雅思口语 Part 1 Hometown(自用)

必考题 四选一 


1.Where is your hometown?


  1. 第一句  简单介绍 家乡的地理位置,本人在家乡的居住情况。
  2. 第二句 简单介绍 家乡是一个什么样的城市(可以从环境入手)。
  3. 第三句 感情色彩 表达对家乡的感情。)

 ___(家乡名称)is my hometown which is located in the north of china,and I have been living here all my life since I was born and grew up here.

(不出名的地点)Although my hometown is not a famous city,but it is peaceful and quiet,its pace of life is slow.

(出名的地点)And it is a very important tourist city attracting millions of visitors from different places annually.

I love my hometown very much.

 2.Is that a big city or a small place?


  1. 第一句 回答问题 大城市还是小城市
  2. 第二句 简单介绍 城市的出行交通和商业经济
  3. 第三句 感情色彩 表达对家乡的感情 )

Well,My hometown is a small place, it is a fourth tier city.

But this small place has a well-developed transportation system and various modern shops.

 So living in this small city is very convenient.

3.Please describe your hometown a little.


4.How long have you been living there?


  1. 第一句 回答问题 时间
  2. 第二句 感情色彩 感受)

Well,I have been living there for _  years.

It give me a sense of belonging and a feeling of warmth,and I have a special connection with this city.

5.Do you think will continue living there for a long time?


第一句 回答问题 家人朋友

第二句 拓展话题 未来发展潜力 未来计划)

To be honest,I hope I could come back there one day to visit my relatives and friends,but to settle down my life there is not my plan.

I am getting familiar with city life and there are more job opportunities for my future career.

6.Do you like your hometown?


第一句 回答问题 喜欢还是不喜欢

第二句 拓展原因 美景 美人 名胜古迹 生活方式 交通 天气 美食)

Well,I am really into the city where I was born.

Because there are many gorgeous natural views and tourist attractions,most people here are ready to help others and they have a heart of gold.

7.Do you like living there?




第一句 回答问题 家人朋友

第二句 拓展话题 未来发展潜力 未来计划)

No,To be honest,I hope I could come back there one day to visit my relatives and friends,but to settle down my life there is not my plan.

I am getting familiar with city life and there are more job opportunities for my future career.

8.What do you like(most) about your hometown?


第一句 回答问题 人美 心地善良 乐于助人

第二句 解释原因 举例说明)

What I really like about my hometown is the hospitality and the love of people there who I hardly find in my current place.

I mean,everyone is living close together and willing to give others a hand when they need help.

9.Is there anything you dislike about it?


No,I love everything of it,I am satisfied with every aspect of my hometown,so there is nothing to complain.

10.What is your hometown famous for?


第一句 回答问题 是什么

第二句 具体描述

第三句 感情色彩 )

The most famous scenic spots and historical sites in my hometown are Yuan Qu Park and Dramatist Memorial Hall.

They carry the memories of the culture of the last century and leave behind some ancient operas.

These excellent traditional cultures are worth my understanding and learning from.

11.Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?


第一句 回答问题 介绍家乡

第二句 拓展话题

第三句 感情色彩)


Absolutely yes,Cang Zhou was once  northern starting point of the "Maritime Silk Road" in history. Cang Zhou is also one of the birthplaces of Chinese martial arts, and is the first prefecture-level city named by the state as the "hometown of martial arts", and is also the most recognized hometown of martial arts in the Chinese martial arts circle.

I'm proud of my hometown.

12.Are there many young people in your hometown?

(分一句 简单作答 )

Yes,most young people stay here to study because there are many quiet and suitable places to study.

13.Is your hometown a good place for young people to pursue their careers?



第一句 回答问题 家人朋友

第二句 拓展话题 未来发展潜力 未来计划)

No,To be honest,I hope I could come back there one day to visit my relatives and friends,but to settle down my life there is not my plan.

I am getting familiar with city life and there are more job opportunities for my future career.

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