内核启动流程 --- 自解压(一)

一. 前言


二. bootloder准备阶段


|--- 设置SVC模式
|--- 关闭cache和MMU
|--- 关闭看门狗
|--- 外设基地址初始化
|--- 设置时钟
|--- 内存初始化
|--- 拷贝代码到内存(代码重定位)
|--- 设置栈(栈初始化后才能使用c函数)
|--- 清零BSS段
|--- 串口初始化
|--- 设置全局变量gd
|    |--- gd->bd->bi_arch_number   = MACH_TYPE          ;6410的MACH_TYPE = 2520
| 	 |--- gd->bd->bi_boot_params   = 0x50000000 + 0x100 ;tag存放的起始地址偏移内存起始地址0x100
| 	 |--- gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = 0x50000000         ;内存起始地址
| 	 |--- gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size  = 0x10000000         ;板载内存大小256MB
|--- 执行自己定义的main函数
|    |--- 把内核镜像zImage从Nandflash读到内存0x50008000|    |--- 设置启动参数(tag)
|         |--- bd_t *bd = gd->bd
|         |--- 设置起始tag  :setup_start_tag(bd)
|         |--- 设置内存tag  :setup_memory_tags(bd)
|     	  |--- 设置命令行tag:setup_commandline_tag(bd, CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND);
|         |--- 设置结束tag  :setup_end_tag(bd);
|--- 跳转启动内核
|    |--- theKernel = (void(*)(int, int, unsigned int))CFG_SDRAM_KERNEL_BASE
|    |--- theKernel(0,MACH_TYPE,0x50000100) ;传入三个参数,r0=0,r1=2520,r2=0x50000100指定tag的起始地址

三. 内核自解压阶段

3.1 保存机器ID和启动参数地址到r7和r8寄存器

		.section ".start", #alloc, #execinstr
 * sort out different calling conventions
		.arm				@ Always enter in ARM state
		.type	start,#function
 THUMB(		adr	r12, BSYM(1f)	)
 THUMB(		bx	r12		)
 THUMB(		.rept	6		)
 ARM(		.rept	8		) //只关注arm的
		mov	r0, r0
		b	1f                //向forward方向的标号1跳转,即往下
		.word	0x016f2818		@ Magic numbers to help the loader
		.word	start			@ absolute load/run zImage address
		.word	_edata			@ zImage end address
 THUMB(		.thumb			)
1:		mov	r7, r1			@ save architecture ID  重点关注
		mov	r8, r2			@ save atags pointer  重点关注


(1).type 用来指定一个符号的类型是函数类型或者对象类型,对象类型一般指数据,格式如下:

      .type  符号,类型描述符 [function,object]


(3)0x016f2818 是bootloder和在Image之间规定好的一个幻数,用于判断bootloader跳转执行的地址是否是zImge映像。

(4)start 是由链接脚本arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux.lds决定的,start=0,_edata为zImgae的结束地址。

3.2 切换到SVC模式并关闭FIQ/IRQ

		 * Booting from Angel - need to enter SVC mode and disable
		 * FIQs/IRQs (numeric definitions from angel arm.h source).
		 * We only do this if we were in user mode on entry.
		mrs	r2, cpsr		@ get current mode
		tst	r2, #3			@ not user?
		bne	not_angel
		mov	r0, #0x17		@ angel_SWIreason_EnterSVC
 ARM(		swi	0x123456	)	@ angel_SWI_ARM
 THUMB(		svc	0xab		)	@ angel_SWI_THUMB
not_angel: //走的这个分支
		mrs	r2, cpsr		@ turn off interrupts to
		orr	r2, r2, #0xc0		@ prevent angel from running 关闭中断
		msr	cpsr_c, r2

(1) 如果从Angel启动:需要进入SVC模式并禁用FIQ/IRQ。我们只有在进入时处于用户模式才会这样做。切换的方式是使用swi指令,产生软中断异常,软中断异常一旦发生自动切到svc模式。


3.3 把指定标号的链接地址加载到对应的寄存器中

		 * Note that some cache flushing and other stuff may
		 * be needed here - is there an Angel SWI call for this?

		 * some architecture specific code can be inserted
		 * by the linker here, but it should preserve r7, r8, and r9.

		adr	r0, LC0 //把LC0标号物理地址赋值给r0
		ldmia	r0, {r1, r2, r3, r5, r6, r11, ip}
		ldr	sp, [r0, #28]     
		ldr	r4, =zreladdr     
		.align	2
		.type	LC0, #object
LC0:	.word	LC0			    @ r1
		.word	__bss_start		@ r2
		.word	_end			@ r3
		.word	_start			@ r5
		.word	_image_size		@ r6
		.word	_got_start		@ r11
		.word	_got_end		@ ip
		.word	user_stack_end  @ sp

3.3.1 获取标号LC0的物理地址并保存到r0中

  adr	r0, LC0



/*  adr	r0, LC0 */
 60:	e28f00d8 	add	r0, pc, #216	; 0xd8

/* LC0:		.word	LC0			@ r1 */
00000140 <LC0>:
     140:	00000140 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, asr #2


  • pc = 0x50008000 + 0x60 + 8 = 0x50008068
  • r0 = pc +0xd8 = 0x50008140

3.3.2 把r0指向的内存地址中的数据依次加载到对应寄存器中

ldmia	r0, {r1, r2, r3, r5, r6, r11, ip}
ldr	sp, [r0, #28]

代码中的注释已经说的很明白。注意r0指向的地址中第一个32位数据是LC0的运行地址,这个值是链接后的地址即0x140。此时r1 =0x140

3.3.3 把zreladdr的地址加载到寄存器r4中

ldr	r4, =zreladdr


arm-linux-ld -EL    --defsym zreladdr=0x50008000 -p --no-undefined -X -T
arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux.lds arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.o
arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip.o arch/arm/boot/compressed/misc.o
arch/arm/boot/compressed/decompress.o arch/arm/boot/compressed/lib1funcs.o -o


   zreladdr-y	:= 0x50008000
params_phys-y	:= 0x50000100

因此 r4 = 0x50008000

3.4 计算r0和r1的差值,判断当前运行地址是否与链接地址相同

		subs	r0, r0, r1		@ calculate the delta offset		
		beq	not_relocated		@ if delta is zero, we are running at the address we were linked at.

如果当前未运行在链接地址,r0是不等于r1的;反之r0 等于r1 。通常情况下通过uboot引导内核时,r0都是不等于r1的。从前面的分析也可以知道r0 = 0x50008140, r1 =0x140,两者是不相等的。

此时 r0 = 0x50008140 -0x140 = 0x50008000

3.5 修正r2/r3/r5/r11/ip/sp的值

		 * We're running at a different address.  We need to fix
		 * up various pointers:
		 *   r5 - zImage base address (_start)
		 *   r6 - size of decompressed image
		 *   r11 - GOT start
		 *   ip - GOT end
		add	r5, r5, r0
		add	r11, r11, r0
		add	ip, ip, r0

#ifndef CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM  //从内存中启动,不是在ROM中启动
		 * If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,
		 * we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.
		 *   r2 - BSS start
		 *   r3 - BSS end
		 *   sp - stack pointer
		add	r2, r2, r0
		add	r3, r3, r0
		add	sp, sp, r0

		 * Relocate all entries in the GOT table.
1:		ldr	r1, [r11, #0]		@ relocate entries in the GOT table.  This fixes up the
		add	r1, r1, r0		
		str	r1, [r11], #4		@ C references.
		cmp	r11, ip
		blo	1b

3.5.1 为什么要修正这些寄存器的值


3.5.2 如何修正寄存器的值


3.5.3 .got段


“got” 是“globle offset table”的意思,这个段中存放的都是全局变量的地址。访问全局变量的过程如下:

  • 获取got段的首地址
  • 获取要访问的全局变量在got段中的偏移值
  • 根据首地址和偏移值计算出全局变量的地址
  • 根据计算后的地址去访问这个全局变量

3.6 清0 bss段

not_relocated:	mov	r0, #0
1:		str	r0, [r2], #4		@ clear bss
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		cmp	r2, r3
		blo	1b


3.7 打开cache

打开cache主要是为了加速内核的解压。为了打开缓存, 我们需要设置一些临时用的页表(mmu),因为I/D cache 在设置页表的时候通过设置相应的位才可以开启。

3.7.1 跳转到真正实现打开缓存的函数call_cache_fn

bl	cache_on

 * Turn on the cache.  We need to setup some page tables so that we
 * can have both the I and D caches on.
 * We place the page tables 16k down from the kernel execution address,
 * and we hope that nothing else is using it.  If we're using it, we
 * will go pop!
 * On entry,
 *  r4 = kernel execution address
 *  r7 = architecture number
 *  r8 = atags pointer
 * On exit,
 *  r0, r1, r2, r3, r9, r10, r12 corrupted
 * This routine must preserve:
 *  r4, r5, r6, r7, r8
		.align	5
cache_on:	mov	r3, #8			@ cache_on function
		b	call_cache_fn

 * Here follow the relocatable cache support functions for the
 * various processors.  This is a generic hook for locating an
 * entry and jumping to an instruction at the specified offset
 * from the start of the block.  Please note this is all position
 * independent code.
 *  r1  = corrupted
 *  r2  = corrupted
 *  r3  = block offset
 *  r9  = corrupted
 *  r12 = corrupted

call_cache_fn:	adr	r12, proc_types
		mrc	p15, 0, r9, c0, c0	@ get processor ID
1:		ldr	r1, [r12, #0]		@ get value //把r12+0地址处的值赋值给r1 = 对应架构的cpu_val
		ldr	r2, [r12, #4]		@ get mask  //把r12+4地址处的值赋值给r2 = 对应架构的cpu_mask
		eor	r1, r1, r9		@ (real ^ match)//eor位异或
		tst	r1, r2			@       & mask  //比较
 ARM(addeq	pc, r12, r3	)   @ call cache function //addeqs这条指令在前面比较指令中r1 =r2的前提下才执行
		add	r12, r12, #4*5 //让r12指向下一个架构的proc_type起始地址
		b	1b

(2)通过协处理器寄存器cp15获取处理器 ID
(3)把 r12+0 地址处的值赋值给r1 — 对应架构的cpu_val
(4)把 r12+4 地址处的值赋值给r2 — 对应架构的cpu_mask
(5)对 r1 和 r9 进行位异或计算,把计算后的值赋值给r1

  • 如果r1和r2的值相同,表明找到了对应架构的proc_type,调用对应的cache function(函数放在r12+8地址处);
  • 如果r1和r2的值不同,表明未找到了对应架构的proc_type,让r12 = r12+4*5,此时r12指向下一个proc_type的起始地址,向前跳转到标号;1,继续查找比较,直到找到目标架构的proc_type。

3.7.2 proc_types定义的内容

 * Table for cache operations.  This is basically:
 *   - CPU ID match
 *   - CPU ID mask
 *   - 'cache on' method instruction
 *   - 'cache off' method instruction
 *   - 'cache flush' method instruction
 * We match an entry using: ((real_id ^ match) & mask) == 0
 * Writethrough caches generally only need 'on' and 'off'
 * methods.  Writeback caches _must_ have the flush method
 * defined.
		.align	2
		.type	proc_types,#object

		.word	0x0007b000		@ ARMv6 /* mini6410采用的是armv6架构 */
		.word	0x000ff000
		W(b)	__armv4_mmu_cache_on
		W(b)	__armv4_mmu_cache_off
		W(b)	__armv6_mmu_cache_flush

		.word	0			@ unrecognised type
		.word	0
		mov	pc, lr
 THUMB(		nop				)
		mov	pc, lr
 THUMB(		nop				)
		mov	pc, lr
 THUMB(		nop				)

		.size	proc_types, . - proc_types

从代码可以到看,每一种结构对应5个32位的数值(这也是为什么每次寻找下一个结构相关的proc_type时,r12 = r12+4*5的原因),按顺序依次为 CPU ID match、CPU ID mask、‘cache on’ method instruction、‘cache off’ method instruction、‘cache flush’ method instruction。由于mini6410使用的是armv6的结构,因此__armv4_mmu_cache_on是打开cache的函数。

3.7.3 打开mmu、buffer、cache,设置平行映射

		mov	r12, lr

		bl	__setup_mmu 
		mov	r0, #0
		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4	@ drain write buffer
		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0	@ flush I,D TLBs
		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0	@ read control reg
		orr	r0, r0, #0x5000		    @ I-cache enable, RR cache replacement
		orr	r0, r0, #0x0030

		bl	__common_mmu_cache_on
		mov	r0, #0
		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0	@ flush I,D TLBs

		mov	pc, r12

 * 这里r4中存放着内核执行地址,将16K的一级页表放在这个内核执行地址下面的16K空间里,
 * 下面通过 sub  r3, r4, #16384 获得16K空间后,又将页表的起始地址进行16K对齐放在r3中。
 * 即ttb的低14位清零。
        sub	r3, r4, #16384		@ Page directory size //r3 = r4 -0x4000 = 0x50004000 
		bic	r3, r3, #0xff		@ Align the pointer
		bic	r3, r3, #0x3f00

 * Initialise the page tables, turning on the cacheable and bufferable
 * bits for the RAM area only.
 * 下面这几行把一级页表的起始地址保存在r0中,并通过r0获得一个ram起始地址(256K对齐),
 * 并从这个起始地址开始的256M ram空间对应的描述符的C和B位均置”1”,
 * r9和r10中存放了这段内存的起始地址和结束地址。 
		mov	r0, r3              //r0 = 0x50004000页表项的起始地址   
		mov	r9, r0, lsr #18     //r9 = 0x5000
		mov	r9, r9, lsl #18		@ start of RAM//r9 = 0x50000000,先>>18,后<<18,就是256K对齐
		add	r10, r9, #0x10000000	@ a reasonable RAM size//r10 = 0x60000000,0x10000000==256M

 * 一级描述符的bit[1:0]为10,表示这是一个section(1MB)描述符。
 * bit[4]为1,默认值
 * bit[8:5]均为0,选择了D0域
		mov	r1, #0x12        //0001 0010

 * 一级描述符的AP(access permission bits) bit[11:10]为11,即可读可写
 * bit[31:20]为physical address,为0
		orr	r1, r1, #3 << 10       //AP=11,r1 = 0xC12 

 * 一级描述符表(页表)的结束地址存放在r2中。
		add	r2, r3, #16384        //r2 = 0x50008000 

/* 此时
 * r1  = 0xC12
 * r2  = 0x50008000 以级描述符表(页表)的结束地址
 * r9  = 0x50000000 内存起始地址
 * r10 = 0x60000000 内存结束地址
1:		cmp	r1, r9			        @ if virt > start of RAM
		orrhs	r1, r1, #0x0c		@ set cacheable, bufferable  //r1>r9才执行,我们这里不满足
		cmp	r1, r10			        @ if virt > end of RAM
		bichs	r1, r1, #0x0c		@ clear cacheable, bufferable//r1>r10才执行,我们这里不满足
		str	r1, [r0], #4		    @ 1:1 mapping                //执行后r0+4,执向下一个页表项
		add	r1, r1, #1048576
		teq	r0, r2
		bne	1b

/* 简化后
 * 1:	cmp	r1, r9			 @ if virt > start of RAM r1 = 0xC12,r9  = 0x50000000
		cmp	r1, r10			 @ if virt > end of RAM   r1 = 0xC12,r10 = 0x60000000
		str	r1, [r0], #4	 @ 1:1 mapping            执行后r0+4,执向下一个页表项
		add	r1, r1, #1048576 @r1 = r1+0x100000 = r1 +1MB
		teq	r0, r2
		bne	1b
 * 上面这段就是对一级页表的初始化流程
 * 将描述符写入一个一级页表的入口,并将一级页表入口地址加4,而指向下一个1MB的section的基地址。
 * 如果页表入口未初始化完,则继续初始化。 
 * 一级描述符结构如下:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |31             20  | 19   12 | 11 10 | 9 | 8     5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |0 |
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |物理地址的基址高12位  |    0    |   AP  | 0 | domain  | 1 | C | B | 1 |0 |
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 这是一个1:1映射
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 *   页表项序号   |                 映射后的空间
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 *       0      |              0M --- (1M-1)
 *       1      |              1M --- (2M-1)
 *       2      |              2M --- (3M-1)
 *     .....    |                 .....
 *     4095     |           4G-1M --- (4G-1)
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 * 一级描述符表(页表)的高12位是每个setcion对应的物理基地址。
 * 一级页表大小为16K,每个页表项-即描述符占4字节,刚好可以容纳4096(4k)个描述符,
 * 所以这里一共映射了4096*1M = 4G的空间。

/* 可以不关注,因为对于ram,只是重复了上面的一部分操作
 * If ever we are running from Flash, then we surely want the cache
 * to be enabled also for our execution instance...  We map 2MB of it
 * so there is no map overlap problem for up to 1 MB compressed kernel.
 * If the execution is in RAM then we would only be duplicating the above.
		mov	r1, #0x1e         @确保B和C位被置1
		orr	r1, r1, #3 << 10  @设置AP域为可读可写
 * 将当前地址1M对齐,并与r1中的内容结合成一个描述当前指令所在section的描述符。
		mov	r2, pc
		mov	r2, r2, lsr #20
		orr	r1, r1, r2, lsl #20
		add	r0, r3, r2, lsl #2
		str	r1, [r0], #4
		add	r1, r1, #1048576 @r1 = r1+0x100000 = r1 +1MB
		str	r1, [r0]
		mov	pc, lr


3.7.4 刷新寄存器,使cache生效

		orr	r0, r0, #0x000d		@ Write buffer, mmu

		mov	r1, #-1
		mcr	p15, 0, r3, c2, c0, 0	@ load page table pointer
		mcr	p15, 0, r1, c3, c0, 0	@ load domain access control
		b	1f
		.align	5			@ cache line aligned
1:		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0	@ load control register
		mrc	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0	@ and read it back to
		sub	pc, lr, r0, lsr #32	@ properly flush pipeline

3.8 设置堆空间

		mov	r1, sp			    @ malloc space above stack
		add	r2, sp, #0x10000	@ 64k max


3.9 判断解压后的内核是否会覆盖当前运行代码

 * Check to see if we will overwrite ourselves.
 *   r4 = final kernel address
 *   r5 = start of this image
 *   r6 = size of decompressed image
 *   r2 = end of malloc space (and therefore this image)
 * We basically want:
 *   r4 >= r2 -> OK
 *   r4 + image length <= r5 -> OK
		cmp	r4, r2
		bhs	wont_overwrite //hs 无符号大于等于
		add	r0, r4, r6
		cmp	r0, r5
		bls	wont_overwrite //hs 无符号小于等于


  • r2 为堆的结束地址:r2 = 0x50008000 + xxx + 0x10000
  • r4 为zImage解压后的指定运行地址:r4 = 0x50008000
  • r5 为zImage解压前的起始(入口)地址:r5 = 0x50008000
  • r6 为解压后内核占用空间的大小: _image_size = (_etext - _text) * 4 。计算规则从arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux.lds中可以看到。
|                |
|----------------|<------- r2堆的结束地址
|    堆空间64k   |
|                |
|     栈空间4k    |       
|                |
|                |
|  压缩后的内核   |
|     zImage     |
|  当前运行空间   |
|                |
|----------------| 0x50008000  zImage的解压后运行地址 r4/解压前运行的入口地址 r5
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |


  • 解压后的内核存放的起始地址(解压后内核的运行地址) >= 堆的结束地址;即r4 >= r2
  • 解压后的内核存放的起始地址(解压后内核的运行地址) + 解压后内核所占空间的大小<= zImage解压前运行的入口地址;即r4+r6 <= r5


3.10 自解压的过程

		mov	r5, r2			@ decompress after malloc space //把堆的结束地址赋值给r5
		mov	r0, r5          //把堆的结束地址赋值给r0
		mov	r3, r7          //把处理器ID赋值给r3
		bl	decompress_kernel 


  • r0 为堆的结束地址
  • r1 为堆的起始地址
  • r2 为堆的结束地址
  • r3 为机器ID
  • r5 为堆的结束地址


unsigned long decompress_kernel(unsigned long output_start, unsigned long free_mem_ptr_p,
		unsigned long free_mem_ptr_end_p,
		int arch_id)
	unsigned char *tmp;

	output_data		= (unsigned char *)output_start; /* 解压后的内核临时存放地址,在堆之后 */
	free_mem_ptr		= free_mem_ptr_p; /* 解压后的内核临时存放地址,在堆之后 */
	free_mem_end_ptr	= free_mem_ptr_end_p; /* 堆的结束地址 */
	__machine_arch_type	= arch_id; /* 机器ID */


	tmp = (unsigned char *) (((unsigned long)input_data_end) - 4);
	output_ptr = get_unaligned_le32(tmp);

	/* 提示开始自解压*/
	putstr("Uncompressing Linux...");

	/* 解压 */
	do_decompress(input_data, input_data_end - input_data,output_data, error);
	/* 提示自解压结束 */
	putstr(" done, booting the kernel.\n");
	/* 返回内核解压后的长度 */
	return output_ptr;


3.11 在解压内核后面空间预留128字节的栈空间

		add	r0, r0, #127 + 128	@ alignment + stack 
		bic	r0, r0, #127		@ align the kernel length


  • 第一条指令:在解压后的内核后面预留128字节的栈空间
  • 第二条指令:r0的值128字节对齐
|                |
|--------------- |-----------
|128字节】   |      |
|       +        |      |
|                |      |
|  解压后的内核   |  r0,128字节对齐
|                |      |
|                |      |
|----------------|<------- r5
|    堆空间64k    |
|                |
|     栈空间4k    |       
|                |
|                |
|  压缩后的内核   |
|     zImage     |
|  当前运行空间   |
|                |
|----------------| 0x50008000  zImage的解压后运行地址r4
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |

3.12 搬移重定位代码段

 * r0     = decompressed kernel length
 * r1-r3  = unused
 * r4     = kernel execution address
 * r5     = decompressed kernel start
 * r7     = architecture ID
 * r8     = atags pointer
 * r9-r12,r14 = corrupted
		add	r1, r5, r0		@ end of decompressed kernel 
		adr	r2, reloc_start
		ldr	r3, LC1        
		add	r3, r2, r3
1:		ldmia	r2!, {r9 - r12, r14}	@ copy relocation code 开始重定位
		stmia	r1!, {r9 - r12, r14} /* 把r9-r12的值保存到r1指向的存储单元(!是r1运算和自动加1)*/
		ldmia	r2!, {r9 - r12, r14} /* 把r2指向的存储单元的值依次读到r9-r12中(!是r2运算和自动加1)*/
		stmia	r1!, {r9 - r12, r14}
		cmp	r2, r3
		blo	1b
LC1:		.word	reloc_end - reloc_start  /* 需要重定位代码段的大小 */


  • r1 = r5 +r0 = 解压后内核存放的起始地址 + 解压后内核大大小
  • r2 = reloc_start标号所在的物理地址,即重定位代码段所在的起始物理地址
  • r3 = *LC1(标号地址处的内容) = 需要重定位代码段的大小 (第一步)
  • r3 = r2 + r3 = 重定位代码段的结束地址 (第二步)
|--------------- |<------- 搬移完成后的r1
|                |
|  重定位代码段   |
|                |
|--------------- |<------- 开始搬移重定位代码段时的r1
|128字节】    |      |
|       +        |      |
|                |      |
|  解压后的内核   |  r0,128字节对齐
|                |      |
|                |      |
|----------------|<------- r5
|    堆空间64k    |
|                |
|     栈空间4k    |       
|                |
|                |
|  压缩后的内核   |
|     zImage     |
|  当前运行空间   |
|                |
|----------------| 0x50008000  zImage的解压后运行地址r4
|  uImage字节头   |
|                |


3.13 跳转到搬移后的重定位代码段继续执行

		mov	sp, r1
		add	sp, sp, #128		@ relocate the stack     /*设置临时的栈,空间大小为128字节 */

		bl	cache_clean_flush
 ARM(		add	pc, r5, r0		) @ call relocation code /* 执行搬移后的重定位代码  */
 THUMB(		add	r12, r5, r0		)
 THUMB(		mov	pc, r12			) @ call relocation code
|--------------- |<------- sp
|    临时栈空间    |  128字节
|--------------- |<------- r1
|                |
|  重定位代码段    |
|                |
|--------------- |<------- pc
|128字节】    |      |
|       +        |      |
|                |      |
|  解压后的内核   |  r0,128字节对齐
|                |      |
|                |      |
|----------------|<------- r5
|    堆空间64k    |
|                |
|     栈空间4k    |       
|                |
|                |
|  压缩后的内核   |
|     zImage     |
|  当前运行空间   |
|                |
|----------------| 0x50008000  zImage的解压后运行地址r4
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |

3.14 设置内核代码被重定位的起始地址

 * All code following this line is relocatable.  It is relocated by
 * the above code to the end of the decompressed kernel image and
 * executed there.  During this time, we have no stacks.
 * r0     = decompressed kernel length
 * r1-r3  = unused
 * r4     = kernel execution address
 * r5     = decompressed kernel start
 * r7     = architecture ID
 * r8     = atags pointer
 * r9-r12,r14 = corrupted
		.align	5
reloc_start:	add	r9, r5, r0
		sub	r9, r9, #128		@ do not copy the stack
		mov	r1, r4
|--------------- |<------- sp
|    临时栈空间    |  128字节
|--------------- |--------
|                |
|  重定位代码段   |
|                |
|--------------- |-------- 
|128字节】    |      |
|       +        |<-----|---r9
|                |      |
|  解压后的内核   |  r0,128字节对齐
|                |      |
|                |      |
|----------------|<------- r5
|    堆空间64k    |
|                |
|     栈空间4k    |       
|                |
|                |
|  压缩后的内核   |
|     zImage     |
|  当前运行空间   |
|                |
|----------------| 0x50008000  zImage的解压后运行地址r4
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |

3.15 开始重定位

		.rept	4
		ldmia	r5!, {r0, r2, r3, r10 - r12, r14}	@ relocate kernel
		stmia	r1!, {r0, r2, r3, r10 - r12, r14}

		cmp	r5, r9
		blo	1b
|--------------- |<------- sp
|    临时栈空间   |  128字节
|--------------- |-------
|                |<------- pc
|   重定位代码段  |
|                |
|--------------- |
|                | 
|                |<------- r1
|                |    
|  解压后的内核   |  
|                |      
|                |      
|----------------| 0x50008000 zImage的解压后运行地址 r4
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |

3.16 加载真正的内核Image

		mov	sp, r1
		add	sp, sp, #128		@ relocate the stack

call_kernel:	bl	cache_clean_flush
		bl	cache_off
		mov	r0, #0			@ must be zero
		mov	r1, r7			@ restore architecture number
		mov	r2, r8			@ restore atags pointer
		mov	pc, r4			@ call kernel

清除并关闭cache,清零r0,恢复内核启动所需要的的参数:将machine ID存入r1,将atags指针存入r1,再跳转到0x50008000执行真正的内核Image。

|--------------- |-------- 
|    临时栈空间    |  128字节
|--------------- |-------
|                |
|  重定位代码段   |                      
|                |
|                |
|                |
|--------------- |<------- sp
|    临时栈空间    |  128字节
|--------------- |--------
|                |    
|   解压后的内核  |  
|                |      
|                |      
|----------------| 0x50008000 zImage的解压后运行地址 r4 ,pc
|   uImage字节头  |
|                |

四. 总结 — 流程图


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