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翻译 flutter 性能实践思路

原文文章目录前言Best practices - 最佳实践Controlling build() cost- 控制build()耗时Apply effects only when needed - 仅在需要时使用特效Why is savelayer expensive? - 为什么savelayer很昂贵Render grids and lists lazily - 延迟渲染 grid和listsBuild and display frames in 16ms-16毫秒内完成一帧刷新Pitfalls -

2022-01-17 16:15:51 343

翻译 Flutter性能分析概要

文章目录Connect to a physical device 连接真机Run in profile modeLaunch DevToolsThe performance overlayInterpreting the graphsFlutter’s threadsPlatform threadUI threadRaster thread (previously known as the GPU thread)I/O threadDisplaying the performance overlayUsin

2022-01-15 21:13:31 1177

翻译 flutter的千层蛋糕 - The Layer Cake

原文文章目录引言:The Four Layers -- 四层Layer1. The dart:ui library - dart:ui 库2. The rendering library - render库3. The widgets library - widget 库4. The Material & Cupertino libraryPutting it all Together-- (四层)全放在一起Computing the Next Frame - 计算下一帧Conclusion -

2022-01-15 16:51:26 261

翻译 深入Flutter(二) - 线性时间复杂度的 build 和 layout

译者额外添加flutter的渲染流程图,有助于理解本文:图一、图二、Sublinear layout --亚线性(sublinear)布局(layout)With a large number of widgets and render objects, the key to good performance is efficient algorithms. Of paramount importance is the performance of layout, which is the

2022-01-12 16:20:03 376

翻译 flutter:掌握布局约束Constraint

Understanding constraints掌握constraints原文地址【英文】【翻墙】:https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/layout/constraints this GitHub repoWhen someone learning Flutter asks you why some widget with width:100 isn’t 100 pixels wide, the default answer is to tell th

2020-12-09 16:38:53 1153

翻译 Flutter API文档 - RepaintBoundary

RepaintBoundary classA widget that creates a separate display list for its child.一个能够为 child 创建一个独立的display list 的widget。This widget creates a separate display list for its child, which can improve performance if the subtree repaints at different times

2022-01-19 14:40:48 615

翻译 Flutter API文档 - GlobalKey

作为全局键唯一标识元素, Global key提供对其他对象的访问,这些对象是与element关联的,例如 BuildContext。 对于 StatefulWidgets,Global key也提供对 State 的访问。

2022-01-18 17:54:07 506

翻译 flutter:减少手机的Shader编译卡顿

文章目录What is shader compilation jank? -什么是shaders编译卡顿?What do we mean by “first run”? - 我们所说的“第一次运行”是什么意思?How to use SkSL warmup - 如何使用 SkSL 热身Frequently asked questions- 常问的问题Why not just compile or warm up all possible shaders? - 为什么不直接编译或预热所有可能的shaders?C

2022-01-18 15:04:01 1672

翻译 Flutter:ListView item的element生命周期

ListView is the most commonly used scrolling widget. It displays its children one after another in the scroll direction. In the cross axis, the children are required to fill the ListView.ListView 是最常用的可滚动的widget。 它在滚动方向上一个接一个地显示其子级。 在交叉轴上,子项需要填充 ListView。

2022-01-17 15:31:28 313

翻译 AnimatedBuilder-简单的性能优化

AnimatedBuilder 对于要把animation作为build函数的一部分的较为复杂的widget很有用。 想要使用 AnimatedBuilder,只需构造widget并将其传递给builder函数。

2022-01-17 10:51:10 169

翻译 opacity animation性能注意事项

在animation中使用Opacity widget直接导致widget(可能还有它的子树)每一帧都rebuild,这效率很低。 建议改用 AnimatedOpacity 或 FadeTransition。

2022-01-17 10:09:29 338

翻译 Flutter: 创建一次加载一页的ListView

文章目录tl;drFetching entries asynchronouslyUpdate: The method followed in this article is very simple, but might not be the best or most efficient. There are other methods that you can find online that do not require you to put a ListView inside another List

2022-01-16 23:37:45 754

翻译 StatefulWidget的性能注意事项


2022-01-16 14:11:50 142

翻译 深入Flutter(五) 专业化API

Specializing APIs to match the developer’s mindset --专业化API以符合开发人员的思维方式The base class for nodes in Flutter’s Widget, Element, and RenderObject trees does not define a child model. This allows each node to be specialized for the child model that is applic

2022-01-12 20:23:42 400

翻译 深入Flutter(四) Infinite scrolling -- 无限滚动

Infinite scrolling – 无限滚动Infinite scrolling lists are notoriously difficult for toolkits. Flutter supports infinite scrolling lists with a simple interface based on the builder pattern, in which a ListView uses a callback to build widgets on demand as t

2022-01-12 19:30:14 1256

翻译 深入Flutter(三) Element树和RenderObject树

译者额外添加flutter的渲染流程图,有助于理解本文:图一、图二、Tree surgery – 树surgery(遍历和局部重建)Reusing elements is important for performance because elements own two critical pieces of data: the state for stateful widgets and the underlying render objects. When the framework is

2022-01-12 17:26:19 273

翻译 flutter架构(5):web支持

flutter架构(1):概述flutter架构(2):Widgetflutter架构(3):渲染和布局flutter架构(4):平台移植文章目录Flutter web supportFurther informationFlutter web supportWhile the general architectural concepts apply to all platforms that Flutter supports, there are some unique characteris

2021-02-08 21:01:54 309

翻译 flutter架构(4):平台嵌入混编

文章目录Platform embeddingIntegrating with other codePlatform channelsForeign Function InterfaceRendering native controls in a Flutter appHosting Flutter content in a parent appFlutter web supportFurther informationPlatform embeddingAs we’ve seen, rather tha

2021-02-08 21:01:13 438

翻译 flutter架构(3):渲染和布局

文章目录Rendering and layoutFlutter’s rendering modelFrom user input to the GPUBuild: from Widget to ElementLayout and renderingRendering and layoutThis section describes the rendering pipeline, which is the series of steps that Flutter takes to convert a hi

2021-02-08 21:00:42 422

翻译 flutter架构(2):Widget

文章目录WidgetsComposition --组合(替代继承)Building widgetsWidget stateState managementWidgetsAs mentioned, Flutter emphasizes widgets as a unit of composition. Widgets are the building blocks of a Flutter app’s user interface, and each widget is an immutable decl

2021-02-08 20:59:46 509

翻译 flutter架构(1):概述

Flutter architectural overview

2021-02-08 20:59:03 406

翻译 深入Flutter (一) 积极推进“组合”方式

原文:Inside FlutterInside FlutterThis document describes the inner workings of the Flutter toolkit that make Flutter’s API possible. Because Flutter widgets are built using aggressive composition, user interfaces built with Flutter have a large number of w

2021-02-07 11:37:58 508 1

翻译 Flutter的加载流程,性能,内存情况【译】

Load sequence, performance, and memoryThis page describes the breakdown of the steps involved to show a Flutter UI. Knowing this, you can make better, informed decisions about when to pre-warm the Flutter engine, which operations are possible at which sta

2021-02-01 14:09:47 938

翻译 flutter:无需担忧垃圾回收的负担

Flutter: Don’t Fear the Garbage CollectorFlutter uses Dart as a development language and as a runtime. Dart’s runtime is ever-present, both in debug and release modes, but there are big differences between the two build flavors.In debug mode, most of Dar

2021-01-31 10:35:16 562

原创 Flutter接入前置思考(持续扩展)

背景: 新App预计需要接入flutter,作为一个被社会毒打了数年的社畜,对此有点慌,明确表示:东西还没有接入,就要考虑“后面是否要废弃”,“废弃的成本有多高”等等一系列放弃问题一、包体积成本(release版本):1、android:大约6M(只要armeabi-v7a , 没去掉material 资源)2、ios: 大约十几M二、混编兜底: 主要看flutter抗不住的情况下,其他技术兜底的能力页面降级flutter 路由降级到 原生/H5数据通道flutter 数据和原生数据的

2020-12-07 17:10:48 106

原创 flutter已有的丰富学习资料(2021)

flutter已有的丰富学习资料(2020) 记录比较丰富的学习资料提示:写完文章后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档文章目录flutter已有的丰富学习资料(2020)一、基础技术入门资料三、资料1.2020年谷歌大会(flutter)2.阿里开源flutter资料四、性能1、内存最后一、基础技术入门资料flutter 的中国社区:https://flutterchina.club/flutter 实战资料:https://book.flutterchina.club/

2020-12-07 16:25:14 427



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