
2022-10-30 祥云杯赛后复盘(crypto)




little little fermat


from Crypto.Util.number import *
from random import *
from libnum import *
import gmpy2

from secret import x

flag = b'?????????'
m = bytes_to_long(flag)
def obfuscate(p, k):
    nbit = 512
    while True:
        l1 = [randrange(-1, 1) for _ in '_' * k]
        l2 = [randrange(100, nbit) for _ in '_' * k]
        l3 = [randrange(10, nbit//4) for _ in '_' * k]
        l4 = [randrange(2, 6) for _ in '_' * k]
        A = sum([l1[_] * 2 ** ((l2[_]+l3[_])//l4[_]) for _ in range(0, k)])
        q = p + A
        if isPrime(q) * A != 0:
            return q

p = getPrime(512)
q = obfuscate(p, 5)
e = 65537
n = p*q
print(f'n = {n}')

assert 114514 ** x % p == 1
m = m ^ (x**2)
c = pow(m, e, n)
print(f'c = {c}')

# n = 141321067325716426375483506915224930097246865960474155069040176356860707435540270911081589751471783519639996589589495877214497196498978453005154272785048418715013714419926299248566038773669282170912502161620702945933984680880287757862837880474184004082619880793733517191297469980246315623924571332042031367393
# c = 81368762831358980348757303940178994718818656679774450300533215016117959412236853310026456227434535301960147956843664862777300751319650636299943068620007067063945453310992828498083556205352025638600643137849563080996797888503027153527315524658003251767187427382796451974118362546507788854349086917112114926883

签到难度,yafu分解n,已知一个数的x次方mod p = 1,根据费马小定理x=p-1

n = 141321067325716426375483506915224930097246865960474155069040176356860707435540270911081589751471783519639996589589495877214497196498978453005154272785048418715013714419926299248566038773669282170912502161620702945933984680880287757862837880474184004082619880793733517191297469980246315623924571332042031367393
c = 81368762831358980348757303940178994718818656679774450300533215016117959412236853310026456227434535301960147956843664862777300751319650636299943068620007067063945453310992828498083556205352025638600643137849563080996797888503027153527315524658003251767187427382796451974118362546507788854349086917112114926883
e = 65537

p = 11887853772894265642834649929578157180848240939084164222334476057487485972806971092902627112665734648016476153593841839977704512156756634066593725142934001
q = 11887853772894265642834649929578157180848240939084164222334476057487485972806971092902627112665734646483980612727952939084061619889139517526028673988305393

phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
m = pow(c,d,n)
m1 = m ^ ((p-1)**2)
m2 = m ^ ((q-1)**2)


from secret import p, q, flag
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long

def gcd(a, b):
    s = 0
    while b != 0:
        print(a, b)
        if isOdd(a):
            if isOdd(b):
                a = a - b
                a = rshift1(a)
                if a < b:
                    a, b = b, a
                b = rshift1(b)
                if a < b:
                    a, b = b, a
            if isOdd(b):
                a = rshift1(a)
                if a < b:
                    a, b = b, a
                a = rshift1(a)
                b = rshift1(b)
                s += 1
    if s:
        return lshift(a, s)
    return a

def isOdd(a):
    return a & 1 == 1

def rshift1(a):
    return a >> 1

def lshift(a, s):
    return a << s

n = p * q
e = 65537
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
assert gcd(phi, e) == 1
c = pow(bytes_to_long(flag), e, n)




def myadd(a,b):
    a = int('0b'+a, 2)
    b = int('0b'+b, 2)
    s = a+b
    return str(bin(s))[2:]

def mysub(a,b):
    a = int('0b'+a, 2)
    b = int('0b'+b, 2)
    s = a-b
    return str(bin(s))[2:]

c = 64885875317556090558238994066256805052213864161514435285748891561779867972960805879348109302233463726130814478875296026610171472811894585459078460333131491392347346367422276701128380739598873156279173639691126814411752657279838804780550186863637510445720206103962994087507407296814662270605713097055799853102
e = 65537
n = 113793513490894881175568252406666081108916791207947545198428641792768110581083359318482355485724476407204679171578376741972958506284872470096498674038813765700336353715590069074081309886710425934960057225969468061891326946398492194812594219890553185043390915509200930203655022420444027841986189782168065174301
f = open('trace.out', 'r').read().split('\n')

a = ''
b = '10000000000000001'
jia = 0
s = 0

for i in f:
    if i == 'task.py(19):                 a = rshift1(a)':
        a = '0' + a
    elif i == 'task.py(10):                 a = rshift1(a)':
        a = '1' + a
        jia += int('0b'+mysub(b[:-1]+a, a), 2)
    elif i == 'task.py(14):                 b = rshift1(b)':
        b = '0' + b
    elif i == 'task.py(23):                 a = rshift1(a)':
        a = '0' + a
        b = '0' + b
        s += 1
    elif i == 'task.py(28):     return a':
    if i == 'task.py(12):                     a, b = b, a' or i == 'task.py(16):                     a, b = b, a' or i == 'task.py(21):                     a, b = b, a':
        print('a =', str(a), 'b =', b, jia)

from Crypto.Util.number import *

s = 32769
from sympy import nextprime
while s < 65537:
    s = nextprime(s)
    phi = int(bin(s) + str(a), 2) + jia
        d = inverse(e,phi)
        m = long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, n))
        if b'flag{' in m or b'ctf{' in m :


from Crypto.Util.number import *
c = 64885875317556090558238994066256805052213864161514435285748891561779867972960805879348109302233463726130814478875296026610171472811894585459078460333131491392347346367422276701128380739598873156279173639691126814411752657279838804780550186863637510445720206103962994087507407296814662270605713097055799853102
n = 113793513490894881175568252406666081108916791207947545198428641792768110581083359318482355485724476407204679171578376741972958506284872470096498674038813765700336353715590069074081309886710425934960057225969468061891326946398492194812594219890553185043390915509200930203655022420444027841986189782168065174301
f = open('trace.out', 'r')
data = f.read().split('task.py(6):     while b != 0:\n')[1:][::-1]
t1 = 'task.py(11):'
t12 = 'task.py(12):'
t2 = 'task.py(14):'
t22 = 'task.py(16):'
t3 = 'task.py(19):'
t32 = 'task.py(21):'
def lshift1(a):
    return a << 1

def f1(a, b, data):
    if t12 in data:
        a, b = b, a
    a = lshift1(a)
    a = a + b
    return a, b

def f2(a, b, data):
    if t22 in data:
        a, b = b, a
    b = lshift1(b)
    return a, b

def f3(a, b, data):
    if t32 in data:
        a, b = b, a
    a = lshift1(a)
    return a, b
a, b = 1, 0
for data0 in data:
    if t1 in data0:
        a, b = f1(a, b, data0)
    elif t2 in data0:
        a, b = f2(a, b, data0)
    elif t3 in data0:
        a, b = f3(a, b, data0)
phi = a
d = inverse(65537, phi)
print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, n)))



from Crypto.Util.number import *
from random import *
from gmpy2 import gcd
from numpy import dot

nbits = 32
msg = getRandomNBitInteger(nbits)
flag = b'flag{sha256(msg)}'
tmp_m = bin(msg)[2:]
f_list = []
for i in range(len(tmp_m)):

r_list =[randint(20, 50)]
for i in range(nbits - 1):
    r_list.append(randint(2 * r_list[-1], 3 * r_list[-1]))

while True:
    A = randint(2 * r_list[-1] + 1, 3 * r_list[-1])
    B = randint(2 * r_list[-1] + 1, 3 * r_list[-1])
    if gcd(A, B) == 1:

M = [A * x % B for x in r_list]

S = dot(f_list, M)

seed = getRandomNBitInteger(30)
s = [0] * nbits
s[0] = seed
m = getRandomNBitInteger(20)
c = getPrime(24)
n = 991125622
for i in range(1, nbits):
    s[i] = (s[i-1]*m+c)%n
print(s[0], s[1], s[2])
for t in range(nbits):
    M[t] = M[t] + s[t]

562734112 859151551 741682801
M = [19621141192340, 39617541681643, 3004946591889, 6231471734951, 3703341368174, 48859912097514, 4386411556216, 11028070476391, 18637548953150, 29985057892414, 20689980879644, 20060557946852, 46908191806199, 8849137870273, 28637782510640, 35930273563752, 20695924342882, 36660291028583, 10923264012354, 29810154308143, 4444597606142, 31802472725414, 23368528779283, 15179021971456, 34642073901253, 44824809996134, 31243873675161, 27159321498211, 2220647072602, 20255746235462, 24667528459211, 46916059974372]

dot()返回的是两个数组的点积(dot product)


s[1] = (s[0] * m + c) % n
s[2] = (s[1] * m + c) % n


m = (s1-s2) * inverse(s0-s1,n) % n
c = (s1 - s0 * m)% n
# m = 55365664
# c = 8712091


s = [0]*32
s[0] = s0
for i in range(1, nbits):
    s[i] = (s[i-1]*m+c)%n


for t in range(nbits):
    M[t] = M[t] - s[t]



s[i] = (s[i-1]*m+c)%n
LCG 解得m,c (后面发现m位数>20 很奇怪)
f_list 是0,1数组

from functools import reduce

from gmpy2 import *
def crack_unknown_modulus(states):
    diffs = [s1 - s0 for s0, s1 in zip(states, states[1:])]
    zeroes = [t2*t0 - t1*t1 for t0, t1, t2 in zip(diffs, diffs[1:], diffs[2:])]
    modulus = abs(reduce(gcd, zeroes))
    return crack_unknown_multiplier(states, modulus)

def crack_unknown_multiplier(states, modulus):
    multiplier = (states[2] - states[1]) * invert(states[1] - states[0], modulus) % modulus # 注意这里求逆元
    return crack_unknown_increment(states, modulus, multiplier)
def crack_unknown_increment(states, modulus, multiplier):
    increment = (states[1] - states[0]*multiplier) % modulus
    return modulus, multiplier, increment

for i in range(1, 32):
    s[i] = (s[i-1]*m+c)%n
M = [19621141192340, 39617541681643, 3004946591889, 6231471734951, 3703341368174, 48859912097514, 4386411556216, 11028070476391, 18637548953150, 29985057892414, 20689980879644, 20060557946852, 46908191806199, 8849137870273, 28637782510640, 35930273563752, 20695924342882, 36660291028583, 10923264012354, 29810154308143, 4444597606142, 31802472725414, 23368528779283, 15179021971456, 34642073901253, 44824809996134, 31243873675161, 27159321498211, 2220647072602, 20255746235462, 24667528459211, 46916059974372]
for t in range(32):
    M[t] = M[t] - s[t]

pk1 = M
ct1 = 492226042629702
nbit = len(pk1)
A = Matrix(ZZ, nbit + 1, nbit + 1)
for i in range(nbit):
    A[i, i] = 1
for i in range(nbit):
    A[i, nbit] = pk1[i]
A[nbit, nbit] = -int(ct1)
res = A.LLL()
a=(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
for i in a:
from hashlib import *


dot(f_list,M)=S 已知S、M求f_list


A = ( E M 0 − S ) A = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} E & M \\ 0 & -S \\ \end{array} \right ) A=(E0MS)



import socketserver
from time import sleep
from secret import flag
import signal
import random

from Crypto.Util.number import *
import random

def pow_d(g, e, n):
    t, r = 0, 1
    for _ in bin(e)[2:]:
        if r == 4: t += 1
        r = pow(r, 2, n)
        if _ == '1': r = r * g % n
    return t, r

def ts(m, p):
    m = m % p
    return pow(m, (p - 1) // 2, p) == 1
class Task(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
    def _recvall(self):
        BUFF_SIZE = 2048
        data = b''
        while True:
            part = self.request.recv(BUFF_SIZE)
            data += part
            if len(part) < BUFF_SIZE:
        return data.strip()

    def send(self, msg, newline=True):
            if newline:
                msg += b'\n'

    def recv(self):
        return self._recvall()

    def handle(self):
        border = b"|"
        self.send(border+b"Solve a DLP challenge in some special way to get the flag", border)

        p = 2 ** 1024 - 2 ** 234 - 2 ** 267 - 2 ** 291 - 2 ** 403 - 1
        s = random.randint(2, (p - 1) // 2)

        while True:
            self.send(b"| Options: \n|\t[T]ry the magic machine \n|\t[Q]uit")
            ans = self.recv().lower()

            if ans == b't':
                self.send(border+b"please send your desired integer: ")
                g = self.recv()
                    g = int(g)
                    self.send(border+b"The given input is not integer!")
                if ts(g, p):
                    t, r = pow_d(g, s, p)
                    if r == 4:
                        self.send(border+b'Great! you got the flag:'+flag)
                        self.send(border+b"t, r = "+f"{t, r}".encode())
                    self.send(border+"The given base is NOT valid!!!")
            elif ans == b'q':
                self.send(border+"Quitting ...")
                self.send(border+"Bye bye ...")

class ThreadedServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):

class ForkedServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    HOST, PORT = '', 10001
    server = ForkedServer((HOST, PORT), Task)
    server.allow_reuse_address = True
    print(HOST, PORT)


|Solve a DLP challenge in some special way to get the flag
| Options: 
|       [T]ry the magic machine 
|       [Q]uit
|please send your desired integer: 
|t, r = (0, 1875432736570840149858700690249292995544028281200006722168796364690668925789431292161967745729404863104865558569034566838999165575136079036010072654407517177991565368072030928708922020928904177177172742147181127295601168905201262946028677746048096900276465943635512932185526527864608537277933745104820219530)
| Options: 
|       [T]ry the magic machine 
|       [Q]uit
|please send your desired integer: 
|t, r = (0, 170659490678360108985814123019431028070497021039543984050717078095401807166227689097346127991525759918978935124320716364167828670786537284881828082090352756706146909103644810497828426563323758069828229126035787702632746227084199915342561552143788761406913754258966545653232504030530263120674069688788605107025)
| Options: 
|       [T]ry the magic machine 
|       [Q]uit
|please send your desired integer: 
|t, r = (0, 162410778155615355406232501107278472199227017427793782589189472357149811456929838686871435127917872064531346051148076979062863408710729218532971787603224087299087656775978247345459016952894254548116774887911499911822018218462789750386753703522977730488293789066594963263654071151488831482386308719611819285542)
| Options: 
|       [T]ry the magic machine 
|       [Q]uit



def pow_d(g, e, n):
    t, r = 0, 1
    for _ in bin(e)[2:]:
        if r == 4: t += 1
        r = pow(r, 2, n)
        if _ == '1': r = r * g % n
    return t, r

def ts(m, p):
    m = m % p
    return pow(m, (p - 1) // 2, p) == 1

p = 2 ** 1024 - 2 ** 234 - 2 ** 267 - 2 ** 291 - 2 ** 403 - 1
s = random.randint(2, (p - 1) // 2)



from pwn import *
from sage.all import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *

class Gao:
    def __init__(self):
        # self.conn = process(['python3', 'another.py'])
        self.conn = remote("",34092)
        self.p = 2 ** 1024 - 2 ** 234 - 2 ** 267 - 2 ** 291 - 2 ** 403 - 1
        self.s_high = 1
        self.Zp = Zmod(self.p)

    def gao_check(self):
        ans = self.Zp(4).nth_root(self.s_high)
        print('Guessing: {}'.format(ans))
        self.conn.recvuntil(b'integer: \n')
        a = self.conn.recvline()
        if ('Great!' in a):
            return True
            return False

    def gao_one(self):
        ans = self.Zp(2).nth_root(self.s_high)
        self.conn.recvuntil(b'integer: \n')
        a = self.conn.recvline()
        if (b'Great!' in a):
            return True
            a = a[9:-2]
        t, r = eval(a)
        self.s_high <<= 1
        if (t == 0):
            self.s_high |= 1
        self.t = 1 - t
        return False

    def gao(self):
        while (True):
            if (self.gao_one()):
            if (self.t == 1):
                if (self.gao_check()):

    def gao_2(self):
        for i in range(1023):
            if (self.gao_one()):
            for i in range(20):
                self.s_high >>= 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    g = Gao()





from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, isPrime, bytes_to_long, inverse
from math import lcm
from secret import flag

def gen(g):
    bits = 512 - g.bit_length()
    while True:
        a = getPrime(bits)
        p = 2 * a * g + 1
        if isPrime(p):
            return p

flag = bytes_to_long(flag)
g = getPrime(320)
p = gen(g)
q = gen(g)
n = p * q
d = getPrime(135)
phi = lcm(p - 1, q - 1)
e = inverse(d, phi)
c = pow(flag, e, n)
print("n = {}".format(n))
print("e = {}".format(e))
print("c = {}".format(c))
n = 253784908428481171520644795825628119823506176672683456544539675613895749357067944465796492899363087465652749951069021248729871498716450122759675266109104893465718371075137027806815473672093804600537277140261127375373193053173163711234309619016940818893190549811778822641165586070952778825226669497115448984409
e = 31406775715899560162787869974700016947595840438708247549520794775013609818293759112173738791912355029131497095419469938722402909767606953171285102663874040755958087885460234337741136082351825063419747360169129165
c = 97724073843199563126299138557100062208119309614175354104566795999878855851589393774478499956448658027850289531621583268783154684298592331328032682316868391120285515076911892737051842116394165423670275422243894220422196193336551382986699759756232962573336291032572968060586136317901595414796229127047082707519


据说,这是一道经典的common prime rsa( p = 2 g a , q = 2 g b , e d = 1 + k ∗ l c m ( p − 1 , q − 1 ) p=2ga,q=2gb,ed=1+k*lcm(p-1,q-1) p=2ga,q=2gb,ed=1+klcm(p1,q1))




# the following attack is due to Ellen Jochemsz and Alexander May
# see https://www.iacr.org/archive/asiacrypt2006/42840270/42840270.pdf

gamma = 320/1024
delta = 135/1024
m = 2
tau = (1 / 2 + gamma - 4 * delta) / (2 * delta)
t = ZZ(floor(tau * m))

X = ZZ(floor(n ^ delta))
Y = ZZ(floor(n ^ (delta + 1 / 2 - gamma)))
Z = ZZ(floor(n ^ (delta + 1 / 2 - gamma)))
W = ZZ(floor(n ^ (2 + 2 * delta - 2 * gamma)))
R = W * X ^ (2 * (m - 1) + t) * (Y * Z) ^ (m - 1)

# assert X ^ (7 + 9 * tau + 3 * tau ^ 2) * (Y * Z) ^ (5 + 9 * tau / 2) < W ^ (3 + 3 * tau)

P = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x,y,z')
x,y,z = P.gens()

# we know that ed = k(2gab) + 1 = k(p - 1)b + 1 = ka(q - 1) + 1
# we can multiply the last two expressions to get a semi-symmetric equation for
# (ed)^2, of which we want to find its roots
f = e^2 * x^2 + e * x * (y + z - 2) - (n - 1) * y * z - (y + z - 1)
assert f.constant_coefficient() == 1

M = set()
S = set()
# generate monomials
# S contains monomials of f^{m - 1} with x-shifts
# M contains monomials of f^{m} with x-shifts \setminus S
for i3 in range(0, m):
    for i2 in range(0, m):
        for i1 in range(0, 2 * (m - 1) - (i2 + i3) + t + 1):
            S.add(x ^ i1 * y ^ i2 * z ^ i3)
for i3 in range(0, m + 1):
    for i2 in range(0, m + 1):
        for i1 in range(0, 2 * m - (i2 + i3) + t + 1):
            M.add(x ^ i1 * y ^ i2 * z ^ i3)
M_S = M - S
M_S = sorted(M_S)
S   = sorted(S)
M   = sorted(M)

# use a dict to map each shift polynomial with its lowest order monomial to
# make diagonalizing the basis matrix easier
g   = {}

# generate shift polynomials
# the shift polynomials are generated with a polynomial derived from f (mod R)
# namely ff = a0^{-1} * f (mod R) such that the constant term of ff is 1
# i am fairly certain any polynomial with constant term 1 and the correct roots
# can be used here, although i have only tested it with ff and f
ff = f.change_ring(Zmod(R)).change_ring(ZZ)
for mono in S:
    i1, i2, i3 = mono.degree(x), mono.degree(y), mono.degree(z)
    fn = mono * ff(x, y, z) * X ^ (2 * (m - 1) + t - i1) * Y ^ (m - 1 - i2) * Z ^ (m - 1 - i3)
    fn = expand(fn(x * X, y * Y, z * Z))
    g[mono] = fn
for mono in M_S:
    fn = R * mono
    fn = expand(fn(x * X, y * Y, z * Z))
    g[mono] = fn

npolys = len(g)
nmonos = len(M)
print("polynomials: {}".format(npolys))
print("monomials:   {}".format(nmonos))
assert npolys == nmonos

B = Matrix(ZZ, npolys, nmonos)
C = Matrix(ZZ, npolys, nmonos)

for row, mono in enumerate(M):
    i1, i2, i3 = mono.degree(x), mono.degree(y), mono.degree(z)
    for c, mono_ in g[mono]:
        col = M.index(mono_)
        C[row, col] = 1
        B[row, col] = c

    # assert that diagonal elements are what they should be
    idx = M.index(mono)
    if mono in S:
        assert B[idx, idx] == X ^ (2 * (m - 1) + t) * (Y * Z) ^ (m - 1)
    elif mono in M_S:
        assert B[idx, idx] == R * X ^ i1 * Y ^ i2 * Z ^ i3
        raise Exception("what")


# assert triangular form
for col in range(nmonos):
    for row in range(col + 1, npolys):
    # for row in xrange(col):
        assert B[row, col] == 0
    assert B[col, col] != 0

BB = B.LLL(algorithm='fpLLL:proved', fp='rr')
CC = Matrix(ZZ, npolys, nmonos)
for row in range(npolys):
    for col in range(nmonos):
        if BB[row, col] != 0:
            CC[row, col] = 1

# helper to construct a polynomial from coefficients
def topoly(r):
    RR = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x,y,z')
    pol = 0
    for col in range(nmonos):
        pol += r[col] * M[col]
    pol = RR(pol(x / X, y / Y, z / Z))
    for c, _ in pol:
        assert c.is_integer()
    return P(pol)

# pull out h1, h2
hv = [expand(topoly(r)) for r in BB]
h1, h2 = hv[0:2]

# at some point we need to polynomial engines to something that can solve for
# roots, the default univariate engine works
s, = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 's').gens()

# these should be algebraically independent
assert h1.gcd(f).degree() == 0
assert h2.gcd(f).degree() == 0
assert h1.gcd(h2).degree() == 0

# take care that resultants are computed with f and not ff, which is a
# polynomial mod R
# these resultants eliminate z
h1x = h1.resultant(f, z)
h2x = h2.resultant(f, z)
hh  = h1.resultant(h2, z)

# this eliminates y
hy = h1x.resultant(h2x, y)

# now we can solve for roots via back substitution
d = []
for r, m in hy(x=s).roots():
    if r == 0:
assert len(d) == 1
d = d[0]

ka = []
for r, m in hh(x=d, y=s).roots():
    if r == 0:
# f(x, y, z) = f(x, z, y) so we should have two solutions here
assert len(ka) == 2
ka = ka[0]

kb = []
for r, m in f(x=d, y=ka, z=s).roots():
    if r == 0:
assert len(kb) == 1
kb = kb[0]

print("found d  = {}".format(d))
print("found ka = {}".format(ka))
print("found kb = {}".format(kb))

k = gcd(ka, kb)
a = ka // k
b = kb // k
g = (e * d - 1) // (2 * k * a * b)
p = 2 * g * a + 1
q = 2 * g * b + 1

from Crypto.Util.number import *
n = 253784908428481171520644795825628119823506176672683456544539675613895749357067944465796492899363087465652749951069021248729871498716450122759675266109104893465718371075137027806815473672093804600537277140261127375373193053173163711234309619016940818893190549811778822641165586070952778825226669497115448984409
e = 31406775715899560162787869974700016947595840438708247549520794775013609818293759112173738791912355029131497095419469938722402909767606953171285102663874040755958087885460234337741136082351825063419747360169129165
c = 97724073843199563126299138557100062208119309614175354104566795999878855851589393774478499956448658027850289531621583268783154684298592331328032682316868391120285515076911892737051842116394165423670275422243894220422196193336551382986699759756232962573336291032572968060586136317901595414796229127047082707519

# b'flag{9aecf8d8-6966-4ffa-96b0-2e744d28baf2}'

leak rsa


n = 73380160475470842653695210816683702314062827937540324056880543809752271506601290265975543542548117392788987830919581511428492717214125296973338501980504384307279414528799452106399062576988406269897425829853390463840834798274139351938197666753546672052277640048588091137812362810008344723302886421059831149393
e = 3116872133
c = 69574121902821459446683688068339366486115223765903849266663001038736496551168104587683366853482649748413400537793260948337629422998336301256862519087984048032673577462034223842650399943613576577927825123830629917138007035313624847266208032195071033675853881447717750353382112841885318776240405314057286867952
hint1 = {120: '0', 401: '0', 58: '1', 420: '0', 192: '1', 164: '0', 100: '0', 425: '1', 227: '0', 497: '0', 284: '0', 110: '1', 257: '0', 31: '1', 68: '0', 2: '1', 206: '0', 174: '1', 326: '0', 320: '0', 498: '1', 50: '1', 7: '0', 128: '1', 54: '1', 15: '1', 222: '0', 166: '1', 496: '1', 151: '1', 317: '0', 449: '1', 181: '1', 288: '1', 311: '1', 80: '1', 69: '1', 410: '1', 127: '1', 308: '1', 39: '0', 435: '0', 258: '0', 235: '1', 94: '1', 93: '1', 412: '0', 427: '0', 352: '1', 123: '0', 25: '0', 316: '1', 3: '0', 88: '1', 390: '0', 72: '1', 450: '1', 397: '0', 309: '1', 487: '1', 207: '0', 234: '0', 144: '1', 229: '1', 48: '1', 506: '0', 253: '1', 86: '0', 384: '0', 428: '0', 359: '1', 104: '0', 339: '0', 142: '0', 452: '1', 480: '0', 224: '1', 310: '1', 98: '1', 508: '0', 133: '0', 90: '1', 170: '0', 146: '0', 101: '1', 416: '1', 460: '1', 387: '0', 67: '0', 285: '0', 213: '1', 162: '1', 14: '0', 485: '1', 413: '1', 312: '1', 458: '0', 75: '0', 242: '1', 177: '1', 30: '1', 501: '0', 434: '1', 456: '0', 264: '0', 407: '0', 135: '1', 84: '0', 476: '0', 471: '1', 430: '1', 191: '0', 176: '0', 29: '1', 156: '0', 26: '0', 322: '1', 388: '1', 364: '1', 321: '1', 351: '0', 230: '1', 345: '0', 432: '1', 36: '0', 296: '1', 79: '0', 23: '0', 290: '1', 117: '0', 507: '1', 421: '0', 274: '0', 6: '1', 327: '1', 204: '1', 383: '0', 305: '1', 113: '0', 334: '0', 85: '1', 511: '1', 464: '1', 491: '0', 370: '0', 92: '0', 495: '0', 279: '1', 346: '1', 16: '1', 44: '1', 24: '0', 466: '1', 87: '0', 243: '0', 461: '0', 379: '0', 256: '0', 473: '1', 17: '0', 276: '1', 147: '1', 187: '0', 112: '1', 218: '1', 78: '1', 411: '1', 343: '0', 10: '1', 271: '1', 378: '0', 492: '0', 269: '1', 291: '0', 289: '0', 132: '1', 9: '1', 408: '0', 398: '1', 468: '1', 124: '1', 236: '0', 377: '1', 83: '0'}
hint2 = {125: '0', 86: '1', 8: '0', 498: '1', 311: '0', 93: '0', 385: '0', 315: '1', 300: '1', 454: '0', 152: '0', 205: '0', 400: '1', 348: '1', 18: '1', 154: '0', 51: '1', 435: '0', 25: '1', 430: '0', 72: '1', 136: '0', 294: '0', 466: '0', 388: '0', 428: '0', 440: '1', 250: '1', 506: '0', 48: '0', 270: '1', 318: '0', 107: '0', 327: '1', 474: '0', 325: '0', 281: '0', 392: '0', 473: '1', 13: '1', 90: '0', 278: '0', 425: '0', 109: '1', 423: '1', 412: '1', 190: '1', 171: '0', 475: '1', 441: '1', 336: '0', 371: '0', 323: '0', 22: '1', 469: '0', 451: '0', 438: '0', 203: '1', 121: '0', 52: '1', 494: '1', 399: '0', 314: '0', 24: '1', 183: '0', 492: '1', 246: '1', 108: '1', 379: '0', 460: '1', 56: '0', 372: '1', 313: '1', 44: '0', 237: '1', 12: '0', 6: '0', 204: '1', 80: '1', 339: '1', 296: '0', 483: '0', 402: '0', 67: '0', 338: '1', 116: '0', 406: '1', 218: '0', 115: '0', 301: '0', 490: '1', 502: '0', 343: '1', 46: '1', 321: '0', 231: '1', 88: '0', 404: '1', 426: '0', 344: '0', 123: '1', 463: '0', 45: '1', 461: '1', 1: '0', 229: '0', 28: '1', 274: '1', 134: '1', 104: '1', 21: '0', 256: '0', 471: '1', 157: '0', 217: '1', 158: '0', 307: '1', 26: '0', 255: '0', 386: '1', 373: '0', 114: '1', 360: '0', 148: '1', 383: '1', 63: '0', 19: '1', 472: '0', 201: '1', 262: '1', 47: '0', 221: '0', 310: '0', 352: '1', 224: '1', 185: '0', 214: '1', 285: '1', 410: '0', 455: '0', 445: '0', 464: '0', 284: '1', 503: '1', 298: '1', 449: '0', 477: '0', 376: '0', 16: '0', 133: '0', 177: '1', 210: '0', 364: '1', 163: '1', 213: '1', 295: '1', 111: '1', 458: '0', 146: '0', 244: '0', 261: '1', 508: '1', 106: '0', 112: '1', 120: '0', 156: '1', 303: '0', 259: '1', 35: '0', 444: '0', 215: '1', 304: '0', 140: '0', 351: '0', 443: '0'}
hint3 = {891: '0', 74: '0', 129: '0', 477: '0', 880: '1', 57: '0', 473: '0', 289: '1', 361: '1', 1012: '0', 529: '0', 294: '1', 174: '1', 500: '0', 257: '1', 392: '1', 405: '1', 11: '0', 763: '1', 637: '1', 564: '0', 941: '1', 923: '1', 1014: '1', 670: '1', 558: '0', 304: '1', 444: '1', 716: '0', 208: '0', 130: '1', 634: '1', 661: '0', 862: '0', 412: '1', 796: '1', 761: '1', 113: '1', 752: '0', 818: '0', 797: '1', 390: '1', 337: '0', 133: '1', 367: '1', 470: '1', 345: '1', 170: '1', 312: '0', 624: '1', 53: '1', 75: '1', 281: '1', 522: '1', 100: '0', 554: '1', 583: '1', 16: '1', 836: '0', 715: '1', 450: '0', 484: '0', 876: '0', 165: '0', 842: '0', 62: '0', 442: '1', 927: '0', 586: '1', 399: '1', 227: '0', 886: '1', 663: '0', 947: '0', 906: '1', 377: '0', 246: '1', 365: '0', 177: '1', 59: '1', 63: '0', 936: '1', 144: '0', 416: '1', 228: '1', 366: '0', 117: '0', 78: '0', 717: '1', 14: '0', 800: '1', 47: '0', 80: '0', 34: '0', 662: '1', 970: '0', 986: '1', 287: '1', 597: '0', 783: '0', 805: '1', 112: '1', 671: '1', 540: '1', 153: '1', 577: '1', 543: '0', 414: '0', 123: '1', 626: '1', 452: '1', 810: '1', 30: '0', 905: '0', 602: '1', 537: '1', 374: '0', 408: '1', 434: '0', 137: '1', 532: '0', 397: '0', 333: '1', 258: '1', 359: '1', 134: '1', 322: '1', 653: '0', 1018: '0', 639: '1', 40: '1', 826: '1', 489: '0', 5: '0', 858: '0', 44: '1', 516: '0', 149: '0', 945: '0', 106: '1', 694: '0', 221: '0', 207: '0', 186: '1', 316: '0', 449: '1', 297: '1', 276: '0', 103: '0', 437: '0', 802: '0', 108: '1', 921: '1', 427: '0', 728: '1', 879: '0', 953: '0', 51: '1', 459: '0', 37: '0', 559: '0', 610: '1', 341: '0', 299: '0', 952: '0', 201: '0', 327: '0', 741: '1', 253: '1', 310: '1', 946: '1', 696: '0', 398: '1', 266: '1', 829: '0', 908: '0', 469: '0', 873: '1', 658: '0', 798: '1', 54: '0', 621: '0', 238: '0', 654: '1', 205: '0', 925: '0', 391: '1', 480: '0', 4: '0', 598: '0', 677: '0', 142: '1', 606: '0', 118: '0', 164: '0', 973: '1', 347: '0', 159: '1', 307: '1', 83: '1', 668: '1', 675: '0', 924: '1', 191: '1', 890: '0', 352: '1', 965: '1', 692: '1', 782: '1', 817: '1', 889: '1', 515: '1', 433: '0', 356: '0', 845: '1', 104: '0', 18: '0', 979: '0', 426: '0', 785: '1', 546: '0', 52: '0', 55: '0', 824: '1', 704: '1', 510: '1', 710: '0', 1022: '0', 647: '0', 465: '1', 245: '0', 850: '1', 657: '0', 1007: '0', 807: '1', 158: '1', 328: '0', 292: '1', 355: '1', 596: '0', 275: '1', 371: '0', 1004: '0', 594: '0', 384: '1', 446: '1', 7: '0', 994: '1', 616: '1', 317: '0', 305: '0', 151: '1', 400: '0', 900: '1', 203: '0', 563: '1', 745: '1', 536: '1', 726: '0', 751: '1', 402: '1', 116: '0', 781: '1', 988: '0', 768: '1', 688: '1', 954: '1', 976: '1', 868: '1', 723: '1', 131: '1', 794: '0', 513: '0', 914: '1', 641: '1', 319: '0', 629: '1', 620: '1', 711: '0', 601: '0', 531: '0', 393: '0', 168: '0', 132: '0', 17: '0', 950: '0', 488: '0', 679: '0', 568: '0', 43: '1', 545: '1', 217: '0', 680: '1', 501: '1', 1008: '0', 514: '0', 746: '0', 187: '0', 436: '1', 336: '1', 139: '1', 338: '0', 695: '1', 300: '0', 584: '1', 152: '0', 828: '1', 251: '0', 691: '1', 296: '1', 128: '0', 394: '1', 655: '1', 544: '1', 58: '0', 313: '1', 565: '1', 685: '1', 720: '0', 178: '1', 667: '0', 403: '1', 697: '1', 138: '1', 659: '0', 960: '0', 454: '0', 271: '0', 33: '0', 295: '0', 600: '0', 579: '1', 68: '1', 211: '1', 82: '1', 114: '1', 209: '0', 226: '0', 753: '0', 874: '0', 903: '1', 358: '0', 141: '0', 236: '1'}
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, inverse, bytes_to_long
from secret import flag
from random import randint
from math import floor

def hint(p, length, upper):
    gift = {}
    pstr = bin(p)[2:].zfill(upper + 1)
    for i in range(length):
        idx = randint(1, upper)
        if idx not in gift:
            gift[idx] = pstr[idx]
    return gift

p = getPrime(512)
q = getPrime(512)
n = p * q
e = getPrime(32)
d = inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
c = pow(bytes_to_long(flag), e, n)
hint1 = hint(p, floor(0.42 * p.bit_length()), 511)
hint2 = hint(q, floor(0.42 * q.bit_length()), 511)
hint3 = hint(d, floor(0.42 * d.bit_length()), 1023)
print("n =", n)
print("e =", e)
print("c =", c)
print("hint1 =", hint1)
print("hint2 =", hint2)
print("hint3 =", hint3)



import logging
import os
import sys
from itertools import product
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from gmpy2 import powmod
import tqdm
from sage.all import Zmod

path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))
if sys.path[1] != path:
    sys.path.insert(1, path)

from shared import bits_to_int_le
from shared import int_to_bits_le
from shared.partial_integer import PartialInteger

# Section 3.
def _tau(x):
    i = 0
    while x % 2 == 0:
        x //= 2
        i += 1

    return i

# Section 2.
def _find_k(N, e, d_bits):
    best_match_count = 0
    best_k = None
    best_d__bits = None
    # Enumerate every possible k value.
    for k in range(1, e):
        d_ = (k * (N + 1) + 1) // e
        d__bits = int_to_bits_le(d_, len(d_bits))
        match_count = 0
        # Only check the most significant half.
        for i in range(len(d_bits) // 2 + 2, len(d_bits)):
            if d_bits[i] == d__bits[i]:
                match_count += 1

        # Update the best match for d.
        if match_count > best_match_count:
            best_match_count = match_count
            best_k = k
            best_d__bits = d__bits

    return best_k, best_d__bits

# Section 2.
def _correct_msb(d_bits, d__bits):
    # Correcting the most significant half of d.
    for i in range(len(d_bits) // 2 + 2, len(d_bits)):
        d_bits[i] = d__bits[i]

# Section 3.
def _correct_lsb(e, d_bits, exp):
    # Correcting the least significant bits of d.
    # Also works for dp and dq, just with a different exponent.
    inv = powmod(e, -1, 2 ** exp)
    for i in range(exp):
        d_bits[i] = (inv >> i) & 1

# Branch and prune for the case with p and q bits known.
def _branch_and_prune_pq(N, p, q, p_, q_, i):
    if i == len(p) or i == len(q):
        yield p_, q_
        c1 = ((N - p_ * q_) >> i) & 1
        p_prev = p[i]
        q_prev = q[i]
        p_possible = [0, 1] if p_prev is None else [p_prev]
        q_possible = [0, 1] if q_prev is None else [q_prev]
        for p_bit, q_bit in product(p_possible, q_possible):
            # Addition modulo 2 is just xor.
            if p_bit ^ q_bit == c1:
                p[i] = p_bit
                q[i] = q_bit
                yield from _branch_and_prune_pq(N, p, q, p_ | (p_bit << i), q_ | (q_bit << i), i + 1)

        p[i] = p_prev
        q[i] = q_prev

# Branch and prune for the case with p, q, and d bits known.
def _branch_and_prune_pqd(N, e, k, tk, p, q, d, p_, q_, i):
    if i == len(p) or i == len(q):
        yield p_, q_
        d_ = bits_to_int_le(d, i)
        c1 = ((N - p_ * q_) >> i) & 1
        c2 = ((k * (N + 1) + 1 - k * (p_ + q_) - e * d_) >> (i + tk)) & 1
        p_prev = p[i]
        q_prev = q[i]
        d_prev = 0 if i + tk >= len(d) else d[i + tk]
        p_possible = [0, 1] if p_prev is None else [p_prev]
        q_possible = [0, 1] if q_prev is None else [q_prev]
        d_possible = [0, 1] if d_prev is None else [d_prev]
        for p_bit, q_bit, d_bit in product(p_possible, q_possible, d_possible):
            # Addition modulo 2 is just xor.
            if p_bit ^ q_bit == c1 and d_bit ^ p_bit ^ q_bit == c2:
                p[i] = p_bit
                q[i] = q_bit
                if i + tk < len(d):
                    d[i + tk] = d_bit
                yield from _branch_and_prune_pqd(N, e, k, tk, p, q, d, p_ | (p_bit << i), q_ | (q_bit << i), i + 1)

        p[i] = p_prev
        q[i] = q_prev
        if i + tk < len(d):
            d[i + tk] = d_prev

# Branch and prune for the case with p, q, d, dp, and dq bits known.
def _branch_and_prune_pqddpdq(N, e, k, tk, kp, tkp, kq, tkq, p, q, d, dp, dq, p_, q_, i):
    if i == len(p) or i == len(q):
        yield p_, q_
        d_ = bits_to_int_le(d, i)
        dp_ = bits_to_int_le(dp, i)
        dq_ = bits_to_int_le(dq, i)
        c1 = ((N - p_ * q_) >> i) & 1
        c2 = ((k * (N + 1) + 1 - k * (p_ + q_) - e * d_) >> (i + tk)) & 1
        c3 = ((kp * (p_ - 1) + 1 - e * dp_) >> (i + tkp)) & 1
        c4 = ((kq * (q_ - 1) + 1 - e * dq_) >> (i + tkq)) & 1
        p_prev = p[i]
        q_prev = q[i]
        d_prev = 0 if i + tk >= len(d) else d[i + tk]
        dp_prev = 0 if i + tkp >= len(dp) else dp[i + tkp]
        dq_prev = 0 if i + tkq >= len(dq) else dq[i + tkq]
        p_possible = [0, 1] if p_prev is None else [p_prev]
        q_possible = [0, 1] if q_prev is None else [q_prev]
        d_possible = [0, 1] if d_prev is None else [d_prev]
        dp_possible = [0, 1] if dp_prev is None else [dp_prev]
        dq_possible = [0, 1] if dq_prev is None else [dq_prev]
        for p_bit, q_bit, d_bit, dp_bit, dq_bit in product(p_possible, q_possible, d_possible, dp_possible,
            # Addition modulo 2 is just xor.
            if p_bit ^ q_bit == c1 and d_bit ^ p_bit ^ q_bit == c2 and dp_bit ^ p_bit == c3 and dq_bit ^ q_bit == c4:
                p[i] = p_bit
                q[i] = q_bit
                if i + tk < len(d):
                    d[i + tk] = d_bit
                if i + tkp < len(dp):
                    dp[i + tkp] = dp_bit
                if i + tkq < len(dq):
                    dq[i + tkq] = dq_bit
                yield from _branch_and_prune_pqddpdq(N, e, k, tk, kp, tkp, kq, tkq, p, q, d, dp, dq, p_ | (p_bit << i),
                                                     q_ | (q_bit << i), i + 1)

        p[i] = p_prev
        q[i] = q_prev
        if i + tk < len(d):
            d[i + tk] = d_prev
        if i + tkp < len(dp):
            dp[i + tkp] = dp_prev
        if i + tkq < len(dq):
            dq[i + tkq] = dq_prev

def factorize_pq(N, p, q):
    Factorizes n when some bits of p and q are known.
    If at least 57% of the bits are known, this attack should be polynomial time, however, smaller percentages might still work.
    More information: Heninger N., Shacham H., "Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits"
    :param N: the modulus
    :param p: partial p (PartialInteger)
    :param q: partial q (PartialInteger)
    :return: a tuple containing the prime factors
    assert p.bit_length == q.bit_length, "p and q should be of equal bit length."
    # p_bits = p
    p_bits = p.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(p_bits):
        p_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)
    # q_bits = q
    q_bits = q.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(q_bits):
        q_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

    # p and q are prime, odd.
    p_bits[0] = 1
    q_bits[0] = 1

    # logging.info("Starting branch and prune algorithm...")
    print("Starting branch and prune algorithm...")
    for p, q in _branch_and_prune_pq(N, p_bits, q_bits, p_bits[0], q_bits[0], 1):
        if p * q == N:
            return int(p), int(q)

def factorize_pqd(N, e, p, q, d):
    Factorizes n when some bits of p, q, and d are known.
    If at least 42% of the bits are known, this attack should be polynomial time, however, smaller percentages might still work.
    More information: Heninger N., Shacham H., "Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits"
    :param N: the modulus
    :param e: the public exponent
    :param p: partial p (PartialInteger)
    :param q: partial q (PartialInteger)
    :param d: partial d (PartialInteger)
    :return: a tuple containing the prime factors
    assert p.bit_length == q.bit_length, "p and q should be of equal bit length."
    # p_bits = p
    p_bits = p.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(p_bits):
        p_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)
    # q_bits = q
    q_bits = q.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(q_bits):
        q_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

    # p and q are prime, odd.
    p_bits[0] = 1
    q_bits[0] = 1
    d_bits = d.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(d_bits):
        d_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

    # Because e is small, k can be found by brute force.
    # logging.info("Brute forcing k...")
    print("Brute forcing k...")
    k, d__bits = _find_k(N, e, d_bits)
    # logging.info(f"Found k = {k}")
    print(f"Found k = {k}")

    _correct_msb(d_bits, d__bits)

    tk = _tau(k)
    _correct_lsb(e, d_bits, 2 + tk)

    # logging.info("Starting branch and prune algorithm...")
    print("Starting branch and prune algorithm...")
    for p, q in _branch_and_prune_pqd(N, e, k, tk, p_bits, q_bits, d_bits, p_bits[0], q_bits[0], 1):
        if p * q == N:
            return int(p), int(q)

def factorize_pqddpdq(N, e, p, q, d, dp, dq):
    Factorizes n when some bits of p, q, d, dp, and dq are known.
    If at least 27% of the bits are known, this attack should be polynomial time, however, smaller percentages might still work.
    More information: Heninger N., Shacham H., "Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits"
    :param N: the modulus
    :param e: the public exponent
    :param p: partial p (PartialInteger)
    :param q: partial q (PartialInteger)
    :param d: partial d (PartialInteger)
    :param dp: partial dp (PartialInteger)
    :param dq: partial dq (PartialInteger)
    :return: a tuple containing the prime factors
    assert p.bit_length == q.bit_length, "p and q should be of equal bit length."
    # p_bits = p
    p_bits = p.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(p_bits):
        p_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)
    q_bits = q
    q_bits = q.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(q_bits):
        q_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

    # p and q are prime, odd.
    p_bits[0] = 1
    q_bits[0] = 1

    d_bits = d.to_bits_le()
    for i, b in enumerate(d_bits):
        d_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

    # Because e is small, k can be found by brute force.
    logging.info("Brute forcing k...")
    k, d__bits = _find_k(N, e, d_bits)
    logging.info(f"Found k = {k}")

    _correct_msb(d_bits, d__bits)

    tk = _tau(k)
    _correct_lsb(e, d_bits, 2 + tk)

    x = Zmod(e)["x"].gen()
    f = x ** 2 - x * (k * (N - 1) + 1) - k
    logging.info("Computing kp and kq...")

    for kp in f.roots(multiplicities=False):
        kp = int(kp)
        kq = (-pow(kp, -1, e) * k) % e
        logging.info(f"Trying kp = {kp} and kq = {kq}...")

        # Make a copy for every try of kp and kq so we are sure these bits are not modified.
        # We don't need to make a copy of p, q, and d bits in this loop because those bits only get modified in the branch and prune.
        # The branch and prune algorithm always resets the bits after recursion.
        dp_bits = dp.to_bits_le()
        for i, b in enumerate(dp_bits):
            dp_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

        dq_bits = dq.to_bits_le()
        for i, b in enumerate(dq_bits):
            dq_bits[i] = None if b == '?' else int(b, 2)

        tkp = _tau(kp)
        _correct_lsb(e, dp_bits, 1 + tkp)
        tkq = _tau(kq)
        _correct_lsb(e, dq_bits, 1 + tkq)

        logging.info("Starting branch and prune algorithm...")
        for p, q in _branch_and_prune_pqddpdq(N, e, k, tk, kp, tkp, kq, tkq, p_bits, q_bits, d_bits, dp_bits, dq_bits,
                                              p_bits[0], q_bits[0], 1):
            if p * q == N:
                return int(p), int(q)

n = 73380160475470842653695210816683702314062827937540324056880543809752271506601290265975543542548117392788987830919581511428492717214125296973338501980504384307279414528799452106399062576988406269897425829853390463840834798274139351938197666753546672052277640048588091137812362810008344723302886421059831149393
e = 3116872133
c = 69574121902821459446683688068339366486115223765903849266663001038736496551168104587683366853482649748413400537793260948337629422998336301256862519087984048032673577462034223842650399943613576577927825123830629917138007035313624847266208032195071033675853881447717750353382112841885318776240405314057286867952
hint1 = {120: '0', 401: '0', 58: '1', 420: '0', 192: '1', 164: '0', 100: '0', 425: '1', 227: '0', 497: '0', 284: '0',
         110: '1', 257: '0', 31: '1', 68: '0', 2: '1', 206: '0', 174: '1', 326: '0', 320: '0', 498: '1', 50: '1',
         7: '0', 128: '1', 54: '1', 15: '1', 222: '0', 166: '1', 496: '1', 151: '1', 317: '0', 449: '1', 181: '1',
         288: '1', 311: '1', 80: '1', 69: '1', 410: '1', 127: '1', 308: '1', 39: '0', 435: '0', 258: '0', 235: '1',
         94: '1', 93: '1', 412: '0', 427: '0', 352: '1', 123: '0', 25: '0', 316: '1', 3: '0', 88: '1', 390: '0',
         72: '1', 450: '1', 397: '0', 309: '1', 487: '1', 207: '0', 234: '0', 144: '1', 229: '1', 48: '1', 506: '0',
         253: '1', 86: '0', 384: '0', 428: '0', 359: '1', 104: '0', 339: '0', 142: '0', 452: '1', 480: '0', 224: '1',
         310: '1', 98: '1', 508: '0', 133: '0', 90: '1', 170: '0', 146: '0', 101: '1', 416: '1', 460: '1', 387: '0',
         67: '0', 285: '0', 213: '1', 162: '1', 14: '0', 485: '1', 413: '1', 312: '1', 458: '0', 75: '0', 242: '1',
         177: '1', 30: '1', 501: '0', 434: '1', 456: '0', 264: '0', 407: '0', 135: '1', 84: '0', 476: '0', 471: '1',
         430: '1', 191: '0', 176: '0', 29: '1', 156: '0', 26: '0', 322: '1', 388: '1', 364: '1', 321: '1', 351: '0',
         230: '1', 345: '0', 432: '1', 36: '0', 296: '1', 79: '0', 23: '0', 290: '1', 117: '0', 507: '1', 421: '0',
         274: '0', 6: '1', 327: '1', 204: '1', 383: '0', 305: '1', 113: '0', 334: '0', 85: '1', 511: '1', 464: '1',
         491: '0', 370: '0', 92: '0', 495: '0', 279: '1', 346: '1', 16: '1', 44: '1', 24: '0', 466: '1', 87: '0',
         243: '0', 461: '0', 379: '0', 256: '0', 473: '1', 17: '0', 276: '1', 147: '1', 187: '0', 112: '1', 218: '1',
         78: '1', 411: '1', 343: '0', 10: '1', 271: '1', 378: '0', 492: '0', 269: '1', 291: '0', 289: '0', 132: '1',
         9: '1', 408: '0', 398: '1', 468: '1', 124: '1', 236: '0', 377: '1', 83: '0'}
hint2 = {125: '0', 86: '1', 8: '0', 498: '1', 311: '0', 93: '0', 385: '0', 315: '1', 300: '1', 454: '0', 152: '0',
         205: '0', 400: '1', 348: '1', 18: '1', 154: '0', 51: '1', 435: '0', 25: '1', 430: '0', 72: '1', 136: '0',
         294: '0', 466: '0', 388: '0', 428: '0', 440: '1', 250: '1', 506: '0', 48: '0', 270: '1', 318: '0', 107: '0',
         327: '1', 474: '0', 325: '0', 281: '0', 392: '0', 473: '1', 13: '1', 90: '0', 278: '0', 425: '0', 109: '1',
         423: '1', 412: '1', 190: '1', 171: '0', 475: '1', 441: '1', 336: '0', 371: '0', 323: '0', 22: '1', 469: '0',
         451: '0', 438: '0', 203: '1', 121: '0', 52: '1', 494: '1', 399: '0', 314: '0', 24: '1', 183: '0', 492: '1',
         246: '1', 108: '1', 379: '0', 460: '1', 56: '0', 372: '1', 313: '1', 44: '0', 237: '1', 12: '0', 6: '0',
         204: '1', 80: '1', 339: '1', 296: '0', 483: '0', 402: '0', 67: '0', 338: '1', 116: '0', 406: '1', 218: '0',
         115: '0', 301: '0', 490: '1', 502: '0', 343: '1', 46: '1', 321: '0', 231: '1', 88: '0', 404: '1', 426: '0',
         344: '0', 123: '1', 463: '0', 45: '1', 461: '1', 1: '0', 229: '0', 28: '1', 274: '1', 134: '1', 104: '1',
         21: '0', 256: '0', 471: '1', 157: '0', 217: '1', 158: '0', 307: '1', 26: '0', 255: '0', 386: '1', 373: '0',
         114: '1', 360: '0', 148: '1', 383: '1', 63: '0', 19: '1', 472: '0', 201: '1', 262: '1', 47: '0', 221: '0',
         310: '0', 352: '1', 224: '1', 185: '0', 214: '1', 285: '1', 410: '0', 455: '0', 445: '0', 464: '0', 284: '1',
         503: '1', 298: '1', 449: '0', 477: '0', 376: '0', 16: '0', 133: '0', 177: '1', 210: '0', 364: '1', 163: '1',
         213: '1', 295: '1', 111: '1', 458: '0', 146: '0', 244: '0', 261: '1', 508: '1', 106: '0', 112: '1', 120: '0',
         156: '1', 303: '0', 259: '1', 35: '0', 444: '0', 215: '1', 304: '0', 140: '0', 351: '0', 443: '0'}
hint3 = {891: '0', 74: '0', 129: '0', 477: '0', 880: '1', 57: '0', 473: '0', 289: '1', 361: '1', 1012: '0', 529: '0',
         294: '1', 174: '1', 500: '0', 257: '1', 392: '1', 405: '1', 11: '0', 763: '1', 637: '1', 564: '0', 941: '1',
         923: '1', 1014: '1', 670: '1', 558: '0', 304: '1', 444: '1', 716: '0', 208: '0', 130: '1', 634: '1', 661: '0',
         862: '0', 412: '1', 796: '1', 761: '1', 113: '1', 752: '0', 818: '0', 797: '1', 390: '1', 337: '0', 133: '1',
         367: '1', 470: '1', 345: '1', 170: '1', 312: '0', 624: '1', 53: '1', 75: '1', 281: '1', 522: '1', 100: '0',
         554: '1', 583: '1', 16: '1', 836: '0', 715: '1', 450: '0', 484: '0', 876: '0', 165: '0', 842: '0', 62: '0',
         442: '1', 927: '0', 586: '1', 399: '1', 227: '0', 886: '1', 663: '0', 947: '0', 906: '1', 377: '0', 246: '1',
         365: '0', 177: '1', 59: '1', 63: '0', 936: '1', 144: '0', 416: '1', 228: '1', 366: '0', 117: '0', 78: '0',
         717: '1', 14: '0', 800: '1', 47: '0', 80: '0', 34: '0', 662: '1', 970: '0', 986: '1', 287: '1', 597: '0',
         783: '0', 805: '1', 112: '1', 671: '1', 540: '1', 153: '1', 577: '1', 543: '0', 414: '0', 123: '1', 626: '1',
         452: '1', 810: '1', 30: '0', 905: '0', 602: '1', 537: '1', 374: '0', 408: '1', 434: '0', 137: '1', 532: '0',
         397: '0', 333: '1', 258: '1', 359: '1', 134: '1', 322: '1', 653: '0', 1018: '0', 639: '1', 40: '1', 826: '1',
         489: '0', 5: '0', 858: '0', 44: '1', 516: '0', 149: '0', 945: '0', 106: '1', 694: '0', 221: '0', 207: '0',
         186: '1', 316: '0', 449: '1', 297: '1', 276: '0', 103: '0', 437: '0', 802: '0', 108: '1', 921: '1', 427: '0',
         728: '1', 879: '0', 953: '0', 51: '1', 459: '0', 37: '0', 559: '0', 610: '1', 341: '0', 299: '0', 952: '0',
         201: '0', 327: '0', 741: '1', 253: '1', 310: '1', 946: '1', 696: '0', 398: '1', 266: '1', 829: '0', 908: '0',
         469: '0', 873: '1', 658: '0', 798: '1', 54: '0', 621: '0', 238: '0', 654: '1', 205: '0', 925: '0', 391: '1',
         480: '0', 4: '0', 598: '0', 677: '0', 142: '1', 606: '0', 118: '0', 164: '0', 973: '1', 347: '0', 159: '1',
         307: '1', 83: '1', 668: '1', 675: '0', 924: '1', 191: '1', 890: '0', 352: '1', 965: '1', 692: '1', 782: '1',
         817: '1', 889: '1', 515: '1', 433: '0', 356: '0', 845: '1', 104: '0', 18: '0', 979: '0', 426: '0', 785: '1',
         546: '0', 52: '0', 55: '0', 824: '1', 704: '1', 510: '1', 710: '0', 1022: '0', 647: '0', 465: '1', 245: '0',
         850: '1', 657: '0', 1007: '0', 807: '1', 158: '1', 328: '0', 292: '1', 355: '1', 596: '0', 275: '1', 371: '0',
         1004: '0', 594: '0', 384: '1', 446: '1', 7: '0', 994: '1', 616: '1', 317: '0', 305: '0', 151: '1', 400: '0',
         900: '1', 203: '0', 563: '1', 745: '1', 536: '1', 726: '0', 751: '1', 402: '1', 116: '0', 781: '1', 988: '0',
         768: '1', 688: '1', 954: '1', 976: '1', 868: '1', 723: '1', 131: '1', 794: '0', 513: '0', 914: '1', 641: '1',
         319: '0', 629: '1', 620: '1', 711: '0', 601: '0', 531: '0', 393: '0', 168: '0', 132: '0', 17: '0', 950: '0',
         488: '0', 679: '0', 568: '0', 43: '1', 545: '1', 217: '0', 680: '1', 501: '1', 1008: '0', 514: '0', 746: '0',
         187: '0', 436: '1', 336: '1', 139: '1', 338: '0', 695: '1', 300: '0', 584: '1', 152: '0', 828: '1', 251: '0',
         691: '1', 296: '1', 128: '0', 394: '1', 655: '1', 544: '1', 58: '0', 313: '1', 565: '1', 685: '1', 720: '0',
         178: '1', 667: '0', 403: '1', 697: '1', 138: '1', 659: '0', 960: '0', 454: '0', 271: '0', 33: '0', 295: '0',
         600: '0', 579: '1', 68: '1', 211: '1', 82: '1', 114: '1', 209: '0', 226: '0', 753: '0', 874: '0', 903: '1',
         358: '0', 141: '0', 236: '1'}
p = list('?' * 512)
q = list('?' * 512)
d = list('?' * 1024)
print(len(hint1), len(hint2), len(hint3))
for i in hint1:
    p[i] = hint1[i]
for i in hint2:
    q[i] = hint2[i]
for i in hint3:
    d[i] = hint3[i]
p_bits = ''.join(p)
q_bits = ''.join(q)
d_bits = ''.join(d)
p_bits = PartialInteger.from_bits_be(p_bits)
q_bits = PartialInteger.from_bits_be(q_bits)
d_bits = PartialInteger.from_bits_be(d_bits)
# k = 1972411342
p = 9133917064511781922031258437152327261693143304454013549549758156666324513465089691034313787446294509129449327989019056217376060978961891599469362333006483
q = 8033810681353399639534641829067934203193783188961178150445992214367649502764412203925061359540792375365156063944961787518643928146665931290500178482197771
# p, q = factorize_pqd(n, e, p_bits, q_bits, d_bits)
print(p, q)
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = inverse(e, phi)
print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, n)))
# b'flag{022db473-bd93-4c64-8e6f-a8f45205f364}'
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