css —— 写炫酷动画

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你把 css:hover 玩明白_0.活在风浪里的博客-CSDN博客你想要什么hover效果?你想要什么动画?十万行不同动画效果,可单独复制出来几行使用,极简轻量,css奇淫技巧还在等待什么,99+种功能,总能满足你的要求,快来一键三连抱走吧https://blog.csdn.net/m0_57904695/article/details/126309518?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501












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    <div class="Hometitlebox">
        <a style=" color: #00e4ff;" href="Datacages_Homeindex.html">“大数据分析”xxx市城xxxx局大数据综合分析平台</a>

    <div class="flasheffectoutbox">

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                <a href="http://www.txgis.com" target="_blank">
                    <img class="effectposition maindataeffect" src="./img/maindataeffect.png">
                    <div class="effectposition acrossremindeffectout" style=" width: 76px; height: 76px; margin: 9px;">
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                    <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/maindataicon.png">
                    <span class="stagetitle">xxxxxxx数据中心</span>
            <div class="circleeffectclass aroundfunctioneffect" style="left: 254px;top: 135px;">
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                <div class="effectposition acrossremindeffectout acrossremindeffectoutard">
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                <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/xingzhengshenpi.png">
                <span class="stagetitle stagearoundtitle">xxxxxx系统一</span>

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                <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/baixingpaiAPP.png">
                <span class="stagetitle stagearoundtitle">xxxxxx系统二</span>

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                <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/zhatuyunshu.png">
                <span class="stagetitle stagearoundtitle">xxxxxx系统三</span>

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                <div class="effectposition acrossremindeffectout acrossremindeffectoutard">
                    <div class="acrossremindeffectin acrossremindeffectinard"></div>
                <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/12319rexian.png">
                <span class="stagetitle stagearoundtitle">xxxxxx系统四</span>

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                <img class="effectposition arounddataeffect03" src="./img/aroundeffect.png">
                <div class="effectposition acrossremindeffectout acrossremindeffectoutard">
                    <div class="acrossremindeffectin acrossremindeffectinard"></div>
                <img class="effectposition acrossremindeffecindex" src="./img/zonghezhifa.png">
                <span class="stagetitle stagearoundtitle">xxxxxx系统五</span>

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body{ padding:100px;}
@-webkit-keyframes rotate_pacman_half_up {
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    top: 25px;
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 <div class="loaders">
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        <div class="loader-inner pacman">



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