

Project report of tutoring information platform

The project name: tutoring information platform

Group name:Dream team

Student name:     Yingting Zheng

Data:   October 14, 2022


1、Project introduction…………………………………………………..................................1

1.1project context.......................................................................................................... 1

1.2Development purpose ...............................................................................................2

1.3 System function analysis..........................................................................................2

2、Inspiration and Conceptualisation …………………………...............................................4

2.1 Inspiration ................................................................................................................4

2.2 Market research........................................................................................................4

2.3 Product analysis .......................................................................................................5

2.4 Concept model design..............................................................................................7

3、Modelling ………………………………………………………………...........................9

3.1 Use case diagram.....................................................................................................9

3.2 Activity graph ........................................................................................................11

4、Project Management………………………………….………..............................…........13

4.1system design .........................................................................................................13

4.2 Development steps ................................................................................................13

4.3 Project grouping.....................................................................................................14

5、Communication ……………………………………………...…..................................…15

5.1How to identify potential users ..............................................................................15

5.2 Team communication.............................................................................................15

5.3 Problems encountered in communication..............................................................15



Project introduction

1.1 Project context

With the rapid development of electronic computer technology today, the development and application of computer technology, network technology and information technology has long been deep into all walks of life, and giving full play to their great potential, especially the high speed and popularization of the network. In China, the reform of all kinds of enterprises is developing towards socialization, efficient and intelligent development, and the reform of the management system is making great efforts. Many institutions have upgraded the management service system, and the tutoring information management system is no exception.

Tutor information management for each tutor center, is a complicated, complicated work, is an important link in tutor online management, as students in increasing demand for tutoring, the increasing number of students, tutor information management to upgrade, traditional tutor information is generally by students or parents to tutor for consultation, choose courses or teacher, the process is more tedious, also will take users more time, but also cause not comprehensive understanding, choose teachers is not suitable for yourself. Therefore, a set of good tutoring information management software can not only greatly reduce the labor intensity of the staff, but also improve the management efficiency, save manpower and material resources. The tutor information system I designed is completed with WeChat small program and Java technology, mainly the client, teacher and the client and students two roles, the client is mainly administrator login, students can modify personal information and tutor needs, check the tutor information, booking tutor operations; teachers login, can view all students released tutor needs, tutor appointment. After the administrator logs in the system background, he can operate the functional modules such as teacher information, service information and student information accordingly. Tutor information management system based on WeChat small program is a tutor information application solution for the rapid development of computer technology and network. Tutor information system will Internet network technology and modern management concept, according to the characteristics of information technology of office system planning and reconstruction, optimize the tutor information flow and reasonable configuration, generate dynamic, safe, proprietary digital information source, the tutor information service system comprehensive automation, process, digital, and as a bridge, horizontal connected teachers and students, vertical integration of efficient tutor information service system, thus more clear, more effective tutor structure of tutor information management work.

1.2 Development purpose

Intended to develop a management tutor information management system platform based on WeChat small program, its starting point must be practical, simple operation, friendly interface, let teachers and students share a system, realize in the WeChat small program based tutor information management system, students can release tutor needs, teachers apply; tutor release tutor information, students booking operation, very convenient.

1.3 System function analysis 

Considering the needs of tutor information management in real life and the careful analysis of the system, the system authority is divided according to the server and the client of these two categories involving users.

 Fig 1 rights of administrators

(a)Service side —— administrator; the system mainly includes: personal center, teacher management, student management, service type management, service information management, tutor demand management, tutor management, tutor appointment management, student consultation management, consultation and reply management, dynamic circle, system management and other functions.

 Fig 2 rights of students or teachers

(b) Client —— teachers and students; teachers and students log into the tutor information management system based on WeChat mini program, and they can view the home page, tutor needs, tutor, dynamic circle, mine, and conduct relevant operations.

Inspiration and Conceptualisation

2.1 Promethean fire

According to the research and investigation, it is found that some college students need to find part-time jobs, and many parents hire college students, which generates the demand for all kinds of part-time recruitment information, especially the tutoring part-time jobs account for a large demand for information in such groups. Finding tutor information through intermediaries will be charged more intermediate fees (80% -100% of the first-week salary of college students). Some college students are even information-defrauded and defrauded of high fees. In order to avoid the occurrence of this phenomenon, the group plans to design a "tutor information platform" WeChat mini-program, to help customers to release relevant information simply and conveniently, and to reduce the unnecessary fees generated in the process.

2.2 Market research

The education industry is an industry that will never decline, and it is a rare "seller's market". After the implementation of family planning in China in 1979, the proportion of the only child has increased unprecedentedly. Every family expects their children to succeed. In order to educate their children, parents spare no effort to create the best conditions.

Data show that there are currently 600,000 primary and secondary schools in China, with 200 million to 300 million primary and secondary school students. Over the next decade, more than 200 million school-age children will enter primary and secondary schools for basic education, respectively. From October 2005 to October 2006, the average total education cost of children in families with children in school or kindergarten was 3,522.1 yuan, accounting for 30.6% of the annual family income. In the first quarter of 2006, the per capita cost of family education was 25.5 yuan, accounting for 8.3% of the total expenditure on family education, 1.3 times higher than the same period last year, and the market share of tutors reached more than 50 billion yuan.

For a long time, for many college students, taking a part-time job as a tutor is an important way for their work-study program and social practice, and also a window for them to contact and understand the society. Being a tutor is also a good choice for many normal school majors to exercise their professional skills in advance.

After entering the 5G era, it seems that the tutoring information release platform is still not efficient and perfect, and countless college students have obtained the tutoring information through offline intermediaries.

As a college student, first of all, we need to know about how large the market size of our city is about, including but not limited to the amount of GDP, the total population, the number of primary and secondary school students and college students.

Secondly, understand how much customer unit price, and then think about their own positioning, so as to price. If you want to do high-end, you can set the price higher, so that it is easier to find a teacher later; if you want to do the popular, the price can be the same with the market or slightly lower, so easy to get customers, but because of the low price, later to find a teacher is more difficult.

At present, there are no more than three channels for college students to obtain tutoring information: network intermediary channels, offline intermediary channels, and one-to-one information communication channels on large platforms. However, in the existing information communication channels, the intermediary cost is quite high, basically accounting for 80% of the salary of college students in the first week or in the first week, etc. The actual cost is basically concentrated in 350-800, and the intermediary cost is quite high. However, it is often difficult to fit both parties, and the efficiency is relatively low. And according to China News Network, the number of cases of intermediaries defrauding high agency fees occurred nationwide only in 2020-2021. Especially college students, because not deep involved, become the first choice target of cheater intermediary.

Therefore, we plan to develop a free tutoring information platform WeChat small program, to facilitate college students and their parents more quickly, convenient, and save the intermediary to the fast access to tutoring information. And to avoid the risk of college students being defrauded.

2.3 Product analysis

Our team finally decided to adopt from the above "market research" and "real life" to establish the "tutor information platform" wechat mini program inspiration. In the current Chinese software market, there are also more and quite excellent similar software or network platforms designed by large enterprises. For example: 58 city, market network, hunting pin, part-time cat and so on. These are relatively famous platforms in China, which provide many part-time channels in the same city. In the process of designing products, our products will form a competitive relationship with such products.

But there are many differences between our products and the existing products on the market:

  1. Our project product is wechat small program, which does not need to download physical software, but only can be used through the wechat platform, which is a more lightweight design of mobile terminal.

b. Our project product is a mobile terminal program specifically for college students and college students and parents in the city. Our interface is more concise, beautiful, convenient to use and the functions are not cumbersome, only for the purest tutor information communication.

c. Our project products have clear and clear subject classification, which can classify and specifically provide tutoring information of different subjects. College students can enter the classification and quickly obtain relevant information of tutor needs; Parents can enter the classification and quickly release tutor search information.

d. Small platform has the advantages of small platform. Our small platform adheres to the small but beautiful characteristics and does not charge service or intermediary fees.

e. Our "Tutor Information Platform" WeChat mini program will adhere to the characteristics of small but beautiful, and be localized and characteristic for the city where the university is located. First in our university to promote the use, and then spread to the whole city, with the use of small and beautiful characteristics, try to give small programs with regional characteristics.

Advantages of our products over the existing products on the market:

  1. Our mobile program has a small-volume, lightweight design.
  2. Our mobile program has a specific range of services.
  3. Our mobile program has detailed classification and requirements display
  4. Our mobile program is small and beautiful, with a better understanding and characteristics of the region.

2.4 Conceptual model design

This based on WeChat small program tutor information management system is MySQL database, data storage fast, because based on WeChat small program tutor information management system, the main is the management of information, information content is more, this requires a good design a good database, classification to clear, can't add information, information too confusion, designed database first need to express the relationship between the entities, system E-R diagram as shown in the figure below:

The student information entity diagram is shown in Figure 4-1:



Fig 3 student imformation

Figure 4-1Student entity diagram of information

The entity diagram of tutor demand is shown in Figure 4-2:


Figure 4-2 Physical figure of tutor demand

The physical diagram of the tutor is shown in Figure 4-3:


    Figure 4-3 Physical figure of a tutor


3.1 Use case diagram

A tutor recruiting system.

It is a mobile application system based on WeChat.

All the users can log in the system and search the information.  

The users who registered can check the recruiting situation and result.

Employers can recruit the tutor and renew the student information.

Teachers can receive the requires and renew the teacher information.

Administrator can help the employers and teachers with putting out the recruiting information.

The administrator will maintain the system regularly.


Fig 5 The use case diagram of the tutor recruiting systerm

Use case name


Use case  No




Use case description

Employers use the use case to recruit a tutor,and tutors use the use case to ask for a job.  


A employer puts out a recruiting tip or A tutor puts out a tip for job-searching


A user must log in the system and register a account.


If a tip is already been taken,the user’s require will be canceled and be prompted that the recruiting information is already been taken.

Basic event flow

  1. A employer puts out a tip for recruiting.
  2. The administrator check the tip information and show it on the society.
  3. The tutor searches the recruiting tip on the society.
  4. The tutor finds a suitable tip and asks for applying it.
  5. The administrator checks the application and allows it.
  6. The employer and tutor get a message that their require is dealt.
  7. The system record this dealing.

Extended event flow

2a.the tip information is illegal and the administrator revokes the tip.

5a.the administrator finds that the teacher’s credit is awful and refuses him/her to apply it.

5b.the tip is already been taken,and the administrator cancels the application and prompts the tutor that the job has been taken.


When employer and tutor get a message that their require is dealt, the use case ends.

Data requirements

The tutor recruiting system mainly includes the student’s name, age,grade,gender,school,contact information and the teacher’s name,age,grade,gender,teaching subject,contact information.

Business rules

Only when the recruiting information in the order is confirmed to be correct can users be required to pay.

3.2 Activity Diagram 



Fig 6-2 The activity diagram 1

After entering the applet, a user can browse the home page, browse dynamic posts, collect posts, post, comments, edit and modify their own information and other activities to obtain tutoring related information.

After entering the applet, users need to choose their own identity to log in.

After logging in to the account, they can choose "home page", "dynamic" and "mine" page from the navigation bar, browse posts or comment on posts or collect posts, or modify their own information.

Before all the information is published, the content will be sent to the administrator first, and it can only be released successfully after passing the approval. Otherwise, the content needs to be re-edited again.

After the user gets the information it needs, you can further talk with the information publisher to reach cooperation.


Fig 6-3 User management process activity diagram

After the administrator enters the web page can answer the user, question audit post and user management, management small program operation. 

The administrator logs in to the management page.

After login, the administrator can answer user questions, manage users and review posts.

The administrator will be divided into qualified and unqualified posts, unqualified posts will be sent back to users for re-modification, qualified posts will be published. 

The administrator can delete, activate, and modify user information during user management.

Project Management

4.1 System design

Including wechat small program front desk and Java to do the background management system, the background uses the front and rear end separation of the form of Java + VUE

Wechat applet (client) —— receptionist involves technology: WXML and WXSS, JavaScript, uniapp.

Java(Web side) —— background involves technology:

Front-end usage technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, VUE, etc

Back-end use technology: Spring, SpringMvc, Mybatis (SSM), etc

Database: The Mysql database

Database graphical software:Navicat Premium

Small program framework:uniapp

Small program development software:HBuilder X

Small program running software: wechat developer

4.2 Development steps

  1. Combing the function requirements of small program development
  2. Design the front-end interface of the applet

C. Preparation of the program code at the front and rear end of the small program

D.Front and rear end connection adjustment The

E. Small program test

F Pass the test and upload the cloud server

G. Function display

4.3 Project task grouping

Ui interface design: Mengjia Li, Ruixuan Li, Xibiao Lu

Wechat small program (client), the front end of the server: Mengjia Li , Xiang Li, Xibiao Lu , Yanting Zheng

Back end of the service end:  Yanting Zheng,  Shuheng Ye, Yiyuan Hu , Bingchen Liu

Database: Ruixuan Li , Yirui Kang

Test and optimization: Shuheng Ye , Yanting Zheng

Poster design:Ruixuan Li , Mengjia Li

Poster content:  Shuheng Ye,  Yiyuan Hu, Bingchen Liu ,Yanting Zheng

Project Management

4.1 System design

Including wechat small program front desk and Java to do the background management system, the background uses the front and rear end separation of the form of Java + VUE

Wechat applet (client) —— receptionist involves technology: WXML and WXSS, JavaScript, uniapp.

Java(Web side) —— background involves technology:

Front-end usage technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, VUE, etc

Back-end use technology: Spring, SpringMvc, Mybatis (SSM), etc

Database: The Mysql database

Database graphical software:Navicat Premium

Small program framework:uniapp

Small program development software:HBuilder X

Small program running software: wechat developer

4.2 Development steps

  1. Combing the function requirements of small program development
  2. Design the front-end interface of the applet

C. Preparation of the program code at the front and rear end of the small program

D.Front and rear end connection adjustment The

E. Small program test

F Pass the test and upload the cloud server

G. Function display

4.3 Project task grouping

Ui interface design: Mengjia Li, Ruixuan Li, Xibiao Lu

Wechat small program (client), the front end of the server: Mengjia Li , Xiang Li, Xibiao Lu , Yanting Zheng

Back end of the service end:  Yanting Zheng,  Shuheng Ye, Yiyuan Hu , Bingchen Liu

Database: Ruixuan Li , Yirui Kang

Test and optimization: Shuheng Ye , Yanting Zheng

Poster design:Ruixuan Li , Mengjia Li

Poster content:  Shuheng Ye,  Yiyuan Hu, Bingchen Liu ,Yanting Zheng


5.1 Identification of the potential users

As the college students themselves, and as the students who need to take part-time jobs, our students and ourselves are actually the potential users of this mobile program product.

We found that the needs of users are very consistent: we need a simple, fast and efficient information platform that can quickly classify all kinds of tutor information for users, whether teachers or students. And, we need such a not high intermediary fees, in order to prevent the fraud platform, to fight the intermediary on the market, intermediary often charge college students and parents of the middle price difference, is often a few hundred yuan, this for the hard work of college students is a big fee, users want to dispel intermediary such profiteering profiteers means.

5.2 Team communication

Our team, like all others, is grouped by our instructor. But we believe that meeting was fate, and our group soon realized that together and started to work on our project.

We build group chats through social media platforms and share technical files in group chats. Conduct our meetings through offline actual meetings, as well as Tencent conference software.

5.3 Problems encountered in communication

What problems did we encounter during this period?

We have encountered a few problems, along with the following solution.

The first problem: we encountered in the poster design stage is to set our group name and find the necessary elements found on our poster and write the content on the poster to complete our poster.

Group solution: we are through an offline meeting, team members sit around a table to discuss the name of our group, then everyone together looking for posters on the Internet background figure and the elements, have find satisfied you can vote to their selected, finally a few people to write the content of the poster

The second problem: we have had some differences on our technical choices, and some differences about whether to choose the vue grammar or the wechat native grammar.

Group solution: Our group members respectively found out the difficulty and popularity of these two grammars. Finally, after the discussion, we decided to use the Vue statement, which is the framework of uniapp that we are now using, because this grammar is more popular at this stage, which is more convenient to use, and it can better complete our design work.

The third problem: we have a lot of questions about the order of each part, namely whether we do the UI interface layout first, or do the front and back source code has many differences.

Group solution: finally in our group of communication group we decided to make relevant source code, because UI page we can do according to what we do to design, and source code if to fully implement the function of UI interface requires powerful code writing ability, it takes a lot of time to learn, and we can make what kind of finished product is unknown, so we decided to make the source code according to our source code to UI interface design.

The fourth problem: When writing the source code, we will encounter a lot of various technical problems, some of which we may have not learned or did not understand before.

Group solution: First of all, we will try to learn what we can't know through relevant video analysis online. If we really can't solve it, we will send out your doubts in the group chat, and ask the group members to help answer them together. We will also find out some relevant templates and some source code similar to our functions from the Internet to learn, and modify them according to the actual design situation of our own group. In this process, we are also constantly learning and making progress to enrich our relevant knowledge.


The project design is the first challenge of our sophomore life. Through the patient help of the instructor and the online inquiry of relevant materials and books, we finally pushed the project to its current state. Of course, there is no lack of help from the students. At the beginning, I was very happy to discuss the topic selection with the team members, which was a subject matter that I had personally contacted before, and the required content was quite familiar with me. However, we still feel difficult when determining the task because we need to complete the production of wechat client and server side, which is more troublesome. We need to implement some front-end functions in the mobile side, which is very difficult for us at this stage. However, through these weeks of study and some guidance from the seniors, we have a preliminary understanding and understanding of the function of the project that we want to do. At the same time, the project has also made some progress in this process. At this stage, I think the project design is we have never met before, also involves a lot of professional knowledge we will contact in the future, but this is a very good opportunity, let me know to advance about the future to learn the knowledge system, and the social ability of our professional students, for our professional prospects have a more clear cognition. At the same time, it also exercised my practical ability.

Through this period of time exploration and testing, although now did not make a complete project, but according to the results of the present stage, we have a clearer understanding of the software development process, especially through the Java platform based on WeChat small program tutor part of the information management system development, make I have a deeper understanding of object-oriented technology and cognition. The project design of this time enabled us to have a very unprecedented understanding of a system development, which is really difficult. Since the launch of the research group, it has taken a long time to learn the construction of the platform at the system, during which we encountered many "hard bones" to study. In the progress of the follow-up project, there are also many plug-in problems, which is a test of patience. Before writing this mid-term project summary, I also encountered many difficult problems to describe. The code section often has the failure of the wrong jump of the jar package, which takes a lot of time to debug. In this process, it is not only a test of my learning ability, but also my patience. Thinking about problems and solving problems is the key to the smooth progress of our project. In addition, I also encountered many problems that are difficult to solve in my knowledge reserve, but it is not too late to know me now. I must try to improve my knowledge level and professional ability. At the same time, I should keep learning and read as many professional books as possible, so as to enrich my knowledge. The project time is constantly shortened, leaving us a very limited time. In the following time, we will plan the process of the project on schedule and promote the realization of the phased results. I believe that we can complete the project smoothly and successfully.


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