android 第三方工具精简第一章---Timber

对于第三方优秀开源项目抱着能借鉴(copy)的就不写,能精简的绝不照抄,能照抄绝不依赖的原则。对于android 开发日志管理工具首推Timber,因为够轻量化且功能满足开发需求。繁琐的github项目库只扣下来一个工具类 class Timber

/** Logging for lazy people. */
class Timber private constructor() {
    init {
        throw AssertionError()

    /** A facade for handling logging calls. Install instances via [`Timber.plant()`][.plant]. */
    abstract class Tree {
        @get:JvmSynthetic // Hide from public API.
        internal val explicitTag = ThreadLocal<String>()

        @get:JvmSynthetic // Hide from public API.
        internal open val tag: String?
            get() {
                val tag = explicitTag.get()
                if (tag != null) {
                return tag

        /** Log a verbose message with optional format args. */
        open fun v(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.VERBOSE, null, message, *args)

        /** Log a verbose exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun v(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.VERBOSE, t, message, *args)

        /** Log a verbose exception. */
        open fun v(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.VERBOSE, t, null)

        /** Log a debug message with optional format args. */
        open fun d(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.DEBUG, null, message, *args)

        /** Log a debug exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun d(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.DEBUG, t, message, *args)

        /** Log a debug exception. */
        open fun d(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.DEBUG, t, null)

        /** Log an info message with optional format args. */
        open fun i(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.INFO, null, message, *args)

        /** Log an info exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun i(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.INFO, t, message, *args)

        /** Log an info exception. */
        open fun i(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.INFO, t, null)

        /** Log a warning message with optional format args. */
        open fun w(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.WARN, null, message, *args)

        /** Log a warning exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun w(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.WARN, t, message, *args)

        /** Log a warning exception. */
        open fun w(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.WARN, t, null)

        /** Log an error message with optional format args. */
        open fun e(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ERROR, null, message, *args)

        /** Log an error exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun e(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ERROR, t, message, *args)

        /** Log an error exception. */
        open fun e(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ERROR, t, null)

        /** Log an assert message with optional format args. */
        open fun wtf(message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ASSERT, null, message, *args)

        /** Log an assert exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun wtf(t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ASSERT, t, message, *args)

        /** Log an assert exception. */
        open fun wtf(t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(Log.ASSERT, t, null)

        /** Log at `priority` a message with optional format args. */
        open fun log(priority: Int, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(priority, null, message, *args)

        /** Log at `priority` an exception and a message with optional format args. */
        open fun log(priority: Int, t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            prepareLog(priority, t, message, *args)

        /** Log at `priority` an exception. */
        open fun log(priority: Int, t: Throwable?) {
            prepareLog(priority, t, null)

        /** Return whether a message at `priority` should be logged. */
        @Deprecated("Use isLoggable(String, int)", ReplaceWith("this.isLoggable(null, priority)"))
        protected open fun isLoggable(priority: Int) = true

        /** Return whether a message at `priority` or `tag` should be logged. */
        protected open fun isLoggable(tag: String?, priority: Int) = isLoggable(priority)

        private fun prepareLog(priority: Int, t: Throwable?, message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            // Consume tag even when message is not loggable so that next message is correctly tagged.
            val tag = tag
            if (!isLoggable(tag, priority)) {

            var message = message
            if (message.isNullOrEmpty()) {
                if (t == null) {
                    return  // Swallow message if it's null and there's no throwable.
                message = getStackTraceString(t)
            } else {
                if (args.isNotEmpty()) {
                    message = formatMessage(message, args)
                if (t != null) {
                    message += "\n" + getStackTraceString(t)

            log(priority, tag, message, t)

        /** Formats a log message with optional arguments. */
        protected open fun formatMessage(message: String, args: Array<out Any?>) =

        private fun getStackTraceString(t: Throwable): String {
            // Don't replace this with Log.getStackTraceString() - it hides
            // UnknownHostException, which is not what we want.
            val sw = StringWriter(256)
            val pw = PrintWriter(sw, false)
            return sw.toString()

         * Write a log message to its destination. Called for all level-specific methods by default.
         * @param priority Log level. See [Log] for constants.
         * @param tag Explicit or inferred tag. May be `null`.
         * @param message Formatted log message.
         * @param t Accompanying exceptions. May be `null`.
        protected abstract fun log(priority: Int, tag: String?, message: String, t: Throwable?)

    /** A [Tree] for debug builds. Automatically infers the tag from the calling class. */
    open class DebugTree : Tree() {
        private val fqcnIgnore = listOf(

        override val tag: String?
            get() = super.tag ?: Throwable().stackTrace
                .first { it.className !in fqcnIgnore }

         * Extract the tag which should be used for the message from the `element`. By default
         * this will use the class name without any anonymous class suffixes (e.g., `Foo$1`
         * becomes `Foo`).
         * Note: This will not be called if a [manual tag][.tag] was specified.
        protected open fun createStackElementTag(element: StackTraceElement): String? {
            var tag = element.className.substringAfterLast('.')
            val m = ANONYMOUS_CLASS.matcher(tag)
            if (m.find()) {
                tag = m.replaceAll("")
            // Tag length limit was removed in API 26.
            return if (tag.length <= MAX_TAG_LENGTH || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            } else {
                tag.substring(0, MAX_TAG_LENGTH)

         * Break up `message` into maximum-length chunks (if needed) and send to either
         * [Log.println()][Log.println] or
         * [][] for logging.
         * {@inheritDoc}
        override fun log(priority: Int, tag: String?, message: String, t: Throwable?) {
            if (message.length < MAX_LOG_LENGTH) {
                if (priority == Log.ASSERT) {
          , message)
                } else {
                    Log.println(priority, tag, message)

            // Split by line, then ensure each line can fit into Log's maximum length.
            var i = 0
            val length = message.length
            while (i < length) {
                var newline = message.indexOf('\n', i)
                newline = if (newline != -1) newline else length
                do {
                    val end = Math.min(newline, i + MAX_LOG_LENGTH)
                    val part = message.substring(i, end)
                    if (priority == Log.ASSERT) {
              , part)
                    } else {
                        Log.println(priority, tag, part)
                    i = end
                } while (i < newline)

        companion object {
            private const val MAX_LOG_LENGTH = 4000
            private const val MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 23
            private val ANONYMOUS_CLASS = Pattern.compile("(\\$\\d+)+$")

    companion object Forest : Tree() {
        /** Log a verbose message with optional format args. */
        override fun v(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.v(message, *args) }

        /** Log a verbose exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun v(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.v(t, message, *args) }

        /** Log a verbose exception. */
        override fun v(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.v(t) }

        /** Log a debug message with optional format args. */
        override fun d(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.d(message, *args) }

        /** Log a debug exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun d(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.d(t, message, *args) }

        /** Log a debug exception. */
        override fun d(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.d(t) }

        /** Log an info message with optional format args. */
        override fun i(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.i(message, *args) }

        /** Log an info exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun i(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.i(t, message, *args) }

        /** Log an info exception. */
        override fun i(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.i(t) }

        /** Log a warning message with optional format args. */
        override fun w(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.w(message, *args) }

        /** Log a warning exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun w(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.w(t, message, *args) }

        /** Log a warning exception. */
        override fun w(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.w(t) }

        /** Log an error message with optional format args. */
        override fun e(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.e(message, *args) }

        /** Log an error exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun e(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.e(t, message, *args) }

        /** Log an error exception. */
        override fun e(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.e(t) }

        /** Log an assert message with optional format args. */
        override fun wtf(@NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach {, *args) }

        /** Log an assert exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun wtf(t: Throwable?, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach {, message, *args) }

        /** Log an assert exception. */
        override fun wtf(t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { }

        /** Log at `priority` a message with optional format args. */
        override fun log(priority: Int, @NonNls message: String?, vararg args: Any?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.log(priority, message, *args) }

        /** Log at `priority` an exception and a message with optional format args. */
        override fun log(
            priority: Int,
            t: Throwable?,
            @NonNls message: String?,
            vararg args: Any?
        ) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.log(priority, t, message, *args) }

        /** Log at `priority` an exception. */
        override fun log(priority: Int, t: Throwable?) {
            treeArray.forEach { it.log(priority, t) }

        override fun log(priority: Int, tag: String?, message: String, t: Throwable?) {
            throw AssertionError() // Missing override for log method.

         * A view into Timber's planted trees as a tree itself. This can be used for injecting a logger
         * instance rather than using static methods or to facilitate testing.
            "NOTHING_TO_INLINE", // Kotlin users should reference `Tree.Forest` directly.
            "NON_FINAL_MEMBER_IN_OBJECT" // For japicmp check.
        open inline fun asTree(): Tree = this

        /** Set a one-time tag for use on the next logging call. */
        fun tag(tag: String): Tree {
            for (tree in treeArray) {
            return this

        /** Add a new logging tree. */
        fun plant(tree: Tree) {
            require(tree !== this) { "Cannot plant Timber into itself." }
            synchronized(trees) {
                treeArray = trees.toTypedArray()

        /** Adds new logging trees. */
        fun plant(vararg trees: Tree) {
            for (tree in trees) {
                requireNotNull(tree) { "trees contained null" }
                require(tree !== this) { "Cannot plant Timber into itself." }
            synchronized(this.trees) {
                Collections.addAll(this.trees, *trees)
                treeArray = this.trees.toTypedArray()

        /** Remove a planted tree. */
        fun uproot(tree: Tree) {
            synchronized(trees) {
                require(trees.remove(tree)) { "Cannot uproot tree which is not planted: $tree" }
                treeArray = trees.toTypedArray()

        /** Remove all planted trees. */
        fun uprootAll() {
            synchronized(trees) {
                treeArray = emptyArray()

        /** Return a copy of all planted [trees][Tree]. */
        fun forest(): List<Tree> {
            synchronized(trees) {
                return unmodifiableList(trees.toList())

        @get:[JvmStatic JvmName("treeCount")]
        val treeCount
            get() = treeArray.size

        // Both fields guarded by 'trees'.
        private val trees = ArrayList<Tree>()
        private var treeArray = emptyArray<Tree>()


 * 崩溃处理机制lib标准配置
 * @param restartActivity 奔溃后重启界面
 * @param errorActivity 错误提示界面
fun Application.initCrashLibConfig(
    restartActivity: AppCompatActivity,
    errorActivity: AppCompatActivity
) {
        .backgroundMode(CrashConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_SHOW_CUSTOM) //default: CaocConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_SHOW_CUSTOM
        .showErrorDetails(false) //是否必须显示包含错误详细信息的按钮 default: true
        .showRestartButton(false) //是否必须显示“重新启动应用程序”按钮或“关闭应用程序”按钮default: true
        .logErrorOnRestart(false) //是否必须重新堆栈堆栈跟踪 default: true
        .trackActivities(true) //是否必须跟踪用户访问的活动及其生命周期调用 default: false
        .minTimeBetweenCrashesMs(3000) //应用程序崩溃之间必须经过的时间 default: 3000
        .restartActivity( // 重启的activity
        .errorActivity( //发生错误跳转的activity

 * debug渠道显示全日志
 * 非debug渠道仅显示warning & error log
 * @param keyValue log key
fun Application.initLogConfig(@NonNls keyValue: String) {
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        Timber.plant(object : Timber.DebugTree() {
            override val tag: String?
                get() = keyValue
    } else {

在application onCreate()方法中调用:

initCrashLibConfig(StartActivity(), ErrorActivity())//防止项目崩溃,崩溃后打开错误界面


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