


VideoIOYuv的成员变量包括以下几种,其中m_cHandle是fstream类型的变量,主要是用来打开/创建输入/输出的YUV文件,m_fileBitdepth表示输入/输出文件的比特深度; m_bitdepthShift在写入/读取之前/之后需要增加或减少的比特深度。

  fstream   m_cHandle;                                      ///< file handle 处理文件流
  int       m_fileBitdepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; ///< bitdepth of input/output video file 输入/输出比特深度
  // 添加值为 0 的 MSB 后亮度分量的位深度(用于合成高动态范围source material)(默认:InputBitDepth)
  int       m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< bitdepth after addition of MSBs (with value 0) CFG中配置
  int       m_bitdepthShift[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< number of bits to increase or decrease image by before/after write/read 在写入/读取之前/之后增加或减少图像的位数

本文福利, 免费领取C++音视频学习资料包、技术视频/代码,内容包括(音视频开发,面试题,FFmpeg ,webRTC ,rtmp ,hls ,rtsp ,ffplay ,编解码,推拉流,srs)↓↓↓↓↓↓见下面↓↓文章底部点击免费领取↓↓


class VideoIOYuv
  fstream   m_cHandle;                                      ///< file handle 处理文件流
  int       m_fileBitdepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; ///< bitdepth of input/output video file 输入/输出比特深度
  // 添加值为 0 的 MSB 后亮度分量的位深度(用于合成高动态范围source material)(默认:InputBitDepth)
  int       m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< bitdepth after addition of MSBs (with value 0) CFG中配置
  int       m_bitdepthShift[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];  ///< number of bits to increase or decrease image by before/after write/read 在写入/读取之前/之后增加或减少图像的位数
  VideoIOYuv()           {}
  virtual ~VideoIOYuv()  {}
  // 打开或者创建文件
  void  open  ( const std::string &fileName, bool bWriteMode, const int fileBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const int MSBExtendedBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const int internalBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE] ); ///< open or create file
  void  close ();                                           ///< close file 关闭文件
  void skipFrames(int numFrames, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat format);
  void skipFrames(uint32_t numFrames, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat format);
  // if fileFormat<NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, the format of the file is that format specified, else it is the format of the PicYuv.
  // If fileFormat=NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, use the format defined by pPicYuvTrueOrg
  // 使用填充参数读取一帧
  bool  read ( PelUnitBuf& pic, PelUnitBuf& picOrg, const InputColourSpaceConversion ipcsc, int aiPad[2], ChromaFormat fileFormat=NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, const bool bClipToRec709=false );     ///< read one frame with padding parameter
  // If fileFormat=NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, use the format defined by pPicYuv
  bool  write( uint32_t orgWidth, uint32_t orgHeight, const CPelUnitBuf& pic,
               const InputColourSpaceConversion ipCSC,
               const bool bPackedYUVOutputMode,
               int confLeft = 0, int confRight = 0, int confTop = 0, int confBottom = 0, ChromaFormat format = NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, const bool bClipToRec709 = false, const bool subtractConfWindowOffsets = true ); ///< write one YUV frame with padding parameter
  // If fileFormat=NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, use the format defined by pPicYuvTop and pPicYuvBottom
  bool  write( const CPelUnitBuf& picTop, const CPelUnitBuf& picBot,
               const InputColourSpaceConversion ipCSC,
               const bool bPackedYUVOutputMode,
               int confLeft = 0, int confRight = 0, int confTop = 0, int confBottom = 0, ChromaFormat format = NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, const bool isTff = false, const bool bClipToRec709 = false );
  // 色彩格式转换
  static void ColourSpaceConvert(const CPelUnitBuf &src, PelUnitBuf &dest, const InputColourSpaceConversion conversion, bool bIsForwards);
  bool  isEof ();                                           ///< check for end-of-file
  bool  isFail();                                           ///< check for failure
  bool  isOpen() { return m_cHandle.is_open(); }
  bool  writeUpscaledPicture( const SPS& sps, const PPS& pps, const CPelUnitBuf& pic,
    const InputColourSpaceConversion ipCSC, const bool bPackedYUVOutputMode, int outputChoice = 0, ChromaFormat format = NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, const bool bClipToRec709 = false ); ///< write one upsaled YUV frame








1. open函数


 * Open file for reading/writing Y'CbCr frames. 打开需要读写的YCbCr
 * Frames read/written have bitdepth fileBitDepth, and are automatically
 * formatted as 8 or 16 bit word values (see VideoIOYuv::write()).
 * 读取/写入的帧具有位深度 fileBitDepth,并自动格式化为 8 位或 16 位字值(请参阅 VideoIOYuv::write())。
 * Image data read or written is converted to/from internalBitDepth
 * 读取或写入的图像数据与 internalBitDepth 相互转换
 * (See scalePlane(), VideoIOYuv::read() and VideoIOYuv::write() for
 * further details).
 * \param pchFile          file name string 文件名
 * \param bWriteMode       file open mode: true=write, false=read 文件打开模式 true是写,false是读
 * \param fileBitDepth     bit-depth array of input/output file data. 输入/输出文件的比特深度
 * \param MSBExtendedBitDepth
 * \param internalBitDepth bit-depth array to scale image data to/from when reading/writing. 位深度数组,用于在读取/写入时缩放图像数据。
void VideoIOYuv::open( const std::string &fileName, bool bWriteMode, const int fileBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const int MSBExtendedBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const int internalBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE] )
  //NOTE: files cannot have bit depth greater than 16
  for(uint32_t ch=0; ch<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; ch++)
    m_fileBitdepth       [ch] = std::min<uint32_t>(fileBitDepth[ch], 16);
    m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch] = MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch];
    m_bitdepthShift      [ch] = internalBitDepth[ch] - m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch];
    if (m_fileBitdepth[ch] > 16)
      if (bWriteMode)
        std::cerr << "\nWARNING: Cannot write a yuv file of bit depth greater than 16 - output will be right-shifted down to 16-bit precision\n" << std::endl;
        EXIT( "ERROR: Cannot read a yuv file of bit depth greater than 16" );
  if ( bWriteMode ) // 以写入模式打开文件
    m_cHandle.open( fileName.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::out ); // 二进制写入
    if( m_cHandle.fail() )
      EXIT( "Failed to write reconstructed YUV file: " << fileName.c_str() );
  else // 以读取模式打开文件
    m_cHandle.open( fileName.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in ); // 二进制读取
    if( m_cHandle.fail() )
      EXIT( "Failed to open input YUV file: " << fileName.c_str() );

2. skipFrames函数


 * Skip numFrames in input. 跳过输入的num帧
 * This function correctly handles cases where the input file is not
 * seekable, by consuming bytes.
 * 此函数通过消耗字节正确处理输入文件不可查找的情况
void VideoIOYuv::skipFrames(int numFrames, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat format)
void VideoIOYuv::skipFrames(uint32_t numFrames, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat format)
  if (!numFrames)
  //set the frame size according to the chroma format 根据色度格式设置帧大小
  streamoff frameSize = 0;
  uint32_t wordsize=1; // default to 8-bit, unless a channel with more than 8-bits is detected. 默认为 8 位,除非检测到超过 8 位的通道。
  // 遍历所有颜色分量
  for (uint32_t component = 0; component < getNumberValidComponents(format); component++)
    ComponentID compID=ComponentID(component);
    // 计算一帧的大小 
    // 单个颜色分量的大小为width*height
    frameSize += (width >> getComponentScaleX(compID, format)) * (height >> getComponentScaleY(compID, format));
    if (m_fileBitdepth[toChannelType(compID)] > 8)
  frameSize *= wordsize; // 如果大于8位,需要乘以2,否则乘以1
  const streamoff offset = frameSize * numFrames; // 需要偏移的大小
  /* attempt to seek */
  if (!!m_cHandle.seekg(offset, ios::cur)) // 从当前位置开始,偏移offset
    return; /* success 成功 */
  /* fall back to consuming the input */
  char buf[512];
  const streamoff offset_mod_bufsize = offset % sizeof(buf);
  for (streamoff i = 0; i < offset - offset_mod_bufsize; i += sizeof(buf))
    m_cHandle.read(buf, sizeof(buf));
  m_cHandle.read(buf, offset_mod_bufsize);

3. read函数

read函数主要是用来读取一个 Y'CbCr 帧,并通过缩放将输入文件的比特深度更改为internal比特深度。该函数主要是通过调用readPlane函数读取单个分量,并通过scalePlane函数将输入的YUV文件缩放到internalBitDepth深度。


 * Read one Y'CbCr frame, performing any required input scaling to change
 * from the bitdepth of the input file to the internal bit-depth.
 * 读取一个 Y'CbCr 帧,执行任何所需的输入缩放以将输入文件的比特深度更改为internal比特深度。
 * If a bit-depth reduction is required, and internalBitdepth >= 8, then
 * the input file is assumed to be ITU-R BT.601/709 compliant, and the
 * resulting data is clipped to the appropriate legal range, as if the
 * file had been provided at the lower-bitdepth compliant to Rec601/709.
 * @param pPicYuvUser      input picture YUV buffer class pointer
 * @param pPicYuvTrueOrg
 * @param ipcsc
 * @param aiPad            source padding size, aiPad[0] = horizontal, aiPad[1] = vertical
 * @param format           chroma format
 *  bClipToRec709 如果为 true,则将输入视频clip到 Rec.709
 * @return true for success, false in case of error
bool VideoIOYuv::read ( PelUnitBuf& pic, PelUnitBuf& picOrg, const InputColourSpaceConversion ipcsc, int aiPad[2], ChromaFormat format, const bool bClipToRec709 )
  // check end-of-file
  if ( isEof() )
    return false;
  if (format >= NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT)
    format = picOrg.chromaFormat;
  bool is16bit = false; // 是否是16比特
  for(uint32_t ch=0; ch<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; ch++)
    if (m_fileBitdepth[ch] > 8) // 输入/输出文件大于8比特
  const PelBuf areaBufY = picOrg.get(COMPONENT_Y);
  const uint32_t stride444      = areaBufY.stride;
  // compute actual YUV width & height excluding padding size
  // 计算实际 YUV 宽度和高度,不包括填充大小
  const uint32_t pad_h444       = aiPad[0];
  const uint32_t pad_v444       = aiPad[1];
  const uint32_t width_full444  = areaBufY.width; // Y分量的宽度
  const uint32_t height_full444 = areaBufY.height; // Y分量的高度
  const uint32_t width444       = width_full444 - pad_h444;
  const uint32_t height444      = height_full444 - pad_v444;
  // 遍历全部的颜色分量
  for( uint32_t comp=0; comp < ::getNumberValidComponents(format); comp++)
    const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(comp);
    const ChannelType chType=toChannelType(compID);
    const int desired_bitdepth = m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[chType] + m_bitdepthShift[chType]; // 目标比特深度
    const bool b709Compliance=(bClipToRec709) && (m_bitdepthShift[chType] < 0 && desired_bitdepth >= 8);     /* ITU-R BT.709 compliant clipping for converting say 10b to 8b */
    // 转换比特深度后的最大值和最小值
    const Pel minval = b709Compliance? ((   1 << (desired_bitdepth - 8))   ) : 0;
    const Pel maxval = b709Compliance? ((0xff << (desired_bitdepth - 8)) -1) : (1 << desired_bitdepth) - 1;
    const bool processComponent = (size_t)compID < picOrg.bufs.size(); // 当前待处理的颜色分量
    Pel* const dst = processComponent ? picOrg.get(compID).bufAt(0,0) : nullptr;
    const uint32_t stride444 = picOrg.get(compID).stride;
    // 读取单个颜色分量
    if ( ! readPlane( dst, m_cHandle, is16bit, stride444, width444, height444, pad_h444, pad_v444, compID, picOrg.chromaFormat, format, m_fileBitdepth[chType]))
      return false;
    if (processComponent)
      if (! verifyPlane( dst, stride444, width444, height444, pad_h444, pad_v444, compID, format, m_fileBitdepth[chType]) )
         EXIT("Source image contains values outside the specified bit range!");
      // 将输入的YUV转换到internalBitDepth
      scalePlane( picOrg.get(compID), m_bitdepthShift[chType], minval, maxval);
  if (pic.chromaFormat != NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT)
    ColourSpaceConvert(picOrg, pic, ipcsc, true);
  ColourSpaceConvert( picOrg, pic, ipcsc, true); // 转换颜色空间,总共四种情况,在InputColourSpaceConversion中定义
  return true;

3.1 readPlane函数




这里需要注意的是,读取文件时统一使用std::vector<uint8_t> bufVec变量存储读取的字节,如果输入8bit视频时,对应的一行的字节数是当前颜色分量的宽度;否则,需要读取的一行的字节数是当前颜色分量的宽度 * 2;


pDstBuf[x] = Pel(buf[(x>>sx)*2+0]) | (Pel(buf[(x>>sx)*2+1])<<8);
// 等价于(buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 0]) + (Pel(buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 1]) << 8))
// buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 1]为高8位 buf[(x>>sx)*2+0]为低8位
 * Read width*height pixels from fd into dst, optionally
 * padding the left and right edges by edge-extension.  Input may be
 * either 8bit or 16bit little-endian lsb-aligned words.
 * 将width*height的像素从 fd 读入 dst,可选择通过边缘扩展来填充左右边缘。 
 * 输入可以是 8 位或 16 位lsb-aligned的字。
 * @param dst          destination image plane 目标分量
 * @param fd           input file stream 输入文件流
 * @param is16bit      true if input file carries > 8bit data, false otherwise. 是否大于8bit
 * @param stride444    distance between vertically adjacent pixels of dst.dst 垂直相邻像素之间的距离。
 * @param width444     width of active area in dst. dst 中活动区域的宽度
 * @param height444    height of active area in dst.dst 中活动区域的高度
 * @param pad_x444     length of horizontal padding. 水平pandding的长度
 * @param pad_y444     length of vertical padding. 垂直padding的长度
 * @param compID       chroma component
 * @param destFormat   chroma format of image 图像色度格式
 * @param fileFormat   chroma format of file 文件格式
 * @param fileBitDepth component bit depth in file 读取文件的比特深度
 * @return true for success, false in case of error
static bool readPlane(Pel* dst,
                      istream& fd,
                      bool is16bit,
                      uint32_t stride444,
                      uint32_t width444,
                      uint32_t height444,
                      uint32_t pad_x444,
                      uint32_t pad_y444,
                      const ComponentID compID,
                      const ChromaFormat destFormat,
                      const ChromaFormat fileFormat,
                      const uint32_t fileBitDepth)
  const uint32_t csx_file =getComponentScaleX(compID, fileFormat); 
  const uint32_t csy_file =getComponentScaleY(compID, fileFormat);
  const uint32_t csx_dest =getComponentScaleX(compID, destFormat);
  const uint32_t csy_dest =getComponentScaleY(compID, destFormat);
  const uint32_t width_dest       = width444 >>csx_dest;
  const uint32_t height_dest      = height444>>csy_dest;
  const uint32_t pad_x_dest       = pad_x444>>csx_dest;
  const uint32_t pad_y_dest       = pad_y444>>csy_dest;
  const uint32_t stride_dest = stride444;
  const uint32_t stride_dest      = stride444>>csx_dest;
  const uint32_t full_width_dest  = width_dest+pad_x_dest; // 目标文件的宽度
  const uint32_t full_height_dest = height_dest+pad_y_dest; // 目标文件的高度
  const uint32_t stride_file      = (width444 * (is16bit ? 2 : 1)) >> csx_file; // 读取一行的大小
  std::vector<uint8_t> bufVec(stride_file);
  uint8_t *buf=&(bufVec[0]);
  Pel  *pDstPad              = dst + stride_dest * height_dest;
  Pel  *pDstBuf              = dst;
  const int dstbuf_stride    = stride_dest;
  if (compID!=COMPONENT_Y && (fileFormat==CHROMA_400 || destFormat==CHROMA_400))
    if (destFormat!=CHROMA_400)
      // set chrominance data to mid-range: (1<<(fileBitDepth-1))
      // 将色度数据设置为中间范围:(1<<(fileBitDepth-1))
      const Pel value=Pel(1<<(fileBitDepth-1));
      for (uint32_t y = 0; y < full_height_dest; y++, pDstBuf+= dstbuf_stride)
        for (uint32_t x = 0; x < full_width_dest; x++)
          pDstBuf[x] = value;
    if (fileFormat!=CHROMA_400)
      const uint32_t height_file      = height444>>csy_file;
      fd.seekg(height_file*stride_file, ios::cur);
      if (fd.eof() || fd.fail() )
        return false;
    const uint32_t mask_y_file=(1<<csy_file)-1;
    const uint32_t mask_y_dest=(1<<csy_dest)-1;
    for(uint32_t y444=0; y444<height444; y444++) // 遍历高度
      if ((y444&mask_y_file)==0)
        // read a new line
        fd.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), stride_file); // 读取新的一行
        if (fd.eof() || fd.fail() )
          return false;
      if ((y444&mask_y_dest)==0)
        // process current destination line 处理当前目标行
        if (csx_file < csx_dest)
          // eg file is 444, dest is 422. 比如输入文件格式是444,但是目标文件格式是422
          const uint32_t sx=csx_dest-csx_file;
          if (!is16bit) // 8比特情况下
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_dest; x++)
              pDstBuf[x] = buf[x<<sx]; //此时每行读取时,应该间隔像素着读取
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_dest; x++)
              pDstBuf[x] = Pel(buf[(x<<sx)*2+0]) | (Pel(buf[(x<<sx)*2+1])<<8);
          // eg file is 422, dest is 444.
          const uint32_t sx=csx_file-csx_dest;
          if (!is16bit) // 对于8bit的YUV,直接赋给pDstBuf就好
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_dest; x++)
              pDstBuf[x] = buf[x>>sx];
          else // 对于10bit的YUV,由于每个像素的使用两个字节存储,因此将后8个字节需要左移8位再与前8个字节按位或
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_dest; x++)
              // 等价于(buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 0]) + (Pel(buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 1]) << 8))
              // buf[(x >> sx) * 2 + 1]为高8位 buf[(x>>sx)*2+0]为低8位
              pDstBuf[x] = Pel(buf[(x>>sx)*2+0]) | (Pel(buf[(x>>sx)*2+1])<<8);
        // process right hand side padding 处理右侧填充,填充的时候最右侧的像素
        const Pel val=dst[width_dest-1];
        for (uint32_t x = width_dest; x < full_width_dest; x++)
          pDstBuf[x] = val;
        pDstBuf+= dstbuf_stride;
    // process lower padding 处理下填充
    for (uint32_t y = height_dest; y < full_height_dest; y++, pDstPad+=stride_dest)
      for (uint32_t x = 0; x < full_width_dest; x++)
        pDstPad[x] = (pDstPad - stride_dest)[x]; // 复制相邻上一行
  return true;

3.2 scalePlane函数


 * Scale all pixels in img depending upon sign of shiftbits by a factor of
 * 2<sup>shiftbits</sup>.
 * 根据移位的符号缩放 img 中的所有像素
 * @param areabuf buffer to be scaled 要缩放的 areabuf 缓冲区
 * @param shiftbits if zero, no operation performed
 *                  if > 0, multiply by 2<sup>shiftbits</sup>, see scalePlane()
 *                  if < 0, divide and round by 2<sup>shiftbits</sup> and clip,
 *                          see invScalePlane().
 * @param minval  minimum clipping value when dividing.
 * @param maxval  maximum clipping value when dividing.
static void scalePlane( PelBuf& areaBuf, const int shiftbits, const Pel minval, const Pel maxval)
  const unsigned width  = areaBuf.width;
  const unsigned height = areaBuf.height;
  const unsigned stride = areaBuf.stride;
        Pel*        img = areaBuf.bufAt(0,0);
  if( 0 == shiftbits )
  if( shiftbits > 0)
    for( unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++, img+=stride)
      for( unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++)
        img[x] <<= shiftbits;
  else if (shiftbits < 0)
    const int shiftbitsr =- shiftbits;
    const Pel rounding = 1 << (shiftbitsr-1);
    for( unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++, img+=stride)
      for( unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++)
        img[x] = Clip3(minval, maxval, Pel((img[x] + rounding) >> shiftbitsr));

本文福利, 免费领取C++音视频学习资料包、技术视频/代码,内容包括(音视频开发,面试题,FFmpeg ,webRTC ,rtmp ,hls ,rtsp ,ffplay ,编解码,推拉流,srs)↓↓↓↓↓↓见下面↓↓文章底部点击免费领取↓↓

4. write函数

write函数是用于写入一个Y'CbCr 帧,该函数先通过scalePlane函数将像素进行缩放,然后再通过writePlane函数写入单个分量。

 * Write one Y'CbCr frame. No bit-depth conversion is performed, pcPicYuv is
 * assumed to be at TVideoIO::m_fileBitdepth depth.
 * 写一个 Y'CbCr 帧。 不执行位深转换,假定 pcPicYuv 处于 TVideoIO::m_fileBitdepth 深度。
 * @param pPicYuvUser      input picture YUV buffer class pointer
 * @param ipCSC
 * @param confLeft         conformance window left border
 * @param confRight        conformance window right border
 * @param confTop          conformance window top border
 * @param confBottom       conformance window bottom border
 * @param format           chroma format
 * @return true for success, false in case of error
 // here orgWidth and orgHeight are for luma
bool VideoIOYuv::write( uint32_t orgWidth, uint32_t orgHeight, const CPelUnitBuf& pic,
                        const InputColourSpaceConversion ipCSC,
                        const bool bPackedYUVOutputMode,
                        int confLeft, int confRight, int confTop, int confBottom, ChromaFormat format, const bool bClipToRec709, const bool subtractConfWindowOffsets )
  PelStorage interm;
    interm.create( pic.chromaFormat, Area( Position(), pic.Y()) );
    ColourSpaceConvert(pic, interm, ipCSC, false);
  const CPelUnitBuf& picC = (ipCSC==IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED) ? pic : interm;
  // compute actual YUV frame size excluding padding size
  bool is16bit = false;
  bool nonZeroBitDepthShift=false;
  for(uint32_t ch=0; ch<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; ch++)
    if (m_fileBitdepth[ch] > 8)
    if (m_bitdepthShift[ch] != 0)
  bool retval = true;
  if (format>=NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT)
    format= picC.chromaFormat;
  PelStorage picZ;
  if (nonZeroBitDepthShift)
    picZ.create( picC.chromaFormat, Area( Position(), picC.Y() ) );
    picZ.copyFrom( picC );
    for(uint32_t comp=0; comp < ::getNumberValidComponents( picZ.chromaFormat ); comp++)
      const ComponentID compID=ComponentID(comp);
      const ChannelType ch=toChannelType(compID);
      const bool b709Compliance = bClipToRec709 && (-m_bitdepthShift[ch] < 0 && m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch] >= 8);     /* ITU-R BT.709 compliant clipping for converting say 10b to 8b */
      const Pel minval = b709Compliance? ((   1 << (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch] - 8))   ) : 0;
      const Pel maxval = b709Compliance? ((0xff << (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch] - 8)) -1) : (1 << m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[ch]) - 1;
      scalePlane( picZ.get(compID), -m_bitdepthShift[ch], minval, maxval);
  const CPelUnitBuf& picO = nonZeroBitDepthShift ? picZ : picC;
  const CPelBuf areaY     = picO.get(COMPONENT_Y);
  const uint32_t    width444  = areaY.width - confLeft - confRight;
  const uint32_t    height444 = areaY.height -  confTop  - confBottom;
  if( subtractConfWindowOffsets )
    orgWidth -= confLeft + confRight;
    orgHeight -= confTop + confBottom;
  if ((width444 == 0) || (height444 == 0))
    msg( WARNING, "\nWarning: writing %d x %d luma sample output picture!", width444, height444);
  for(uint32_t comp=0; retval && comp < ::getNumberValidComponents(format); comp++)
    const ComponentID compID      = ComponentID(comp);
    const ChannelType ch          = toChannelType(compID);
    const uint32_t    csx         = ::getComponentScaleX(compID, format);
    const uint32_t    csy         = ::getComponentScaleY(compID, format);
    const CPelBuf     area        = picO.get(compID);
    const int         planeOffset = (confLeft >> csx) + (confTop >> csy) * area.stride;
    if( !writePlane( orgWidth, orgHeight, m_cHandle, area.bufAt( 0, 0 ) + planeOffset, is16bit, area.stride,
                     width444, height444, compID, picO.chromaFormat, format, m_fileBitdepth[ch],
                     bPackedYUVOutputMode ? 1 : 0))
      retval = false;
  return retval;

4.1 writePlane函数


          if (!is16bit) // 不是16bit时
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[x] = (uint8_t)(pSrcBuf[x<<sx]);
          else // 16bit的数据时
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[2*x  ] = (pSrcBuf[x<<sx]>>0) & 0xff; // 低8位的数据
              buf[2*x+1] = (pSrcBuf[x<<sx]>>8) & 0xff; // 高8位的数据

通过wirte写入流,buf指向的是 std::vector<uint8_t> bufVec变量。

        fd.write (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), stride_file); // 写入文件
 * Write an image plane (width444*height444 pixels) from src into output stream fd.
 * @param fd         output file stream 输出文件流
 * @param src        source image 源图像
 * @param is16bit    true if input file carries > 8bit data, false otherwise. 是否大于8比特
 * @param stride444  distance between vertically adjacent pixels of src.
 * @param width444   width of active area in src.
 * @param height444  height of active area in src.
 * @param compID       chroma component 色度分量
 * @param srcFormat    chroma format of image 源文件的色度格式
 * @param fileFormat   chroma format of file 输出文件的色度格式
 * @param fileBitDepth component bit depth in file
 * @return true for success, false in case of error
 * packedYUVOutputMode 如果为 true,则将 10 位和 12 位 YUV 数据输出为 5 字节和 3 字节(分别)打包的 YUV 数据
static bool writePlane( uint32_t orgWidth, uint32_t orgHeight, ostream& fd, const Pel* src,
                       const bool is16bit,
                       const uint32_t stride_src,
                       uint32_t width444, uint32_t height444,
                       const ComponentID compID,
                       const ChromaFormat srcFormat,
                       const ChromaFormat fileFormat,
                       const uint32_t fileBitDepth,
                       const uint32_t packedYUVOutputMode = 0)
  const uint32_t csx_file =getComponentScaleX(compID, fileFormat);
  const uint32_t csy_file =getComponentScaleY(compID, fileFormat);
  const uint32_t csx_src  =getComponentScaleX(compID, srcFormat);
  const uint32_t csy_src  =getComponentScaleY(compID, srcFormat);
  const uint32_t width_file  = width444  >> csx_file;
  const uint32_t height_file = height444 >> csy_file;
  const bool     writePYUV   = (packedYUVOutputMode > 0) && (fileBitDepth == 10 || fileBitDepth == 12) && ((width_file & (1 + (fileBitDepth & 3))) == 0);
  CHECK( csx_file != csx_src, "Not supported" );
  const uint32_t stride_file = writePYUV ? ( orgWidth * fileBitDepth ) >> ( csx_file + 3 ) : ( orgWidth * ( is16bit ? 2 : 1 ) ) >> csx_file;
  std::vector<uint8_t> bufVec(stride_file);
  uint8_t *buf=&(bufVec[0]);
  const Pel *pSrcBuf         = src;
  const int srcbuf_stride    = stride_src;
  if (writePYUV)
    const uint32_t mask_y_file = (1 << csy_file) - 1;
    const uint32_t mask_y_src  = (1 << csy_src ) - 1;
    const uint32_t widthS_file = width_file >> (fileBitDepth == 12 ? 1 : 2);
    for (uint32_t y444 = 0; y444 < height444; y444++)
      if ((y444 & mask_y_file) == 0)  // write a new line to file
        if (csx_file < csx_src)
          // eg file is 444, source is 422.
          const uint32_t sx = csx_src - csx_file;
          if (fileBitDepth == 10)  // write 4 values into 5 bytes
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < widthS_file; x++)
              const uint32_t src0 = pSrcBuf[(4*x  ) >> sx];
              const uint32_t src1 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+1) >> sx];
              const uint32_t src2 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+2) >> sx];
              const uint32_t src3 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+3) >> sx];
              buf[5*x  ] = ((src0     ) & 0xff); // src0:76543210
              buf[5*x+1] = ((src1 << 2) & 0xfc) + ((src0 >> 8) & 0x03);
              buf[5*x+2] = ((src2 << 4) & 0xf0) + ((src1 >> 6) & 0x0f);
              buf[5*x+3] = ((src3 << 6) & 0xc0) + ((src2 >> 4) & 0x3f);
              buf[5*x+4] = ((src3 >> 2) & 0xff); // src3:98765432
          else if (fileBitDepth == 12) //...2 values into 3 bytes
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < widthS_file; x++)
              const uint32_t src0 = pSrcBuf[(2*x  ) >> sx];
              const uint32_t src1 = pSrcBuf[(2*x+1) >> sx];
              buf[3*x  ] = ((src0     ) & 0xff); // src0:76543210
              buf[3*x+1] = ((src1 << 4) & 0xf0) + ((src0 >> 8) & 0x0f);
              buf[3*x+2] = ((src1 >> 4) & 0xff); // src1:BA987654
          // eg file is 422, source is 444.
          const uint32_t sx = csx_file - csx_src;
          if (fileBitDepth == 10)  // write 4 values into 5 bytes
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < widthS_file; x++)
              const uint32_t src0 = pSrcBuf[(4*x  ) << sx];
              const uint32_t src1 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+1) << sx];
              const uint32_t src2 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+2) << sx];
              const uint32_t src3 = pSrcBuf[(4*x+3) << sx];
              buf[5*x  ] = ((src0     ) & 0xff); // src0:76543210
              buf[5*x+1] = ((src1 << 2) & 0xfc) + ((src0 >> 8) & 0x03);
              buf[5*x+2] = ((src2 << 4) & 0xf0) + ((src1 >> 6) & 0x0f);
              buf[5*x+3] = ((src3 << 6) & 0xc0) + ((src2 >> 4) & 0x3f);
              buf[5*x+4] = ((src3 >> 2) & 0xff); // src3:98765432
          else if (fileBitDepth == 12) //...2 values into 3 bytes
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < widthS_file; x++)
              const uint32_t src0 = pSrcBuf[(2*x  ) << sx];
              const uint32_t src1 = pSrcBuf[(2*x+1) << sx];
              buf[3*x  ] = ((src0     ) & 0xff); // src0:76543210
              buf[3*x+1] = ((src1 << 4) & 0xf0) + ((src0 >> 8) & 0x0f);
              buf[3*x+2] = ((src1 >> 4) & 0xff); // src1:BA987654
        fd.write (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), stride_file);
        if (fd.eof() || fd.fail())
          return false;
      if ((y444 & mask_y_src) == 0)
        pSrcBuf += srcbuf_stride;
    // here height444 and orgHeight are luma heights
    if ((compID == COMPONENT_Y) || (fileFormat != CHROMA_400 && srcFormat != CHROMA_400))
      for (uint32_t y444 = height444; y444 < orgHeight; y444++)
        if ((y444 & mask_y_file) == 0) // if this is chroma, determine whether to skip every other row
          memset (reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 0, stride_file);
          fd.write (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), stride_file);
          if (fd.eof() || fd.fail())
            return false;
        if ((y444 & mask_y_src) == 0)
          pSrcBuf += srcbuf_stride;
  else // !writePYUV
  if (compID!=COMPONENT_Y && (fileFormat==CHROMA_400 || srcFormat==CHROMA_400))
    // 色度分量填充固定值
    if (fileFormat!=CHROMA_400)
      const uint32_t value = 1 << (fileBitDepth - 1);
      for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height_file; y++)
        if (!is16bit)
          uint8_t val(value);
          for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
          uint16_t val(value);
          for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
            buf[2*x  ]= (val>>0) & 0xff;
            buf[2*x+1]= (val>>8) & 0xff;
        fd.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), stride_file);
        if (fd.eof() || fd.fail() )
          return false;
    const uint32_t mask_y_file = (1 << csy_file) - 1;
    const uint32_t mask_y_src  = (1 << csy_src ) - 1;
    for (uint32_t y444 = 0; y444 < height444; y444++)
      if ((y444 & mask_y_file) == 0)
        // write a new line 写入新的一行
        if (csx_file < csx_src)
          // eg file is 444, source is 422. 例如输出文件是444,源文件是422
          const uint32_t sx = csx_src - csx_file;
          if (!is16bit)
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[x] = (uint8_t)(pSrcBuf[x>>sx]); //重复输出
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[2*x  ] = (pSrcBuf[x>>sx]>>0) & 0xff;
              buf[2*x+1] = (pSrcBuf[x>>sx]>>8) & 0xff;
          // eg file is 422, source is 444.
          const uint32_t sx = csx_file - csx_src;
          if (!is16bit) // 不是16bit时
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[x] = (uint8_t)(pSrcBuf[x<<sx]);
          else // 16bit的数据时
            for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_file; x++)
              buf[2*x  ] = (pSrcBuf[x<<sx]>>0) & 0xff; // 低8位的数据
              buf[2*x+1] = (pSrcBuf[x<<sx]>>8) & 0xff; // 高8位的数据
        fd.write (reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), stride_file); // 写入文件
        if (fd.eof() || fd.fail())
          return false;
      if ((y444 & mask_y_src) == 0)
        pSrcBuf += srcbuf_stride;
    // here height444 and orgHeight are luma heights
    for( uint32_t y444 = height444; y444 < orgHeight; y444++ )
      if( ( y444 & mask_y_file ) == 0 ) // if this is chroma, determine whether to skip every other row
        if( !is16bit )
          for( uint32_t x = 0; x < ( orgWidth >> csx_file ); x++ )
            buf[x] = 0;
          for( uint32_t x = 0; x < ( orgWidth >> csx_file ); x++ )
            buf[2 * x] = 0;
            buf[2 * x + 1] = 0;
        fd.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( buf ), stride_file );
        if( fd.eof() || fd.fail() )
          return false;
      if( ( y444 & mask_y_src ) == 0 )
        pSrcBuf += srcbuf_stride;
  return true;

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