
    <component name="topsinsar">
        <component name="master">
        <property name="orbit directory">/home/haoxu/xhtry1/raw</property>
        <property name="output directory">20190704</property>
        <property name="safe">/home/haoxu/xhtry1/raw/S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20190704T135158_20190704T135225_027968_032877_1C4D.SAFE</property>
    <component name="slave">
        <property name="orbit directory">/home/haoxu/xhtry1/raw</property>
        <property name="output directory">20190716</property>
        <property name="safe">/home/haoxu/xhtry1/raw/S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20190716T135159_20190716T135226_028143_032DC3_512B.SAFE</property>
        <property name="demFilename">demLat_N34_N36_Lon_W119_W116.dem.wgs84</property>
        <property name="swaths">[1,2,3]</property>
 <!--   <property name="region of interest">[34.5,36.5,-118.5,-116.5]</property> -->
        <property name="filter strength">1</property>
        <property name="do unwrap">True</property>
        <property name="unwrapper name">snaphu_mcf</property>
  <!--  <property name="geocode bounding box">[34.5,36.5,-118.5,-116.5]</property> -->

General Note: Using syntax highlighting makes it easier to read XML file.
<!-- This is an xml comment -->
<!-- An xml comment begins with the 4 characters at the start of this line and
     end with the 3 characters at the end of this line. -->
<!-- The rest of this file contains comments only.  -->
    An xml file is structured with content appearing between the tags indicated
with the symbols '< >' and the matching closing tag symbols '</ >'.  There are
4 different types of tags used in the 11 lines at the top of this file:

  (1) The tag <topsApp> and its closing tag </topsApp> are required but the
  name is arbitrary.

  (2) The <property> </property> tags are used for simple properties.  These
  tags includes a 'name' ('sensor name' in the above example) as an attribute
  of the tag as well as a value appearing between the opening and closing tags.

  (3) The <component> </component> tags are used for collections of properties
  belonging to the component indicated by the 'name' attribute of the tag.

  (4) The <catalog> </catalog> has no 'name' attribute and the value given
  between the tags is the name of another xml file containing the properties
  for the component.

There are other types of tags that may be used as shown in examples below.

    The 11 lines at the top of this file give the minimal input file for running
 insarApp.py, but most of the input information is contained in the two xml
files master.xml and slave.xml sandwiched between the <catalog> tag and the
</catalog> tag.
    The master.xml and slave.xml files are different in structure for different
sensors but identical to each other in structure for a given sensor.  Examples
of master.xml for each sensor type are given in this directory with names like
master_tops_sentinel1a.xml. You can use these files as templates for creating your own
master.xml and slave.xml files.  You can also in-line the contents of those
files directly in the insarApp.xml file as in the following example for ALOS:

  <component name="topsinsar">
    <component name="master">
      <property name="orbit directory">/Users/agram/orbit/S1A/precise</property>
      <property name="auxiliary data directory">/Users/agram/orbit/S1A/aux</property>
      <property name="output directory">master</property>
      <property name="swath number">2</property>
      <property name="safe">../data/S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150119T135944_20150119T140004_004241_005286_4271.SAFE</property>
    <component name="slave">
      <property name="orbit directory">/Users/agram/orbit/S1A/precise</property>
      <property name="auxiliary data directory">/Users/agram/orbit/S1A/aux</property>
      <property name="region of interest">[35.4, 35.6, -119.6, -119.4]</property>
      <property name="output directory">slave</property>
      <property name="swath number">2</property>
      <property name="safe">../data/S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150212T135943_20150212T140003_004591_005A67_5DEC.SAFE</property>

<!-- <<INPUTS FOR topsApp.py>>
     This file provides a basic template for setting up interferogram input file for topsApp.py. Only the commonly used options are described here.

     There are three ways of providing basic inputs to topsApp.py. Choose any one to work with. We recommend Method 1.

     Method 1: Using topsApp.xml [Uses in-built configurability]

            - Automatically looks for topsApp.xml  and loads ISCE Application instance configuration.

    Method 2:  Using topsinsar.xml  [Uses in-built configurabiluty]
        > topsApp.py
            - Automatically looks for topsinsar.xml and loads ISCE Application family configuration.
            - "insarApp" is a specific instance of family "topsinsar". topsApp.py first reads topsinsar.xml to configure object and then reads topsApp.xml. If values are repeated in the two files, topsApp.xml takes precedence over topsinsar.xml .

    Method 3 : Using arbitrary xml file with the same structure as below.

        > topsApp.py input.xml [Explicitly force use of specific XML file)
            -  topsApp.py checks for topsinsar.xml and loads information if available.
            -  topsApp.py  then checks for topsApp.xml and if available updates/creates configuration.
            -  topsApp.py then "input.xml" and updates/creates configuration.
<!-- <<ISCE XML property formats>>
     ISCE XML files support two types of property definitions.

    Format 1:
            <property name="Sensor name">SENTINEL1</property>

    Format 2:
             <property name="Sensor name">

<topsApp>  This tag name doesn't really matter.
    <component name="topsinsar">   This component has to be named topsinsar

        Mandatory entries:

        Full list of sensors can be obtained using "topsApp.py -h"
        <property  name="Sensor name">SENTINEL1</property>

        Master and slave information are provided through catalogs.
        The structure of these catalog files are sensor dependent.
        See "master_TOPS_SENSOR.xml" for examples of different sensors.
        <component name="master">
            <catalog>master.xml</catalog> Grabs information from master.xml
        <component name="slave">
            <catalog>slave.xml</catalog>  Grabs information from slave.xml

<!-- Optional entries.
             These need not be defined by the user.
             Default values will be used if not provided.
             Uncomment the <property> tags if you want to use these.-->
<!-- << DEM >>
             If not provided, SRTM DEM will be automatically downloaded.
             See "dem_latest.xml" in examples directory for an example.-->
        <property name="demFilename">dem_latest.dem</property> Grabs information from dem_latest.dem.xml
<!--<property name="range looks">2</property>-->
<!--<property name="azimuth looks">4</property>-->
<!--Subsetting the amount of data to be processed.
To selectively process only some swaths, add the following tag. Note that even if its a single swath provide the entry as a list. This entry overrides the swath number entry in master.xml and slave.xml. If not included, all swaths will be processed.
<property name="swaths">[1,2]</property>

To selective process a region, provide a bounding box in SNWE convention (lat/lon)
This will again override any region of interest in master.xml and slave.xml. If the region of interest is covered by a fewer number of swaths, only those swaths will be processed.
<property name="region of interest">[32.5, 33,130.4, 132.5]</property>
<!-- Disabling Enhanced Spectral Diversity azimuth offset refinement
By default, ESD is always performed.
<property name="do ESD">False</property> -->
             Goldstein filter length-->
<!--<property name="filter strength">0.4</property>-->
             Phase unwrapping can be optionally turned off.
             Following unwrappers are currently available:
             grass, icu, snaphu, snaphu_mcf-->
<!--<property name="unwrap">True</property>-->
<!--<property name="unwrapper name">snaphu_mcf</property>-->
<!-- 2 Stage unwrapping option requires the following tags:-->
<!--<property name="do unwrap">True</property> -->
<!--<property name="unwrapper name">snaphu_mcf</property> -->
<!--<property name="do unwrap 2 stage">True</property> -->
<!--<property name="unwrapper 2 stage name">MCF</property> -->
<!-- <<GEOCODING>> -->
<!-- Creating geocoded coregistered stacks is easy with ISCE.
             You can specify the exact geocoding bounding box in SNWE format as follows.
             As long as the same DEM and bounding box are used, all products will be
             geocoded to the same grid.-->
<!--<property name="geocode bounding box">[19.1, 19.45, -155.45, -154.7]</property>-->
<!-- By default ISCE geocodes a long list of products. Once, you are familiar with
             the product names, you can force ISCE to geocode only products of interest to you.
             Geocoding parameters for a file named "abc.def" can be controlled using insarapp_geocode_abcdef.xml-->
<!--<property name="geocode list">['filt_topophase.flat', 'los.rdr', 'topophase.cor', 'phsig.cor']</property>-->
#ionospheric correction module parameters
#the values below are the default values used by the module
<property name="do ionosphere correction">False</property>
#choose from: ['subband', 'rawion', 'grd2ion', 'filt_gaussian', 'ionosphere_shift', 'ion2grd', 'esd']
<property name="start ionosphere step">subband</property>
<property name="end ionosphere step">esd</property>

<property name="height of ionosphere layer in km">200.0</property>
<property name="apply polynomial fit before filtering ionosphere phase">True</property>
<property name="maximum window size for filtering ionosphere phase">200</property>
<property name="minimum window size for filtering ionosphere phase">100</property>
<property name="maximum window size for filtering ionosphere azimuth shift">150</property>
<property name="minimum window size for filtering ionosphere azimuth shift">75</property>
#0: no correction
#1: use mean value of a burst
#2: use full burst
<property name="correct phase error caused by ionosphere azimuth shift">1</property>

#better NOT try changing the following two parameters, since they are related
#to the filtering parameters above
<property name="total number of azimuth looks in the ionosphere processing">50</property>
<property name="total number of range looks in the ionosphere processing">200</property>
#the above numbers should be integer multiples of the below numbers
<property name="number of azimuth looks at first stage for ionosphere phase unwrapping">10</property>
<property name="number of range looks at first stage for ionosphere phase unwrapping">40</property>

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