
There are many things I want to say about thisquestion.But sorry, don't know how to say it in Enalish.Can l answer it in Chinese?
Tha nk you for your question. I'm sorry in this moment.I don't have enough  knowledge to answer the question. But I'm willing to learn it. I'm the type of person who wants to learn and explore, so I would genuinely like to carry out some research and find out the answe r after this interview.
谢谢你的问题。此刻我很抱歉。我没有足够的知识来回答这个问题。但我愿意赢得它。 我是一个喜欢学习和探索的人,所以我很想在这次采访后进行一些研究并找出答案。
Please introduce yourself.
    Dear teachers, good morning! It's an honor to participate in today's interview! My name is xxx, from xx Province, and I am currently studying software engineering at xxx University.
    During my three years in college, I spent most of my time studying in professional courses, with a grade point average of xxx and ranking in the top xx% of my major. I have won the first-class scholarship and the title of Merits Student at the school for three consecutive years.
    In terms of personal abilities, I actively completed projects such as fruit recognition models and information management systems. Through these projects, I have developed my abilities of logical thinking, teamwork and coping with setbacks.I also like to write some technical articles on the blog platform, and have nearly 300 fans.
    In terms of future planning, I want to use the higher platform of graduate students to broaden my horizons and improve my professional abilities.
尊敬的老师们,早上好! 很荣幸参加今天的采访! 我叫xx,来自xx省,目前在xx大学学习软件工程。
     大学三年,我大部分时间都在学习专业课程,平均绩点为3.xx,名列专业前xx%。 我连续三年获得学校一等奖学金和三好学生称号。
     个人能力方面,我积极完成了水果识别模型、信息管理系统等项目。 通过这些项目,我培养了自己的逻辑思维能力、团队合作能力和应对挫折的能力。我还喜欢在博客平台上写一些技术文章,拥有近300名粉丝。
Can you tell me something about your hometown?
    My hometown is xx County, located in the southeastern part of xx Province and the northeastern part of xx City. It is the birthplace of Chinese Hakka culture and has many national intangible cultural heritages. xx was also an important starting point for the Central Red Army’s Long March. A large number of revolutionaries lived and fought inxx. There are all kinds of Hakka specialties food. such as 肉丸、水饺and so on.I love my hometown. I am very proud to be fromxx!
    我的家乡是xx县,位于xx省东南部、xx市东北部。 是中国客家文化的发祥地,拥有多项国家级非物质文化遗产。 xx也是中央红军长征的重要起点。 大批革命志士在xx生活、战斗。 各种客家特色菜应有尽有。 我爱我的家乡。 我为自己是xx人而感到自豪!
Who influence you the most in your family / how many people in your family?
    I think the person who has the most influence on me in my family is my grandfather. He is a teacher who has taught and educated people for decades. He taught me many principles of life, such as honesty, kindness, diligence and responsibility.He is not only a teacher but also a farmer. My father has five brothers and sisters. In that era when supplies were scarce, my grandfather not only had to go to work but also farm to support a family. It also made me understand that a happy life is the result of hard work, and filial piety comes first.
    我觉得家里对我影响最大的人就是我的爷爷。 他是一位几十年来教书育人的老师。 他教会了我很多做人的道理,比如诚实、善良、勤奋、责任等。 我的父亲有五个兄弟姐妹。 在那个物资匮乏的年代,爷爷不仅要出去工作,还要种地养家糊口。 也让我明白了幸福的生活是努力的结果,孝顺是第一位的。
Can you introduce your university?/major
    Certainly, I'd be glad to introduce my shool, xx University. xxUniversity, located in the vibrant city of xx, xxProvince, is a prestigious institution with a rich academic history .During my time at xxUniversity, I had the opportunity to participate in various academic and courses activities. These experiences not only broadened my horizons but also helped me develop strong teamwork and communication skills . xxUniversity has been a transformative experience for me. It has provided me with a solid academic foundation.
    当然,我很乐意介绍我的学校,xx大学。 xx大学位于充满活力的xx省xx,是一所具有丰富学术历史并致力于卓越教育和研究的著名学府。在xx大学期间,我有机会参加各种学术和研究活动。 课程活动。 这些经历不仅开阔了我的视野,还帮助我培养了强大的团队合作和沟通能力。 xx大学对我来说是一次变革性的经历。 它为我提供了坚实的学术基础。
Software engineering is a discipline focused on using engineering methods to build and maintain high-quality, practical, and effective software. The software engineering major not only focuses on the software development process, but also emphasizes software maintainability, reliability, availability, and performance.
Do you think it’s useful to plan your time?
So it's important to have a good plan in advance.
Another aspect is that if we want to accomplish a big goal, we need to make a l ong-term plan, so as to achieve small goals step by step, so as to achieve final success.
Please introduce what difficulties you encountered during your university years and how to solve them?
    During my university years, I encountered several difficulties. One significant difficulty was managing my time effectively, especially when juggling a busy academic schedule with amusment activities. To overcome this, I developed a rigorous time management, using tools like tomato timer and reminders to ensure I met all my deadlines. I also learned to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance, which helped me stay focused and avoid procrastination. + 上一问
    在大学期间,我遇到了一些挑战。 一个重大的困难是有效地管理我的时间,尤其是在繁忙的学业日程和娱乐活动之间兼顾时。 为了克服这个问题,我制定了严格的时间管理方法,使用番茄计时器和提醒等工具来确保我按时完成所有任务。 我还学会了根据任务的紧迫性和重要性来确定任务的优先顺序,这帮助我保持专注并避免拖延。
What impressed you the most when you were at university?
When I was in college, what impressed me most was my work experience in the student union. That time not only gave me the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, but also profoundly affected me on many levels. In the work of the student union, I communicated with my classmates on study, photography, and jointly planned activities. These experiences have honed my communication and collaboration skills and taught me how to communicate effectively with others. Through interactions with classmates, I not only broadened my horizons, but also gained precious friendships.
Why did you choose to go to graduate school? 你为什么选择读研? 
    Firstly, I strongly believe that it is easy to fall behind if I stop study. I think I urgently need to study further to improve my abilities. Secondly, the study at the graduate level will be more systematic. We can learn the most cutting-edge information and developments in the professional field. So I choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination.
    首先,我坚信,如果我停止学习,很容易落后。 我想我迫切需要进一步学习,提高自己的能力。 其次,研究生阶段的学习会更加系统化。 我们可以了解到专业领域最前沿的信息和动态。 所以我选择考研。
Can you tell us about your future plans in the postgraduate study?  研究生计划
    Firstly, I will formulate my own training plan under the guidance of my supervisor, and have an overall plan for my own study. Secondly, I will work hard to improve my literature reading ability and scientific research ability, and strive to publish high-quality articles as soon as possible.
    首先,我会在导师的指导下制定自己的培养计划,对自己的学习有一个整体的规划。 其次,我会努力提高自己的文献阅读能力和科研能力,争取尽快发表高质量的文章。
How do you describe your personality / advantage / strength? 性格优点  What is your dream?梦想结合优点
I think I am a persistent and outgoing person.My advantage is sticking to my goals. Once I set a goal, I will stick to it no matter what the difficulties. My dream is to be a useful person.I hope that I can keep growing, keep learning, keep improving myself, so that I can contribute to the motherland, society and family.Of course, sometimes I do fail, but I will not give up. I will sum up the lessons , constantly improve myself, and achieve my goals.It's a tough road, but I'll keep going.
我认为我是一个执着、外向的人。我的优点是坚持自己的目标。 一旦我设定了目标,无论遇到什么困难,我都会坚持下去。 我的梦想是成为一个有用的人。我希望自己能够不断成长,不断学习,不断提高自己,为祖国、为社会、为家庭做出贡献。当然,有时候我确实会失败,但我不会付出 向上。 我会总结教训,不断提高自己,实现自己的目标。这是一条艰难的路,但我会继续走下去。
What is your greatest weakness? 缺点
 I think my disadvantage is that I sometimes hesitate to do things, I always want to think about things comprehensively, but sometimes it makes me difficult to make decisions and miss some opportunities. In the future, I will try my best to get rid of this shortcoming and make myself better and better. 
我认为我的缺点是做事有时会犹豫. 我总是想全面考虑问题,但有时会让我很难做出决定,失去一些机会。在未来,我将尽我最大的努力摆脱这个缺点,使自己更好。
Do you have any hobbies/ favorite sport/pressure?
Skateboarding is my favorite sport and I fell in love with it as a kid. I try my best every time I play with my friends. Although every action is not 100% successful, I enjoy this happy moment. It not only exercised my body, but also taught me not to back down when faced with challenges, but to move forward bravely.
滑板是我最喜欢的运动,我小时候就爱上了它。 每次和朋友们一起玩的时候,我都会尽力而为。 虽然每一个动作不能百分比成功,但是我很享受这个快乐时刻。它不仅锻炼了我的身体,还教会了我面对挑战不要退缩,要勇敢向前。
Describe one of the books you have read recently?
The recent book I read is "The Three-Body Problem". This book tells the story of the rise and fall of earth civilization in the universe. The novel touches on human history, physics, astronomy and philosophy, and deeply explores human nature from the perspective of science fiction.
I am also full of expectations and emotions for the space adventure of the Earth Fleet. These characters and plots gave me a deep understanding of the strength and courage of human beings when facing unknowns and challenges.
我最近读的一本书是《三体》。 本书讲述了地球文明在宇宙中兴衰的故事。 小说涉及人类历史、物理学、天文学和哲学,从科幻小说的角度深入探讨了人性。
我也对地球舰队的宇宙冒险充满期待和感慨。 这些人物和情节让我深刻体会到人类面对未知和挑战时的力量和勇气。
What is your favourite movie?
My favorite movie is 'A Touch of Zen', the Chinese name is 侠女, it is a martial arts movie directed by the legendary director Hu Jinquan from Taiwan province of China. The film is adapted from "Strange Stories in Oriental Society" by Qing Dynasty writer Pu Songling. It tells the legendary story of a brave and skilled heroine who fights for justice. This movie holds a special place in my heart because it not only showcases the beauty and greatness of martial arts, but also tells a deeply human story of courage, loyalty, and sacrifice.
    我最喜欢的电影是《侠女》,中文名叫《侠女》,是一部由中国台湾传奇导演胡金铨执导的武侠电影。 该片改编自清代作家蒲松龄的《东方社会聊斋志异》,讲述了一位勇敢、剑术精湛、为正义而战的女英雄的传奇故事。这部电影在我心中占有特殊的地位,因为它 不仅展现了武术的美丽和伟大,还讲述了一个关于勇气、忠诚和牺牲的深刻的人性故事。
    + 影片的构图和色彩非常中国传统。 总之,《侠女》不仅是我最喜欢的电影,也是我最喜欢的电影。 它也是有史以来最伟大的武术电影之一。我强烈推荐给任何欣赏视觉震撼和情感上引人入胜的电影的人。
What are the characteristics of a good teacher?
Thank you for your question. I would like to talk about the characteristics of a good teacher from three aspects.
First of all, as a responsible teacher, you should have a clear plan for your own goals. In this way, on the one hand, it can ensure that the research direction will not be deviated, and on the other hand, it also has a clear goal for students to work hard for.
Then I think a teacher who is good at communicating with people will be more competitive. Asking good questions during group discussions will make the discussion more meaningful.
Lastly and most importantly, I think it is more important for teachers who understand students to be good at teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, so that each student can give full play to their abilities and realize their self-worth.
Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.
Thank you for your question. For creativity in problem-solving, I think there are two aspects.
First, when solving problems, you should first consult the data to find out the key problems. Solve problems by consulting with teachers and classmates.
The second aspect is that it is very important to learn to think independently. After you collect the problem data, you should carefully study the problem. It is more helpful to come up with good wrong insights than to solve the problem. Summary method is more important than blind action.
Do you think English ability is important in academic research?
Thank you teacher for your question. There are two aspects to this question.
The first aspect is that I need to consult professional literature when I am working on a project, and some important literature needs to look up foreign data, so it is very important to learn a foreign language well.
Another aspect is that I need to improve my English ability to communicate with foreign friends, so that I can better discuss academic issues and facilitate communication.
How did you get along with your classmates or friends?与他人相处
Thank you for your question. I want to say two things about this question.
The first aspect is that in daily learning, discussing problems together can increase the goodwill among classmates, and can also exercise teamwork ability .
There is another aspect that I often go to work with my friends to do a good job together . Through cooperation, the friendship is enhanced and the learning ability of both parties is enhanced. My optimism makes my friends more cohesive. I enjoy working with each other




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