metalnfo), current_offset);
            if (ret != TFS_SUCCESS
                index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                return ret;

            /* 4. 将 meta 节点插入到哈希链表中 */
            /* 当前一个节点已经存在 */
            if (0 != previous_offset)
                ret = file_op_->pread_file(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tmp_meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), previous_offset);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                    return ret;

                ret = file_op_->pwrite_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&tmp_meta_info), sizeof(Metalnfo), previous_offset);
                if (TFS_SUCCESS != ret)
                    index_header()->index_file_size_ -= sizeof(Metalnfo);
                    return ret;
            else /* 不存在前一个节点的情况 */
                bucket_slot()[slot] = current_offset;
            return TFS_SUCCESS;

        int IndexHandle::update_block_info(const OperType oper_type, const uint32_t modify_size) /* 更新块信息 */
            if (block_info()->block_id_ == 0)
                return EXIT_BLOCKID_ZERO_ERROR;

            if (oper_type == C_OPER_INSERT)
                block_info()->size_ += modify_size;

            if (debug)
                printf("updata block info. blockid: %u, version: %u, file count: %u, size: %u, del file count: %u, del size: %u, seq no: %u, oper type: %d\n", 
                block_info()->block_id_, block_info()->version_, block_info()->file_count_, block_info()->size_,
                block_info()->del_file_count_, block_info()->del_size_, block_info()->seq_no_, oper_type);

            return TFS_SUCCESS;

写流程实现 - 单元测试


#include "common.h"
#include "file_op.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

using namespace std;
using namespace qiniu;

const static largefile::MMapOption mmap_option = {1024000, 4096, 4096}; /* 内存映射的参数 */
const static uint32_t main_blocksize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /* 主块文件的大小 */
const static uint32_t bucket_size = 1000; /* 哈希桶的大小 */
static int32_t block_id = 1;
static int debug = 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mainblock_path;
    string index_path;
    int32_t ret = largefile::TFS_SUCCESS;

    cout << "Type your bockid :" <<endl;
    cin >> block_id;

    if (block_id < 1)
        cerr << "Invalid bockid, exit." <<endl;

    /* 1. 创建索引文件 */
    largefile::IndexHandle *index_handle = new largefile::IndexHandle(".", block_id);

    if (debug)
        printf("Init index ...\n");

    ret = index_handle->load(block_id, bucket_size, mmap_option);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "load index %d failed.\n", block_id);
        delete index_handle;

    /* 2. 写入文件到主块文件中 */
    stringstream tmp_stream;
    tmp_stream << "." << largefile::MAINBLOCK_DIR_PREFIX << block_id;
    tmp_stream >> mainblock_path;

    largefile::FileOperation *mainblock = new largefile::FileOperation(mainblock_path, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE | O_CREAT);

    char buffer[4096];
    memset(buffer, '6', sizeof(buffer));

    int32_t data_offset = index_handle->get_block_data_offset();
    uint32_t file_no = index_handle->block_info()->seq_no_;

    if ((ret = mainblock->pwrite_file(buffer, sizeof(buffer), data_offset)) != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "write to main block failed. ret: %d, reason: %s \n", ret, strerror(errno));

        delete mainblock;
        delete index_handle;

    /* 3.索引文件中写入 Metainfo */
    largefile::Metalnfo meta;

    ret = index_handle->write_segment_meta(meta.get_key(), meta);
    if (ret == largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        /* 1. 更新索引头部信息 */

        /* 2. 更新块信息 */
        index_handle->update_block_info(largefile::C_OPER_INSERT, sizeof(buffer));

        ret = index_handle->flush();

        if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
            fprintf(stderr, "flush mainblock %d failed file no: %u \n", block_id, file_no);

        fprintf(stderr, "write_segement_meta - mainblock %d failed. file no: %u \n", block_id, file_no);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "write to mainblock %d failed no: %u \n", block_id, file_no);
        if (debug)
            printf("write successfully. file no: %u, block_id: %d \n", file_no, block_id);

    delete mainblock;
    delete index_handle;

    return 0;


 g++ block_write_test.cpp file_op.cpp index_handle.cpp mmap_file.cpp  mmap_file_op.cpp -o block_write_test



#include "common.h"
#include "file_op.h"
#include "index_handle.h"
#include "sstream"

using namespace std;
using namespace qiniu;

const static largefile::MMapOption mmap_option = {1024000, 4096, 4096}; /* 内存映射的参数 */
const static uint32_t main_blocksize = 1024 * 1024 * 64; /* 主块文件的大小 */
const static uint32_t bucket_size = 1000; /* 哈希桶的大小 */
static int32_t block_id = 1;
static int debug = 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mainblock_path;
    string index_path;
    int32_t ret = largefile::TFS_SUCCESS;

    cout << "Type your bockid :" <<endl;
    cin >> block_id;

    if (block_id < 1)
        cerr << "Invalid bockid, exit." <<endl;

    /* 1. 创建索引文件 */
    largefile::IndexHandle *index_handle = new largefile::IndexHandle(".", block_id);

    if (debug)
        printf("Init index ...\n");

    ret = index_handle->load(block_id, bucket_size, mmap_option);

    if (ret != largefile::TFS_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "load index %d failed.\n", block_id);
        delete index_handle;

    delete index_handle;

    return 0;


g++ block_stat.cpp file_op.cpp index_handle.cpp mmap_file.cpp  mmap_file_op.cpp -o block_stat




调试调了好久! ! !

代码是跟着老师抄的, 思想也是老师的,(看你能学多少咯) 还是好好复习. 可能代码写多才有感觉吧? 谁知道呢? 总之, 社会推着你必须学(学习就对了).


时间: 2020-06-29

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