

# Compute several Fibonacci numbers and put in array, then print
fibs:.word   0 : 19         # "array" of words to contain fib values
size: .word  19             # size of "array" (agrees with array declaration)
prompt: .asciiz "How many Fibonacci numbers to generate? (2 <= x <= 19)"
      la   $s0, fibs        # load address of array
      la   $s5, size        # load address of size variable
      lw   $s5, 0($s5)      # load array size

# Optional: user inputs the number of Fibonacci numbers to generate
#pr:   la   $a0, prompt      # load address of prompt for syscall
#      li   $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
#      syscall               # print the prompt string
#      li   $v0, ?????Replace_this_dummy_with_the_correct_numeric_value???????           # specify Read Integer service
#      syscall               # Read the number. After this instruction, the number read is in $v0.
#      bgt  $v0, $s5, pr     # Check boundary on user input -- if invalid, restart
#      blt  $v0, $zero, pr   # Check boundary on user input -- if invalid, restart
#      add  $s5, $v0, $zero  # transfer the number to the desired register
      li   $s2, 1           # 1 is the known value of first and second Fib. number
      sw   $s2, 0($s0)      # F[0] = 1
      sw   $s2, 4($s0)      # F[1] = F[0] = 1
      addi $s1, $s5, -2     # Counter for loop, will execute (size-2) times
      # Loop to compute each Fibonacci number using the previous two Fib. numbers.
loop: lw   $s3, 0($s0)      # Get value from array F[n-2]
      lw   $s4, 4($s0)      # Get value from array F[n-1]
      add  $s2, $s3, $s4    # F[n] = F[n-1] + F[n-2]
      sw   $s2, 8($s0)      # Store newly computed F[n] in array
      addi $s0, $s0, 4      # increment address to now-known Fib. number storage
      addi $s1, $s1, -1     # decrement loop counter
      bgtz $s1, loop        # repeat while not finished
      # Fibonacci numbers are computed and stored in array. Print them.
      la   $a0, fibs        # first argument for print (array)
      add  $a1, $zero, $s5  # second argument for print (size)
      jal  print            # call print routine. 

      # The program is finished. Exit.
      li   $v0, 10          # system call for exit
      syscall               # Exit!
# Subroutine to print the numbers on one line.
space:.asciiz  " "          # space to insert between numbers
head: .asciiz  "The Fibonacci numbers are:\n"
print:add  $t0, $zero, $a0  # starting address of array of data to be printed
      add  $t1, $zero, $a1  # initialize loop counter to array size
      la   $a0, head        # load address of the print heading string
      li   $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
      syscall               # print the heading string
out:  lw   $a0, 0($t0)      # load the integer to be printed (the current Fib. number)
      li   $v0, 1           # specify Print Integer service
      syscall               # print fibonacci number
      la   $a0, space       # load address of spacer for syscall
      li   $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
      syscall               # print the spacer string
      addi $t0, $t0, 4      # increment address of data to be printed
      addi $t1, $t1, -1     # decrement loop counter
      bgtz $t1, out         # repeat while not finished
      jr   $ra              # return from subroutine
# End of subroutine to print the numbers on one line

16 x 16字数组的行主要顺序遍历。

#  Row-major order traversal of 16 x 16 array of words.

#  To easily observe the row-oriented order, run the Memory Reference
#  Visualization tool with its default settings over this program.
#  You may, at the same time or separately, run the Data Cache Simulator 
#  over this program to observe caching performance.  Compare the results
#  with those of the column-major order traversal algorithm.
#  The C/C++/Java-like equivalent of this MIPS program is:
#     int size = 16;
#     int[size][size] data;
#     int value = 0;
#     for (int row = 0; row< size; row++) {
#        for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) }
#           data[row][col] = value;
#           value++;
#        }
#     }
#  Note: Program is hard-wired for 16 x 16 matrix.  If you want to change this,
#        three statements need to be changed.
#        1. The array storage size declaration at "data:" needs to be changed from
#           256 (which is 16 * 16) to #columns * #rows.
#        2. The "li" to initialize $t0 needs to be changed to new #rows.
#        3. The "li" to initialize $t1 needs to be changed to new #columns.
data:    .word     0 : 256       # storage for 16x16 matrix of words
         li       $t0, 16        # $t0 = number of rows
         li       $t1, 16        # $t1 = number of columns
         move     $s0, $zero     # $s0 = row counter
         move     $s1, $zero     # $s1 = column counter
         move     $t2, $zero     # $t2 = the value to be stored
#  Each loop iteration will store incremented $t1 value into next element of matrix.
#  Offset is calculated at each iteration. offset = 4 * (row*#cols+col)
#  Note: no attempt is made to optimize runtime performance!
loop:    mult     $s0, $t1       # $s2 = row * #cols  (two-instruction sequence)
         mflo     $s2            # move multiply result from lo register to $s2
         add      $s2, $s2, $s1  # $s2 += column counter
         sll      $s2, $s2, 2    # $s2 *= 4 (shift left 2 bits) for byte offset
         sw       $t2, data($s2) # store the value in matrix element
         addi     $t2, $t2, 1    # increment value to be stored
#  Loop control: If we increment past last column, reset column counter and increment row counter
#                If we increment past last row, we're finished.
         addi     $s1, $s1, 1    # increment column counter
         bne      $s1, $t1, loop # not at end of row so loop back
         move     $s1, $zero     # reset column counter
         addi     $s0, $s0, 1    # increment row counter
         bne      $s0, $t0, loop # not at end of matrix so loop back
#  We're finished traversing the matrix.
         li       $v0, 10        # system service 10 is exit
         syscall                 # we are outta here.

16 x 16字数组的列主要顺序遍历。

#  Column-major order traversal of 16 x 16 array of words.

#  To easily observe the column-oriented order, run the Memory Reference
#  Visualization tool with its default settings over this program.
#  You may, at the same time or separately, run the Data Cache Simulator 
#  over this program to observe caching performance.  Compare the results
#  with those of the row-major order traversal algorithm.
#  The C/C++/Java-like equivalent of this MIPS program is:
#     int size = 16;
#     int[size][size] data;
#     int value = 0;
#     for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) {
#        for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) }
#           data[row][col] = value;
#           value++;
#        }
#     }
#  Note: Program is hard-wired for 16 x 16 matrix.  If you want to change this,
#        three statements need to be changed.
#        1. The array storage size declaration at "data:" needs to be changed from
#           256 (which is 16 * 16) to #columns * #rows.
#        2. The "li" to initialize $t0 needs to be changed to the new #rows.
#        3. The "li" to initialize $t1 needs to be changed to the new #columns.
data:    .word     0 : 256       # 16x16 matrix of words
         li       $t0, 16        # $t0 = number of rows
         li       $t1, 16        # $t1 = number of columns
         move     $s0, $zero     # $s0 = row counter
         move     $s1, $zero     # $s1 = column counter
         move     $t2, $zero     # $t2 = the value to be stored
#  Each loop iteration will store incremented $t1 value into next element of matrix.
#  Offset is calculated at each iteration. offset = 4 * (row*#cols+col)
#  Note: no attempt is made to optimize runtime performance!
loop:    mult     $s0, $t1       # $s2 = row * #cols  (two-instruction sequence)
         mflo     $s2            # move multiply result from lo register to $s2
         add      $s2, $s2, $s1  # $s2 += col counter
         sll      $s2, $s2, 2    # $s2 *= 4 (shift left 2 bits) for byte offset
         sw       $t2, data($s2) # store the value in matrix element
         addi     $t2, $t2, 1    # increment value to be stored
#  Loop control: If we increment past bottom of column, reset row and increment column 
#                If we increment past the last column, we're finished.
         addi     $s0, $s0, 1    # increment row counter
         bne      $s0, $t0, loop # not at bottom of column so loop back
         move     $s0, $zero     # reset row counter
         addi     $s1, $s1, 1    # increment column counter
         bne      $s1, $t1, loop # loop back if not at end of matrix (past the last column)
#  We're finished traversing the matrix.
         li       $v0, 10        # system service 10 is exit
         syscall                 # we are outta here.


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