
实验1 数据库的定义和维护

 create table 图书 (
	书号 int primary key,
	类型 nchar(10),
	出版社 nchar(10),
	作者 nchar(5),
	书名 nchar(5),
	定价 smallint

create table 读者 (
	读者编号 int primary key,
	姓名 nchar(10),
	单位 nchar(10),
	性别 nchar(1),
	电话 nchar(20),
	constraint r1 check(性别 in ('男','女')), --check约束

create table 借阅 (
	书号 int, 
	读者编号 int,
	借书日期 date,
	还书日期 date,
	constraint r2 primary key (书号, 读者编号),
	constraint r3 foreign key (书号) references 图书(书号),
	constraint r4 foreign key (读者编号) references 读者(读者编号)
	-- 外键与被参照关系的主键相同

create table student  (
	sno char(10) primary key not null, --学号
	sname char(8), --姓名
	ssex char(2) not null default '男', --性别
	sage smallint , --年龄
	sdept char(30), --所在院系
	stel char(13), --联系电话

	constraint s2 check(sname is not null),
	constraint s1 check(sage >= 18) --check约束

create index 学生姓名 on student(sname asc);

alter table student drop constraint s2;

create table Course (
	cno char(10) primary key not null, --课程编号
	cname char(16) not null, --课程名称
	ccredit smallint not null, --学分
	cpno char(10) --先行课

-- 创建索引  cno (升序)+ccredit(降序)
create index 课程编号 on Course(cno asc);
create index 学分 on Course(ccredit desc);

--增加属性列教师 ctech(类型是 char)
alter table Course add ctech char(10);

create table SC (
	sno char(10) not null, --学号
	cno char(10) not null, --课程编号
	grade smallint, --成绩

	constraint sc1 primary key(sno,cno),  --主键约束
	constraint sc2 foreign key(sno) references student(sno), 
	constraint sc3 foreign key(cno) references Course(cno)

任务1insert into 读者 values('2110', '张零', '数计', '男', '123450');
insert into 读者 values('2111', '张一', '数计', '女', '123451');
insert into 读者 values('2112', '张二', '数计', '男', '123452');
insert into 读者 values('2113', '张三', '数计', '女', '123453');
insert into 读者 values('2114', '张四', '数计', '男', '123454');
insert into 读者 values('2115', '张五', '数计', '女', '123455');
insert into 读者 values('2116', '张六', '数计', '男', '123456');
insert into 读者 values('2117', '张七', '管理', '女', '123457');
insert into 读者 values('2118', '张八', '数计', '男', '123458');
insert into 读者 values('2119', '张九', '数计', '女', '123459');

insert into 图书 values('12345', '搞笑','虾皮','张哥',
'中国有哈哈', '30');
insert into 图书 values('12344', '计算机','机械工业','布莱恩特',
'csapp', '110');
insert into 图书 values('12343', '计算机','电子工业','王道',
'操作系统', '32');
insert into 图书 values('12342', '计算机','电子工业','王道',
'计网', '80');
insert into 图书 values('12341', '计算机','电子工业','王道',
'数据结构', '90');
insert into 图书 values('12340', '计算机','电子工业','王道',
'机组', '110');
insert into 图书 values('12348', '计算机','电子工业','张哥',
'中国哈哈1', '220');
insert into 图书 values('12349', '计算机','虾皮出版社','张哥',
'中国哈哈2', '30');
insert into 图书 values('12347', '计算机','虾皮出版社','张哥',
'中国哈哈3', '30');
insert into 图书 values('12350', '计算机','虾皮出版社','张哥',
'中国哈哈4', '30');

insert into 借阅 values('12345', '2110', '2023-1-9', '2023-3-23');
insert into 借阅 values('12344', '2112', '2023-1-10', '2023-2-23');
insert into 借阅 values('12344', '2113', '2023-1-11', '2023-1-23');
insert into 借阅 values('12345', '2113', '2023-1-12', '2023-1-21');
insert into 借阅 values('12340', '2111', '2023-1-14', '2023-3-9');
insert into 借阅 values('12342', '2119', '2023-1-17', '2023-3-1');
insert into 借阅 values('12341', '2110', '2023-1-27', '2023-3-4');
insert into 借阅 values('12343', '2110', '2023-1-3', '2023-3-8');
insert into 借阅 values('12344', '2111', '2023-1-5', '2023-2-21');
insert into 借阅 values('12342', '2110', '2023-1-7', '2023-2-17');

update 借阅 set 还书日期 = '2023-4-19' where 读者编号 = '2111';

delete from 借阅 where 读者编号 = '2111';

任务2insert into student 
values('20021210', '张零', '男','20','数计', '123450');
insert into student 
values('20021211', '张一', '女','20','数计', '123451');
insert into student 
values('20021212', '张二', '男','20','管理', '123452');
insert into student 
values('20021213', '张三', '女','20','数计', '123453');
insert into student 
values('20021214', '张四', '男','20','数计', '123454');
insert into student 
values('20021215', '张五', '女','20','数计', '123455');
insert into student 
values('20021216', '张六', '男','20','数计', '123456');
insert into student 
values('20021217', '张七', '女','20','管理', '123457');
insert into student 
values('20021218', '张八', '男','20','数计', '123458');
insert into student 
values('20021219', '张九', '女','20','数计', '123459');

insert into Course values ('1', '高数', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('2', '线代', '4', null, null);
insert into Course values ('3', '概率论', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('4', 'C语言', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('5', 'C++', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('6', '编译原理', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('7', '数据库', '3', '离散数学', null);
insert into Course values ('8', '离散数学', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('9', '操作系统', '5', null, null);
insert into Course values ('10', '计网', '5', null, null);

insert into SC 
values ('20021210', '1', 80);
insert into SC 
values ('20021211', '2', 70);
insert into SC 
values ('20021212', '3', 75);
insert into SC 
values ('20021213', '4', 55);
insert into SC 
values ('20021214', '5', 98);
insert into SC 
values ('20021215', '6', 100);
insert into SC 
values ('20021216', '7', 60);
insert into SC 
values ('20021217', '8', 77);
insert into SC 
values ('20021218', '9', 54);
insert into SC 
values ('20021219', '10', 59);

use XSXK;

create table Grade (
	son char(10),
	cnt char(10),
	avggrade char(10)

insert into Grade
select sno, count(*) as cnt, avg(grade) as avggrade
from SC  group by sno

--update Course set ccredit = 4 where cname = '数据库';


update SC set grade = grade + 5
where sno = (select sno from student where sname = '张六') and cno = (select cno f);

--delete from SC where grade < 60;

--5 必须要SC在上面
--delete from SC where sno = '20021211';
--delete from student where sno = '20021211';

--delete from SC 
--where cno = (select cno from Course where cname = 'C++');

--update SC set grade = null 
--where sno in (select sno from student where sdept = '数计');

--8 删除张七的所有选课记录
--delete from SC where sno = (select sno from student where sname = '张七')

实验2 数据库的简单查询和连接查询

insert into student
values ('2001124001', '张飞', '男',  23, '管理学院','1464312');
insert into student
values ('2001124002', '郭旭', '男',  89,'管理学院', '1145114');
insert into student
values ('2001124004', '周波', '男',  23, '数计学院','4654654');
insert into student
values ('2001124005', '张柏芝', '女',  30, '数计学院','154666');
insert into student
values ('2001124006', '风清扬', '男',  28, '管理学院','14645463');
insert into student
values ('2001124007', '唐伯虎', '男',  26, '材料学院','1454643');
insert into student
values ('2001124008', '于占鳌', '男',  25, '电气学院','7842289');
insert into student
values ('2001124009', '九儿', '女',  19, '电气学院','774512');
insert into student
values ('2001124010', '李茂贞', '女',  29, '电气学院','6659873');
insert into student
values ('2001124011', '紫霞', '女',  19, '材料学院','4654562');

VALUES ('001', 'java', '4', '003', NULL)
     , ('002', 'c语言', '4', '003', NULL)
     , ('003', '数据结构', '4', NULL, NULL)
     , ('004', '数据库原理', '3', '002', NULL)
     , ('005', '计算机组成原理', '2', NULL, NULL)
     , ('006', '操作系统', '2', '005', NULL)
     , ('007', '计算机网络原理', '3', NULL,NULL)
     , ('008', '高等数学', '5', NULL, NULL)
     , ('009', '大学英语一', '2', NULL, NULL)
     , ('010', '大学物理三', '3', NULL, NULL)

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
	   ('2001124001', null, '001'),
       ('2001124001', 82, '002'),
       ('2001124001', 78, '003'),
       ('2001124001', 96, '004'),
       ('2001124001', 76, '005'),
       ('2001124001', 39, '006'),
       ('2001124001', 88, '007'),
       ('2001124001', null, '008'),
       ('2001124001', 82, '009'),
       ('2001124001', 69, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124002', 98, '001'),
       ('2001124002', 92, '002'),
       ('2001124002', 78, '003'),
       ('2001124002', 96, '004'),
       ('2001124002', null, '005'),
       ('2001124002', 88, '006'),
       ('2001124002', 88, '007'),
       ('2001124002', 81, '008'),
       ('2001124002', 82, '009'),
       ('2001124002', 79, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124005', 66, '001'),
       ('2001124005', 72, '002'),
       ('2001124005', 88, '003'),
       ('2001124005', 76, '004'),
       ('2001124005', 76, '005'),
       ('2001124005', 68, '006'),
       ('2001124005', 68, '007'),
       ('2001124005', 86, '008'),
       ('2001124005', 80, '009'),
       ('2001124005', null, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124004', 46, '001'),
       ('2001124004', null, '002'),
       ('2001124004', null, '003'),
       ('2001124004', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124004', null, '005'),
       ('2001124004', 58, '006'),
       ('2001124004', 68, '007'),
       ('2001124004', 61, '008'),
       ('2001124004', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124004', 59, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124006', 49, '001'),
       ('2001124006', 52, '002'),
       ('2001124006', 88, '003'),
       ('2001124006', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124006', 66, '005'),
       ('2001124006', 88, '006'),
       ('2001124006', 68, '007'),
       ('2001124006', 61, '008'),
       ('2001124006', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124006', null, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124007', 86, '001'),
       ('2001124007', 42, '002'),
       ('2001124007', 69, '003'),
       ('2001124007', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124007', 65, '005'),
       ('2001124007', null, '006'),
       ('2001124007', 58, '007'),
       ('2001124007', 61, '008'),
       ('2001124007', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124007', 69, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124008', 87, '001'),
       ('2001124008', 72, '002'),
       ('2001124008', 68, '003'),
       ('2001124008', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124008', 96, '005'),
       ('2001124008', 58, '006'),
       ('2001124008', 68, '007'),
       ('2001124008', 61, '008'),
       ('2001124008', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124008', 59, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124009', 86, '001'),
       ('2001124009', 92, '002'),
       ('2001124009', 68, '003'),
       ('2001124009', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124009', 66, '005'),
       ('2001124009', 58, '006'),
       ('2001124009', 68, '007'),
       ('2001124009', 61, '008'),
       ('2001124009', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124009', 79, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124010', 96, '001'),
       ('2001124010', null, '002'),
       ('2001124010', 88, '003'),
       ('2001124010', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124010', 86, '005'),
       ('2001124010', null, '006'),
       ('2001124010', null, '007'),
       ('2001124010', 79, '008'),
       ('2001124010', 72, '009'),
       ('2001124010', null, '010');

insert into SC (sno, grade, cno)
values ('2001124011', 86, '001'),
       ('2001124011', 82, '002'),
       ('2001124011', 58, '003'),
       ('2001124011', 87, '004'),
       ('2001124011', 66, '005'),
       ('2001124011', 98, '006'),
       ('2001124011', 78, '007'),
       ('2001124011', 81, '008'),
       ('2001124011', null, '009'),
       ('2001124011', 79, '010');
use XSXK;

-- 简单查询

select sno as 学号, sname as 姓名
from student 
where sdept = '数计学院';

select sno 
from student
where (select count(cno) 
	from SC
	where SC.sno = student.sno
) > 0;
select sno as 学生学号, grade as 成绩 
from SC 
where cno = '005'
order by grade desc, sno asc;

select sno as 学生学号, grade * 0.8 as 成绩
from SC
where cno = '005' and grade >= 80 and grade <= 90;

select * 
from student
where sdept in('管理学院', '数计学院') and sname like '张%';

select sno as 学号, cno as 课程号
from SC
where grade is null;

-- 连接查询

select  SC.sno      as  学号,
		student.sname as 姓名,
		Course.cname  as 选修的课程,
		SC.grade      as 成绩
from SC
          join student on SC.sno = student.sno
          join course on SC.cno = Course.cno

select Course.*
from  SC 
			join student on SC.sno = student.sno 
			join Course on SC.cno = Course.cno
where Course.ccredit > 2 and student.sdept = '数计学院'

		Course.cno as 选课编号,
		SC.grade as 成绩
from SC	
		join student on SC.sno = student.sno
		join Course on SC.cno = Course.cno

select student.*   

		student.* ,
		Course.cno as 选课编号,
		SC.grade as 成绩
from   student
		join SC on SC.sno = student.sno
		join Course on SC.cno = Course.cno;

	SC.sno as 学号,
	student.sname as 姓名,
	SC.grade as 成绩
from SC
	join student on student.sno = SC.sno
	join Course on Course.cno = SC.cno
	SC.cno = '002' and SC.grade >= 90

select a.cname as 课程, c.cname as 先行课
from Course a, Course b, Course c
where a.cpno = b.cno and b.cpno = c.cno

select sno from sc group by sno having count(* )>= 2

select distinct s.sno as 学号
from student s
join SC sc1 on sc1.sno = s.sno
join SC sc2 on sc2.sno = s.sno and sc2.cno != sc1.cno

select distinct sc1.sno as 学号
from SC sc1
join SC sc2 on sc2.sno = sc1.sno and sc2.cno != sc1.cno

实验3 数据库的组合查询和嵌套查询


select sno as 学生学号, sname as 姓名
from student
where sno in (select sno from SC 
		where cno = ( select cno  from Course  where cname = '数据结构')

select sno as 学生学号, sname as 学生姓名
from student
where sage > (select sage from student  where sname = '张飞')

select distinct student.sno as 学生学号, SC.grade as 成绩
from student, SC
where grade < (select grade from SC where sno = 
		(select sno from student where sname = '张飞' ) and cno = (select cno from Course where cname = '数据结构'))
select student.*
from  student
where sage < (select min(sage) from student where sdept = '数计学院')

select student.sname as 学生姓名
from student
where sno in (select sno from SC where cno = 
		  (select cno from Course where cname = '数据结构'));

select sname
from student
where not exists (
	select *
	from course 
	where not exists (
	select *
	from sc
	where sc.sno = student.sno and sc.cno = course.cno

select sname as 学生姓名, sno as 学生学号
from student 
where sno in (select sno from SC where cno in (
	select cno from SC where sno = '2001124001'

select sno as 学号, sname as 学生姓名
from student
where not exists (
	select * 
	from course 
	where not exists (
	select *
	from sc 
	where sc.sno = '2001124001' and sc.cno =  course.cno

select sname as 学生姓名
from student 
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname = '数据结构'
	and sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname = '数据库原理'

select sname as 学生姓名
from student 
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname = '数据结构'
	or sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname = '数据库原理'

select sname as 学生姓名
from student 
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname = '数据结构'
	and sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno in (
		select cno
		from course
		where cname != '数据库原理'

select cno as 课程号
from sc x
where not exists (
	select *
	from student 
	where ssex = '女' and exists (
		select *
		from sc y
		where x.cno = y.cno and x.sno = y.sno 

select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据结构'
select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据库原理'

select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据结构'
select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据库原理'

select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据结构'
select sname 
from student
where sno in (
	select sno 
	from sc
	where cno = (
	select cno
	from course
	where cname = '数据库原理'

select count(distinct sc.sno) as 学生人数
from sc

select sno as 学生学号, sum(grade) as 总成绩
from sc
where grade >= 60 group by sno having count(*) > 4

select sdept as 学院, count(*) as 学院人数
from student
group by sdept

select sage as 年龄, count(*) as 人数
from student
group by sage

select count(cno) as 选课数, avg(grade) 平均成绩
from sc
group by sno

select	course.*, cc.选课人数 from course  left join 
		  COUNT (sno) '选课人数'
		  left join sc
			on course.cno = sc.cno
		group by course.cno) as cc on course.cno = cc.cnos


use 图书管理;

create table 读者 (
	读者卡号 char(50) primary key,
	姓名 char(50),
	性别 char(50), 
	单位 char(50),
	办卡日期  date,
	卡状态 char(50),
	类别编号 int

create table 出版社 (
	出版社名称 char(50) primary key,
	地址 char(50) 

create table 图书 (
	图书编号 char(50) primary key,
	书名 char(50),
	类别 char(50),
	作者 char(50),
	出版社名称 char(50),
	出版日期 date,
	单价 float,
	库存数量 int

create table 借阅 (
	读者卡号 char(50),
	图书编号 char(50) primary key(读者卡号, 图书编号),
	借书日期 date,
	还书日期 date

insert into 读者 values

insert into 出版社 values

insert into 图书 values
('JSJ001','Python数据挖掘与机','计算机','魏伟一','清华大学出版社',' 2021-03-01',59.0000,5),

insert into 借阅 values

insert into 出版社 values
('西安电子科技大学出版社', '西安');

insert into 读者 values
('2200003', '陈晨','男', '机械学院', '2021-10-10', '正常', '02');

insert into 图书 values

delete from 读者 where 姓名 = '杨少华';

use 图书管理1;

create table 图书管理 (
	读者卡号 char(50),
	图书编号 char(50), primary key(读者卡号, 图书编号),
	姓名 char(50),
	性别 char(50),
	单位 char(50),
	书名 char(50),
	类别 char(50),
	作者 char(50),
	出版社名称 char(50), 
	地址 char(50),
	出版日期 date,
	单价 float,
	库存数量 int,
	借书日期 date,
	还书日期 date

insert into 图书管理 values

insert into 图书管理 (出版社名称, 地址) values
('西安电子科技大学出版社', '西安');

--2  无法插入
insert into 图书管理 values

--3 无法插入
insert into 图书管理(图书编号,书名,类别,作者,
出版社名称,出版日期,单价,库存数量) values

delete from 图书管理 where 姓名 = '杨少华';
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


