D、Poker Game: Decision
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using LL = long long;
int main() {
auto read = []() {
static string ranks = "0123456789TJQKA";
static string suits = "SHCD";
string s;
cin >> s;
return (find(ranks.begin(), ranks.end(), s[0]) - ranks.begin()) * 4 +
(find(suits.begin(), suits.end(), s[1]) - suits.begin());
map<LL, int> mp;
auto rank = [&](LL h) -> int {
int res = 0;
vector<int> r, s;
while (h) {
int t = __builtin_ctzll(h);
r.push_back(t / 4);
s.push_back(t % 4);
h ^= 1LL << t;
int straight = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1)
if (r[i] + 1 != r[i + 1]) straight = 0;
if ((r[3] + 1 != r[4]) and (r[3] != 5 or r[4] != 14)) straight = 0;
int flush = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
if (s[i] != s[i + 1]) flush = 0;
if (straight and flush) {
if (r[3] + 1 == r[4]) return res = (9 << 20) | r[4];
return res = (9LL << 20) | r[3];
if (r[0] == r[3]) return res = (8 << 20) | r[0];
if (r[1] == r[4]) return res = (8 << 20) | r[1];
if (r[0] == r[2] and r[3] == r[4]) return res = (7 << 20) | r[0];
if (r[0] == r[1] and r[2] == r[4]) return res = (7 << 20) | r[2];
if (flush)
return (6 << 20) | (r[4] << 16) | (r[3] << 12) | (r[2] << 8) |
(r[1] << 4) | r[0];
if (straight) {
if (r[3] + 1 == r[4]) return (5 << 20) | r[4];
return (5 << 20) | r[3];
if (r[0] == r[2]) return (4 << 20) | r[0];
if (r[1] == r[3]) return (4 << 20) | r[1];
if (r[2] == r[4]) return (4 << 20) | r[2];
if (r[0] == r[1] and r[2] == r[3])
return (3 << 20) | (r[2] << 8) | (r[0] << 4) | r[4];
if (r[0] == r[1] and r[3] == r[4])
return (3 << 20) | (r[3] << 8) | (r[0] << 4) | r[2];
if (r[1] == r[2] and r[3] == r[4])
return (3 << 20) | (r[3] << 8) | (r[1] << 4) | r[0];
if (r[0] == r[1])
return (2 << 20) | (r[0] << 12) | (r[4] << 8) | (r[3] << 4) | r[2];
if (r[1] == r[2])
return (2 << 20) | (r[1] << 12) | (r[4] << 8) | (r[3] << 4) | r[0];
if (r[2] == r[3])
return (2 << 20) | (r[2] << 12) | (r[4] << 8) | (r[1] << 4) | r[0];
if (r[3] == r[4])
return (2 << 20) | (r[3] << 12) | (r[2] << 8) | (r[1] << 4) | r[0];
return (1 << 20) | (r[4] << 16) | (r[3] << 12) | (r[2] << 8) | (r[1] << 4) |
int T;
vector f(64, vector<int>(64));
vector g(64, vector<int>(64, INT_MAX));
vector<LL> sc(1 << 6);
vector<int> sci;
vector ci(1 << 6, vector<int>());
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 6); i += 1) {
if (__builtin_popcount(i) == 3) sci.push_back(i);
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j += 1)
if ((i >> j) & 1) ci[i].push_back(j);
for (cin >> T; T; T -= 1) {
LL A = (1LL << read()) | (1LL << read());
LL B = (1LL << read()) | (1LL << read());
vector<int> c(6);
for (int& ci : c) ci = read();
for (int i : sci) {
sc[i] = 0;
for (int j : ci[i]) sc[i] |= 1LL << c[j];
function<int(int a, int b, int c)> DFS = [&](int a, int b, int c) -> int {
if (g[a][b] == T) return f[a][b];
g[a][b] = T;
int& res = f[a][b];
if (c == 0) {
auto rA = rank(A | sc[a]), rB = rank(B | sc[b]);
if (rA > rB) return res = 1;
if (rA == rB) return res = 0;
return res = -1;
if (__builtin_parity(c)) {
res = 1;
for (int i : ci[c]) {
int pres = DFS(a, b ^ (1 << i), c ^ (1 << i));
res = min(res, pres);
return res;
res = -1;
for (int i : ci[c]) {
int pres = DFS(a ^ (1 << i), b, c ^ (1 << i));
res = max(res, pres);
return res;
int res = DFS(0, 0, 63);
if (res == 0)
cout << "Draw\n";
else if (res > 0)
cout << "Alice\n";
cout << "Bob\n";
F、Longest Common Subsequence
题目链接:F-Longest Common Subsequence
给出一个元素,以及序列生成方式 a i + 1 = f ( a i ) a_{i+1} = f(a_i) ai+1=f(ai) ,求最长公共序列
如果两个序列中有相同数字,那么后面的数字一定全一样. 对每个数字找到出现的最早位置.复杂度 O(n + m).
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll t, n, m, p, x, a, b, c, res;
int main() {
cin >> t;
while (t--) {
cin >> n >> m >> p >> x >> a >> b >> c;
res = 0;
unordered_map<ll, ll> mp1, mp2;
for (ll i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
x = (a * x % p * x % p + b * x % p + c) % p;
if (!mp1.count(x)) mp1[x] = i;
for (ll i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
x = (a * x % p * x % p + b * x % p + c) % p;
if (!mp2.count(x)) mp2[x] = i;
if (mp1.count(x)) {
res = max(res, min(n - mp1[x] + 1, m - mp2[x] + 1));
cout << res << endl;
return 0;