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原创 ubuntu使用vscode alt + left arrow
To enable navigation features such as "Alt + Left Arrow" in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), you need to ensure that the necessary workspace configurations are set up correctly. Specifically, VS Code relies on the presence of certain JSON configuration files,
2024-06-25 15:39:07 511
原创 python pip下载的文件结构
2024-04-02 23:17:57 147 1
原创 vscode pycharm关于mediapipe方法解析问题
比如mp.solutions都能够解析,但是pycharm能够解析mp.solutions.hands,vscode不能你遇到的问题涉及到不同 IDE(集成开发环境)中的代码智能提示和自动完成(代码补全)功能的差异。VS Code 和 PyCharm 使用不同的机制来实现这些功能,尤其是在处理动态语言如 Python 时。这可能导致在解析某些库,比如mediapipe,时的差异。
2024-04-02 23:16:48 327
原创 2024-03-29 16:39:32.061958: I tensorflow/core/util/port.cc:113] oneDNN custom operations are on. You
python - Warning while using tensorflow : tensorflow/core/util/port.cc:113] oneDNN custom operations are on - Stack Overflow
2024-03-29 16:40:06 1918
原创 ros2 foxy py_pubsub 运行时报错:‘type‘ has no attribute ‘_TYPE_SUPPORT‘
ROS双系统 py_pubsub string depend exec_depend
2023-12-06 23:23:46 182
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