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原创 构造&差分 Permutation Operations

构造&差分 Permutation Operations

2022-11-15 15:10:50 254 1

转载 codeforces 数论&容斥原理 Count GCD

codeforces 数论&容斥原理 Count GCD

2022-11-07 15:01:58 286

原创 codeforces 构造 Complementary XOR

codeforces 构造 Complementary XOR

2022-11-07 14:34:29 523 1

原创 codeforces 博弈 Pie Rules

codeforces 博弈 Pie Rules

2022-11-05 11:08:02 140

原创 codeforces 博弈 Arena of Greed

codeforces 博弈 Arena of Greed

2022-11-05 10:34:08 139

原创 codeforces 博弈 Swap Game

codeforces 博弈 Swap Game

2022-11-05 09:47:40 229

原创 codeforces 构造 AND Sorting

codeforces 构造 AND Sorting

2022-11-03 19:28:59 83

原创 codeforces 博弈 Circle Game

codeforces 博弈 Circle Game

2022-11-03 17:12:57 212

原创 codeforces 构造 Build Permutation

codeforces 构造 Build Permutation

2022-11-03 15:42:57 155

原创 codeforces 贪心 Sheikh

codeforces 贪心 Sheikh

2022-11-01 23:12:12 124

原创 codeforces 博弈 Card Game

codeforces 博弈 Card Game

2022-11-01 19:40:49 182

原创 codeforces 贪心 Bricks and Bags

codeforces 贪心 Bricks and Bags

2022-10-30 19:51:21 404

原创 codeforces 构造 The Phone Number

codeforces 构造 The Phone Number

2022-10-24 19:48:16 60

原创 codeforces 数学 Factorial Divisibility

codeforces 数学 Factorial Divisibility

2022-10-24 14:24:01 525

原创 codeforces 构造 Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)

codeforces 构造 Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)

2022-10-24 11:27:19 288 1

原创 codeforces dp Sorting Railway Cars

codeforces dp Sorting Railway Cars

2022-10-22 11:31:14 73

原创 codeforces 构造 Slava and tanks

codeforces 构造 Slava and tanks

2022-10-22 10:43:29 89

原创 codeforces 贪心 Number Game

codeforces round 138 贪心 Number Game div 2

2022-10-21 15:27:39 162

原创 codeforces 构造 Asya And Kittens

codeforces 并查集 Asya And Kittens

2022-10-20 15:50:28 114

原创 codeforces 构造 Alyona and mex

codeforces 构造 Alyona and mex

2022-10-20 14:25:35 134

原创 codeforces 贪心 Traps

codeforces 贪心

2022-10-19 23:42:26 163

原创 codeforces 构造 Planting Trees

codeforces 构造 Planting Trees

2022-10-18 23:52:37 96

原创 codeforces Problem with Random Tests

codeforces Problem with Random Tests

2022-10-18 16:56:16 106

原创 codeforces 构造 String Coloring

codeforces 构造 String Coloring

2022-10-18 15:37:09 105

原创 codeforces 贪心 Road Widening

codeforces 贪心 Road Widening

2022-10-18 14:35:06 63

原创 codeforces 暴力 Divisible Numbers (easy version)

codeforces 暴力 Divisible Numbers (easy version)

2022-10-17 11:19:42 148

原创 codeforces 暴力 Unusual Matrix

codeforces 暴力

2022-10-15 14:28:28 83

原创 codeforces 博弈 GameGame

codefocoes 博弈 GameGame

2022-10-15 10:12:18 133

原创 codeforces 构造 Yaroslav and Sequence

codeforces 构造 Yaroslav and Sequence

2022-10-13 19:34:52 59

原创 codeforces 构造 Mark and Lightbulbs

codeforces 构造 Mark and Lightbulbs

2022-10-13 19:12:43 165

原创 codeforces 动态规划 good subarrays

codeforces dp Good Subarrays

2022-10-11 21:08:45 134

原创 codeforces 贪心 Recover an RBS

codeforces 贪心 Recover RBS

2022-10-08 20:05:32 212

原创 codeforces 贪心 Slime

codeforces 贪心 Slime

2022-10-07 14:39:37 162

原创 codeforces 动态规划 Garland

codeforces dp Garland

2022-10-07 11:38:58 134

原创 codeforces 差分 Extreme Subtraction

codeforces 差分数组

2022-10-06 20:32:36 182 2

原创 codeforces 博弈 Stoned Game

codeforces刷题日记 博弈

2022-10-06 15:03:52 149



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