APSI receiver.cpp代码解读


// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.

// STD
#include <algorithm>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "apsi/log.h"
#include "apsi/network/channel.h"
#include "apsi/plaintext_powers.h"
#include "apsi/receiver.h"
#include "apsi/thread_pool_mgr.h"
#include "apsi/util/db_encoding.h"
#include "apsi/util/label_encryptor.h"
#include "apsi/util/utils.h"

#include "seal/ciphertext.h"
#include "seal/context.h"
#include "seal/encryptionparams.h"
#include "seal/keygenerator.h"
#include "seal/plaintext.h"
#include "seal/util/common.h"
#include "seal/util/defines.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace seal;
using namespace seal::util;
using namespace kuku;

namespace apsi {
    using namespace util;
    using namespace network;
    using namespace oprf;

    namespace {
        template <typename T>
        bool has_n_zeros(T *ptr, size_t count)
            return all_of(ptr, ptr + count, [](auto a) { return a == T(0); });
    } // namespace

    namespace receiver {
        size_t IndexTranslationTable::find_item_idx(size_t table_idx) const noexcept
            auto item_idx = table_idx_to_item_idx_.find(table_idx);
            if (item_idx == table_idx_to_item_idx_.cend()) {
                return item_count();

            return item_idx->second;

        Receiver::Receiver(PSIParams params) : params_(move(params))

        void Receiver::reset_keys()
            // Generate new keys
            KeyGenerator generator(*get_seal_context());

            // Set the symmetric key, encryptor, and decryptor

            // Create Serializable<RelinKeys> and move to relin_keys_ for storage
            if (get_seal_context()->using_keyswitching()) {
                Serializable<RelinKeys> relin_keys(generator.create_relin_keys());

        uint32_t Receiver::reset_powers_dag(const set<uint32_t> &source_powers)
            // First compute the target powers
            set<uint32_t> target_powers = create_powers_set(
                params_.query_params().ps_low_degree, params_.table_params().max_items_per_bin);

            // Configure the PowersDag
            pd_.configure(source_powers, target_powers);

            // Check that the PowersDag is valid
            if (!pd_.is_configured()) {
                    "Failed to configure PowersDag ("
                    << "source_powers: " << to_string(source_powers) << ", "
                    << "target_powers: " << to_string(target_powers) << ")");
                throw logic_error("failed to configure PowersDag");
            APSI_LOG_DEBUG("Configured PowersDag with depth " << pd_.depth());

            return pd_.depth();

        void Receiver::initialize()
            APSI_LOG_DEBUG("PSI parameters set to: " << params_.to_string());
                "Derived parameters: "
                << "item_bit_count_per_felt: " << params_.item_bit_count_per_felt()
                << "; item_bit_count: " << params_.item_bit_count()
                << "; bins_per_bundle: " << params_.bins_per_bundle()
                << "; bundle_idx_count: " << params_.bundle_idx_count());

            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::initialize");

            // Initialize the CryptoContext with a new SEALContext
            crypto_context_ = CryptoContext(params_);

            // Set up the PowersDag

            // Create new keys

        unique_ptr<SenderOperation> Receiver::CreateParamsRequest()
            auto sop = make_unique<SenderOperationParms>();
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Created parameter request");

            return sop;

        PSIParams Receiver::RequestParams(NetworkChannel &chl)
            // Create parameter request and send to Sender

            // Wait for a valid message of the right type
            ParamsResponse response;
            bool logged_waiting = false;
            while (!(response = to_params_response(chl.receive_response()))) {
                if (!logged_waiting) {
                    // We want to log 'Waiting' only once, even if we have to wait for several
                    // sleeps.
                    logged_waiting = true;
                    APSI_LOG_INFO("Waiting for response to parameter request");


            return *response->params;

        OPRFReceiver Receiver::CreateOPRFReceiver(const vector<Item> &items)
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::CreateOPRFReceiver");

            OPRFReceiver oprf_receiver(items);
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Created OPRFReceiver for " << oprf_receiver.item_count() << " items");

            return oprf_receiver;

        pair<vector<HashedItem>, vector<LabelKey>> Receiver::ExtractHashes(
            const OPRFResponse &oprf_response, const OPRFReceiver &oprf_receiver)
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::ExtractHashes");

            if (!oprf_response) {
                APSI_LOG_ERROR("Failed to extract OPRF hashes for items: oprf_response is null");
                return {};

            auto response_size = oprf_response->data.size();
            size_t oprf_response_item_count = response_size / oprf_response_size;
            if ((response_size % oprf_response_size) ||
                (oprf_response_item_count != oprf_receiver.item_count())) {
                    "Failed to extract OPRF hashes for items: unexpected OPRF response size ("
                    << response_size << " B)");
                return {};

            vector<HashedItem> items(oprf_receiver.item_count());
            vector<LabelKey> label_keys(oprf_receiver.item_count());
            oprf_receiver.process_responses(oprf_response->data, items, label_keys);
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Extracted OPRF hashes for " << oprf_response_item_count << " items");

            return make_pair(move(items), move(label_keys));

        unique_ptr<SenderOperation> Receiver::CreateOPRFRequest(const OPRFReceiver &oprf_receiver)
            auto sop = make_unique<SenderOperationOPRF>();
            sop->data = oprf_receiver.query_data();
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Created OPRF request for " << oprf_receiver.item_count() << " items");

            return sop;

        pair<vector<HashedItem>, vector<LabelKey>> Receiver::RequestOPRF(
            const vector<Item> &items, NetworkChannel &chl)
            auto oprf_receiver = CreateOPRFReceiver(items);

            // Create OPRF request and send to Sender

            // Wait for a valid message of the right type
            OPRFResponse response;
            bool logged_waiting = false;
            while (!(response = to_oprf_response(chl.receive_response()))) {
                if (!logged_waiting) {
                    // We want to log 'Waiting' only once, even if we have to wait for several
                    // sleeps.
                    logged_waiting = true;
                    APSI_LOG_INFO("Waiting for response to OPRF request");


            // Extract the OPRF hashed items
            return ExtractHashes(response, oprf_receiver);

        pair<Request, IndexTranslationTable> Receiver::create_query(const vector<HashedItem> &items)
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Creating encrypted query for " << items.size() << " items");
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::create_query");

            IndexTranslationTable itt;
            itt.item_count_ = items.size();

            // Create the cuckoo table
            KukuTable cuckoo(
                params_.table_params().table_size,      // Size of the hash table
                0,                                      // Not using a stash
                params_.table_params().hash_func_count, // Number of hash functions
                { 0, 0 },                               // Hardcoded { 0, 0 } as the seed
                cuckoo_table_insert_attempts,           // The number of insertion attempts
                { 0, 0 });                              // The empty element can be set to anything

            // Hash the data into a cuckoo hash table
            // cuckoo_hashing
                STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::create_query::cuckoo_hashing");
                    "Inserting " << items.size() << " items into cuckoo table of size "
                                 << cuckoo.table_size() << " with " << cuckoo.loc_func_count()
                                 << " hash functions");
                for (size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); item_idx++) {
                    const auto &item = items[item_idx];
                    if (!cuckoo.insert(item.get_as<kuku::item_type>().front())) {
                        // Insertion can fail for two reasons:
                        //     (1) The item was already in the table, in which case the "leftover
                        //     item" is empty; (2) Cuckoo hashing failed due to too small table or
                        //     too few hash functions.
                        // In case (1) simply move on to the next item and log this issue. Case (2)
                        // is a critical issue so we throw and exception.
                        if (cuckoo.is_empty_item(cuckoo.leftover_item())) {
                                "Skipping repeated insertion of items["
                                << item_idx << "]: " << item.to_string());
                        } else {
                                "Failed to insert items["
                                << item_idx << "]: " << item.to_string()
                                << "; cuckoo table fill-rate: " << cuckoo.fill_rate());
                            throw runtime_error("failed to insert item into cuckoo table");
                    "Finished inserting items with "
                    << cuckoo.loc_func_count()
                    << " hash functions; cuckoo table fill-rate: " << cuckoo.fill_rate());

            // Once the table is filled, fill the table_idx_to_item_idx map
            for (size_t item_idx = 0; item_idx < items.size(); item_idx++) {
                auto item_loc = cuckoo.query(items[item_idx].get_as<kuku::item_type>().front());
                itt.table_idx_to_item_idx_[item_loc.location()] = item_idx;

            // Set up unencrypted query data
            vector<PlaintextPowers> plain_powers;

            // prepare_data
                STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::create_query::prepare_data");
                for (uint32_t bundle_idx = 0; bundle_idx < params_.bundle_idx_count();
                     bundle_idx++) {
                    APSI_LOG_DEBUG("Preparing data for bundle index " << bundle_idx);

                    // First, find the items for this bundle index
                    gsl::span<const item_type> bundle_items(
                        cuckoo.table().data() + bundle_idx * params_.items_per_bundle(),

                    vector<uint64_t> alg_items;
                    for (auto &item : bundle_items) {
                        // Now set up a BitstringView to this item
                        gsl::span<const unsigned char> item_bytes(
                            reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(item.data()), sizeof(item));
                        BitstringView<const unsigned char> item_bits(
                            item_bytes, params_.item_bit_count());

                        // Create an algebraic item by breaking up the item into modulo
                        // plain_modulus parts
                        vector<uint64_t> alg_item =
                            bits_to_field_elts(item_bits, params_.seal_params().plain_modulus());
                        copy(alg_item.cbegin(), alg_item.cend(), back_inserter(alg_items));

                    // Now that we have the algebraized items for this bundle index, we create a
                    // PlaintextPowers object that computes all necessary powers of the algebraized
                    // items.
                    plain_powers.emplace_back(move(alg_items), params_, pd_);

            // The very last thing to do is encrypt the plain_powers and consolidate the matching
            // powers for different bundle indices
            unordered_map<uint32_t, vector<SEALObject<Ciphertext>>> encrypted_powers;

            // encrypt_data
                STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::create_query::encrypt_data");
                for (uint32_t bundle_idx = 0; bundle_idx < params_.bundle_idx_count();
                     bundle_idx++) {
                    APSI_LOG_DEBUG("Encoding and encrypting data for bundle index " << bundle_idx);

                    // Encrypt the data for this power
                    auto encrypted_power(plain_powers[bundle_idx].encrypt(crypto_context_));

                    // Move the encrypted data to encrypted_powers
                    for (auto &e : encrypted_power) {

            // Set up the return value
            auto sop_query = make_unique<SenderOperationQuery>();
            sop_query->compr_mode = Serialization::compr_mode_default;
            sop_query->relin_keys = relin_keys_;
            sop_query->data = move(encrypted_powers);
            auto sop = to_request(move(sop_query));

            APSI_LOG_INFO("Finished creating encrypted query");

            return { move(sop), itt };

        vector<MatchRecord> Receiver::request_query(
            const vector<HashedItem> &items,
            const vector<LabelKey> &label_keys,
            NetworkChannel &chl)
            ThreadPoolMgr tpm;

            // Create query and send to Sender
            auto query = create_query(items);
            auto itt = move(query.second);

            // Wait for query response
            QueryResponse response;
            bool logged_waiting = false;
            while (!(response = to_query_response(chl.receive_response()))) {
                if (!logged_waiting) {
                    // We want to log 'Waiting' only once, even if we have to wait for several
                    // sleeps.
                    logged_waiting = true;
                    APSI_LOG_INFO("Waiting for response to query request");


            // Set up the result
            vector<MatchRecord> mrs(query.second.item_count());

            // Get the number of ResultPackages we expect to receive
            atomic<uint32_t> package_count{ response->package_count };

            // Launch threads to receive ResultPackages and decrypt results
            size_t task_count = min<size_t>(ThreadPoolMgr::GetThreadCount(), package_count);
            vector<future<void>> futures(task_count);
                "Launching " << task_count << " result worker tasks to handle " << package_count
                             << " result parts");
            for (size_t t = 0; t < task_count; t++) {
                futures[t] = tpm.thread_pool().enqueue(
                    [&]() { process_result_worker(package_count, mrs, label_keys, itt, chl); });

            for (auto &f : futures) {

                "Found " << accumulate(mrs.begin(), mrs.end(), 0, [](auto acc, auto &curr) {
                    return acc + curr.found;
                }) << " matches");

            return mrs;

        vector<MatchRecord> Receiver::process_result_part(
            const vector<LabelKey> &label_keys,
            const IndexTranslationTable &itt,
            const ResultPart &result_part) const
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::process_result_part");

            if (!result_part) {
                APSI_LOG_ERROR("Failed to process result: result_part is null");
                return {};

            // The number of items that were submitted in the query
            size_t item_count = itt.item_count();

            // Decrypt and decode the result; the result vector will have full batch size
            PlainResultPackage plain_rp = result_part->extract(crypto_context_);

            size_t felts_per_item = safe_cast<size_t>(params_.item_params().felts_per_item);
            size_t items_per_bundle = safe_cast<size_t>(params_.items_per_bundle());
            size_t bundle_start =
                mul_safe(safe_cast<size_t>(plain_rp.bundle_idx), items_per_bundle);

            // Check if we are supposed to have label data present but don't have for some reason
            size_t label_byte_count = safe_cast<size_t>(plain_rp.label_byte_count);
            if (label_byte_count && plain_rp.label_result.empty()) {
                    "Expected " << label_byte_count
                                << "-byte labels in this result part, "
                                   "but label data is missing entirely");

                // Just ignore the label data
                label_byte_count = 0;

            // Read the nonce byte count and compute the effective label byte count; set the nonce
            // byte count to zero if no label is expected anyway.
            size_t nonce_byte_count =
                label_byte_count ? safe_cast<size_t>(plain_rp.nonce_byte_count) : 0;
            size_t effective_label_byte_count = add_safe(nonce_byte_count, label_byte_count);

            // How much label data did we actually receive?
            size_t received_label_bit_count =
                mul_safe(safe_cast<size_t>(params_.item_bit_count()), plain_rp.label_result.size());

            // Compute the received label byte count and check that it is not less than what was
            // expected
            size_t received_label_byte_count = received_label_bit_count / 8;
            if (received_label_byte_count < nonce_byte_count) {
                    "Expected " << nonce_byte_count
                                << " bytes of nonce data in this result part but only "
                                << received_label_byte_count
                                << " bytes were received; ignoring the label data");

                // Just ignore the label data
                label_byte_count = 0;
                effective_label_byte_count = 0;
            } else if (received_label_byte_count < effective_label_byte_count) {
                    "Expected " << label_byte_count
                                << " bytes of label data in this result part but only "
                                << received_label_byte_count - nonce_byte_count
                                << " bytes were received");

                // Reset our expectations to what was actually received
                label_byte_count = received_label_byte_count - nonce_byte_count;
                effective_label_byte_count = received_label_byte_count;

            // If there is a label, then we better have the appropriate label encryption keys
            // available
            if (label_byte_count && label_keys.size() != item_count) {
                    "Expected " << item_count << " label encryption keys but only "
                                << label_keys.size() << " were given; ignoring the label data");

                // Just ignore the label data
                label_byte_count = 0;
                effective_label_byte_count = 0;

            // Set up the result vector
            vector<MatchRecord> mrs(item_count);

            // Iterate over the decoded data to find consecutive zeros indicating a match
            StrideIter<const uint64_t *> plain_rp_iter(plain_rp.psi_result.data(), felts_per_item);
            seal_for_each_n(iter(plain_rp_iter, size_t(0)), items_per_bundle, [&](auto &&I) {
                // Find felts_per_item consecutive zeros
                bool match = has_n_zeros(get<0>(I).ptr(), felts_per_item);
                if (!match) {

                // Compute the cuckoo table index for this item. Then find the corresponding index
                // in the input items vector so we know where to place the result.
                size_t table_idx = add_safe(get<1>(I), bundle_start);
                auto item_idx = itt.find_item_idx(table_idx);

                // If this table_idx doesn't match any item_idx, ignore the result no matter what it
                // is
                if (item_idx == itt.item_count()) {

                // If a positive MatchRecord is already present, then something is seriously wrong
                if (mrs[item_idx]) {
                    APSI_LOG_ERROR("The table index -> item index translation table indicated a "
                                   "location that was already filled by another match from this "
                                   "result package; the translation table (query) has probably "
                                   "been corrupted");

                    throw runtime_error(
                        "found a duplicate positive match; something is seriously wrong");

                    "Match found for items[" << item_idx << "] at cuckoo table index "
                                             << table_idx);

                // Create a new MatchRecord
                MatchRecord mr;
                mr.found = true;

                // Next, extract the label results, if any
                if (label_byte_count) {
                        "Found " << plain_rp.label_result.size() << " label parts for items["
                                 << item_idx << "]; expecting " << label_byte_count
                                 << "-byte label");

                    // Collect the entire label into this vector
                    AlgLabel alg_label;

                    size_t label_offset = mul_safe(get<1>(I), felts_per_item);
                    for (auto &label_parts : plain_rp.label_result) {
                        gsl::span<felt_t> label_part(
                            label_parts.data() + label_offset, felts_per_item);
                        copy(label_part.begin(), label_part.end(), back_inserter(alg_label));

                    // Create the label
                    EncryptedLabel encrypted_label = dealgebraize_label(
                        alg_label, received_label_bit_count, params_.seal_params().plain_modulus());

                    // Resize down to the effective byte count

                    // Decrypt the label
                    Label label =
                        decrypt_label(encrypted_label, label_keys[item_idx], nonce_byte_count);

                    // Set the label

                // We are done with the MatchRecord, so add it to the mrs vector
                mrs[item_idx] = move(mr);

            return mrs;

        vector<MatchRecord> Receiver::process_result(
            const vector<LabelKey> &label_keys,
            const IndexTranslationTable &itt,
            const vector<ResultPart> &result) const
            APSI_LOG_INFO("Processing " << result.size() << " result parts");
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, "Receiver::process_result");

            vector<MatchRecord> mrs(itt.item_count());

            for (auto &result_part : result) {
                auto this_mrs = process_result_part(label_keys, itt, result_part);
                if (this_mrs.size() != mrs.size()) {
                    // Something went wrong with process_result; error is already logged

                // Merge the new MatchRecords with mrs
                seal_for_each_n(iter(mrs, this_mrs, size_t(0)), mrs.size(), [](auto &&I) {
                    if (get<1>(I) && !get<0>(I)) {
                        // This match needs to be merged into mrs
                        get<0>(I) = move(get<1>(I));
                    } else if (get<1>(I) && get<0>(I)) {
                        // If a positive MatchRecord is already present, then something is seriously
                        // wrong
                            "Found a match for items["
                            << get<2>(I)
                            << "] but an existing match for this "
                               "location was already found before from a different result part");

                        throw runtime_error(
                            "found a duplicate positive match; something is seriously wrong");

                "Found " << accumulate(mrs.begin(), mrs.end(), 0, [](auto acc, auto &curr) {
                    return acc + curr.found;
                }) << " matches");

            return mrs;

        void Receiver::process_result_worker(
            atomic<uint32_t> &package_count,
            vector<MatchRecord> &mrs,
            const vector<LabelKey> &label_keys,
            const IndexTranslationTable &itt,
            Channel &chl) const
            stringstream sw_ss;
            sw_ss << "Receiver::process_result_worker [" << this_thread::get_id() << "]";
            STOPWATCH(recv_stopwatch, sw_ss.str());

            APSI_LOG_DEBUG("Result worker [" << this_thread::get_id() << "]: starting");

            auto seal_context = get_seal_context();

            while (true) {
                // Return if all packages have been claimed
                uint32_t curr_package_count = package_count;
                if (curr_package_count == 0) {
                        "Result worker [" << this_thread::get_id()
                                          << "]: all packages claimed; exiting");

                // If there has been no change to package_count, then decrement atomically
                if (!package_count.compare_exchange_strong(
                        curr_package_count, curr_package_count - 1)) {

                // Wait for a valid ResultPart
                ResultPart result_part;
                while (!(result_part = chl.receive_result(seal_context)))

                // Process the ResultPart to get the corresponding vector of MatchRecords
                auto this_mrs = process_result_part(label_keys, itt, result_part);

                // Merge the new MatchRecords with mrs
                seal_for_each_n(iter(mrs, this_mrs, size_t(0)), mrs.size(), [](auto &&I) {
                    if (get<1>(I) && !get<0>(I)) {
                        // This match needs to be merged into mrs
                        get<0>(I) = move(get<1>(I));
                    } else if (get<1>(I) && get<0>(I)) {
                        // If a positive MatchRecord is already present, then something is seriously
                        // wrong
                            "Result worker [" << this_thread::get_id()
                                              << "]: found a match for items[" << get<2>(I)
                                              << "] but an existing match for this location was "
                                                 "already found before from a different result "

                        throw runtime_error(
                            "found a duplicate positive match; something is seriously wrong");
    } // namespace receiver
} // namespace apsi


这个类是一个接收方(Receiver),用于处理隐私保护搜索(Private Set Intersection,PSI)协议的接收端操作。该类的主要功能包括:

  1. 初始化(initialize):在构造函数中进行初始化,包括设置 PSI 参数、生成密钥、配置 PowersDag 等。

  2. 重置密钥(reset_keys):生成新的密钥,用于加密和解密操作。

  3. 重置 PowersDag(reset_powers_dag):根据源数据和目标数据,重置 PowersDag。

  4. 创建参数请求(CreateParamsRequest):创建用于请求参数的消息。

  5. 请求参数(RequestParams):通过网络通道发送参数请求,并等待参数响应。

  6. 创建 OPRF 接收方(CreateOPRFReceiver):创建用于一致性盲化伪随机函数(OPRF)的接收方。

  7. 提取哈希值(ExtractHashes):从 OPRF 响应中提取哈希值。

  8. 创建 OPRF 请求(CreateOPRFRequest):创建用于请求 OPRF 的消息。

  9. 请求 OPRF(RequestOPRF):通过网络通道发送 OPRF 请求,并等待 OPRF 响应。

  10. 创建查询(create_query):根据哈希值创建加密查询。

  11. 请求查询(request_query):通过网络通道发送查询,并等待查询响应。

  12. 处理查询结果(process_result):处理查询结果并提取匹配记录。

  13. 处理查询结果部分(process_result_part):处理单个查询结果部分,并提取匹配记录。

  14. 处理查询结果工作器(process_result_worker):用于多线程处理查询结果的工作器函数。

总的来说,该类实现了接收端的核心逻辑,包括请求参数、执行 OPRF、创建和发送查询,以及处理查询结果等功能。通过这些功能,接收方能够与发送方进行通信并执行 PSI 协议的各个步骤,从而实现隐私保护搜索的功能。

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