
Arrays of Objects

对象数组 \color{#FF0000}{对象数组} 对象数组

  ♦类 对象数组名称[] new 类[数组长度];


class Person{
    private String name;                     //姓名属性
    public Person(String name){             //通过构造方法设置内容 = name;                  //为姓名赋值
    public String getName(){              //取得姓名
 public class ObjectArrayDemo01{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        Person per[] = new Person[3];  //声明一个对象数组,里面有三个对象
        for(int x = 0;x < per.length;x++){
        per[0] = new Person("张三");//实例化第一个元素
        per[1] = new Person("李四");//实例化第二个元素
        per[2] = new Person("王五");//实例化第三个元素
        for(int x = 0;x < per.length;x++){
            System.out.print(per[x].getName() + "、");

■So far,we have dealt with arrays of primitive data types(int double) values.
●Arrays to store objects can also be created.
Using the Car class,we can declare arrays to hold object references,as follows:

Car[] cars = new Car[MAX_CARS];//MAX_CARS is 10

●Then we can add Car references to the cars array as follows:

cars[0] = new Car("OOP101","Ford Falcon","Perth",35000);
cars[1] = new Car("OOP102","Nissan Cedric","Perth",2000);
cars[2] = new Car("GUI123","Ford Falcon","Perth",29000);

●The array can then be iterated in a loop as follows:

for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++)


■With arrays of objects,each array element holds a reference to the object,not the object itself.
●Items can be added to and deleted from an array as the program is run.
●The logical size of the array,is the number of items currently stored.
●The maximum capacity of the array as given by its length property.
●Here,the capacity is 10,and the size is 3.
●For elements 3-9 the reference is by default set to null.

■In the preceding declarations,only three cars are stored in the array.
●if the preceding for loop were inadvertently coded as:

for(int i =0;i < cars.length;i++)

The output world print the registration number of the three cars and then terminate with a run-time exception:
Exception in thread “main”

■At this point cars[3] has no logical meaning - there is nothing there except null,and no object exists at that position.

●To guard against this,the for loop can be modified as:

for(int i = 0;i < cars.length && cars[i] != null;i++)//stop the loop when a null value is accessed.


■when grouping objects together,we end up with a collection.
●Most applications involve a collection of one or more objects.
●In the previous chapter,when processing the payroll,we had no way of storing individual Employee objects.
●With a collection of objects,common operations include:

 -Creating the collection.
 -Adding and removing items to/from the collection.
 -travering the collection.

■There are a number of strategies for managing a collection,that include:
 -Using a raw array,as with Car[] cars array.
 -Using a class that acts as a container and providdes the code to manage the collection.
●By using a collection class,it is responsible for maintaining the collection.
●We could write our own collection class,or use one that is already provided in the Java API,such as ArrayList class.
●The ArrayList class has a number of methods,including:

  • add():Adds an object at the end of the items in the list.
  • indexOf():Searches for an object at the end of the - items and return its index.
  • get():Gets an object at a specified index.
  • size():Returns the number of elements stored in the array.

■In this section we will develop the CarList class to store a list of Car refer.
●It emulates a small subset of the methods in the ArrayList class.
●The CarList class helps in understanding how the ArrayList class works.
●In the CarList class,the array is a privatefield that is set in the constructor:

public class CarList{
    private int count;//Number of cars in the yard
    private Car[] cars;//The car database

    public CarList(int maxLength){
        cars = new Car[maxLength];

Adding to the List(1)
When adding to our list of cars,we need to ensure that:
●a non-existent car is not added to the list(a null car) and
●the size of the array is not exceeded(the container is not overfilled).

public boolean add(Car car){
    if(car == null){
        return false;//Can't add a null car
    return false;//Array is full
    cars[count++]=car;//add car to end of array

Searching the List(1)
■Arrays can be searched to determine whether they contain a certain item.
The simplest way to search an array is sequentially:
-by examining each element of an array,starting at the first element,
-continuing one after another until either the search item is located,
-or the end of array is reached,-the search item is not found.
●if the element is found:
-the index of the element is returned,(hence the name,indexOf())
-otherwise -1 as an invalid array index is returned.
Searching the List(2)
■The indexOf() method uses sequential search for an item in an array:

public int indexOf(String regoToFind){
    for(int index = 0;index<cars.length;index++){
        return index; //Rego found at index;
    return -1;//Rego not found

Searching the List(3)
■the indexOf() method can be invoked as:

index = carList.indexOf(findRego);//Find rego in list
if(0 <= index){
    car = carList.get(index);//Retrieve car from list
    printCarDetails(car);//Print its details
   System.out.println("Vehicle:"+findRego+"not found.");

Traversing Lists(1)
■Since our array is locked up inside the CarList container,we need to use the get() method to retrieve each object:

for(int i =0;i<fleetList.size();i++){
    car = fleetList.get(i);
    System.out.printf(" %-10s %-10s\n",car.getRego(),car.getLocation());


class Student{
    private String id;
    private String name;

    public Student(String id, String name) {
        super(); = id; = name;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String toString() {
        return "Student{id = " + id + ", name = " + name + "}";


public class StudentList {
    Student list[];
    int count;//集合中目前元素的个数

    public StudentList(int max){
        list = new Student[max];//数组初始化
        count = 0;//集合中的元素个数
    public boolean add(Student student){
       if(student == null){
           return false; //参数为null,不能添加
       if(list.length <= count){
           return false;//数组已满,不能添加
       return true;
    public boolean remove(int index){
        if(index>=count || index<0)
            return false;
        list[index] = null;
        return true;
    public int indexOf(String id){
        for(int i=0;i< list.length && list[i] != null;i++)//遍历条件
                return i;
        return -1;//未找到
    public Student get(int index){
        return list[index];
    public int size(){
        return count;
    public String to String(){
        String msg = "";
        for(int i = 0;i<list.length&&list[i]!=null;i++){
            msg = msg + list[i].toString()+"\n";
        return msg;

#第八次课:Arrays of Objects
#### 对象数组 \color{#FF0000}{对象数组} 对象数组
  ♦类 对象数组名称[] new 类[数组长度];


class Person{
    private String name;                     //姓名属性
    public Person(String name){             //通过构造方法设置内容 = name;                  //为姓名赋值
    public String getName(){              //取得姓名
 public class ObjectArrayDemo01{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        Person per[] = new Person[3];  //声明一个对象数组,里面有三个对象
        for(int x = 0;x < per.length;x++){
        per[0] = new Person("张三");//实例化第一个元素
        per[1] = new Person("李四");//实例化第二个元素
        per[2] = new Person("王五");//实例化第三个元素
        for(int x = 0;x < per.length;x++){
            System.out.print(per[x].getName() + "、");

■So far,we have dealt with arrays of primitive data types(int double) values.
●Arrays to store objects can also be created.
Using the Car class,we can declare arrays to hold object references,as follows:

Car[] cars = new Car[MAX_CARS];//MAX_CARS is 10

●Then we can add Car references to the cars array as follows:

cars[0] = new Car("OOP101","Ford Falcon","Perth",35000);
cars[1] = new Car("OOP102","Nissan Cedric","Perth",2000);
cars[2] = new Car("GUI123","Ford Falcon","Perth",29000);

●The array can then be iterated in a loop as follows:

for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++)


■With arrays of objects,each array element holds a reference to the object,not the object itself.
●Items can be added to and deleted from an array as the program is run.
●The logical size of the array,is the number of items currently stored.
●The maximum capacity of the array as given by its length property.
●Here,the capacity is 10,and the size is 3.
●For elements 3-9 the reference is by default set to null.

■In the preceding declarations,only three cars are stored in the array.
●if the preceding for loop were inadvertently coded as:

for(int i =0;i < cars.length;i++)

The output world print the registration number of the three cars and then terminate with a run-time exception:
Exception in thread “main”

■At this point cars[3] has no logical meaning - there is nothing there except null,and no object exists at that position.

●To guard against this,the for loop can be modified as:

for(int i = 0;i < cars.length && cars[i] != null;i++)//stop the loop when a null value is accessed.


■when grouping objects together,we end up with a collection.
●Most applications involve a collection of one or more objects.
●In the previous chapter,when processing the payroll,we had no way of storing individual Employee objects.
●With a collection of objects,common operations include:

 -Creating the collection.
 -Adding and removing items to/from the collection.
 -travering the collection.

■There are a number of strategies for managing a collection,that include:
 -Using a raw array,as with Car[] cars array.
 -Using a class that acts as a container and providdes the code to manage the collection.
●By using a collection class,it is responsible for maintaining the collection.
●We could write our own collection class,or use one that is already provided in the Java API,such as ArrayList class.
●The ArrayList class has a number of methods,including:

  • add():Adds an object at the end of the items in the list.
  • indexOf():Searches for an object at the end of the - items and return its index.
  • get():Gets an object at a specified index.
  • size():Returns the number of elements stored in the array.

■In this section we will develop the CarList class to store a list of Car refer.
●It emulates a small subset of the methods in the ArrayList class.
●The CarList class helps in understanding how the ArrayList class works.
●In the CarList class,the array is a privatefield that is set in the constructor:

public class CarList{
    private int count;//Number of cars in the yard
    private Car[] cars;//The car database

    public CarList(int maxLength){
        cars = new Car[maxLength];

Adding to the List(1)
When adding to our list of cars,we need to ensure that:
●a non-existent car is not added to the list(a null car) and
●the size of the array is not exceeded(the container is not overfilled).

public boolean add(Car car){
    if(car == null){
        return false;//Can't add a null car
    return false;//Array is full
    cars[count++]=car;//add car to end of array

Searching the List(1)
■Arrays can be searched to determine whether they contain a certain item.
The simplest way to search an array is sequentially:
-by examining each element of an array,starting at the first element,
-continuing one after another until either the search item is located,
-or the end of array is reached,-the search item is not found.
●if the element is found:
-the index of the element is returned,(hence the name,indexOf())
-otherwise -1 as an invalid array index is returned.
Searching the List(2)
■The indexOf() method uses sequential search for an item in an array:

public int indexOf(String regoToFind){
    for(int index = 0;index<cars.length;index++){
        return index; //Rego found at index;
    return -1;//Rego not found

Searching the List(3)
■the indexOf() method can be invoked as:

index = carList.indexOf(findRego);//Find rego in list
if(0 <= index){
    car = carList.get(index);//Retrieve car from list
    printCarDetails(car);//Print its details
   System.out.println("Vehicle:"+findRego+"not found.");

Traversing Lists(1)
■Since our array is locked up inside the CarList container,we need to use the get() method to retrieve each object:

for(int i =0;i<fleetList.size();i++){
    car = fleetList.get(i);
    System.out.printf(" %-10s %-10s\n",car.getRego(),car.getLocation());


class Student{
    private String id;
    private String name;

    public Student(String id, String name) {
        super(); = id; = name;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String toString() {
        return "Student{id = " + id + ", name = " + name + "}";


public class StudentList {
    Student list[];
    int count;//集合中目前元素的个数

    public StudentList(int max){
        list = new Student[max];//数组初始化
        count = 0;//集合中的元素个数
    public boolean add(Student student){
       if(student == null){
           return false; //参数为null,不能添加
       if(list.length <= count){
           return false;//数组已满,不能添加
       return true;
    public boolean remove(int index){
        if(index>=count || index<0)
            return false;
        list[index] = null;
        return true;
    public int indexOf(String id){
        for(int i=0;i< list.length && list[i] != null;i++)//遍历条件
                return i;
        return -1;//未找到
    public Student get(int index){
        return list[index];
    public int size(){
        return count;
    public String to String(){
        String msg = "";
        for(int i = 0;i<list.length&&list[i]!=null;i++){
            msg = msg + list[i].toString()+"\n";
        return msg;
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