事情的起因是这样,寒假的时候和我的初中老师一起吃了一顿饭,期间体育老师好奇我能不能写一个“中考评分系统”,因为中考体育评分分为很多小区间,手算或者心算起来都特别麻烦,如果能写个程序就特别方便,直接输入计算就行。我觉得应该可行,但我那时候还不知道用什么写,我就到处问了很多人了解到了主要有两种方法:1.用python直接对excel进行操作; 2.用vba宏编程。
VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是Visual Basic的一种宏语言,是在其桌面应用程序中执行通用的自动化(OLE)任务的编程语言。主要能用来扩展Windows的应用程序功能,特别是Microsoft Office软件。它也可说是一种应用程序视觉化的 Basic 脚本。
经过简单的学习后,我知道想要编写vba首先需要建立excel表格,接着在“开发工具”里找到“Visual Basic”这样就打开了vba的编程界面
Sub test()
End Sub
这样在Sub 和 End Sub中间就可以编写你的代码,学习一个新的语言我的主要方式是直接上手,直接开写,不知道语法格式什么的就开查。
Dim i As Integer 'i是你的变量,Integer是变量类型
For i = 1 To 100
Next i
if else语句:
If xxx then
End If
If xxx then
End If
If xxx then
Elseif xxx then
Elseif xxx then
End If
从上往下分别介绍了if语句,if else语句,和else if语句的编写方法
Function getnum(str As String) As Integer ’As Integer表示函数返回值的类型
'可以通过getnum = x 这种语句来设置函数的返回值是什么
'其中函数的传参语句可以通过 str As xxx来定义参数类型,或者直接str不用添加任何说明
End Function
Dim isblank As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim tot As Integer
tot = 0
For i = 5 To 10000
isblank = Cells(i, 1).Value = ""
If isblank Then
Exit For
tot = tot + 1
End If
Next i
'MsgBox "共有" & tot & "组数据"
Function opchangpao(str As String) As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String
Dim tmp2 As String
tmp1 = Left(str, 1) 'left(字符串,长度)
tmp2 = Mid(str, 3, 2) 'mid(字符串,起始位置,长度)
Dim t1
Dim t2
t1 = CDbl(tmp1)
t2 = CDbl(tmp2)
opchangpao = t1 * 60 + t2
End Function
因为评分分为很多小区间,所以可能还得对评分区间进行很多if else 的判断,这是编写这个宏最麻烦的地方,这里就给一个跑步判断让大家感受一下:
Function boy_run_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp <= 220 Then
boy_run_solve = 20
ElseIf tmp <= 221 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp <= 222 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp <= 223 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp <= 224 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp <= 225 Then
boy_run_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp <= 226 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp <= 227 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp <= 228 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp <= 229 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp <= 230 Then
boy_run_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp <= 232 Then
boy_run_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp <= 234 Then
boy_run_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp <= 237 Then
boy_run_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp <= 239 Then
boy_run_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp <= 242 Then
boy_run_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp <= 245 Then
boy_run_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp <= 250 Then
boy_run_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp <= 255 Then
boy_run_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp <= 260 Then
boy_run_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp <= 265 Then
boy_run_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp <= 270 Then
boy_run_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp <= 275 Then
boy_run_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp <= 280 Then
boy_run_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp <= 285 Then
boy_run_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp <= 290 Then
boy_run_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp <= 295 Then
boy_run_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp <= 305 Then
boy_run_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp <= 315 Then
boy_run_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp <= 325 Then
boy_run_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp <= 335 Then
boy_run_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp <= 345 Then
boy_run_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp <= 355 Then
boy_run_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp <= 365 Then
boy_run_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp <= 375 Then
boy_run_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp <= 385 Then
boy_run_solve = 3#
boy_run_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function getnum(str As String) As Integer
If Len(str) = 1 Then
If str = "0" Then
getnum = 0
End If
If str = "1" Then
getnum = 1
End If
If str = "2" Then
getnum = 2
End If
If str = "3" Then
getnum = 3
End If
If str = "4" Then
getnum = 4
End If
If str = "5" Then
getnum = 5
End If
If str = "6" Then
getnum = 6
End If
If str = "7" Then
getnum = 7
End If
If str = "8" Then
getnum = 8
End If
If str = "9" Then
getnum = 9
End If
End If
End Function
Function opchangpao(str As String) As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String
Dim tmp2 As String
tmp1 = Left(str, 1)
tmp2 = Mid(str, 3, 2)
Dim t1
Dim t2
t1 = CDbl(tmp1)
t2 = CDbl(tmp2)
opchangpao = t1 * 60 + t2
End Function
Function boy_run_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp <= 220 Then
boy_run_solve = 20
ElseIf tmp <= 221 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp <= 222 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp <= 223 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp <= 224 Then
boy_run_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp <= 225 Then
boy_run_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp <= 226 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp <= 227 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp <= 228 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp <= 229 Then
boy_run_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp <= 230 Then
boy_run_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp <= 232 Then
boy_run_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp <= 234 Then
boy_run_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp <= 237 Then
boy_run_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp <= 239 Then
boy_run_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp <= 242 Then
boy_run_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp <= 245 Then
boy_run_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp <= 250 Then
boy_run_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp <= 255 Then
boy_run_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp <= 260 Then
boy_run_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp <= 265 Then
boy_run_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp <= 270 Then
boy_run_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp <= 275 Then
boy_run_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp <= 280 Then
boy_run_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp <= 285 Then
boy_run_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp <= 290 Then
boy_run_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp <= 295 Then
boy_run_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp <= 305 Then
boy_run_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp <= 315 Then
boy_run_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp <= 325 Then
boy_run_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp <= 335 Then
boy_run_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp <= 345 Then
boy_run_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp <= 355 Then
boy_run_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp <= 365 Then
boy_run_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp <= 375 Then
boy_run_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp <= 385 Then
boy_run_solve = 3#
boy_run_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function girl_run_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp <= 205 Then
girl_run_solve = 20
ElseIf tmp <= 206 Then
girl_run_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp <= 207 Then
girl_run_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp <= 208 Then
girl_run_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp <= 210 Then
girl_run_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp <= 212 Then
girl_run_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp <= 213 Then
girl_run_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp <= 214 Then
girl_run_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp <= 215 Then
girl_run_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp <= 217 Then
girl_run_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp <= 219 Then
girl_run_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp <= 221 Then
girl_run_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp <= 224 Then
girl_run_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp <= 227 Then
girl_run_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp <= 229 Then
girl_run_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp <= 232 Then
girl_run_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp <= 235 Then
girl_run_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp <= 240 Then
girl_run_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp <= 245 Then
girl_run_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp <= 250 Then
girl_run_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp <= 255 Then
girl_run_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp <= 260 Then
girl_run_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp <= 265 Then
girl_run_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp <= 270 Then
girl_run_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp <= 275 Then
girl_run_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp <= 280 Then
girl_run_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp <= 285 Then
girl_run_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp <= 290 Then
girl_run_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp <= 295 Then
girl_run_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp <= 300 Then
girl_run_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp <= 305 Then
girl_run_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp <= 310 Then
girl_run_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp <= 315 Then
girl_run_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp <= 320 Then
girl_run_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp <= 325 Then
girl_run_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp <= 330 Then
girl_run_solve = 3#
girl_run_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function boy_jump_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 2.5 Then
boy_jump_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.49 Then
boy_jump_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp >= 2.48 Then
boy_jump_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp >= 2.47 Then
boy_jump_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp >= 2.46 Then
boy_jump_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp >= 2.45 Then
boy_jump_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.44 Then
boy_jump_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp >= 2.43 Then
boy_jump_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp >= 2.42 Then
boy_jump_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp >= 2.41 Then
boy_jump_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp >= 2.4 Then
boy_jump_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.38 Then
boy_jump_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp >= 2.36 Then
boy_jump_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp >= 2.33 Then
boy_jump_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.31 Then
boy_jump_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp >= 2.28 Then
boy_jump_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp >= 2.25 Then
boy_jump_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.21 Then
boy_jump_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp >= 2.17 Then
boy_jump_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 2.13 Then
boy_jump_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp >= 2.09 Then
boy_jump_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 2.05 Then
boy_jump_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.01 Then
boy_jump_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 1.97 Then
boy_jump_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp >= 1.93 Then
boy_jump_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 1.89 Then
boy_jump_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.85 Then
boy_jump_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.83 Then
boy_jump_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp >= 1.8 Then
boy_jump_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.78 Then
boy_jump_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.75 Then
boy_jump_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.73 Then
boy_jump_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.7 Then
boy_jump_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.68 Then
boy_jump_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.65 Then
boy_jump_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.63 Then
boy_jump_solve = 3#
boy_jump_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function girl_jump_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 2.02 Then
girl_jump_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 2.01 Then
girl_jump_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp >= 2# Then
girl_jump_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp >= 1.99 Then
girl_jump_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.98 Then
girl_jump_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp >= 1.96 Then
girl_jump_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.95 Then
girl_jump_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp >= 1.94 Then
girl_jump_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp >= 1.93 Then
girl_jump_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.92 Then
girl_jump_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp >= 1.9 Then
girl_jump_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.88 Then
girl_jump_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp >= 1.86 Then
girl_jump_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.83 Then
girl_jump_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.81 Then
girl_jump_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp >= 1.79 Then
girl_jump_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.76 Then
girl_jump_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.73 Then
girl_jump_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp >= 1.7 Then
girl_jump_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 1.67 Then
girl_jump_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp >= 1.64 Then
girl_jump_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.61 Then
girl_jump_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.58 Then
girl_jump_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 1.55 Then
girl_jump_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp >= 1.52 Then
girl_jump_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 1.49 Then
girl_jump_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp >= 1.46 Then
girl_jump_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.44 Then
girl_jump_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp >= 1.41 Then
girl_jump_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.39 Then
girl_jump_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.36 Then
girl_jump_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.34 Then
girl_jump_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.31 Then
girl_jump_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.29 Then
girl_jump_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.26 Then
girl_jump_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp >= 1.24 Then
girl_jump_solve = 3#
girl_jump_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function boy_skip_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 180 Then
boy_skip_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 178 Then
boy_skip_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp >= 175 Then
boy_skip_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp >= 172 Then
boy_skip_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp >= 168 Then
boy_skip_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp >= 164 Then
boy_skip_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 160 Then
boy_skip_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp >= 155 Then
boy_skip_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp >= 150 Then
boy_skip_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp >= 145 Then
boy_skip_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp >= 140 Then
boy_skip_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 138 Then
boy_skip_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp >= 136 Then
boy_skip_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp >= 133 Then
boy_skip_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 129 Then
boy_skip_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp >= 125 Then
boy_skip_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp >= 120 Then
boy_skip_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 116 Then
boy_skip_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp >= 112 Then
boy_skip_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 107 Then
boy_skip_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp >= 103 Then
boy_skip_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 98 Then
boy_skip_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 93 Then
boy_skip_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 86 Then
boy_skip_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp >= 80 Then
boy_skip_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 73 Then
boy_skip_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp >= 64 Then
boy_skip_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 62 Then
boy_skip_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp >= 60 Then
boy_skip_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 57 Then
boy_skip_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp >= 53 Then
boy_skip_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 50 Then
boy_skip_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp >= 46 Then
boy_skip_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 42 Then
boy_skip_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp >= 37 Then
boy_skip_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp >= 33 Then
boy_skip_solve = 3#
boy_skip_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function girl_skip_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 172 Then
girl_skip_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 170 Then
girl_skip_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp >= 167 Then
girl_skip_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp >= 164 Then
girl_skip_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp >= 160 Then
girl_skip_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp >= 157 Then
girl_skip_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 153 Then
girl_skip_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp >= 148 Then
girl_skip_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp >= 143 Then
girl_skip_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp >= 138 Then
girl_skip_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp >= 133 Then
girl_skip_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 131 Then
girl_skip_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp >= 129 Then
girl_skip_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp >= 126 Then
girl_skip_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 122 Then
girl_skip_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp >= 118 Then
girl_skip_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp >= 113 Then
girl_skip_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 109 Then
girl_skip_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp >= 105 Then
girl_skip_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 100 Then
girl_skip_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp >= 96 Then
girl_skip_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 91 Then
girl_skip_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 86 Then
girl_skip_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 80 Then
girl_skip_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp >= 74 Then
girl_skip_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 67 Then
girl_skip_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp >= 58 Then
girl_skip_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 56 Then
girl_skip_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp >= 54 Then
girl_skip_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 51 Then
girl_skip_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp >= 48 Then
girl_skip_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 45 Then
girl_skip_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp >= 42 Then
girl_skip_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 38 Then
girl_skip_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp >= 33 Then
girl_skip_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp >= 29 Then
girl_skip_solve = 3#
girl_skip_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function boy_gsit_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 15 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 14 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 13 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 12 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 11 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 10 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 9 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 8 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 7 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 6 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 5 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 4 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 3 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 2 Then
boy_gsit_solve = 4#
boy_gsit_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function girl_gsit_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 52 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 51 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 19.5
ElseIf tmp >= 50 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 49 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 18.5
ElseIf tmp >= 48 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 47 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp >= 46 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp >= 45 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp >= 44 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp >= 43 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp >= 42 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 40 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp >= 38 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp >= 36 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp >= 34 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp >= 32 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 30 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp >= 28 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp >= 26 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp >= 24 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp >= 22 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 20 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 18 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp >= 16 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp >= 14 Then
girl_gsit_solve = 4#
girl_gsit_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function boy_gbasketball_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp <= 9.4 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 20
ElseIf tmp <= 9.6 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp <= 9.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp <= 10.1 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp <= 10.4 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp <= 10.7 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp <= 11.1 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp <= 11.5 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp <= 11.9 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp <= 12.3 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp <= 12.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp <= 13# Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp <= 13.2 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp <= 13.4 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp <= 13.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp <= 14.2 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp <= 14.7 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp <= 15.1 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp <= 15.4 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp <= 16.1 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp <= 16.4 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp <= 16.9 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp <= 17.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp <= 18.3 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp <= 18.9 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp <= 19.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp <= 20.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp <= 21.2 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp <= 21.6 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp <= 22.2 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp <= 22.9 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp <= 23.5 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp <= 24.1 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp <= 24.9 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp <= 25.8 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp <= 26.6 Then
boy_gbasketball_solve = 3#
boy_gbasketball_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function girl_gbasketball_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp <= 12# Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 20
ElseIf tmp <= 12.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 19.8
ElseIf tmp <= 12.3 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 19.6
ElseIf tmp <= 12.5 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 19.4
ElseIf tmp <= 12.8 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 19.2
ElseIf tmp <= 13.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp <= 13.4 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 18.8
ElseIf tmp <= 13.7 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 18.6
ElseIf tmp <= 14.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 18.4
ElseIf tmp <= 14.4 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 18.2
ElseIf tmp <= 14.8 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp <= 15.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 17.7
ElseIf tmp <= 15.5 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 17.4
ElseIf tmp <= 16# Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 17#
ElseIf tmp <= 16.7 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 16.7
ElseIf tmp <= 17.6 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 16.4
ElseIf tmp <= 18.4 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp <= 19.2 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 15.6
ElseIf tmp <= 19.9 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 15.2
ElseIf tmp <= 20.6 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 14.8
ElseIf tmp <= 21.4 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 14.4
ElseIf tmp <= 22.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp <= 22.9 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 13.6
ElseIf tmp <= 23.9 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 13.2
ElseIf tmp <= 24.7 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 12.8
ElseIf tmp <= 25.8 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 12.4
ElseIf tmp <= 27.1 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp <= 27.4 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 11.5
ElseIf tmp <= 27.8 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp <= 28.3 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 9#
ElseIf tmp <= 28.8 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 8#
ElseIf tmp <= 29.3 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 7#
ElseIf tmp <= 29.9 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 6#
ElseIf tmp <= 30.5 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 5#
ElseIf tmp <= 31.2 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 4#
ElseIf tmp <= 31.9 Then
girl_gbasketball_solve = 3#
girl_gbasketball_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Function boy_football_solve(tmp) As Double
If tmp >= 15 Then
boy_football_solve = 20#
ElseIf tmp >= 14 Then
boy_football_solve = 19.5
ElseIf tmp >= 13 Then
boy_football_solve = 19#
ElseIf tmp >= 12 Then
boy_football_solve = 18#
ElseIf tmp >= 11 Then
boy_football_solve = 16#
ElseIf tmp >= 10 Then
boy_football_solve = 14#
ElseIf tmp >= 9 Then
boy_football_solve = 12#
ElseIf tmp >= 8 Then
boy_football_solve = 10#
ElseIf tmp >= 7 Then
boy_football_solve = 8#
boy_football_solve = 0#
End If
End Function
Sub test()
Dim isblank As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim tot As Integer
tot = 0
For i = 5 To 10000
isblank = Cells(i, 1).Value = ""
If isblank Then
Exit For
tot = tot + 1
End If
Next i
'MsgBox "共有" & tot & "组数据"
Dim t1 As String
Dim run, skip, sit_up, football As Integer
Dim jump, basketball As Double
Dim grun, gjump, gskip, gsit_up, gbasketball, gfootball As Double
For i = 5 To 5 + tot - 1
run = 10000
skip = 0
sit_up = 0
football = 0
jump = 0
basketball = 99
grun = 0
gjump = 0
gskip = 0
gsit_up = 0
gbasketball = 0
gfootball = 0
If Cells(i, 2) = "男" Then
isblank = Cells(i, 3).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 3)
run = opchangpao(t1)
'MsgBox (run)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 4).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 4)
jump = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (jump)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 5).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 5)
skip = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (skip)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 6).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 6)
sit_up = 0
sit_up = CInt(t1)
'MsgBox (sit_up)
End If
'MsgBox (sit_up)
isblank = Cells(i, 7).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 7)
basketball = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (basketball)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 8).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 8)
football = CInt(t1)
'MsgBox (football)
End If
grun = boy_run_solve(run)
gjump = boy_jump_solve(jump)
gskip = boy_skip_solve(skip)
gsit_up = boy_gsit_solve(sit_up)
gbasketball = boy_gbasketball_solve(basketball)
'MsgBox "长跑成绩为" & grun
'MsgBox "跳远的成绩为" & gjump
'MsgBox "跳绳的成绩为" & gskip
'MsgBox "男生引体向上的成绩为" & gsit_up
'MsgBox "篮球的成绩为" & gbasketball
gfootball = boy_football_solve(football)
Cells(i, 9) = (grun + gjump + gskip + gsit_up + gbasketball + gfootball) * 1.5
isblank = Cells(i, 3).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 3)
run = opchangpao(t1)
'MsgBox (run)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 4).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 4)
jump = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (jump)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 5).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 5)
skip = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (skip)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 6).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 6)
sit_up = CInt(t1)
'MsgBox (sit_up)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 7).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 7)
basketball = CDbl(t1)
'MsgBox (basketball)
End If
isblank = Cells(i, 8).Value = ""
If isblank = False Then
t1 = Cells(i, 8)
football = CInt(t1)
'MsgBox (football)
End If
grun = girl_run_solve(run)
gjump = girl_jump_solve(jump)
gskip = girl_skip_solve(skip)
gsit_up = girl_gsit_solve(sit_up)
gbasketball = girl_gbasketball_solve(basketball)
gfootball = boy_football_solve(football)
'MsgBox "长跑成绩为" & grun
'MsgBox "跳远的成绩为" & gjump
'MsgBox "跳绳的成绩为" & gskip
'MsgBox "仰卧起坐的成绩为" & gsit_up
'MsgBox "篮球的成绩为" & gbasketball
'MsgBox "足球的成绩为" & gfootball
Cells(i, 9) = (grun + gjump + gskip + gsit_up + gbasketball + gfootball) * 1.5
End If
Next i
MsgBox "完成!"
End Sub