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原创 pytest运行报错:UnicodeDecodeError: ‘gbk‘ codec can‘t decode byte 0xaf in position 82: illegal multibyte
pytest运行报错:UnicodeDecodeError: ‘gbk’ codec can’t decode byte 0xaf in position 82: illegal multibyte sequence。在第52行加上“encoding=‘utf-8’”将pytest.ini文件中的中文字符串去掉。点击报错内容倒数第二个。
2024-02-19 11:18:58 606 2
原创 pytest+allure生成测试报告
使用pytest+allure生成测试报告,1.首先需要完成安装 pip install allure-pytest 插件2.安装完成后需要配置环境变量 #记得配置,不然后续流程会有问题。
2023-03-02 11:39:16 164
原创 jenkins 构建提示 can‘t open file xxxx [Errno 2] No such file or directory
jenkins构建报错 can't open file *** : [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2022-10-21 17:52:51 1073 1
原创 笔记.python requests 中获取cookies
获取cookiesdef login(domain_url,Name,password): url = f"{domain_url}/crmapi/user/login" data = { 'loginName' : Name, 'password' : password } result =requests.post(url=url, data=data) return resultif __name__ == '__main__
2021-12-24 15:46:03 1123
原创 robotframework post请求报错error“:“Internal Server Error“,“message“:“syntax error, expect
post请求中‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json;charset=UTF-8’传参使用了data=${data} 进行传参导致报错error":“Internal Server Error”,“message”:"syntax error, expect将data=data改为json{data}改为jsondata改为json{data}后执行成功PS:post请求中需要根据content-type类型,进行数据传参...
2021-08-27 16:42:37 790
原创 笔记:运行robotframework ride报错
安装robotframework ride后运行时报错wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion “strcmp(setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL), “C”) == 0” failed at …\src\common\intl.cpp(1579) in wxLocale::GetInfo(): You probably called setlocale() directly instead of using wxLocale and now there
2021-04-13 23:44:03 622
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