
[1]Abbas Mr Ansar,Eliyana Prof Anis,Ekowati Dr Dian,Saud Mr Muhammad,Raza Mr Ali,Wardani Ms Ratna. Data set on coping strategies in the digital age: The role of psychological well-being and social capital among university students in Java Timor, Surabaya, Indonesia.[J]. Data in brief,2020,30.

[2]Patrícia Amorim,Pedro Sousa,Ernesto Jardim,Manuela Azevedo,Gui M. Menezes. Length-frequency data approaches to evaluate snapper and grouper fisheries in the Java Sea, Indonesia[J]. Fisheries Research,2020,229.

[3]Mr. Ansar Abbas,Prof. Anis Eliyana,Dr. Dian Ekowati,Mr. Muhammad Saud,Mr. Ali Raza,Ms. Ratna Wardani. Data set on coping strategies in the digital age: The role of psychological well-being and social capital among university students in Java Timor, Surabaya, Indonesia[J]. Data in Brief,2020,30.

[4]Pengxiang Zhou,Shaohong Xia. Effects of the heterogeneous subducting plate on seismicity: Constraints from b-values in the Andaman–Sumatra–Java subduction zone[J]. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,2020.

[5]Francisco Aleixo,Seán A. O’Callaghan,Luís Ducla Soares,Paulo Nunes,Rui Prieto. AragoJ: A free, open‐source software to aid single camera photogrammetry studies[J]. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,2020,11(5).

[6]Belén Ríos-Sánchez,David Costa-da Silva,Natalia Martín-Yuste,Carmen Sánchez-?vila. Deep learning for face recognition on mobile devices[J]. IET Biometrics,2020,9(3).

[7]Moeljadi Moeljadi,Triningsih Sri Supriyati,Sherlinda Octa Yuniarsa. Personal Motivational Factors to Aligning Innovation Culture: Evidence on Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia[J]. SHS Web of Conferences,2020,76.

[8]Gietzelt Matthias,Karmen Christian,Knaup-Gregori Petra,Ganzinger Matthias. vivaGen - a survival data set generator for software testing.[J]. BMC bioinformatics,2020,21(1).

[9]Lee Bo-Young,Park Jun Chul,Kim Min-Sub,Choi Beom-Soon,Kim Duck-Hyun,Lim Jong-Sung,Yum Seungshic,Hwang Un-Ki,Nah Gyoung Ju,Lee Jae-Seong. The genome of the Java medaka (Oryzias javanicus): Potential for its use in marine molecular ecotoxicology.[J]. Marine pollution bulletin,2020,154.

[10]. Mathematics; Researchers from Diponegoro University Describe Research in Mathematics (Analysis of Priority Scale for Watershed Reforestation Using Trapezoidal Fuzzy VIKOR Method: A Case Study in Semarang, Central Java Indonesia)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.

[11]Agustina Rina,Nadiya Khairun,Andini El A,Setianingsih Ainanur A,Sadariskar Arini A,Prafiantini Erfi,Wirawan Fadila,Karyadi Elvina,Raut Manoj K. Associations of meal patterning, dietary quality and diversity with anemia and overweight-obesity among Indonesian school-going adolescent girls in West Java.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).

[12]. International Business Machines Corporation; Patent Issued for Sharing A Java Virtual Machine (USPTO 10,623,242)[J]. Internet Business Newsweekly,2020.

[13]Bo-Young Lee,Jun Chul Park,Min-Sub Kim,Beom-Soon Choi,Duck-Hyun Kim,Jong-Sung Lim,Seungshic Yum,Un-Ki Hwang,Gyoung Ju Nah,Jae-Seong Lee. The genome of the Java medaka ( Oryzias javanicus ): Potential for its use in marine molecular ecotoxicology[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2020,154.

[14]Mohammad Rudiansyah,Leonardo Lubis,Ria Bandiara,Rudi Supriyadi,Afiatin,Rubin Surachno Gondodiputro,Rully Marsis Amirullah Roesli,Dedi Rachmadi. Java Barb Fish Gallbladder–Induced Acute Kidney Injury and Ischemic Acute Hepatic Failure[J]. Kidney International Reports,2020.

[15]Bo Kyung Park,Geon-Hee Kang,Hyun Seung Son,Byungkook Jeon,R. Young Chul Kim. Code Visualization for Performance Improvement of Java Code for Controlling Smart Traffic System in the Smart City[J]. Applied Sciences,2020,10(8).

[16]D. H. Kim,K. Y. Chae. Interactive Kinematics Code for Transfer Reactions[J]. Journal of the Korean Physical Society,2020,76(7).

[17]S.K. Suhardja,S. Widiyantoro,J.-P. Métaxian,N. Rawlinson,M. Ramdhan,Agus Budi-Santoso. Crustal thickness beneath Mt. Merapi and Mt. Merbabu, Central Java, Indonesia, inferred from receiver function analysis[J]. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,2020,302.

[18]Muhamad Bahri. Analysis of the water, energy, food and land nexus using the system archetypes: A case study in the Jatiluhur reservoir, West Java, Indonesia[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2020,716.

[19]Bahri Muhamad. Analysis of the water, energy, food and land nexus using the system archetypes: A case study in the Jatiluhur reservoir, West Java, Indonesia.[J]. The Science of the total environment,2020,716.

[20]. Tree Genetics and Genomics; Studies from University of Tsukuba Yield New Information about Tree Genetics and Genomics (Genetic Diversity and the Origin of Commercial Plantation of Indonesian Teak On Java Island)[J]. Agriculture Week,2020.

[21]Fajar Yulianto,Suwarsono,Udhi Catur Nugroho,Nunung Puji Nugroho,Wismu Sunarmodo,Muhammad Rokhis Khomarudin. Spatial-Temporal Dynamics Land Use/Land Cover Change and Flood Hazard Mapping in the Upstream Citarum Watershed, West Java, Indonesia[J]. Quaestiones Geographicae,2020,39(1).

[22]Rudiarto Iwan,Hidayani Rizqa,Fisher Micah. The bilocal migrant: Economic drivers of mobility across the rural-urban interface in Central Java, Indonesia[J]. Journal of Rural Studies,2020,74©.

[23]Higo Yoshiki,Hayashi Shinpei,Kusumoto Shinji. On Tracking Java Methods with Git Mechanisms[J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2020(prepublish).

[24]Blanco Guillermo,P??rez-L??pez Roi,Fdez-Riverola Florentino,Louren?§o An??lia Maria Garcia. Understanding the social evolution of the Java community in Stack Overflow: A 10-year study of developer interactions[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,105©.

[25]Puspaningrum Mika R.,van den Bergh Gerrit D.,Chivas Allan R.,Setiabudi Erick,Kurniawan Iwan. Isotopic reconstruction of Proboscidean habitats and diets on Java since the Early Pleistocene: Implications for adaptation and extinction[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews,2020,228©.

[26]Ortin Francisco,Rodriguez-Prieto Oscar,Pascual Nicolas,Garcia Miguel. Heterogeneous tree structure classification to label Java programmers according to their expertise level[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,105©.

[27]Ran Weimin,Luan Xiwu,Lu Yintao,Wei Xinyuan,Zhang Hao,Wang Kuo,Wang Jia,Wang Xing,Zhang Dandan,Saiful Islam Mohammad. Seismic characteristics and strontium isotope ages of the Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation in the Madura Strait Basin: Implications for the paleogeographic reconstruction of East Java[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2020,190©.

[28]Rizma Aldillah. A Research on the Implementation Rules and Regulations of the West Java Province Grain Specific Sustainable Agricultural Land Compliance Act[J]. Journal of Innovation and Social Science Research,2020,7(3).

[29]Cumming Royce T,Bank Sarah,Le Tirant Stephane,Bradler Sven. Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae).[J]. ZooKeys,2020,913.

[30]Zhengzhao Chen,Renhe Jiang,Zejun Zhang,Yu Pei,Minxue Pan,Tian Zhang,Xuandong Li. Enhancing example-based code search with functional semantics[J]. The Journal of Systems & Software,2020,165.

[31]Dikky Indrawan,Eko Ruddy Cahyadi,Arief Daryanto,Henk Hogeveen. The role of farm business type on biosecurity practices in West Java broiler farms[J]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,2020,176.

[32]Ying Xin Liu,Xi Yuan Li. Design and Implementation of a Business Platform System Based on Java[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,166.

[33]Tian Ming Huang. Design and Implementation of App System for Legal Consulting Based on JAVA Technology[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,166.

[34]Weimin Ran,Xiwu Luan,Yintao Lu,Xinyuan Wei,Hao Zhang,Kuo Wang,Jia Wang,Xing Wang,Dandan Zhang,Mohammad Saiful Islam. Seismic characteristics and strontium isotope ages of the Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation in the Madura Strait Basin: Implications for the paleogeographic reconstruction of East Java[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2020,190.

[35]Djati Mardiatno,M.N. Malawani,Ratri Ma’rifatun Nisaa’. The future tsunami risk potential as a consequence of building development in Pangandaran Region, West Java, Indonesia[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,2020,46.

[36]Pedro Pinheiro,José Carlos Viana,Márcio Ribeiro,Leo Fernandes,Fabiano Ferrari,Rohit Gheyi,Baldoino Fonseca. Mutating code annotations: An empirical evaluation on Java and C# programs[J]. Science of Computer Programming,2020,191.

[37]Guillermo Blanco,Roi Pérez-López,Florentino Fdez-Riverola,Anália Maria Garcia Louren?o. Understanding the social evolution of the Java community in Stack Overflow: A 10-year study of developer interactions[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,105.

[38]Nastiti Andini,Daeha Kim,Jong Ahn Chun. Operational soil moisture modeling using a multi-stage approach based on the generalized complementary principle[J]. Agricultural Water Management,2020,231.

[39]A.D. Titisari,D. Phillips,I.W. Warmada,Hartono,A. Idrus. 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronology of the Pongkor low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralisation, West Java, Indonesia[J]. Ore Geology Reviews,2020,119.

[40]Francisco Ortin,Oscar Rodriguez-Prieto,Nicolas Pascual,Miguel Garcia. Heterogeneous tree structure classification to label Java programmers according to their expertise level[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,105.

[41]Satya Krismatama,Indah Riyantini,Iwang Gumilar,Lantun Paradhita Dewanti. Selectivity of Fishing Gear for Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) Commodities in Pangandaran Fishing Ground, West Java[J]. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research,2020.

[42]Zhong Xiangfu,Pla Albert,Rayner Simon. Jasmine: a Java pipeline for isomiR characterization in miRNA-Seq data[J]. Bioinformatics,2020,36(6).

[43]Moris Pieter,Bui-Thi Danh,Laukens Kris,Meysman Pieter. MILES: a Java tool to extract node-specific enriched subgraphs in biomolecular networks[J]. Bioinformatics,2020,36(6).

[44]Takashi Tomiyasu,Yuriko Kono Hamada,Christine Baransano,Hitoshi Kodamatani,Akito Matsuyama,Ryusuke Imura,Nuril Hidayati,Joeni Setijo Rahajoe. Mercury concentrations in paddy field soil and freshwater snails around a small-scale gold mining area, West Java, Indonesia[J]. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences,2020,12(prepublish).

[45]???,???. Spark ??? Python? Scala API? ?? ?? ??[J]. ???,2020,23(2).

[46]. Tropical Geography; New Tropical Geography Findings from University College London (UCL) Reported (Growth and Growth Constraints In Craft Industry Clusters: the Batik Industries of Central Java)[J]. Science Letter,2020.

[47]. Chemical Research; Investigators at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Report Findings in Chemical Research (Improved hydrodistillation process using amphiphilic compounds for extraction of essential oil from java citronella grass)[J]. Chemicals & Chemistry,2020.

[48]Joaquim Pereira Carvalho,Helber Véras Nunes,Daniella Inácio Barros,Evandro Alves Ribeiro,Jo?o Henrique da Silva Luz,Layssa Gabrielly Barbosa Garcia Ramos,Paulo Victor Gomes Sales,Ricardo Alencar Liborio,Bruno Henrique Di Napoli Nunes. Vigor of Java Plum Seedlings, in the Presence and Absence of Mucilage Submitted to Different Substrates[J]. European Journal of Medicinal Plants,2020.

[49]Redjeki Endah Sri,Ho Wai Kuan,Shah Niraj,Molosiwa Odireleng O,Ardiarini Noer Rahmi,Kuswanto Kuswanto,Mayes Sean. Understanding the genetic relationships of Indonesian bambara groundnut cultivars and investigating their origins.[J]. Genome,2020.

[50]. Veterinary Medicine; Studies from E.R. Cahyadi and Co-Researchers in the Area of Veterinary Medicine Reported (The role of farm business type on biosecurity practices in West Java broiler farms)[J]. Veterinary Week,2020.

[51]. Science - Earth Science; Researchers from Gadjah Mada University Detail Findings in Earth Science (Investigation and Numerical Simulation of the 22 February 2018 Landslide-triggered Long-traveling Debris Flow At Pasir Panjang Village, Brebes Regency of Central Java, …)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020.

[52]. Science; Researchers at University of Oslo Report Findings in Science (Recent magmatism drives hydrocarbon generation in north-east Java, Indonesia)[J]. Science Letter,2020.

[53]Iwan Rudiarto,Rizqa Hidayani,Micah Fisher. The bilocal migrant: Economic drivers of mobility across the rural-urban interface in Central Java, Indonesia[J]. Journal of Rural Studies,2020,74.

[54]Emre Dalk?ran,Tolga ?nel,Okan Top?u,Kadir Alpaslan Demir. Automated integration of real-time and non-real-time defense systems[J]. Defence Technology,2020.

[55]Erma Yulihastin,Tri Wahyu Hadi,Nining Sari Ningsih,Muhammad Ridho Syahputra. Early morning peaks in the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the northern coast of West Java and possible influencing factors[J]. Annales Geophysicae,2020,38(1).

[56]Sérgio Queiroz de Medeiros,Gilney de Azevedo Alvez Junior,Fabio Mascarenhas. Automatic syntax error reporting and recovery in parsing expression grammars[J]. Science of Computer Programming,2020,187.

[57]Christophe Foket,Koen De Bosschere,Bjorn De Sutter. Effective and efficient Java‐type obfuscation[J]. Software: Practice and Experience,2020,50(2).

[58]Rita Rostika,Muhamad Ihsan Fauzan,Walim Lili,Iskandar … The Use of Various Proportions of Rough Fish on Giant Trevally (Caranx sp.) Culture in the Floating Net Cages, Pangandaran, West Java[J]. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research,2020.

[59]Jinchang Zhang,Yiming Luo,Jie Chen. Oceanic Plateau Formation Implied by Ontong Java Plateau, Kerguelen Plateau and Shatsky Rise[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China,2020,19(2).

[60]Dono Indarto,Budiyanti Wiboworini,Amelya Ayusari,Arisanty Restuti,Isnar Alfiyah,Aniki Puspita,Yohanes Wibowo,Yoga Pratama. Novel genetic variants of transferrin receptor 2 exon 4 and cytokines profile of anemic and nonanemic pregnant women in Central Java, Indonesia[J]. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction,2020,9(9).





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